Cessna 170 - The Family Station Wagon Flight & Pilot Interview

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I'm Jeff tri Montano and this is my airplane Cessna 178 it's our family station wagon this is a 1951 Cessna it's hard for some people to believe that this is a 67 year old airplane but most private aircraft are exceedingly well maintained and as long as they are they can be flown indefinitely so let's get to know Jeff and learn a little bit more about his Cessna 172 15 years old the only thing I ever wanted to do just a natural obsession from birth essentially professional pilot these days but this is where the fun is really at flying this airplane around with the family with the kids going to a hundred other hamburgers or fly-ins air shows fantastic fantastic air you know as a 15 16 year old kid I flew when I had money and at 20 bucks a pop for mowing a lawn few and far between flew whatever I could but when I get to college that's where I got online readings essentially I mean I did all the standard stuff the dues paying dumping labs fuelling airplanes flying whatever I could whenever I could to build up the time hyper salesmen Coast Guard Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol hi my name's Jeff can I fly with you somewhere I fly Embraer 190 very nice airplane completely the opposite of this lots of glass modern of the seats about as comfortable as this airplane I'll say that much well the fun really is in the freedom and you do lose a lot of freedom with airline flying you're going where somebody tells you to go when you're going and the grassroots stuff from flying like when you started flying this is where the fun and adventure is having the money and doing it professionally makes you very proficient at doing just about everything aviation but you don't get to do what you want and this is the escape mode feel you can go wherever you want whenever you want and that's what's great about owning an airplane I live nine minutes from the hangar weather's good I look up let's go fly grab the kids we get in the airplane we go 170 our mission is for seats this cannot really carry for adults but it can carry me my wife and my two kids three years old five years old perfect weight we have about 150 pounds left over for a picnic basket perfect airplane for it tail wheel we can go on and on about how table makes you a fantastic pilot it makes you a great pilot under the nonce for sure backcountry grass whatever put big tires on it put wheel pants on and go to an airshow the kids are just getting used to it so doing like a two-hour leg somewhere it might be a bit punch we'll go to a grass strip and have a picnic we'll go out to breakfast something like that it's a little bit of everything right now the tailwheel the look I mean the rounded tail of this airplane it's got that classic look I will probably eventually end up in a 180 when my kids get older and we can no longer fit it's too big for the airplane essentially usually we're doing about 120 miles an hour and it's not going anywhere quick because that is miles an hour and not knots my cruise is anywhere from like 500 feet 6,000 feet heading on a couple of variables I'd say about eight and a half gallons per hour it doesn't sit fuel but it doesn't burn a ton of fuel so that's nice I'm new to Texas and the North Texas aviators have been fantastic this Airport air country has their own page as well thanks to my wife er for letting us buy this fantastic airplane I was about to get the shirt that says I want to buy a plane but my wife says nah I would have to change that now but thanks Naomi yeah yeah well ish we're gonna have to wait for a little better weather yeah the skies were a bit gloomy but thankfully they cleared up enough to let us pull the airplane out and go fly [Music] clear we'll start we'll start started right up though a good one and actually you're mechanically pulling the starter meshed together really wow so it's mechanically boiler like yeah so if you don't release that you're the one not released it's a starter so there's no solenoid you're pulling it in you are so low loyd already deep belts of doors yep upset gently and slowly through the alley out of a tight fit oh yeah and push this is an odd place to put a bush bushes probably thinking it's an odd place to put an airplane right it was it difficult transitioning the tailwheel said you've only had about three years it was bad like with everything else practice at it and a good instructor right really helped with that there is certainly magic to it but if you can get your chair well sign off in five hours I mean yeah that's all it takes anything somebody could take you to teach you or five hours is not exactly voodoo yeah how long have you on this airplane about three or four months down okay it's been it's good really good to be the horror stories of airplane ownership they haven't hit me yet the honeymoon phase is not over you had to do an annual yet I did what to start which was good because I got what little scoffs it had out of the way all right so the basic run up here 1600 rpm hit a bank check did the car beat to the throttle idle check and up here back to idle fuel is on trip of the takeoff range transponder lights we're good okay we'll go up take a quick lip see what it looks like if anything scares us we'll just come back down yeah yeah and right now looks like left to right haircut yeah because I've been 172 41-7 arrow country close traffic [Applause] upchuck agent of the green here we go [Applause] Wow it's so weird flying the tail off the ground like that yeah it I think that turn doesn't do a quartering tail with a very light one that thing you're supposed to avoid at all cost yeah that sessom Esprit Kier is absolutely fantastic for tricycle-gear but it'll bounce you a little bit but you've got the tailwheel thing right when you bring the tail up you start getting light of the gear intends to waddle or just pour a pilot technique I know I have this kid pilot second that's not too bad out here at all not at all there's a golf course down there haircut chatted one said he's party the batter to the north on a left downwind air country alright there's the weather leading us to the door beautiful yeah there's a little bit of a hole here I guess were you looking for a 170 specifically or this just kinda came about basically for seat tailwheel airplane though once you get outside of the unusual type psycho rohnke sedans you're looking at a Cessna 174 a Stinson 108 for under fifty sixty thousand dollars and it really it really limits you at both the airplanes are absolutely fantastic it looks performance everything for what they are so it was a matter of what I found first right and the Huntford used vintage airplanes can really really be a challenge not for any airplane you know like ativan Yule dormant for a while unapproved parts yeah mystic logbooks or airplanes not exactly represented correctly or fairly yeah I looked at some real real roaches I was a little worried about you know having cash on hand after the purchased in case of really really scary unforeseen problems like engine issues so decided to finance I didn't think of it to jet plane is is harder than getting a mortgage is it that process longer and some of it was me not understanding what needed to be done and inspections that they wanted and valuations on the airplane and it was pretty intense I can walk into any dealership here in Dallas and buy a $17,000 pickup truck in 15 minutes is an exaggeration it would be 25 yeah but to buy a you know a bid $30,000 airplane or something like that without that is clearly valued and represented properly you know it's I can't believe how long it's up there cut your chaff at 172 and a half to the northbound for let that one went to 700 or a 3/5 correction 35 by the other direction this time all right what's the key to a you know landing at a lil herb when you land on the bay obviously you don't want to still have to ask a tailwheel pylon object it depends on what you want to do hire gusty winds no wheel landing and the argument for always doing three-point exists or sir airplanes because they eat the three-point you could still three-point in gusty winds as well it just depends on your your results may vary in your skill level skill level dictates what you can do right but be personally the real key is being slow enough yeah a big II don't want excess energy even want excess energy at a 152 but you really don't want it in a deal with airplane right haircut g17 to turn the left downwind three five every country the I've got about maybe 40 hours of this yeah and I feel very comfortable in it yeah what'd she get forty hours at a single tail number air planets yeah you do know that airplane really well yeah that being said you know it's there are times that I convinient that out of this airplane up like three point feels so good or you bounce now you just get you're gonna be a superhero and you get a good bounce and rule those two bounces go around right one really good bounce go around huh err on the side of caution always people are afraid of a go-around it's it's nothing more than your doing the fried we all love to fly exactly all right about 80 now slows to 70 and then just start pulling it back a lot about just looking outside you know there's nothing to see in here really but you know playing here playing well enough you know the sound the pitch to feel now you got a nice crosswind here it's about but 15 knots or something should be about eight that's it that's a 10 to 15 now inside there ok we'll take a look weigh it down there board notch fast bill that went because the winds aloft or from behind us now so that's real fast there's what bounced all right I'm gonna quite get the second bounce so they're all there's a go for the weeds right at that point right about forty miles an hour this gets very squirrely yeah but if you let that go and you don't correct it every ground loop that's where you get the ground but even right now you get a really nasty gust the tail wheels full swivel it'll go around on you yeah that's what the whole don't stop fly until you get to the hangar business now I'm going to dump the flaps landing at soil is not an easy we are faster than I wanted to be on that so that explains the bounce yeah bill wanted to fly it was a short taxi end and back in the hangar okay Jeff thanks so much my pleasure my pleasure open its gates you know no great airplane is my actually okay I think that really was my first time flying in a tent we live like no kidding yeah yeah I wish I didn't but I hope fly begin sometime anytime they might have you got a picker all right well that was a lot of fun my first experience in a tailwheel very cool nice guy anyway thank you guys for watching another episode if you're really enjoying the channel please consider becoming a patron that's kind of how we fund this whole thing go to patreon.com/scishow and you can become a patron for as little as a dollar a month please leave a comment down below and what can airplanes you want to see and what you thought of this airplane is a tail well and we'll see on the next flight [Music]
Channel: Flying Doodles
Views: 227,559
Rating: 4.9569359 out of 5
Keywords: cessna, cessna 170, c170, flying, flying doodles, sailing doodles, flight, flight vlog, vlog, airplane, vintage air, vintage aircraft, avgeek, steveo1, steveo1kinevo, aviation, airline, daily vlog, 172, cockpit, cessna 172, 170, aopa, vfr, taking off, pilot life, becoming a pilot, career in aviation, c172, aviator, aircraft, faa, pilot, landing, airport, atc, travel, landing an airplane
Id: oDIwBrTpbos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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