Ceremony, Relationships And Communal Living | Russell Brand & Shaman Wendy Mandy

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Wendy Mandy thank you for coming to join me on under the skin I'm very happy to finally meet you same here so I want to talk to you I suppose about healing because I suppose that the work you do is healing work is that correct it is it it's in the bracket of healing work what do you describe the work you do as mayor ask if first of all we have to understand that the work I do is with frequency so a frequency in the quantum field and so I move energy about and my two main tools are five element acupuncture which is the acupuncture of the Chinese Court and was the acupuncture of the Emperor and it treats the fundamental essence of somebody so I'm treating the terrain rather than the syndrome or the symptom the symptom will go away because you're treating the real cause of it and the shamanic work I mean the word Shaymin has been slightly too much bandied about whether I've been banding about it if it is a bit of a bandy about but I think I mean I don't call myself a Shaymin that people have started to call myself call me a shame and I don't know what else to call me but a shaming is someone who walks between worlds and can see energy and will take out scratches on the sort of CD of your energy field that are keeping you back so you're taking out energetic patterns from the system that keep repeating themselves in people's lives and although it sounds peculiar I use a rattle to close my left brain down to see your energy field with my right brain I will then take out I will then track what I think is going on and then take that out and then balance the frequency with sound so the rattle is for you rather than for the person you're treating no not necessarily because the rattle gets me into an altered state but is actually a tool of moving frequency about and also the person very often feels stuff coming off them I mean most of the time they can feel that something's going on that I've got some kind of Hoover out and i'm hoovering stuff up or moving stuff we just had a treatment if you're wondering what that noise is that's the door being opened lovely charlie bringing us a coffee each and bear the opportunists that is coming into the room but he's he's left again I just had a treatment with you Wendy Mandy as you obviously know because you were there but before listening and I you did the five point acupuncture five element five element acupuncture and the rattlin and firstly my observation with the rattling when it was moving from different points around me like it was to my left and my right above me beside me wherever it felt like a sort of a kind of sensory hypnosis in that the point of focus was being continually moved and shifted and I could see how that would be would affect perception and alter patterns in the same way as we you know there's a natural I guess whenever I talk about this kind of thing I am sort of conscious of a UH a wall of skepticism that I'm always trying to scale or puncture in others because I'm interested in academic study I'm interested in science but I'm also interested in God and I'm also interested in techniques to change the world and it's likely these techniques I'm not going to come from within our existing systems they're going to come from marginalized maligned ideas so that's why I'm very curious about the kind of work that you do that I guess some people may see is mysterious well of course I mean I've been doing this work for forty years and this is the first time I feel that people are open enough to hear this kind of work I've kept under the radar if you look me up online you'll find very little and I have decided to talk about this kind of work because science is now proving it so the fact that you're a frequency in the quantum field is now being proven we know that a particle can be in two places at once we know that the particle in the observer are not separate and Gobbo amate my hero is scientifically proving that patterns that occur between conception and three-years-old are going to affect us for the rest of our lives I've learnt all of my work from marginalized indigenous people who have always understood energy but unfortunately religion didn't understand and made them sound like savages and people like Pinker and Freud have said that we are savages unless were civilized but actually to me civilization has done the opposite yeah it makes sense actually in a way when you consider that the impact of socializing industrializing and civilizing forces brings your attention more and more to the material and the practical and of course I'm very grateful for a technological advancement medicinal advancement and many of the incredible phenomena and expertise bought by science and medicine but I can see that a kind of what I wanna call it reductivist physics has prevented us from seeing that the physical world is only one aspect of being that we interface with that not everything can be reduced to physics unfortunately science in the main has separated everything and everything is connected and now we're coming back to understanding that everything is connected so everybody in the indigenous world realized that we are connected hmm and that one of the things I'm trying to do at the moment is finish a book called the cooperation of this of the what is it that not the survival what was Darwin's expression its rival of the faith the survival of the fittest the survival of cooperation conversations on remembering our right relationship to each other in nature in fact Darwin was maligned because he would never have said it was the survival of the fittest and as you know to help colonialism they decided to say that it was the fittest and Pinker decided to say that chimpanzees are somehow murderous people and that were descended from them but I don't believe that I think we used to remember that we are all connected therefore to destroy another is to destroy ourselves to destroy nature is to destroy ourselves and that Sciences unfortunately separated everything and is now remembering that everything is connected and I think there are its it seems very depressing on the planet today but I I'm not depressed at all I think the boat is turning and I think that and a lot of people are beginning to remember things my Samburu elder the Sam brewer my part of the Masai the elders are saying that the ear is coming back in other words somehow something's happening to our brains that we are remembering collectively that we can have peace we can have happiness we don't have to be lonely we don't have to destroy the planet that all of these things don't have to be like that that that there is a returning to remembering that we are all one we are all expressions of everything and that nature and ourselves are interwoven yes it's certainly true and accepted within academia I mean in the field of philosophy that many of the narratives that were prevented presented to us as objective are now being challenged and undermined many of which come from post enlightenment scientific disciplines things that were presumed to be objectively true are being looked at differently and you know when I reflect on the Vedic understanding of this age as being the Kali yet an age of darkness I can see how that equates to us being in a time of material a time where we are thinking only about what we can receive through the senses rather than investigating what is it that our senses are connected to what is receiving the senses Wendy how did you get into becoming a shamanic healer so how did I get into it hmm I think that as a small child I spent a lot of time in nature I spent I was born in Malaysia and then I spent the first five years in Nigeria and the relationship I had with the local people was very very loving I think anyone who tells you that they've had an African childhood or they've had local people looking after them there's a a presence that these people have they know had to be present with children so they make you feel heard and seen and allowed and so why were you there what was your family so my my father was in the army so um so they were there but my parents were quite sort of bohemian types really they they would allow me to play outside they weren't restrictive and they they weren't racist people but they were colonial so I had to come to terms of the fact that they were these people were servants but that they gave me all the love which obviously influenced me for the rest of my life that you know where was the true love coming from and the relationship to each other and nature so that had a profound effect on my little self in particular do you recall that you felt very loved by all of them every single person that worked for my parents from the cook to the gardener to the women that held me against their wonderful soft breasts all over them the singing this smells the food the the whole thing is only a good memory and the worst thing was leaving and coming back to cold brown gray restrictive England really is that how you felt Oh terrible I I didn't really feel okay again until I hit the Portobello Road when I was 15 mm-hmm the smells the sounds the everything and in a way I've stayed living around the Portobello Road since what do you feel that you missed you know what was your life like between the period where you left your colonial yeah native life and moved back to England what was that period like um well I was thrust into a Christian village so where on the borders of Dorset Wiltshire and Hampshire so I had a good countryside life I had ponies I stayed out in the garden I'm you know I made little houses in the guard and I connected to nature and my parents weren't restrictive so I could play but I was incredibly aware of class structures of divisions of separateness it felt very separate I was very aware that the village children went to a different school to my school all these kind of separations started to really really affect me and I didn't like school I didn't I didn't really like any of it but luckily for me I hit the late 60s and the first sign of freedom was the sound of the music coming out of the bakelite radio and me dancing to the first sounds of indigenous music of some sort coming through jazz Jerry Lee Lewis anyone and me dancing around and my father saying can you turn that racket off for me saying no it's the sound of freedom so that's what you say you think their self Cultural Revolution of the sixties you know which I don't know loads about by feel like you know that the beats were significant a kind of fusion with Eastern mysticism came through culturally and there was a sense of freedom and Cultural Revolution which obviously never believer came repackaged and commercialized when it first came it felt very pure and something happened it was you know we went I went on the march on Saturday and it was very heartwarming event I mean really on Saturday in London because it made me feel so glad to be a Londoner because in a way I feel in London er it was such a peaceful incredible March it was extraordinary in front of me was a placard with a man saying he had a pencil in his hand and he said I'm I'm just away from writing a very strong letter I am now very cross so British I didn't see any bad behavior I didn't say anything and that coming into London in the late 60s felt like you were in the epicenter of the universe and everything was happening music clothes freedom some kind of freedom from the restrictions of Victorian England was happening there was such you could mix classes colours suddenly I felt ageless genderless and colourless suddenly all these divisions seemed to be beaten down again but it turned out to be a bracketed period like a moment whilst that I would say you know some of the ideas from the 60s abide the kind of New Age movement I think he's commonly regarded as being a little bit wishy-washy rootless and PO ensued the whole thing went into what I call spiritual bypass Lodz went off to India nobody and people tried to people were taking LSD and and seeing other worlds but what happened is that they hadn't done the work on themselves so of course not it worked hmm and you know part of what we might talk about is my work is understanding and remembering indigenous knowledge to create a new way of living now and the hippies definitely failed and you can understand why because they didn't work on their internal self they didn't work on they wanted a quick trip to enlightenment with that understanding what that really means I think all of us want that because we're sort of in a sense have been schooled that there are accessible solutions this a phenomena of immediacy in medication has only been exacerbated when you think about the subsequent changes since then we live in an age where information is at our fingertips where relationships are regarded as commodities where sex is remod regarded as a commodity this of commodification of all things so this idea of resurrecting indigenous knowledge I personally don't regard as a kind of nostalgic hankering after the idea of noble savagery I see it as a kind of return home a reinvestigation and Riaan of necessary cultural roots that remind us of what our relationship is to one another and to the planet totally I think I think lots of things have happened on the planet that we're not sure about I mean if you read if you look at enough Gaia TV you might get some clue as to whether or not aliens came to this planet who were the gods etc but what we do know is that 12,000 years ago we somehow came out of the we came into the Agricultural Revolution and started owning each other and land hmm and civilizing ourselves and something happened when you own land and you own each other something peculiar happens and we've had 12,000 years of that and the indigenous or Aboriginal people that I have visited that aren't haven't been haven't been taken over by Christianity or Islam they have this incredible relationship to the land and each other that binds them together in a different frequency that we've got to try to remember and that that's really my life's work is to try to translate that into modern day because we can't save these tribes they're disappearing and it's it's part of the big cycles of life however I think we can use technology we can use all sorts of things to make a very different world where we have a different way of relating to each other in nature that doesn't destroy the planet and make ourselves feel lonely I think loneliness is the big affliction that I treat every day yeah there's a lot of loneliness going on so much these people are bit embarrassed and ashamed to feel lonely evidently yes it's um when people admit to me that they feel lonely and I say of course you do it would be peculiar if you didn't because our society makes us lonely then they feel some kind of relief and then we start talking about how they can start to live differently how can we in a post civilized world ever hope to emulate the structures that human beings lived in in this real or imagined utopia where we were all connected to one another and the planet how can we live there many powerful influences of Commerce government our own inbuilt prejudices what how can we ever overcome them and what systems of living would you imagine could replace them okay so I have a property outside birth and in my treatment room I have this little notice that says I've learned so much from my mistakes I'm thinking of making a few more so I don't have any easy answers and I think I've made most mistakes that can be made by human being but what I've realized is that if you're going to live with a group of people and combat loneliness and live in right relationship to nature and each other you have to work on yourself so with with the nature we can't own land like this is a beautiful piece of land I'm sitting on now and you're the custodian of this land for the moment and in this land our other energies that might seem far-fetched but they're the spirits of the trees and the plants and the elementals and we now know that trees and plants have a language there's so much science going on about that I have a little box from music of the plants calm in Italy and you put electrodes on the roots and the leaves and you can play music with the plants so I have this avocado plant that I grew from an avocado it was in the compost so we planted it and I came back from a trip recently in the avocado plant looked not very happy so we put the electrodes on it and when they're singing to your you're playing music they go BP BP BP BP and this one was going be read a little as a card it's very upset so I moved it next to some other plants kind of fussed around its leaves give it a bit of water we put the electrodes back on and it went bee bee bee bee bee bee bee bee and that was a that's a a a real demonstration of energy that helps people understand because you can say trees talk and you know a tree hugger a spiritual person can hug a tree and feel it but you know your average bloke needs something a bit more and and this is the kind of technology that's happening that can help people understand like exactly cuz you know that a lot of people you talk about sort of quantum physics and frequencies and energy are people that I listen to that are you know called quantum physicists a know the spiritual people are misusing this information and trying to make it all whoo whoo and cute and nice and say like something like with those plants and like you know here in this asthma I feel like there's a sort of tendency more like an ideology that is sort of determined to make everything sort of joy less and materialist and no we're not all one and we can explain that in a way that doesn't lead to see that what I recognize is that so like many scientific disciplines and endeavors in spite of their claim for objectivity are financially underwritten by a particular type of ideology and that ideology is the preservation of existing power structures and those pre-existing power structures require that we don't look alternative systems to live with one another don't look at alternative ways of sharing power don't look at a different way of treating the planet so I D would I would countenance the decry confront the claim of mainstream science to be objective not the process of analyzing data or objectively of course that you know that aspects of science is absolutely brilliant but many of the conclusions that are drawn are not unbiased they are directing us towards a particular types of behavior and empowering particular institutions and interests absolutely I actually bought a bought some of it to you today but I forgot to show you of myself walking with the Masai elder in the bush where are the Messiah that the the ones that I know in the northern Kenya hmm up in like Hibiya and I'm walking with him in the bush and he is explaining how they see the world that the world is talking to you the whole time now a scientist and scientists would say no but when you walk with them and the bird calls or the snake goes across your path they are absolutely tuned in with their right brain to their environment talking to them the whole time now we know that dolphins talk to each other we know that elephants talk to each other and as I said we now know that trees are talking but these people have not lost that language and that language is there but you have to open your hearts and your eyes to see that language so I wanted to record him before they died completely because they're putting a massive pipeline roads and got in normal stuff no you know I used to just want to save indigenous tribes but now I think okay this is too difficult and I've got to go in the cycles of life they're disappearing but we can make new tribes look at my jumper gangs of love we can and I've thought really carefully about how we can try to do that you should jump her in an argument and with they're just watching them what are the things that we can do where we can live more happily with each other as they do how can our children laugh more play more and what do we do about couples codependent sex I mean we could do a lot of podcasts on how we can take the lessons from these people and that's what I'm writing about at the moment and translate that properly into new ways of living I mean yesterday I read an interesting article on people in London living cooperatively so they have the main space but they all have their own bathroom and bedroom and kitchen and their offspring can share the space and perhaps it's a single mum but the the gut the there's a man there that is is a mentor or father at the time I think we're in London they will have to have new ways of living down in bath we have my house which is a 5 bedroomed house and my family come and go and we have the big shared space of the sitting-room and kitchen and then everyone else has their own pod outside of their own kitchen their own bathroom their own sitting room so that you can have time to yourself or you can come and join in and you don't have washing up rotors because the washing up rotors need to come from someone making a list or being the boss what you have is and standing that everybody is in charge of the space everybody so the little kid is gonna go if they remember we'll go and put something in the recycling as you know kids remember sometimes and other times but they know that that's going to go in the recycling that the plants need watering when you're in a shared space where you are custodian of that space you don't walk past a plant that's dying and think well daizy should water that you water it they what you're describing in political terms like a name is like a anarchism like an like that because anarchism is as I understand not chaotic because it's presumed to be by many of its detractors but that human beings left alone will organize themselves into systems without an oppressive external governing force solutely like the march on Saturday I did not see one policeman and I have it was completely peaceful we're cutting back becoming equal to private security firms they know but when demanding with these that your bath time utopia they're outside the countryside which I'm very keen to come and visit with the pods and all that I like it I think you're probably right that we should be emulating communal models but some people would say that there we do require hierarchy and structure in order to function I know that a lot of times you hear that from people that benefit from their being hierarchies instructors but the other thing this is me even as a person that's quite I consider myself I hope I am open to new ideas I say like don't the indigenous tribes typically have some sort of structure elders leaders etc no don't have leaders you have elders now listen I've seen Lion King and it's Dafa who's clearly in charge you have elders yeah ok so the elders are elders because they've been through initiation and they've been through stuff and they are and being an elder is a very responsible set up so in you always have to have older people who are elders and babies and everyone around but the the main thing is that you have worked on yourself so you know when you're transferring rubbish on to another person basically you've got to work on yourself so that because what happens with these leaders in the cults or that those leaders Pat power got hold of them so I always say like who like oh god all those hypno crash that wasn't good Charles Manson he very all of Jonestown that was really the Hali ba plot well even or show and all that lot you people get excited when the cult forms we mustn't make that mistake no we must not make a mistake so I think that the same money corrupts new guy so saying yeah so money talks wealth whispers true wealth is silent and it's the same with power if you're a powerful person so for example with child rearing you don't need rules to bring a child up but the child needs to know that you know who you are so you remember with your little one I said I'm really really sorry that I'm taking your daddy away to do this work really we should be playing with you because I told her the truth but I was absolutely sure we were going to come in here even if she had cried I would have coddled her and said yeah it's really miserable that we're not gonna stay playing with you and we're going to work she would tune in to my certainty and be at peace it's exactly the same in a group of people if everybody knows who they are and they're not transferring rubbish onto each the vampire off warning about the parasite or the classic codependent relationship that unfortunately most families are based on yeah if codependency yeah my friend codepen c means a bit codependency is when so a codependent is if you're okay I'm okay a non codependent is I can see you're not okay but I'm okay and I would like to know how you'd like me to help you find out why you're not okay but I'm not gonna fix you so I remain in my Center with compassion for you're not okayness but I'm neither triggered by it nor do I try and fix it I just keep space now most couples unfortunately and it's not their fault start eating each other alive because they spend far too much time around each other turning each other into grandparents sister mother father daughter too many roles for one person whereas if you have a collective of people which in a way before the great Hollywood dream where you've got the the house with the 2.2 children behind a picket fence that has now overwhelmed the world you had a collection of people around each other whether it was the village whatever it was there were lots of people to rely on that in the codependent couple it's so easy to start arguing because you've got to do everything hmm and you know I've seen the most amazing couples deteriorate and they love each other but it's the architecture they live in that is very destructive but these tribes of which you are so enamored they think they do have systems let's see this like you know like if examine because here's what I'm always thinking in back of my mind are we gonna sort this out well I'm not I'm not doing these podcasts and having these chats just for the good of me although I think it is good I'm sitting here because you get done so like what I'm thinking is that how like that those tribes do have customs and traditions and stories and narratives and ceremonies and rituals and information that is passed on it's not bloody free-for-all it's not like you know and and even say for example we're gonna write why don't we start a community of 75 to 100 people why don't work out what we think is the maximum upper limit of a number of people that can successfully live in the community before it topples over like in chimpanzees societies at around 150 explicit in there too because there's too much conflict and they can't organize into successful hierarchies so like in you vow now Herrera's book he estimates that's human beings are sort of customs living in group 75 200 so I'm trying to do that stuff like this have a like it pod right I reckon we it would like well it's a question it's not over I reckon do you think you'll just be enough to go right we all live here and we operate them a crack Li or did you know right no one's was a key there's a key to living like this and it's called ceremony Gorman okay so the way that indigenous people lived before religion their relationship to nature was so sacred that they would make ceremonies to connect themselves to nature so the there are many ceremonies around the conception of a child the child growing in the womb around the birth of a child and around the naming of the child and around the rearing of the child every single day is a ceremony to each other in nature we have routines they actually about ringing exactly we have routines so and they have rhythm and ceremony when you bring ceremony into your life there's a wonderful book by Samba vocem a who was married to meladerm a Patrice ma of the de Guerra tribe and I'll buy you a copy because it's a book of ceremonies of an indigenous village and it all makes incredible censors are other ones though though they have ceremonies for example in in the de Guerra tribe and it's you know in every indigenous tribe they don't have gay people although they have gay people they just don't call them gay they call them gatekeepers so you have the kind of alpha males I'd say you're an alpha male come back and the alpha male would probably have many many wives and many many children keep talking and then they have the men in the middle that we call gay but actually they're gatekeepers so they're gatekeepers to keep the spirit of heaven and earth male and female in balance in the tribe and sometimes if the alpha male is being a little bit more aggressive perhaps about something you might have had a difficult day exactly the gatekeepers would be doing ceremonies to the spirits either burning resin or making fires or they just keep a peaceful thing going on and yes they do sleep with each other the men sleep with the men and the women with the women but all sexuality in pre religious society was a connection between the sexuality and the spirituality through dancing if you see any old pictures of African tribes when they're doing the dancing they're falling down in ecstasy of the Kundalini rising they are dancing with each other in what seems like a very sensual erotic way but it's not separating sexuality from spirituality and I think the problem is this of sorry there's so many interesting things I want to pick up on there one is because I heard recently listening to some Michel Foucault stuff on a podcast called philosophize this which I like we talked about how is that you know it's a relatively recent phenomena to even categorize types of sexuality you know it's not sort of even really strictly necessary and I find that that's a quite liberating idea I like what you're saying how ceremony in ritual a kind of communal way of relating to the sacred event in our lives a chronology in the sacred whether it is the birth or naming of a child opportunity things that are led by nature like the onset spring which we're currently going through in the UK or you know whatever like this spiritual marriage death et cetera we're tied together with a nature we acknowledge ourselves as part of it and I like we said there about rituals instead of like you know the ritual is a suggestion that there is meaning and beauty in connection beyond that which we can commonly understand with I'm using one aspect of our consciousness and my absolutely as Gabor maté a said in a podcast I read recently he he gives people prozac when they really really need it in order for them to even be able to be with us but until II he knows that these people who are depressed have to understand something deeper mm-hmm about their meaningfulness in this reality and that's key that's in a way in in my trip my treatment is a kind of ceremony to connect you to connect your emotional self your physical self your intellectual self and consciousness of which you are you are consciousness in a body now the skeptics will say what does she mean by that I can only say that's what I mean if you've seen a dead person where did the frequency go what is that when the heart stops beating and the the body is still where is that frequency and a bit like plastic you might throw it away but where does it go hmm nothing actually only this exactly nothing ever disappears I know man gobble my I said like you know the reason that we extract the spiritual because we couldn't treat people that way if they had Souls eg homelessness refugees etc once we start acknowledging the sacred in human life then it becomes more difficult to treat people as just units of energy to be used in accordance with the requirements of a social order pre-existing social order now here's another point come up there without ecstatic tribal dancing around the fire there and everyone getting off of each other what about the East mentioned bursts of power of Kundalini now the point there is that they're not getting off with each other they're getting off in a groove the Lord they're getting off in a group for getting up in a group I like you so I'm gonna take you off and have sex with you in a corner it's a group energy that's that's nicer that women and also they are when they get married it was it was the religion that called it marriage they choose and I've got a beautiful poem about the Himba tribe that when a man and a woman know or the woman decides that a child is coming through she knows which man it's going to come through and it's not about marriage it's about the child being conceived now we are so far away from that because it's about the child that matters it's not about you and me babe and then we'll make a a sort of a small US which will then dress in clothes that look like us it's it's not like that I'll get you but like my point is this you're look there's us of a couple of centuries at least of programming to reconsider poor people look beyond even the limitations of nuclear family and perhaps one of the resources that could be useful in helping people to become liberated from the restrictions of their programming is access to the transcendent power of the Kundalini talk to me about Kundalini I've done Kundalini Yoga before I have a feeling that this energy in me somewhere that I can't always access but I would like to access more what tell me what you mean by Kundalini well I I think that I discovered Kundalini Yoga about 20 years ago and I actually don't like yoga very much mainly because I'm not very good at it but when I first did Kundalini Yoga I thought this is very interesting because there are the most of us somehow have got stuck in our base chakras and so a lot of sex addiction pornography is all about the stuck energy that's below the waist only and is not being brought up through the heart like the Africans doing their incredible dance around the fire and so Kundalini Yoga is a technology if you like that releases stuck sexual energy without having to go masturbate on the porn I've got this tattoo here on my finger that is the based on a drawing by Carl Jung of the coronated serpent the Kundalini starts in the lower chakra in a mooladhara and swati's fauna in the kiln air and rises up and becomes crowned in Hyunseung in the higher chakras so like yeah so this is this energy these energies that used to help us Pro you know procreate survive fight fly whatever we need to do these energies can be utilized through practice to contribute to our connection to higher consciousness totally so totally we have to free the kundalini from being trapped in the base chakra and use it to go up and open our hearts now you know there's an awful lot being investigated around the heart being a very important part of our body heart math opening the heart he's got a brain in it exactly it's all going at it I mean again this is science it's very helpful because the the indigenous person will always say you know the white man needs to open his heart again and well what does that mean you know the heart is this kind of thing that sits in my chest but no it's not it's a heart brain like we now know about the gut brain and there's sort of different types of consciousness held in the heart and in the stomach exactly and now the science around that is proving what these people have always known and we say I felt it in my gut my heart hurts you know he's a pain in the neck I've got too much on my shoulders you know I was frozen with fear I mean you know like Shakespeare he she vented her spleen he was livery today I mean you know the body talks yeah that so that we have an intuitive understanding which we expressed through language that there are different types of consciousness and different types of energy held in the body but we've reduced it to a monotheistic brain centered model perhaps to emulate the theological model of one God meaning one single central dominant force rather than the pantheistic idea of power being spread throughout all relationships and throughout all phenomena absolutely I have a little bit of water and a little bit of coffee I'm really enjoying our conversation it's brilliant right so we talked about Kundalini now do you dude this shamanism I've had some of it done on me by that means then what about plant medicines and all that okay I think the reason that plant medicines have come on to the general airwaves is because I I know I don't believe I know that planet Earth is a conscious being of her own within the universe and I think it's time for us to wake up and that the plants help us wake up and the reason they help us wake up is that when you take plant medicine and that's not taking drugs what happens with plant medicine is that you start to see and hear and feel and know things beyond the programming of your brain from childhood to now through school through your parents or whatever you start tap into a collective unconscious of knowing and of course you know like all wonderful things it's going to be slightly abused I mean tobacco was a wonderful discovery the tobacco plants incredible look what we've done to tobacco marijuana is an incredible plumber look what we've done to that god EEP overdoing it but I think they're gonna copy it soon I mean I I think these things have to be taken in ceremony with great respect you can't get off your head every night and not do your schoolwork the mistake of wow I thought when I've had my only psychedelic experiences were you know LSD as a basically a child you know that's of 1617 yeah idea you know all of these things have always been taken in ceremony with great respect who's gonna teach everyone we are you just write a few little systems of like this is how to live this how to live together this out to undergo to plant medicine you dance um then plant medicine yes all of them whoa can you talk give us there can we have a little bit of a dictionary of plant medicine as one I'm interested obviously in mother Wesker I'm interested in national in Africa okay so like all kids the first one I discovered was tobacco okay luckily for me I wasn't not that interested so but I could tell the power of the nicotine I could tell the power of the tobacco I managed when I was pretty young to come across a northern Native America and do the peace-pipe which was extremely different during ceremony tobacco just done different we go GU where I'm a behind the bicycle shed what's the buzz like offer a peace pipe it makes you talk it's the talk it makes you makes you relax and speak then then there was cannabis and I wasn't I always sort of knew to take cannabis with respect I think I've always been quite hooked in so I'm a bit of a lightweight I don't need much then I was extremely fortunate to find a tribe called the Kogi tribe who are the last of the tyrona civilisation who went to right up onto the Altiplano in Colombia and it was an extraordinary experience and I took something called yah-hey this name it's amazing it's a kind of ayahuasca and I in that trip which I won't go on about why well we've got loads to talk about because it's there's a lot to say that I could say but basically I got downloaded with everything I'm talking about now forties odd years ago which was very difficult because I came back knowing all this stuff and there was no one to talk to and this is the first time I'm talking to the public like Toby Wright relief to get it off your chest it is I talk in my treatment room and I talked to my very close friends but I don't really feel the world has been ready but basically I got downloaded with this so it was an extraordinary experience and then when then I went to see a tribe called the O on our tribe and I went many many times in took ayahuasca where thy the Yahweh now in in-out cray which is in Brazil between / in Brazil I were to get out of that experience just more understanding of our right relationship to each other in nature these experiences once you start moving into this of psychedelic as opposed to psychoactive experience did you find that there was a uniformity or repeated themes in the experience as in oh my god this is the same information in my time the information was always the same that mother nature is our mother that she's always okay it's just us that's isn't okay I got two messages one is that she will survive us but we are meant to be doing what we're doing so a message that everything is perfect in a perfect universe it is as it should be however we all have a collective and individual destiny that we must live out so in a nutshell loads of other stuff obviously but I learnt an awful lot from the plant medicines I then took some more ayahuasca in kind of more sort of English scenes right mmm no because I wanted to do it to see because fundamentally the Shaymin goes into the forest he could does the diet which means that he has very little food and only ayahuasca and tobacco for quite a long time up to three years sometimes he there yeah he really goes deep into himself Heath and communes with the forest he then picks the ayahuasca himself he makes the brew he then makes up songs that translate between the forest and himself though got that plant beeper her that's right then he he then gives out the ayahuasca and sings the songs that connect the people to the forest and they heal sometimes by purging but not always and the real ayahuasca is not Fizbo King Wang do you know it's not that Hallucigenia as they take in a be through and all this places it can be but it's more messages it's more realizations then iboga do you mean butter and what sort of what can you describe to me the transmission process as in what it feels like in your head like is it like language or is it i suddenly now know that knowing it's a knowing and it's almost as though the mother ayahuasca is talking to you it's she's gonna gives you a message so I'll give you an example this was my last ayahuasca trip with the O on our there were no hallucinations nothing just a voice that came from a Dalek remember the Daleks exterminate that one remember there was a nicer one remember what do you mean there was noise rather look I'm just doing this week job I didn't want to be a doubt anyway the recesses of my imagination dream depe Dalek oh you made him up what I'm gonna know him then if you made him up we all make everything up no way everything's made up by a collective of understanding and this this Dalek said in a Dalek tone we are taking you up another level you will need more compassion but not stop for six hours and I mean that yeah I was for my children Oh for the earth my clients my friends you know the Dalek steel pipe around ruin is still going on and and I first was a Dalek and I've got nice nori anyway I finally went oh for myself and the voice stopped and from that I know literally annoy if ya if I'm not truly compassionate for myself how the hell can I be compassionate properly for others if I don't in other words self care and walk the walk myself how the hell am I going to go better about then have yeah much better tell me some of your techniques for self loves I know a lot of people listening to this now struggle to love themselves and be passionate my mother did teach me one really good thing come on before I went to sleep she told me to write down all the things that had upset and annoyed me in the day prep tone and because she she was she was an aristocrat say and then you throw it in the wastepaper basket but good tip from your mouth ha ha I would say that even though you can burn it or you do whatever you're going to do but throw it away tear it up go to sleep in the morning write a gratitude list about all the things you're grateful for because that puts you in a better resonance mm-hmm and when you're feeling really sorry for yourself try and get up and do something and when you're really struggling what type of thing for someone else or yourself oh no no for someone else or for yourself ever it doesn't matter you've just got to get into life so you could feed the people too lethargic no they can do it they can get their feet on the ground getting up get up get out of anything if you're an addict and you're really struggling you've got to write a structure for every day one day at a time they need help these addicts donate oh these ones yeah because you've got to have a structure every day one day at a time one day at a time so you know you can do anything from make yourself a nice drink go for a run you know do something that starts the day off a treat ourselves with love that's nice ok I like that that's some good tips all right so that's this Dalek came into your consciousness kept repetitively telling you to be compassionate as you do the kick I'm even more psychedelic mmm okay so that was that and then iboga is that somewhere enough cruizer yes from the beauty tribe and a burger is extremely good particularly for heroin addicts and it does affect the synapse is in the brain and can correct really severe addiction that affects your brain and the way that ibogaine sitting with a film of all of the things in your life that have gone wrong and you go again and you kind of watch it and it writes itself it's very difficult to explain it's it's not pleasant but it's extremely effective I like the sound of that iboga hey when you were just doing that treatment on me did you feel addict te energy to be honest I think you're very powerful and you don't know what the hell to do with it the old power a and you you basically are learning how to deal with power so because you were powerful you just thought I'll have more everything I told you you'd be an alpha in the rainforest with 60 ropes the you just need to deal with your power and channel it like you are now no it wasn't like I this feels like a decade no you're just too Moorish yeah always like yeah you just got to deal with the Moorish nests and channel the power into anything you can think of service service alright then so that what's the next one after the mmm what was it called Bogota okay so it Boger of Boger okay um acacia which is the Australian or African you know the occasion got one all of these tribes have all got of course I wonder what I used to do in England like in like how all good nations mushrooms right oh nice little fellas okay so acacia which has something else in it different to ayahuasca EMI can't remember what the word is but acacia is amazing so they two new into the symbols of the nature of where these plants grow and what we have in England in Europe and all over the world particularly in England we have the mushroom and the thing about psilocybin is I I can't remember the actual numbers but I think it's 98% non-polluting to people who are addicts that it's safe basically and I don't I can't remember the science around why mushrooms are such a part of our DNA but they are and they hold the secrets and they always have done if you go back through ancient English writing there's always mushrooms about yeah Shakespeare oh yeah it had been mushrooms because psilocybin opens you up to the nature in this land if you if you have mushrooms from the place where they're growing it opens you up to a conversation with the nature also do you think that even addicts like me in recovery can safely use in the right ceremonial conditions plant medicine 100% that concludes the podcast yes what's interesting to me is that last November I went to a place called rithmere which is a kind of weird place that's a sort of sounds whoo look looks like a military installation under bad Hilton Hotel right in the middle of very beautiful jungle of Costa Rica but the reason it works is that it's a very safe place they medically give you tests first they do transformational breathing colonics good food all of that around three ceremonies that happen and I was very impressed I felt I was being watched by the CIA in some way because it just felt so peculiar this place was so unnatural it it's a it's a good place to send people who need to feel safe and the the man who runs it for example was one of the worst addicts ever I mean when he describes how he was I mean extraordinary and even though when I looked at him I could see it was a legitimate way still for him to get off his head I have to admire what he's done because he's created something that really transforms people's lives good on him yeah sitting up here selling hotel but the point is it has to be done ceremonially properly and it's obviously we're now abusing ayahuasca we're probably going to abused iboga because we don't seem to know what not to abuse well as we I say this the external grid always makes you physical eyes and materialize people worry about fundamentalist bloody religions without realizing we've already got one the fundamentalist religion of individualization and materialism seeing everything through the lenses if you are like some sort of things wrapped in a bag of skin and all the matters is what you would put in your mouth and what you and instead of recognising of our absolute unity absolutely I mean you look what we did to the coca leaf I forgot the coca leaf because I took that with the Kogi hold on a minute what you mean what old cocaine right yeah I mean control I mean to ruin that totally we're like children yeah we ruin things but we ruin things because we don't understand how to do things ceremonially we've ruined sex that's been spoiled yeah everything that's gone now I'm the food look what we've done to food ruined it what about have you done DMT oh yeah well tell me about that DMT okay so DMT is the ingredient in ayahuasca taken out again has to be done in ceremony but it's who with who's doing ceremonies for synthesized drugs that have been extracted from a plant I mean who's designed it you know not me no I haven't designed it but basically it's a if it's done in ceremony is a quite good way of someone who's too scared to go to Peru and vomit for eight hours to understand the brief opening that can happen to their consciousness in a safe place I've excuse me watch like videos obsessively about people like the experiences on DMT where they describe sort of archetypal experiences meeting with meetings with deities after meals with machine elves passing through geometric zones meeting sort of aspects of Khan justice embodied in various ways receiving divine truths often not able to communicate them back again and put me to work I saw the wicked Peruvian Shaymin describing like yeah I did that DMT and how it relates to my typical experience is is it felt like a condensation of it and you know I've got some wicked stuff on it um a DMT I think it's a very useful tool to open up consciousness but it still has to be done in ceremony and you know a lot of kids that are up in the stone circle it lost at Glastonbury off their heads on DMT and the thing about being a Shaymin if i'm going to call myself a shaman is that if you leave your body out of ceremony you are going to collect a lot of negative energies and possibly bring them back into your body and not know what to do with them so it's date but frankly anything out of ceremony including sex is not good for us so ceremony is like that while we write I get it because we we see ourselves as primarily physical beings but we're primarily spiritual beings so while interacting in the physical world we should be continually using ceremony to remind ourselves of our priority as spiritual beings absolutely I would say we are consciousness so in a human body not a human body having a soul yeah so absolutely absolutely that is what we have to remember we need to remember that we are sacred and that we are in a body and being in a body is incredible make sense isn't it because when things happen to people that inadvertently for a moment make em feel sacred whether it is a sexual experience an archaic experience watching football and a brilliant light goal when people were like oh oh my god it feels like people want that forever in a reductivist way of looking at no no this hormone was released and that hormone really released but temporarily you felt at one I read this study semantics study once on this of analysis of the word love and its various incarnations through our language and they said the most common thing you could break it down to mean was Union that's what people were saying you know you might love a football team you might love a pair of shoes you might love a person I mean but like ultimately it's a sense of I want to be one with this I am one with this this is me I am this absolutely you've got it that's what we're looking for we want to remember that we are at we are all connected we want to remember that and we want to remember that wonderful feeling for us to experience this sense of connection in community is gonna I believe I don't know if I'm Rex I'm guessing devolution of power I feel that power has become too centralized I'm talking about political power but political power would be a manifestation of other forms of power so you know I'm evidently you went on one of the brexit marches I know query they're both the motivations for a remain and leave I feel that most things that happen in the political field are warped manifestations of people's inability to cope with living divorced from spiritual connection and from ceremony and from meaning and from connection so but like I feel that one of the things he looks to speak to a lot of political type people as well as therapists he had a couple of people of suppose or in healer type categories but my sense is that when you're talking about how these things come together people living in community having a relationship with the transcendent acknowledging oneness bringing ceremony back into life you know you're talking about clear principles it's not we're not talking about just whoo whoo let's sit around and do drugs and sort of muck about in some petals we're talking about sort of serious ideas but I query how now that we live in a globalised infinity information based society how can we incorporate all of these or seemingly fractious and opposing concepts you know within the world of religion so much diversity and opposition within the world of politics so much diversity in opposition within the world of sexuality it feels to me that there needs to be a kind of people need to find their tribe live in their tribe each tribe should be able to live how it wants to in accordance with certain principles that no one transgresses along the lines of respect for the individual freedoms and group freedoms and the sanctity of the planet absolutely so I totally understand that a lot of brexit us who live in the countryside basically want to live a way that small is beautiful you know Schumacher small is beautiful because they they have an innate understanding that a small group of people like the town of room for example has it has its own management that you want to manage a smaller group of people that you don't want some person outside of your small group to manage you I understand that however the reason that brexit to me doesn't make sense is that I understand that Italy once we Italy Spain wants to be Spain Poland wants to be Poland France wants to be France however we have to relate to each other we have to keep relating because and I can I can see why people don't want to be run by Europe but if we don't relate to each other in Europe we're going to be run over by a much bigger truck what do you feel like us yeah that there are these huge trucks around us and that the smaller trucks have got to kind of talk to each other I think that makes sense but it does make sense I promote people we went from like the list of drugs and brexit now now that we've done this obviously it's from smallest beautiful words I mean you know Schumacher was a genius and I don't know nothing about human other ways but he was someone he wrote a book called small is beautiful and that whole thing about 75 people you know outside of that what we call civilization then gets top-heavy it gets annoying it's all of the things that people don't instinctively like and you know don't let's talk about brexit but I can understand both sides as you can because the whole thing doesn't work yeah because I understand both sides of everything exactly the hope but the whole thing doesn't work does it I mean what what I enjoyed about the march was I enjoyed the piece I enjoyed everybody being together I enjoyed the fact that all those people and there were more than a million well working together with the purpose together in a peaceful way it felt nice it felt good mmm and that all those clubs and pubs in that area were opening their doors for people to have a pee to have a drink it felt as though everybody was together Oh still of a protest me a dose of Mayberry Archie's all sorts of things like that but I kind of used to like the feeling of oh my god these structures can be toppled I still get myself in all sorts of silly scrapes is it yeah but that's an important part of your learning hmm it's an incredibly important part I mean you know we have to learn these things and and we have to keep inquiring keep asking working out how we can live together in a better way and I know that we can and you know that we can definitely but there's probably this is the other thing I feel like we have to enable people to express their uniqueness and simultaneously acknowledge our own limitations it seems that you and I are primarily interested in the reintroduction of the sacred into a post secular light advanced capitalist society how do people re-engage with the sacred how do people understand their own masculinity femininity the combination of both of those things that exists within all of us how and but there are people that are bloody good at understanding how machines work and how to organize societies and how to organize resources and I like the idea of your sort of pods and communal living where people somehow get round to doing the washing up I mean my sense would have to be there there should be someone exempted from washing up who says you make sure all the bloody washing ups we were in the same place I'd say Russell do the washing up I mean I would do it anyway in this column I I read this morning a piece about AI which I thought it's interesting because obviously in these new societies we're not going to go back to only eating yogurt um obviously we have to introduce technology we have to introduce AI and everything else because we are going to be living it we're not gonna be living away from the world definitely one of the things that I have decided in birth that works is that the children stand one place and the adults can go and work for two or three days because the children are being looked after by the collective and the adults can get away because one of the things that happens when you set up some community and then top of a mountain in Wales is you go stir-crazy right because we're too stimulated go mad I want to pop to Portobello Road you go to cinema well you have to you have to have a bacon sandwich yeah you have stimulation so these adults can come and go but the children and the land and the chickens and all the rest of it are there as the basis and then the adults can come and go and therefore they don't become bored with each other they don't bicker they don't they're stimulated and they bring stimulation back in and the whole thing remains like that River it's flowing it's not stagnant important yeah Wendy Mundy is anything else you want to say cuz I think we've covered loads and loads of stuff let me see that if we covered every single thing on this Shane o spiritual mentors and teachers do you want to give props or mention any of your spiritual mentors or teachers having that fellow that he was walking around with in the massage I'm looking I've had many I've had many but we can talk about that another time mentors are very important I only heard today that you'd written a book called Mentors I did write that it's good it was yeah I wrote it yeah it's all been written yeah mentors are very important mmm oh I feel like we've talked about everything we'll carry on with our relationship shall we yeah thanks very much for coming on and thanks for treatment I feel like there was a bit when you were doing the stabbing where I fought well this is actually because I've got you'd said I'll do it my daughter said I should only give you a light treatment because if we're doing the podcast after you might you know be too fuzzy or lost or out there and I won't listen listen love just hit me with your best shot alright I can handle it but there was a bit when you were stabbing me in a chest and I was I was thinking oh no actually this might take me out there but I turned out quite well isn't it I hope so I'm very happy I am Cheers thank you very much for inviting really enjoyed it thanks for coming so lovely to meet you Angie thanks for watching this podcast and going all the way to the end of it was usually kind of to kick the bell when I've been over there and they're subscribing so that we can infiltrate your serenity and peace of mind with jangling bells and basses
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 142,196
Rating: 4.8570085 out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Shamanism, Eco villages, co-operative living, plant medicine, ceremony, ayahuasca, dmt, healing, Russell Brand podcast, Under The Skin, Wendy Mandy, shaman healers, What is a shaman, alternative medicine, holistic therapy
Id: H20FIycGCaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 29sec (4409 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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