Cenk Uygur vs Dinesh D'Souza at Politicon 2016 FULL DEBATE
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Channel: The Young Turks
Views: 489,138
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Keywords: TYT, TYT Network, The Young Turks, Politicon, Dinesh D'Souza, Cenk Uygur, D'Souza, Debate, Politicon Debate, Steven Olikara, Right Wing Politics, News, Progressive, America, Wolf PAC, Young Turks, Dinesh, dinesh d'souza debate, dinesh d'souza america full movie, dinesh d'souza obama 2016, dinesh d'souza movie, dinesh d'souza hillary clinton, dinesh dsouza, dinesh d'souza cenk uygur, cenk uygur dinesh d'souza, cenk, uygur, politicon 2016, cenk uygur ann coulter
Id: v4sULDNpvqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 41sec (4601 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2016
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I love that Cenk kept calling Dinesh out on his tactics for misleading people away from the facts.
Honestly they both sounded like fools but Cenk was worse.
Edit: My original comment was made halfway through the video. After watching the whole thing all I can say is dsouza please go read a book or 10 before spewing out nonsense. The one to two valid points you made all ceased to mater after you began fumbling and revealing just how misinformed you were after the 30 minute mark.
Then you say you want an america that does not "hide its dark history" while saying your pro-trump aka the republican candidate this year who wants to go back to the "good ol days". Which are days that Have NEVEr existed in this country because its not a good day when only SOME people are allowed to enjoy freedom and participate in the economy and build a future and realize there dreams and potential. Thats not what I would call a good day. Your a hypocryte you speak about black people and slavery as if you know what your talking about when its very clear you dont.
I get so annoyed about the fact that everyone likes to talk about slavery and black people as if they have done the research. "America did not do it"
D'Mess D'Loser