CEO Jensen Huang says Nvidia will always invest in Taiwan|Taiwan News

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at a dinner with industry leaders Nvidia CEO Jensen hang underscored taiwan's importance in the AI era hang pledged continued investment in Taiwan calling it a vital market for his company his remarks come after the company announced plans to build a supercomputer for AI research in Taiwan the economics Ministry has echoed hang's sentiment saying that the AI industry could sustain taiwan's economy for for decades to come at a dinner with tech industry reps Nvidia CEO Jensen hang said Taiwan would occupy a crucial Global position in the era of AI artificial intelligence and Taiwan is at the center of that and so today I came to enjoy a nice dinner at a very one of my favorite restaurants with my friends and CEOs in Tai in Taiwan and also to prepare ourselves for this new age of Technology expansion that will be very good for Taiwan because Taiwan is at the center of it hang also said his company would always invest in Taiwan always investing in Taiwan this is one of our most important countries and of course this is the beginning of our uh company's business because we build our Wafers here and build our systems here and we also have partners that we go to market with here Nvidia has already announced plans to launch a new super computer in Taiwan called taipe 1 for AI research in the future it may launch a second unit that taipe 2 AI chips and AI servers are two industries that could sustain taiwan's economy for another 50 years as our GDP grows it's becoming clear that there is no shortage of foreign investment in Taiwan as for China's military exercises I think there is no need to be concerned the minister of economic Affairs says AI chips and service could keep taiwan's economy running for half a century he adds that the industry need not just rely on tsmc but on a group of tech firms that can act as a shield for Taiwan
Channel: 民視英語新聞 Taiwan News Formosa TV
Views: 7,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 民視, 民視新聞, English News, Formosa News, 英語新聞
Id: ljf6bT8ETIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 18sec (138 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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