Dinesh D'Souza - The Future of America Talk

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and if you don't like dinesh you need to leave right now this morning it was all about christianity christ the importance of christianity and we wanted it to be that way because it was a worship service tonight this is for our community for our state for our country uh there's still christian values in it uh but you're in for a tremendous treat now just a word and the reason i'm up here uh ten minutes before we start a t is having nationwide that is with a t and it is messing up our ability to broadcast live it started this morning at 9 00 a.m first time that's happened in years so if you've got friends that are planning to watch or family you might send them a text and let them know it's not on the church's end it's on a t and t's end and we're hoping that we'll be able to broadcast but it's really up to the lord and to at t we're good to go it's just a matter of streaming whether or not they'll get that fixed within the 10 next 10 minutes but just wanted to tell you in about two minutes we'll start with a countdown just enjoy the fellowship and um i hope you have a really good time one final thing uh we will have a q a after dinesh speaks i've told him speak as long as you want no restrictions uh we'll we're intending to get out by 7 30 so that you'll know if you've got to get home get the kid's bed ready for school and so on so whenever we start the q a if he finishes at 7 or 7 15 that's how long we'll have for the questions and answers and he's looking forward to that this is only one of a very small number of events that he has been at in the last several months and we're excited to have him on this historic night okay turn the music up we'll start in about nine minutes i am the thief with blood red hands i am a bull with morality breaking china with all of my friends part of me wants perfection the other doesn't need blue tape i believe i was born to have direction but i've got scribbles on my pages is on my [Music] i am the drift in the ocean just a man about to drown my answers to questions just don't give me any ground i need to remember i am [Music] [Music] is [Music] so is there is but i am as long as weather keeps them guessing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me i'm running from the deepest part of me violence floods [Music] [Music] [Music] i am but i am one boy wants to be an astronaut the girl with the polka dots said i think that's neat can i ride in your spaceship the little boy nodded his head he said of course you can't you look the part and i can make suits for two and she i love you and if you'll let me come i'll give all i am to you boy and girl take off and several years later and a family neither has ever he says [Music] i love you but where's your heart have you been given what you've got and i cannot you're pretending that the sun needs an eternity you're playing like the when they've mountains been told what to do the girl is left with what he's got but she doesn't want him at all she says why don't all of my dreams come true and i cannot you're pretending that the sun needs an eternity you're playing like the mountains needing out or two you've been telling all the lakes where to take their water when they've already been told what to do you're pretending that the sun needs an eternity you're playing like the mountains needing that or two you've been telling all the lakes where to take their water when they've already been told what to do [Music] all right i want to welcome those who are watching online my name is wade burleson and it's been a delight to have dinesh d'souza here for our three morning worship services and now for this evening's time as i said a little bit earlier if you're watching online you may have trouble with the connection it's not on our end it's on atnt's end we're aware of it but our tech folks aaron who just came to us from first baptist church dallas he and the team will be uploading tonight's event later this evening when the connection is better so you can go back and watch it at any time if you have disruptions during the live presentation i told dinesh because several of you are here this evening that were not here this morning i saw my friend mark from edmond who's driven up and others of you i'll make a short introduction and then we'll turn it to dinesh dinesh was born in mumbai india used to be known as bombay india on a scholarship with rotary international came to the united states for the first time went to dartmouth university graduated with honors became an intellectual there at dartmouth was hired by the reagan administration the youngest policy maker in the reagan white house a pretty incredible story on how he was hired and then after that went to california where he was a fellow at stanford university and then later at the american enterprise business enterprise of course you probably know dinesh through his many appearances on television he's also written 15 best-selling books i've read most of them in fact i learned today at lunch his biography of ronald reagan is considered probably one of the top two biographies of our president peggy noonan was the other one and that's one i've not read and i'm looking forward to ordering that tonight in fact ruth's christian bookstore has done an amazing job with the books and the dvds at the back i appreciate ruth and natalie and after our presentation tonight you can go back and most of it has been signed already by dinesh and let me just say a word you probably know him through his movies most of all some incredible movies that he's making and some of the things that he's going to share with you tonight are about the future and i'm really excited with some of the plans that i believe the lord has given to dinesh one final thing before he comes we will be receiving a love offering what do you expect we're in a baptist church so we will be receiving love offering but it's a grace offering what that means is this if the lord has blessed you you're grateful for emmanuel bringing dinesh in in the offering boxes at the back you can make out a check to a manual it's tax deductible thank you for your gifts we trust that the lord will provide but i already have a commitment from dinesh that he will come back again and this time he'll be bringing his daughter danielle and for the first time ever he and his daughter will be having a co-event together so we'll be announcing that fairly soon all right enough of me let's give a warm enid welcome to dinesh d'souza thank you i want to begin by really thanking pastor wade and the team here for inviting me this is such an honor and privilege and normally i'm accustomed to giving a straight talk but since when i was asked to talk in the services i that was a little unnerving i'm not used to that so um that was sort of you could call it tame dinesh tonight is dinesh unchained [Applause] now where do we start i feel a bit like the mosquito at the nudist colony i'm just not sure where to [Applause] begin i guess i should begin by noting that this is a heck of a super spreader event man unless we make it of course a biden harris unity rally in which case it would suddenly stop being a super spreader event new data would come in oh yeah funny how that is isn't it [Applause] so what the heck is going on in our country right now we just had an election and by all accounts the election should have been a decisive win for trump and the gop massive increase in turnout trump got 63 million votes in 2016. he's got almost 10 million more votes this time increases in blacks increases in hispanics he's done better with women so this election should not by all normal calculations even be close on top of it the democrats nominated an extremely odd individual i mean the strangest candidate on a major party ticket i've seen in my lifetime and initially when they put him forward and let's remember you know i was thinking to myself what what maze what what sausage making machine produce this preposterous result um and then i realized they they chose them they actually pushed the other candidates out and so you've got a candidate who comes not only with sort of evident issues of memory i mean i don't know if you saw the jill biden rally where jill is speaking and biden is walking around like he's literally trying to find his place he's like a this is this looks like an old folks home or a lunatic asylum and yet it's a presidential campaign so all of these visuals and then of course biden's rallies you might wonder biden's rallies were by invitation only that's why there were only seven to eight people there only only by invitation um so you've got here's biden with these concentric circles with like 12 people more media than attendees then you've got trump with these massive rallies so to the naked eye it would seem like wow this is going to be a crushing one-sided victory now elections in america are close because the country is divided and so a decisive victory doesn't mean trump wins 49 states i mean nixon won 49 states in 72 reagan won 49 states in 84 but it's not that america anymore i'll talk about this a little further about this a little bit more later so you can't win 49 states anymore but you can win 30 you can win 35. so the election results start coming in and sort of true to form and you have to think of how interesting this is because for the first time again in my lifetime we essentially had a media in this country that disappeared on us but disappeared on us i mean the media refused to cover the story the biggest story of the whole election was the fact that there was documented computer generated proof emails phone records texts from the candidate's own kid basically saying i was the bag man for dad and i had and he was complaining about this i had to split the take with pop this did not appear on abc nbc it was not covered it's one thing for the media to say oh there's not much here or yes all politicians do this or or but no a refusal to cover it and then digital media censoring people who refer to it unbelievable um and so we are faced with a very strange phenomenon which is that this is not a two-party fight but it is a on the one side you have the conservatives the republican party on the other side you have the democratic party plus academia plus the media plus digital media plus hollywood plus broadway plus uh the music industry and all the comedians so you could almost say that the elites of the culture the big megaphones of our culture all went in 100 on one side in my opinion this is a this is a lethal threat to our democracy because it's not even really what we mean by the word media when when the founders talked about freedom of the press the first amendment they had in mind that you've got a group of people who are not in the government they're outside the government they are not captive to either side they're applying a critical lens on the government they are collecting information invest through investigations they are revealing this to the american people who can now adjudicate what's right what's wrong what's true what's false that's what a media is supposed to be so when you think about it that way you realize and it's kind of startling that there is no existing media like that in america today period conservative media has become sort of rebel media but it's sort of it's small it doesn't have the same kind of reach and i think the approach of the national media was okay you guys report the story five million people will find out about it on fox news rush limbaugh's audience will find out about it and some of the other talk radio guys the people who read breitbart but 150 million americans who get npr and cbs and pb and nbc they'll never even know that this even exists they won't even know so ultimately a democracy is about being able to freely exchange information now some people will say about these digital platforms and notice that right now i think it's fair to say that every single tweet that is put out by trump now carries a warning label they've gotten even more emboldened so they blocked the new york post story everyone who has large followings like me on social media has this sort of damocles hanging over our heads um and so i'll talk later about kind of what do we do with this really bizarre situation when the other side has the big megaphones of our culture it's this is not even about trump it's about every election because because this phenomenon will continue even if trump retains the white house we still don't have the culture and we're going to have to figure out how we deal with that remarkable fact on the issue of what happens to trump i think the open question is this there are all these indications that something here is terribly wrong which is to say let's look at what we mean by terribly wrong somewhat first of all you have an eerie uh phenomenon before the election in which the candidate who would appear to be on the weaker side which is biden he's not the incumbent appears not even to care about campaigning it looks like you almost think in retrospect that he knew he didn't have to it's very strange his behavior in retrospect makes this kind of eerie sense and then on election day unexpected for the guys who thought they were going to win and predicted they were going to win and were putting out polls that could only be looked at even when they came out as preposterous you know biden is leading in minnesota by 17 points how is that even possible it was clearly false why would you put out false polls well trump calls them suppression polls but i i i think a reason to do false polls is to create a false sense of inevitability it's kind of like we've got this guy you may this is a message of the independent vote you might think he's a kook but look your fellow americans don't agree he is moving inexorably to success do you want to be on the winning side or on the losing side this guy's going to win no matter what so the polls were sort of intended to intimidate i think the trump base and say this listen you guys are done and to say to the independent you're a bit of an opportunist get on the winning team but whoever was thinking about this miscalculated because on election day trump's numbers unexpectedly surge remember last time in 2016 to take a single example trump was ahead by 50 000 votes in pennsylvania i remember my wife and i were like wow this is amazing trump said by 50 000. well this time he was ahead by 600 000 votes no one could have counted on that so suddenly it's almost as if the people watching this result go time out halt stop the count time for everybody to go to bed which is to say time to figure out how we deal with these 600 000 votes this huge drove that has now showed up that's the number we have to beat so election day it seems to me was all about revealing what's the number of goals you need to score to close the game it was a data mining operation oh we need 600 000 in pennsylvania check how many do we in michigan okay we need 300 000 in michigan check so the idea here is to figure out what your target is that's odd but now here's the the oddness now begins to deepen because magically in all these states biden produces pretty much the exact needed number of votes boom he closes pennsylvania boom he's ready to knock out arizona he might win by 5 000 votes he's got just enough somehow the votes when counted magically correspond to the numbers needed and in some areas you have things like this we've got a bushel full of votes we've counted them biden 138 000 trump zero really really so then i turn on the tv in fox news and here's this guy i kid you not the fox news decision desk expert looking at this guy he goes he goes we think of america as very divided but it's not the case america is unified into particular communities and so it's not surprising that a single community would vote kind of in a batch now it is one thing to say that in either in enid oklahoma trump got 70 or where i live montgomery county texas the republican gets 70 but the truth of it is everybody knows there are blue people who live in red areas and red people who live in blue areas you know i make movies and sometimes people tell me they go your movies must do really well in red america i go no my movies do well everywhere if i open a film in in a theater in los angeles i'll do tremendously well because there are lots of conservatives in la i do very well in new york city i do very well in chicago so the bottom line of it is the conservatives may be outnumbered but they're not non-existent so the idea that you can produce a hundred and thirty eight thousand to zero i mean i'm not a statistician but this would be like one guy who won like lotto seven times in a row something is prima facie odd here doesn't make any sense and so let's step back for a moment and outline the scheme because we're not talking here about the fact that this dead guy voted and you know that particular poll counter was using their sharpie to smudge it up we're not talking about these anecdotal cases even though there's a whole bunch of these on social media we're talking about something that's kind of systematic i think this is the key you have to show that there is a system of cheating and the question is can the trump team do that are they able to show something is terribly wrong here from the point of view of any rational person i have to say that i think that what made this whole operation i think feasible for the dems was coved because under coved that they realized look we can make an end run around the whole normal voting approach now there's notoriously they've been reports all through the years about corruption and absentee balloting people filling out other people's absentee ballots and people requesting ballots for people who are dead but in the past absentee ballots were a tiny portion of the overall vote so even if there was corruption it normally wasn't significant enough to tip the outcome but now you have a new phenomenon let's trace the three steps step number one let's just mail out tens of millions of ballots boom it's like confetti let it fly let it go everywhere number two let's set up particularly in democratic districts notice by the way a second anomaly namely everyone is able to count the votes basically in one day except in these swing democratic districts they haven't been able to count the votes till now days after the election why is that i mean is it just that poll counters are just a little bit worse at math in those districts could it be could it be counting skills you know the new math common core to what can we attribute this dullness in some parts of the country that happen to conveniently coincide with where votes need to be cooked so mail-in ballots number two and this is why the trump people are i think italicizing this point you suddenly create a system in which you blockade the other party from being able to see how these mail-in ballots are being counted you just put them 100 feet away they need a telescope to see what's going on they can't really see anything except a bunch of people at a desk so you block the verification of are these in fact legitimate votes not this vote or that vote but all the votes what is the process of figuring out their actual legitimacy and then there's other theories that are now starting to surface uh notably by sydney powell who is the attorney for um general flynn a very capable attorney and also a person of kind of a legend in the legal field and she argues that there is a that they have evidence that there are computer programs that allocate votes and redistribute votes i don't know about that except to note it it's out there it's being looked into i'm quite sure so we're gonna see we're gonna see but let's just say that if there is systematic evidence of cheating all hell is going to break loose on both sides because the left and the democrats have tried to create this sense of inevitability even now and you can see they're desperately eager they know that we're restless they know that we're annoyed and we're not annoyed because we lost we lost before we lost with obama we lost twice but so we're able to take it on the chin they're not they lost in 2016. look at their behavior ever since they could not accept it they refused and now they want us to play nice so we come here to one of the great themes of the left which is really worth thinking about i'm going to go into this in a little bit of detail here because i think it's really important their whole strategy is based on the idea that we are suckers they know that the conservatives the republicans the christians these are the party of the straight-laced people these are the people who want to play by the rules and most importantly these are the people who will not do to them what they're doing to us that's the key so and their strategy by the way always has worked beautifully in the past this is why they're all a little discombobulated with trump let me address a little bit of a sensitive topic stormy daniels now now stormy daniels is a little bit of a pervert it's true but she's not a pervert from the point of view of the left they're more perverted than she is they're not in the slightest bit bothered by the fact that she's a porn star or whatever they don't care but they know we do so this is their strategy let's find someone like stormy daniels let's then show up in the christian community and go here and then let's just go home and laugh our heads off because we know that the christians will make a circle and knife their own guy what could be more fantastic than this and this strategy of lookie here has worked and would have worked with any other candidate other than trump if any other republican had the same scandal as trump i assure you that when the tape came out when these scandals came out they would have withdrawn from the race because they would find it unbearable the only person with whom these tactics haven't worked it's kind of interesting to wonder why is trump hey mr trump we got something for you yeah what stormy daniels what else you got that's trump he's got this sort of i mean i don't know if it's entirely admirable i would call it lower the bar and jump over it boom unbelievable and they're like what happened what happened they have no idea but in general in general their strategy is this we the left can knock down your statues because we know that you would never knock down our statues we can use the deep state the police agencies of the government the fbi the cia the irs the doj against you we can find this little scoundrel dinesh this horrendous criminal gave away 20 000 bucks of his own cash to a college friend running for office i mean that's the highness crime right there okay eight months in overnight lockup psych mandatory psychiatric treatment a huge fine but their assumption is even if you controlled the deep state you would never lock up michael moore you wouldn't think of it you wouldn't think of unleashing the police agencies of government on jake tapper or god forbid jim acosta you wouldn't do it so so their assumption is that they can get away with it even on the cheating front their idea is think about it whenever you say cheating the left always goes oh no no no there's nothing here to see now you might think they would say hey let's look at it maybe someone's cheating on your side but that never occurs to them because they know there's no cheating occurring on our side in other words the tennis ball never falls on our side of the net their only point is we're not cheating all that much you only have anecdotal reports of cheating but there's not enough maybe to tip the election so time after time what you're seeing here is this one-sidedness in which they feel that they can get away with it and that is why they do it it puts us in a in a difficult position because we don't want to act that way but what do we do how do we respond we have a scene in the movie trump card which by the way is looking more chilling and relevant than ever um and if you haven't seen it by the way apple itunes amazon prime just watch it on your big screen tv because i made it for the theater but the theaters are so uneven that i said okay let's just release it to on demand so it's out there and it's like four bucks to rent we have a scene in the movie germaine to this topic 1863 abraham lincoln has deployed black soldiers into the union army for the first time and the confederacy issues an edict that any black union soldier captured by the confederacy will be shot a little bit of a startling edict because this was not the policy for prisoners of war they were normally treated like normal prisoners of war but in this case this sort of shocking edict from the confederacy and it comes to lincoln's desk and lincoln issues an equally shocking executive order in it's called the order of retaliation for every black union soldier executed by the confederacy one confederate captive will be shot so think about this why would a moderate man like lincoln issue an order of such evident barbarity one that would today meet no standard of war would be a shock to the geneva convention but lincoln's reasoning was really simple you have to do to them what they are doing to you or they will never stop and in fact the confederates did stop and lincoln withdrew the order it ended up being a case where there was sort of disarmament on both sides on this key point now i've talked a little bit about the election and i'm sure we can talk more about it in the question answer session i want to pull back because i think it's important for us to get kind of a little bit of a larger view of what is at stake what is this election all about and there is there has been and there still is some apocalyptic rhetoric on our side you know america hangs in the balance we've lost the country um don't go there quite yet um it is true that important principles are at stake and let me put it this way when i first came to america at the age of 17 i still remember one of my first thoughts as the airplane was descending on initially jfk coming into new york i could see the statue of liberty i could see the new york skyline and uh and i was just a kid and i wasn't political in any way but i just began i had a strange feeling come over me and i felt like wow you know i'm i'm moving from the margin of the world to the center and i'm coming to a country where i feel and it's no more than a feeling that not only is the country that has ladders of opportunity a country where you can better your life but i would say even more importantly uh it's a country where you can write the script of your own life in other words america is a country where your life is more like a blank sheet of paper and you are the artist your destiny isn't given to you but it's constructed by you and i think this is the thrilling notion that makes america such a magnet for the world because you can do things with your life here that you can't do anywhere else and my own career which i could never have predicted at the time just the very fact that i'm you know literally if i go talk to the people in lionsgate and hollywood they treat me like some kind of major movie guy i can just imagine as a kid if i went to my grandfather he's like you know what do you want to be you know when you grow up and i'm like well i think i'd like to be a hollywood type of a movie producer he would literally tell my mom to take my temperature you know he would think i'd gone nuts why because from his point of view my life should look almost like a carbon copy of my dad's i need to follow an approved sort of script i'm not saying i would have no choice but the choice is within confined parameters my sister for example when she got married it's not like the old days in india where it's arranged marriage you you meet your partner at the wedding no but it is a ranged marriage of a sort my parents sort of checked out all the eligible families in our neighborhood in our community they picked out four or five possibilities and then these guys were invited to our house for dinner with like suspicious regularity and then my sister was free to choose in the words of milton friedman but from this approved list and she knew you know she knew the deal she chose she chose wisely they're happily married no quarrel with the outcome but that's what i mean when i'm talking about the idea of shaping your own life so this is what america has meant to me and i think this is to me the the meaning of the pursuit of happiness all these big phrases in the constitution what they're really talking about is the notion of freedom conjoined with moral responsibility as being the essence of a certain type of human being that is produced by america now that's the american dream and by the way the american dream is sort of unique i mean no other country even has a dream there's no russian dream i mean there's no indian dream as far as i know i mean the french may have a dream but who wants to know [Music] x-rated so um but now we have a new phenomenon that's kind of creeping into the american political scene um i want to zoom into that for a little bit and this is the idea of socialism socialism now i grew up under socialism and socialism for me meant scarcity so when i was growing up our family were middle class family my dad was a pharmaceutical engineer so we but my family had a ration card which meant you can buy so much rice so much sugar so much cooking oil we were on a seven year waiting list to get a phone because the phone company was exclusively run by the government you know the sad truth of it is that whatever the government does and this is a general point i i notice that whatever the government does in any society it seems to do really badly have you noticed that uh i i think it has to do with the absence of the profit motive i mean think of ups i know all kinds of ups guys they're very diligent they're hard working and stuff but i'm pretty convinced that if it wasn't for fedex and ups the u.s post office would to this date have not yet figured out how to deliver overnight mail even though the airplane has been around for over a hundred years it would never have occurred to them because they don't think that way so in india socialism was scarcity and literally india was the begging bowl of the world you know that was a time when americans would tell their kids hey johnny you better you better eat your food there are millions of starving people in india that was it fast forward 30 years and now americans tell their kids hey johnny you better study hard because there are millions of indians waiting to take your job so that change is because india abandoned socialism and began to move away from it and the reason china is prosperous is for exactly the same reason so socialism sort of collapsed everywhere seen as a worldwide joke and then suddenly mysteriously it began to weave its way back into here america for the first time in our history we've never had socialism in the mainstream now you know biden says i beat the socialist as if to say he's rejecting socialism but first of all we all know that biden is sitting in a canoe where he is not manning the oars right i mean other people are and and by the way this is not just some you know dinosaurs making incendiary allegations during biden's debate with trump biden was tweeting think about this for a minute obviously it wasn't biden somebody else was manning his twitter and putting out tweets biden was on the stage so with biden what you get isn't biden it is this manufactured biden that is being produced and marketed by other people i think this was the understanding from the outset now socialism the socialism we're dealing with now is unique in two or three important respects the first thing is that if you talk to people on the left they go oh dinesh you know don't don't try to saddle us with socialism we're not into the old authoritarian socialism of mao and lenin and castro um we want democratic socialism socialism ratified by popular consent in fact it's democracy that gives moral authority to the idea of socialism now first of all i grew up under democratic socialism india's a democracy it's been one since 1947 so there's nothing new about democratic socialism the second point to realize is that taking a vote and getting majority consent in no way alters the moral content of any transaction let me give you an example of what i mean when i was a kid in recess at school we used to play marbles me and my friends and so i'd go to school with all these marbles in my pocket now imagine if on my way to school a big evil guy intercepts me jumps me knocks me down and takes all my marbles that's authoritarian socialism right a dictatorship confiscating my stuff bad but here's the second case here's dinesh marching off to school with his marbles and he encounters a group of 10 guys who promptly decide to take a vote and they decide by seven to three that they would really like to have my marbles so they all jump on me and knock me down and take my marbles now this is democratic socialism socialism decided by majority decision but the moral content of the transaction is exactly the same in both cases i've been robbed it's like do i want to be robbed by one guy or do i want to be robbed by a gang but either way i'm being shafted so democratic socialism doesn't sort of do it by itself and then the left says we don't want the socialism of cuba or even venezuela we want scandinavia i call this sven socialism since it's based on a place where every third guy is named sven and the scandinavians are you have to admit a little strange i mean these are guys who go to work dress like me but on a bike and they you know eat certain types of fish and they furnitures by ikea and they listen to abba still it's odd but but the left sort of has a point it's not a horrible place to live copenhagen oslo it's not the worst so what's wrong with this scandinavian socialism well one word about that first of all the scandinavians don't have socialism in the way that the left is thinking about it their socialist they're capitalist in wealth creation and they're socialist in wealth distribution so in scandinavia the corporate tax rate about 20 same is here most scandinavian countries no minimum wage you can hire and fire people for any reason uh with one exception norway scandinavian countries have no wealth tax no scandinavian country has an inheritance tax you can leave 100 of your stuff to your family so the scandinavians to summarize do not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs their point is we need a turbocharged capitalist economy we need a big pie we need more to share we need a big pie and and the sharing and here's the key point when the scandinavians have a big welfare state and they do their idea is we're all in the same boat which means the burden of the welfare state must be distributed across the whole society there's no such thing as soak the rich i mean the rich guy is also smen the idea is soak the rich soak the middle class soak the pore scandinavians have something called the vat tax value added tax it's on consumption it's on on stuff you buy like food well who pays the highest proportion of their income on food the poor and then the middle class and the rich pay the least so the scandinavians don't hesitate to stick it to the poor their idea is if you want to be part of this big welfare state take your check whatever size it is cut it in half and send half to us that's their system and it kind of works if everyone is okay with this bargain but you notice that this is not the socialism of the left the socialism of the ref left is let's rob peter to pay paul hoping to get paul's support it's based upon the demonizing of the bad guys very interestingly by the way with bernie sanders if you go back and listen to his old speeches he's always railing about millionaires and billionaires now if you listen to his speeches he's railing about billionaires why the change because in the meantime bernie became a millionaire so suddenly he has notched up and those are now the bad guys they don't knock down columbus statues in scandinavia the scandinavian's only complaint with columbus is that he wasn't scandinavian you don't see in scandinavia the kind of attempt to divide society that you see an american on the american left and this is a point word pondering for a moment because socialism is inherently about division it is about taking society and driving a wedge right down the middle setting two groups against each other and then picking your group to defeat the other group and take power this is marx marx goes listen stop telling me about how everybody loves to share and all this nonsense that's simply not true he goes the truth of it is powerful people never give up their stuff without a fight it has to be taken from them so let's divide society like this the evil capitalists and the workers who are the majority so it's the rich and the poor it's a class divide now interestingly in america now if you notice in american politics the real divide there's a class divide yes but there's also a race divide and a gender divide and a transgender divide and a divide over immigration so another way to put it is like this for marx you divide society one way rich against poor but for the left you divide society many different ways rich against poor yes black against white male against female straight against gay legal against illegal and what's the point of it the point of it is to create so much division in society that through it all you can get a majority coalition of oppressed victim groups that's how you get the democratic majority and once you have it you can then turn around and loot the other 49 so socialism what i'm getting at is a is a theft operation it's not fundamentally idealistic it's about figuring out a way to get to a majority which will then authorize you to confiscate now it's very important to drill down to the moral core of this because very often i mean there's even some christian progressives who think this is all wonderful stuff they think it's actually authorized by the bible look how much the bible dinesh talks about the rich and the poor but the key thing to realize here is that this kind of socialism is an assault on conscience and let me explain what i mean by that so let's say i were to come to one of you or let's just take pastor wade and i say to him wait look at your neighbor who's living in this huge house and he's got all this art on the wall he's got his great food in his refrigerator why don't you walk over there kick in his door help yourself to his food lift off any paintings off the wall that you like look around the house and see if there's any stuff that you think would be better in your house and bring it over now most normal people if you told them to do this most americans whatever their politics are going to say nah i'm not a thief i'm not going to do that if i did it i would feel ashamed i would not do it unless i felt in some way compelled to do it my family's starving or some emergency that would make me do but otherwise i don't want to do that it's wrong now imagine if at this point the socialist comes to you and goes you know pastor wade listen all the stuff in your neighbor's house actually belongs to you you may find this a little bit surprising because he's never come over he's not stolen from you it's not obvious how his stuff belongs to you but consider this possibility namely that his great great great great great grandfather stole a bunch of stuff from your great great great great grandfather and then like stolen goods passed it down from generation to generation so the real title deeds to all that stuff is yours but here's the good news pastor wade you don't actually have to go kick in his door because we the state will do it for you we'll we'll go take his stuff obviously we'll keep some of it for ourselves that's how we are but we'll give the rest of it to you so let's step back and think about what's really happening here in my opinion what is happening here is i would call it the annihilation of conscience there is in every decent person a desire not to be a thief socialism shows you how to be a thief and feel good about it socialism shows you why your conscience need not be troubled because you're not stealing from the other guy you're merely retrieving your own stuff this is i think what makes it so diabolical because look we can all evil becomes something that we can fight and resist when it carries the signature or the banner of evil but what happens when evil masquerades as good when evil shows itself in the colors of virtue social justice and then good people are immobilized and so i think this is what is going on and i would be i would like to tell you that this is the worst of what is going on but socialism today is not just about economic confiscation if you go to a typical socialist conference or some meeting on the left you'll realize that many of those people care more about abortion than about the minimum wage they care more about the transgender bathroom than they do about universal basic income in other words to their economic socialism and marx wrote about socialism mainly in economic terms you have to add this other dimension i would call it cultural marxism and cultural marxism ultimately is not about money what is it about well i think at the end of the day it is about conformity it is about enforcing a regime of conformity across the whole society now the left has been very determined about this and very serious starting in the 1960s they said let's take over the universities and once we take over the universities we will then go to the elementary and secondary schools in fact we don't even have to go there because it's the university professors who teach the teachers who then teach in those schools so let's control education and then let's control entertainment i mean when you think about things like gay marriage and so on the seeds for this were sown when ellen came out of the closet and will and grace and 200 sitcoms the left has been fighting the culture war without resistance for years if not decades and and they have certain stereotypical villains i'm talking not just i'm not talking about documentaries because the big guy like in my in hollywood is not michael moore i mean the big guy is michael moore but i don't mean that i mean the big guy in hollywood is oliver stone steven spielberg the feature films and hollywood's most insidious messages are through feature films look at think back to movies that you know and who the villains are who are the bad guys typically in a hollywood movie well first of all if it's a movie about terrorism the bad guy is never an islamic terrorist he's usually like russian or eastern european so but they'll never make a movie about the world we live in their villains are typically entrepreneurs it's usually some corporate bad guy who's doing all kinds of shenanigans on the side or it's the patriarchal dad if you look at pretty much all teenage comedies who are the stupidest people in these comedies first of all it's the parents but of the two parents both of whom are stupid the dad has to be the stupidest guy of all and so there's an attack here on the idea of the male dominated family and then there's an attack on the church a lot of movies even horror movies turns out the bad guy is well it's basically wade burleson it's a pastor who's a secret member of the ku klux klan you know so hollywood draws this caricature and then they relentlessly go for it and they've been doing this for years so they are working on the reshaping of the american mind but even then it's not enough you would think that they you know hey look you got academia you got the media you got entertainment you should be content right i would be but their point is yeah we want the nfl we want the nba we want a bunch of guys who bounce the ball we want them too we want the colorado christian baker you better bake a cake why are you making me say something i don't want to no we have to force you he goes to the supreme court he wins they sue him again because remember it's not about him they are trying to terrorize him for sure but they're trying to terrorize everybody else around him to say don't you even dare because we can destroy your life and we are showing that we are totally ready to do it digital censorship i mean there's a slightly comedic aspect to all this i mean it literally is we are living not in the reign of like these diabolical big brother sensors the sensors at places like twitter right is basically some 24 year old in a man bun and this guy is like presiding over the national discourse and their mentality has to be seen to be believed i mean a couple of weeks ago on facebook i tweeted out i not tweeted i posted biden's statement from the debate antifa is only an idea biden said it facebook tags it they flag it and they put a warning on it called lacking context lacking context what the heck what context is it lacking did biden make a full speech at antifa that i missed it provides the context am i supposed to link to something else now the maddening thing is in any normal corporation you see you can call them up and go hey listen united you know you cancel my flight why did you do that they're like oh sorry sir in this case you can't there's no one to call the guy in the man bun is in a dark room he's turned off his cell phone there's no one to reach and so you're living in this sort of twilight zone in which kooks are literally deciding what is put out on the country's digital platforms and the sad thing again is that and this is sort of the myopia on our side there are conservatives and libertarians who well denounced these are private companies why would you want to interfere in what private companies are doing well first of all radio companies are private nbc news is private but the airwaves are regulated we have the federal communications commission that regulates what the public airspace why because the airwaves belong to the public and not to mention the fact that without a public space like this you can't have the debate that is the lifeblood of a democracy so these digital platforms have now and remember they came to us on the basis of a big lie here was their lie their lie was we want special legal protections for the simple reason that we are like the phone company we have this amazing new platform and this is going to allow people to connect with their old high school friends and it's going to allow for robust debate and so congress goes well this is just downright great you can have these legal protections and then the digital platforms the moment that they gained quasi monopoly status turned on us completely now imagine if the phone company tried to pull these shenanigans if at t goes oh we are going to be listening in on your phone calls and we're going to make sure that there is no hate speech uttered on the phone and we're going to be regulating what people say and if you offend our guidelines we're going to restrict your reach only two phone calls for you a week dinesh and even though we paid your bill if you keep this up we're cutting off your service i mean if they tried to do this we would shut down a t overnight they couldn't even exist as a viable company but this is exactly what these digital platforms are in fact doing we have also a scene in from cardinal and i realize i want to leave time for questions we have a scene in trump card where the um it's based on orwell's 1984 there's a great scene very relevant to our time and the protagonist a guy named winston is being interrogated by big brother which is in this case the state and big brother is trying to get winston to admit that two plus two is five and winston goes no he goes listen you can tie me up and you can keep me away from my family and you can lock me up but i am we're gonna retain the freedom to insist the two plus two is indeed four and so they go oh really and so they put him in his cell turn out the lights sensory deprivation no food he's afraid of rats so they put rats on him and finally the poor guy breaks down and he goes okay i admit it two plus two is five can i go now and then here comes the chilling answer no winston we are not satisfied you're only saying that 2 plus 2 is 5 because you know that's what we want to hear in your mind you still believe it's 4. we are not satisfied with external conformity we want to break down your inner mind in other words what we want to do is we want to crush the individual self we want to turn the human being into a worm so to me this is the terrifying prospect against which we need to all say no and when i say no what i mean is the left's plan for us is this and by the way when they say things like unity this is sort of what they mean they mean let's unify around our agenda and what that means is not just you sign on to the green new deal you sign on to this let's open up the borders it's not just that it is we want you to live in our world which means we want you to send your kids to our schools where we can indoctrinate your kids we want you to pay for the colleges where you can turn we can turn your children against you we want to put you into the popular culture where we can poison your values and make you into us this is our plan for you and you need to go along with it and i want to close um just by very briefly and i'll happy to talk about this more in the questions outlining what i think how i think we should respond to this whatever happens in the election and by the way the prospects for the country america's not coming to an end there's a there's a midterm coming up in two years we have every way to pulverize them both and retake the congress retake the senate there are a lot of opportunities for us this is extremely close if we hold the senate we can block them even in the meantime we still have the court so this is not a done deal but we want to think ahead and if we think ahead i think we have to resolve if we believe this way which i do that we are not going to live in their world we're not going to do it um now now what that means is and it's a lot of work on our side because it means we have to create our own alternative culture our own schools our own forms of delivering online education at a high quality and a low cost our own entertainment our own movies our own comedians we are basically going to take one look at their world and go we are out of here we're gone we're gone now in this the church can play an important role because the church is our megaphone very often unused but it's a very powerful one pastor wade wanted me to share with you last november i um my family had a meeting with trump about 45 minutes and very weirdly and almost eerily prophetically in a way trump asked he goes dinesh she goes debbie he goes what what do you think i should do after the presidency we were taken by surprise because of course we were expecting trump to run again and he said no no after the presidency what what do you think i should do and so we told him we were like mr president what you should do is start a network not a cable channel not talk radio on tv but rather a massive network of the of the size and scope of a cbs or an nbc in other words when you talk about a network what you mean is something that reaches 40 to 50 million homes you're talking about ultimately an equivalent of the view and variety shows and stand-up comedians and jimmy fallon that's a network a network is a lifestyle it's a lifestyle of communications and energy it has reality shows it shows movies it has politics but it's not only politics because that is going to make you a niche market that's why the cable channels reach 5 million people that's why cbs and nbc reached 30 to 40 million people and i told trump i go mr president you have the doe you have the name and if you take your facebook your twitter your instagram you add those up you have 140 million people you already have the audience you don't have to build an audience the audiences already exists so so i was talking to pastor wade earlier and we were talking about you know let's say trump loses i don't think he will but let's say he does it could be in the sort of circuitous wisdom of providence that god has ordained that this dude this very odd man but the bible is noted for picking odd men to do big things right this odd man might be the guy to create something of a long-term and needed benefit for the country to represent the voices of an entire half of the country's population that is not reflected in the culture and so trump i think he was a little dazed because i think he was thinking well internationally you're saying you want me to get out of real estate you know and i was thinking yeah that's kind of what i'm saying you know you don't need another casino um so so that idea which i apply i just wanted to plant the seed but it seems to me that suddenly now we feel the urgency of it with all the craziness going on we need a big voice and i think ultimately if you had a a channel it could spin off into education and entertainment because these days all these things are connected so you essentially create a pipeline to build one big thing we've been a very negligent in allowing all this territory to slip away from us so we now need to really get our act together and then the beauty of this is we have to get we can stop reacting none of this oh my gosh what is wolf blitzer saying on cnn who cares what wolf blitzer says on cnn we'll let's cnn's entire audience tonight prime time on sunday is about one-third of my twitter following i have 1.8 million they have less than 600 000 watching tonight and yet we act as if they're shaping the debate they're not shaping any debate they've been very clever about sticking their channel in every airport and every international airport so we have to figure out how to do something about that but no one's actually watching or it's a very small audience we can create a mammoth audience the biggest media channel in the country overnight literally metaphorically overnight but i mean like that so we'll see we'll see but i think that there are reasons for us to be optimistic because we're creative we have a lot of good stuff to offer and ultimately truth is a very powerful weapon you know i think it was winston churchill winston churchill who said about reality you can deny it you can refuse it you can ridicule it you can scorn it but in the end there it is and so armed with the weapon of truth and allied to equality we always need courage and a little bit of that sort of serpentine wisdom that the bible recommends to the nice guys of the world be ye wise as serpents be ye wise as serpents not because we're the serpents but because we are among them were among a lot of serpents and you have to think in the serpentine way if adam and eve thought a little bit more in the serpentine way they might have figured out what the bad guy was up to and why he was offering the apple and i think if we do that then we will have done something amazing which is which is on the edge of the precipice we will have salvaged the american dream defeated its relentless opponents and moved our country toward what reagan used to call i think very beautifully in the 1980s morning in america thank you very much thank you thank you very much all right thank you you may be seated all right dinesh here's what we're going to do we got a couple of folks who've got mike's and i'm going to ask the first question justin's over here who's got the second okay over here chris has got the second if you have a question raise your hand hear the ground rules we've got about 20 minutes so we need to keep your questions short to give dinesh time to answer and dinesh we're going to try to get as many questions as possible so the answers will be succinct so just lift your hand to these two guys i want to ask the first and then we'll be ready for the next you mentioned tonight how we've we've got to play the game that's played against us and trump has a beautiful way of doing that some people may not know that you were imprisoned for nine months they came after you hard for campaign contribution violations twenty thousand dollars he gave to his friend he met at dartmouth who's an attorney that was running for the senate and so on in the history of the united states no one has ever gone to prison for campaign contributions except for dinesh ordered psychiatric evaluations nine months okay now dinesh you told me something to lunch i want them to hear this short answer joe biden's campaign he was handed paperwork for campaign violations contributions to his campaign how many and what happened so the fcc uh sent a letter to the biden campaign saying these donors have exceeded the campaign finance limits and the point of the letter was simply you can refund the money or just notify that they've given too much 200 pages of violators so this is a very common practice now when you say no one's gone to prison no one has gone to prison with a first-time offense and no corruption there are people who have done campaign finance shenanigans they're trying to buy a judgeship or they're trying to get some tax break for their we're not talking about that but in circumstances similar to mine in american history no one has even been charged let alone convicted uh and locked up for doing what i did and i think it's because of the books and the movies that he's been making all right question right here doc hi thank you for your comments uh two things i'd like to ask you to respond to one is i disagree with what you said about truth we heard the truth during the campaign but biden got elected number two now we have socialists in the government controlling law enforcement controlling all the regulatory agencies controlling everything and now on top of all that we've learned that they can control elections we're screwed we're doomed there's no way we can overcome that array of forces as far as i can tell the second one was more of a comment and it's more the agencies yeah let me address the second one because i think the second one is scarier which is to say that a democracy is based upon the idea that you can lose an election but number one losing election should not be like losing a war because an election is an argument among friends who disagree about which direction to take the country and um and um so number one the people who lose the election should not feel like their freedom and their lifestyle is threatened and i think to a degree we do number two an election always holds out the hope that you can win the next time but if you feel that the system not feel if the system is in fact rigged as it is in places like venezuela hugo chavez did stack the court he did change the constitution he rearranged the structure of powers or in iran they have elections but there's a supreme body that oversees all the decisions of the legislature and they have veto power so there's no meaningful elections in that case america ceases to be a democracy and i think quite frankly we cease to be a real country so that is true if this practice is normalized now a couple of possibilities the supreme court could say there's been scandalous violations we're going to recount the votes here there and there and if they benefit trump he stays in the white house or the supreme court could say this has been a real mess but it's been a real mess because of this emergency situation called covid we're not able to undo it at this time but we can make sure it never happens again so we are going now to define the meaning of a legal vote a legal vote from now on means x and no vote that doesn't satisfy these criteria is a legal vote so the idea would be here to block the corruption from occurring again not satisfactory from my point of view because i think that the way you stop it in the future as you stop it now when you let people get away with something they're gonna do it again so we will see how this comes out and we can then respond excellent chris right i'll quick set this up if biden gets in the department of education does its thing one of the things that they fought trump on was racial sensitivity training by executive order it comes down it says anybody who is either a federal employee or receives federal funding must go through racial sensitivity training that in essence means everybody in education will have to sit down and become little good little woke teachers if that the question is are we going to be faced in that situation of saying not me i walk away is that going to be one of the decisions we're going to have to take a look at so the answer is that in order to be able to exit something you need to have a place to go one of the dilemmas i hit my daughter danielle a few years ago i had the following choice she's a very sound kid very well anchored but a little shy so a little fragile she was she's not now but she was before and i thought to myself do i really want to send her to dartmouth that place is a zoo and it's a menagerie um the left will attack her they will they will demonize her they will throw out of the sorority they will do this they will do that i knew it beforehand and then i thought so what should i do should i send her to liberty should i send her to hillsdale college or should i take my chances and send her to a place where she will be outnumbered but if if things go well she will come out a rather seasoned veteran and warrior because she will have been seasoned in the ways of the left and actually particularly equipped to take them on those were my options right now the reason those were my options is i was actually missing a third option which was non-existent and is still non-existent namely what if there is a top-notch university offer offering world-class academic and intellectual content respected throughout the world right but that wasn't an engine of indoctrination and political correctness what if there was that i wouldn't have a choice i would go there for sure i wouldn't have to balance one against the other i would have an option that i would rush to and tons of people would rush to so in other words how do we create high quality education at all levels so that people can exit these institutions no one has to be in a public school and the the thing is if you exit them in the right way the institutions collapse if you if you pull out at the right time um and uh and that's the key so think a little bit about the model of the iphone because when the iphone came out even though no one knew it all existing phones were obsolete now they didn't people still use existing phones i think wade you still have one people still have existing phones but when you when you when you beat the market and you produce a pro a better quality at lower cost that's what we need to be thinking about in education and entertainment and so on how do we deliver that because that will solve then their hold on us is weak their hold on us is based on the idea that we're forced to go to their institutions we don't have a choice but if we had a choice we're out of air very good up in the balcony hi so my question is about uh church and college so it seems to me that young people like myself are going to college and then leaving church so my question is why didn't that happen to you and how do we prevent that from happening to more young people like myself the reason that young people i think are leaving church is because they are not being well enough prepared by their parents and in the church to face the environment and the type of questions that inevitably come their way when they go to college so college is secular culture and the professors in college are virtual they're virtuosos they're experts at introducing the acid of skepticism um and so they will say things i mentioned this earlier today they'll say things to you like oh you know tommy you're a christian but um have you conducted an independent investigation of all the great religions of the world i mean just to make sure that christianity is true because obviously there are people who think that islam is equally true and so what makes you think in fact you haven't done that have you and isn't it true that the reason you're a christian is that your parents are christian and you're born in oklahoma city or in enid so your faith is not the product of some sort of reflection or even choice it's just the function of the accident of birth had you been born in afghanistan you would surely be a muslim if you were born in india chances are you'd be a hindu so then this makes the ordinary god that's actually true man yeah you know how do i know that all this stuff is even true so what i'm getting at is you know in in an older america you could take christian assumptions for granted and the person who went from church to college was moving into a similar environment but now church is one thing let's call it the domain of revelation and college applies the skepticism of reason as an attack against revelation and a lot of christians find themselves like up against the wall and then when you're in college one of the natural phenomena is to want to be as smart as your professors they are seen as the cool guys hey i want to be like that guy i want to be able to talk like him i want to be able to maybe not look like him but but i want this is to me a model of sophistication i mean i felt that when i was at dartmouth i felt what does it mean to be a sophisticated you know ivy league graduate what does that mean and i wanted to conform myself to that let me resolve a tiny mystery of why asian americans who by the way are in their lifestyle super right wing they're to the right of pat robertson but they vote for the democrats why is that it makes no sense well here's the answer many of them find themselves in universities elite universities and professional institutions so when they think about assimilation they're assimilating to that culture which ends up being not american culture but progressive culture and so to them being an american and being cool being cool as an engineer or as a doctor as a software guy means walking and talking like the progressive bohemians around them that's why they act that way even though in terms of economics in terms of family values in terms of law and order they're natural conservatives but so far we've had trouble reaching them so i hope that's helpful the church and the family need to prepare christians better to live and thrive in secular culture excellent question we've got a couple down front we've got this one before you ask yours uh april just let me remind you we've got about six seven more minutes before we go and if you'd like to make a contribution to make things like this possible we have bill federer possibly coming to manual next month make a contribution tax deductible and put it in the offering box april your question okay we know that social media is being censored what about the search engines because i tried to research information about a certain movement to get both sides and i could only find one side so is there a search engine that is that we can trust to use well the predominant search engine is google and and the google the manipulation of the google search is maybe the most insidious of all because it is the search that's completely invisible to the person doing the search you naively enter a question in fact until very recently if you entered abraham lincoln yeah lincoln's name would come up but omitted is the republican party under the name of his party i think they had something like the national union party which is a party to which abraham lincoln briefly belonged early in his career and this was at a time when the whig party was dissolving there was a there was chaos before the republican party was started so one of the key founders of the republican party has his party affiliation conveniently omitted so this is very bad stuff very bad i think that ultimately the correct remedy for it is the federal government because these people need election interference fbi raids they need i mean they're they're doing all kinds of bad stuff but obviously if biden controls the executive branch none of this is going to happen in fact we can only predict this is going to get worse and we won't have a way without having the congress to overturn the section 230 rule so i did not think you know in my early years or even my reagan years that are basic civil liberties listed in the bill of rights by the way civil liberties that are never put up for popular referendum your right to free speech doesn't depend upon nine out of ten guys giving you permission even if nine eight out of ten guys are against you you still have the right to speak you still have the right to freedom of conscience you still have the right to own a gun so these rights are super rights because the constitution trumps existing laws so this is the situation we're in which i never thought our basic freedom of speech would become endangered in this way but it is it is excellent back here chris right here and then we've got one down on the front justin after this one okay thank you so much for coming to my hometown in enid oklahoma i actually just moved back to the area from jefferson county texas um so i've been a texas precinct chair and a state delegate and i even got to go to that federal hearing in texas in july 17th with dr stephen hotzy when they took our convention from us in texas i'm just tired i've um i'm more out and you know i know you definitely know what it's like to be kind of trampled on for your beliefs but i've had my amazon account hacked and my google account hacked i've had pictures taken off my social media and used on adult blog spots um after being interviewed for like the new york times and things like that i'm wore out the party of love and tolerance is breaking us grassroots folks um can you give us some words of encouragement yeah so the other side politically is very ruthless and very relentless um if i go on social media tonight and just tweet out some clips from things that i've said tonight as soon as i post 10 guys will come on my twitter and attack me and if you look at my twitter feed these attacks are often not even about what i say they're they'll attack me for my looks they'll attack my family they will you're a felon blah blah blah so the bottom line of it is their goal is to demean you to humiliate you to make you say man why am i even doing this you know they want you to quit and most of the time it's a pretty effective strategy now again i want to note for a minute we don't do this if nancy pelosi tweets right now no one goes on her twitter to go where's the vodka you're ugly you know makes make fun of her make fun of her ridicule her family ridicule her grandchildren i mean see that's my point we don't think like this i mean occasionally i do but but mostly mostly we don't and that's why they do it because they can one-sidedly get away with it um my solution and i don't know if this is a message of hope or not is um over the years you know when i was this started when i was a student at dartmouth i became a young conservative really because of ideas i discovered like hayek and milton friedman and soldier needs and the moment i began to think and write about this stuff i realized wow i didn't realize i've become this hateful individual i didn't realize people would come up to me in college and say ridiculous things like dinesh decolonize your mind you know decolonize my mind so they're assuming that the only reason i held these views is because my mind was somehow colonized so i thought to myself you know what am i going to do i mean i'm kind of a mild-mannered guy i'm actually very cordial in person and stuff but i thought number one i've got to develop a very thick skin number two and this seems a little bit perverse i have to actually learn to enjoy the fight this is i think in a way the secret lesson of trump trump is a mud wrestler who enjoys the mud he enjoys the mud um so i like to say that taking on trump is like wrestling with a pig because not only does it get everyone dirty but the pig likes it and and so they're trying to beat you down look we don't we don't live in the gulag there's only so much they can do at the end of the day even you know pastor wade was asking me in lunch he's like you know your confinement he goes what was that like it's like at the end of the day it was stupid i mean it was funny because here i am with all these big goons you know but we're in this dormitory you know and um and they knew i was not like them in fact i'd sit around in a circle like what did you do this was a murder what did you do oh yeah i was a coyote bringing you know smuggling drugs and and they go what did you do i go i gave too much money to a college friend of mine running for office and they were like what the they couldn't believe it they all start cheering me and stuff so at the end of the day i come out of this place you know and people think oh dinesh it's so you know you have so much courage and stuff like that i'm like the whole thing is dumb it's super dumb and uh and quite honestly at the end of the day i get this great kind of amusing phone call from trump and um and what this is a window into trump because trump goes i knew that your case was total right that's wrong i mean and i'm like uh and but the beauty of it is any other republican you know would have been like well i'm consulting with my strategist we're having a focus group what effect would the pardon of dinesh have on my image blah blah with trump it was none of that i know i knew this was an injustice i'm in a position to correct it i'm going to be giving you a pardon in the morning go out and have me an even bigger voice than you have been thank you mr president that's good all right and i tell you what we've got just two more quick questions let's make them quick justin here and then chris right down here at the front and these will be our last two before we go yes mr d'souza we would just like to thank you for coming to enid america and i think i speak on behalf of most of the people here when i say you're welcome back anytime thank you and my question is simple you mentioned at the end of your speech that you believe trump will win reelection could you just enlighten us on what gives you that confidence when it appears that the media is projecting that biden has crossed the 270 threshold so the biden projection is based on the idea that all these votes millions of them are all legal valid votes so that is the gigantic if that is being put before the court it's kind of like saying you know we had this intense basketball game and one team came out ahead and were projected that they're going to win by two points right but the point of going of taking this in the to the court is essentially to put the election into overtime and the point of the overtime is not to score additional points but just to check to make sure that the umpires and the referees who are refereeing the game weren't playing on one side yeah that is the unknown variable here yeah once you answer that question everything will fall into light if the umpires are all playing straight just calling the plays then we all pack up and go home and we accept it was a really close election and the ball just didn't fall on our side of the net so it was our we lost by a hair yeah that can happen but the other possibility is if there's hanky panky it will affect millions of votes not not 4 000 not the 5000 margin and it is going to throw the whole thing up in the air now the court's not going to call i don't think for a national recount but they have every right to say in these swing states where something very suspicious happened we're going to demand that all the contested votes be counted in the following manner and this can be done in three weeks so there's all kinds of ways the court if it wants to and of course how relieved are we that we have amy coney barrett yeah let's do this chris we'll have before the last question right here um and uh thank you for your time i think a great analogy is the last super bowl i think it was and it was instant replay the officials went under the hood to see if what everybody thought happened actually happened and and we're in basically instant replay not to change anything just to make sure things happen the way everybody says they did last question here yes ma'am i believe that we've known for a lot of elections that there's been fraud going along for a long time and so i've had the thought that trump's greatest gift to us might be to stop election fraud so i hope that that's true but how can we as the average american how can we support him because when abortion became legal polls say that 80 of americans were against it i think on both sides we are against election fraud and we want it to stop as americans but how do we do we just sit back here and watch we know what the left would be doing if they were upset what do we do how can we um make it known that we to the courts to the nation to trump and what do we do respectfully because we're not going to go out and burn down businesses good question no um and and look there are times when you can do things and the things you can do right now is is you know point out the hypocrisy of all these this kind of unity messaging see the reason the media is so eager to bring us all around and they're being actually really nice to us better than they've been for four years is because they know that if we're right not only does trump stay in the white house but they are exposed as the party that cheats that cat is now out of the bag very damaging very damaging to them plus who else knew did the media know did the digital moguls know who was complicit in this scheme that's a whole next level question by the way you tweeted that i tweeted yeah yeah my talks are basically an elevated collection of my tweets threaded together in a seemingly rational way um so well look the question was do you believe there was a coup the left has been attempting a coup since 2016. i mean what we know now if you think about it it's inconceivable to me that strzok and page and comey and clapper and brennan all went on independent surveillance expeditions no way somebody gave the order i think it's pretty obvious that somebody has the initials b.o so it goes all the way to the top and that means that this coup concept is not some fantastical notion we've come up with now the coup has been underway they've been trying one way or they tried the impeachment that was a form of a coup think about it what was the impeachment trump is raising questions over what hunter biden was doing in the ukraine today that seems like why are you only raising questions there's like smoking guns over there well you we should be sending a whole team to investigate you're just asking the head guy over there hey you may want to look into this one impeach what could be more ridiculous in retrospect so the bottom line of it is these guys are they're desperate and they are very mystified that think of it from their point of view they have unlocked unleashed this massive indoctrination strategy in education in the colleges they've got censorship they control the media you would think they'd win 90 of the vote but still they can't they barely get to 50 with all that imagine if we had that we'd get 90. so it's dawned on them that the american people are not on board now their point is give us time we haven't gotten done we're going to ramp it up we're going to do this we're going to do that but we've got to figure out ways where we basically escape the tentacles that they want to put around our neck we totally have the ability to do this i think this is the major task of the next few years and in my own case i've always you know pivoted my career when i see that this is the front line and one more message to you back we were talking about about being an activist paradoxically i found in my experience and i'm the guy to talk the guy who's been you know locked up but the safest space place is on the front line is on the front line because because there you can not only be the most effective um but you're in full view of what's going on and so you can come out as i have i mean i i went through a traumatic experience but i've come out stronger for it i literally can say i'm much stronger after than i was before and i see more clearly before i had a little naive view of american politics it's a debate between two camps that have rival ideals that they put for no it's it is that but it's also a gangster operation that's being run at the ground level and part of fighting is recognizing that you're up against the corleone family you know and you've got to take anti-mafia tactics in order to corral these guys and keep them under heel i think if we are know what we're up against we will be totally up to the job let's do this good job dinesh good job you all have been great we're out of time phil if you don't mind we're going to slip dinesh out be faithful to our promise to his wife debbie slipping back to the office books are available in the back but if you'll give me 30 seconds and dinesh you're on out just let him know again how much you appreciate him being here good job all right just just remain standing just remain standing just about 30 more seconds and we'll dismiss you sir what is your name right here what is your name you know right there tom tom i will pay you to come to emmanuel every sunday tom is doing that tom is doing that i love what you're doing there we go tom okay listen the the thing you heard tonight that i want you to to go with is this lift up your eyes to the hills from where our help comes our help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth remember that and know this if what you don't want to happen happens what could end up happening is better than what you wanted to happen god bless you you're dismissed [Music] again never breathed
Channel: emmanuelenid
Views: 175,585
Rating: 4.8803191 out of 5
Id: hu0kHJP5KWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 48sec (6768 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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