Celestials Multiverse Orgins Set Up Galactus & Guardians of the Galaxy 3 After Eternals & Thor 4?

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once mankind accepted a simple truth that they were not alone in this universe some worlds man believed to be home to their gods others they knew to fear [Applause] yo what is up everyone tay here hope everybody is doing lovely today i missed you guys i don't think i've talked to you since christmas it's been a while i got a super sick after christmas which sucked i did i was careful and was distancing and all that and i still got got so but yeah i mean i'm feeling better now you know how it is you kind of feel better a little at a time but i got a new video going um that i've been working on the last week it's another long one and we are going to talk all about the eternals and the celestials and the cosmic mcu and guardians of the galaxy vol 3 and a little bit about the guardian's holiday special and a little bit about thor 4 but just a lot of cosmic mcu stuff so i hope you watch to the end because there's a lot to go through and i know it seems kind of weird because one division just came out i just watched it the other night so it seemed might seem a little weird to be talking about something that's not one division since we've not had any mcu content in so long but uh i think i'm gonna probably give it another episode or two i definitely i i will say i loved the first two episodes especially the second one and i think with this show it's going to just slowly unveil itself as it goes along and it'll just get better and better so well i definitely liked the first two episodes and there definitely was a lot of clues and hints that i could talk about but all those other channels are talking about that stuff already and you guys probably know what they are a lot of red references stuff like that so in today's vid we are going to talk about some cosmic mcu stuff and i'm going to let that play out for another episode or two until we get some stuff that i can really sink my teeth into and talk about so i hope you guys are cool with that but i did love it and i am excited to talk about it so if you are new to the channel make sure you subscribe so you don't miss that because marvel and the mcu is what we talk about here mostly we do long form mcu content longer videos but now that we are getting into the disney plus era with all the weekly shows that'll be coming up i'm sure we will be mixing in some shorter videos so we can talk about some of these episodes but for the most part still long mcu content and if you want to check out any of the past videos you may have missed you can find those linked in the description down below anyways enough with all that now let's get into it are we going to see the return of the celestials celestials are a big part of it you've seen it you've seen a little bit of celestials in guardians of the galaxy nowhere's the severed head of a celestial we will see the celestials in their full true enormous power in eternals yes okay so first let's talk about the celestials and i'm sure everybody that's a big fan of the mcu knows at least a little bit about the celestials because we've gotten a few glimpses and references to the celestials already in past mcu projects in guardians of the galaxy and also avengers infinity war we saw nowhere which is the cosmic space city that exists inside the head of an ancient fallen celestial and in guardians of the galaxy we also saw a flashback scene of the celestial essen the searcher laying waste to an unknown planet using the power stone and then also in guardians of the galaxy vol 2 peter quill's father ego claims to be a celestial being as well which is something we are going to talk about a little bit later in the video and in the comics the celestials are two thousand foot tall beings whose origins go back to the beginning of the multiverse really to the beginning even before the multiverse because the creator of these celestials is an ancient cosmic entity known as the first firmament and the first firmament is basically the personification of the very first universe in existence even before the multiverse so back at this point in time the multiverse didn't exist there was only the first firmament which was the first universe and during this time the first firmament basically got lonely and created the aspirants who existed to serve and worship the first firmament but some of those aspirants started to have their own individual thoughts and desires and like the first firmament they too wanted to expand and evolve the universe by creating more life and these colorful rebels became known as the celestials and this of course created a conflict between the first firmament and the aspirants and they went to war with the celestials and what ends up happening is the celestials actually ended up shattering the first firmament into pieces and those pieces became their own separate universes and this is the backstory of how the multiverse was created and first came into existence and then after that the celestials in their own home universe went on and traveled throughout the cosmos creating new life forms like the eternals and various other life forms on different planets throughout space because in the comics the celestials are responsible for creating life forms such as humans the eternals the deviants and the scrolls as well as indirectly creating mutants and there's a bunch of other life forms they've created in the universe as well and just recently we got a new eternals movie synopsis as well as some eternals character bios and this comes from a company that is selling eternals merchandise and what happens is those companies get sent a synopsis and bios from marvel studios to include with their products and based on the new information that has come out from this new eternal synopsis and character bios it sounds like marvel studios will be sticking pretty close to the same basic details when it comes to the celestial's origins in the mcu as they were in the comics because what this new info says about these celestials in the eternals movie and the mcu in general is that the celestials are quote a race of cosmic builders whose fingerprints are on the very building blocks of life itself and then adds that the celestial's work spans the vastness of the cosmos meaning their life forms are spread throughout the entire universe but that few in the universe can conceive the celestial's true nature even though their influence is felt in the very fabric of existence so by these details in this new synopsis we know that the celestials are referred to as cosmic builders and that their origins go back to the beginning of the universe the same as it does in the comics and that in the mcu they will be beings that have seeded the universe with different life forms among which will be the deviants and eternals it also seems very likely that in the mcu it will also be revealed that the celestials have also had some kind of hand in the evolution of humanity as well so yeah i just wanted to quickly touch on that with the celestials before we get into the deeper stuff so enough with that and now let's move on and quickly touch on the eternals and jack kirby created these characters the eternals that is an epic that spans seven thousand years of human history has cosmic connotations changes everything we know about the mcu deviants yeah yes deviants are in the film the deviancy and eternals in the in the jack kirby mythology and the complex mythology were both extremely important plans of the celestials all right so in the comics the eternals were created alongside humans and deviants millions of years ago when the celestials first visited earth so the eternals originated on earth and then a civil war erupted amongst the eternals and this basically resulted in two different factions of eternals leaving earth for space with one group being led by uranus creating a settlement on the planet uranus and then the eternal alars creating a eternals civilization on titan however in the mcu it sounds like this will actually be one of the elements that is different from the comics because instead of the eternals originating on earth this group of 10 eternals we will see in the movie are actually from another planet in space and will have been sent to earth by these celestials to protect humanity from the threat of the deviants and due to some of these recent eternals lego leaks we also know that in the movie the eternals will have a triangular spacecraft named domo which to me looks like it's modeled after the pyramid of winds from the original jack kirby eternal saga and in these new character bios it's confirmed that the eternals will be forced to reunite in the present day after the events of avengers end game with icarus and cersei finding the other eight eternals who are spread across earth and bring them back together to face off against the deviants once again and in the comics the eternals were created by the celestials and did have a kind of symbiotic relationship with the celestials but for the most part especially in older eternals comics like the original jack kirby saga the eternals were really left to fend for themselves on earth after they were created and didn't have constant communication with the celestials but it sounds like that will be a little bit different in the mcu and that the eternals will be pretty close with the celestials in that the eternals were created by the celestials as their benevolent servants and as the ones they send out to protect other species and in these new character bios they also reveal what each individual eternals power set will be and also what their role within the team will be so for instance ajak is described as the team's spiritual leader and it says that she has the ability to tap into cosmic energy in order to heal both any humans or any eternals and ajac is also listed as being the only eternal who can communicate with the celestials and since the celestials are the ones who basically command the eternals this kind of makes ajax the de facto leader since she is the one that speaks for the celestials but then there is also icarus and it also lists icarus as one of the eternal's leaders but that he is the leader when the team needs to go into battle and that he is basically the eternal's tactical military leader and it says that icarus has super strength and the ability to fly and that he can also fire rays of cosmic energy from his eyes and cersei will also have the ability to manipulate any non-sentient matter into any form she can imagine and this ability is also a little bit similar to what it says about fasto's power set which it says that he can also manipulate matter but that he requires the raw materials necessary to do so and then when he has those materials he can manipulate them into any form he chooses and then the strongest member of the eternals team that we will see in the movie is gilgamesh and he's kind of like the eternals version of the hulk he's not as strong as the hulk but he's the big strong powerful character and it says that gilgamesh will be able to tap into cosmic energy and manifest an exoskeletal suit of armor which i imagine will probably look similar to what his armor looks like in the comics then there is also kingo and kingo will have the ability to form cosmic energy projectile blasts and then there is also sprite who is forced to look like a kid for all of eternity and it says that sprite has the ability to cast magical illusions so probably something a little bit similar to loki and then there is also athena and it says that athena will be able to form cosmic energy into any kind of handheld weapon that she can imagine and then lastly there is druid and in the comics druid is sometimes a member of the eternals team but sometimes he's a villain to the eternals he's definitely the black sheep so i imagine the same thing will be the case in the mcu and we will probably see him make a villain turn at some point in the movie but it says that in the mcu druid has the ability to tap into cosmic energy in order to psychically control other people's minds which definitely makes sense for druid okay so out of all these eternals bios the one who actually stood out the most and was the most interesting was the bio for makari which i was not expecting and in the comics makari is sort of your basic speedster character with abilities similar to someone like quicksilver but based on what this bio says in the mcu her powers are going to be much more complex than that because what her bio says is that she will be the fastest woman in the universe and that she is a cosmic speedster that has the ability to run through space and that she will use her cosmic speed to travel the cosmos scouting planets for the eternals and the cosmic speedster part of this bio sounds very similar to a character from the comics called the runner who is one of the elders of the universe and the runner was a cosmic speedster who can also run in space and in the thanos quest story it was revealed that he was getting his powers from his interactions with the space stone and with makari running through space and scouting planets this definitely has a noticeable tone and similarity to the heralds of galactus such as the silver surfer who travels the cosmos searching for planets for galactus to consume now i'm not sure why makari will need to scout planets for the eternals in the movie perhaps it could be that they are looking for other civilizations that might need their help or maybe makari and the eternals are searching for planets with young primitive species like earth was millions of years ago for these celestials to come to and continue their cosmic expansion in creating new evolved forms of life and seeding new life throughout the cosmos or maybe the eternals are looking for a new home planet or something along those lines i don't know but it's definitely a cool concept and it sort of sounds like makari and the eternals in a way could be like heralds of the celestials finding new planets and preparing them for the celestial's arrival or for the celestials to come and see new life almost like a light version of what galactus is and that he consumes life maybe in the mcu the celestials being the ones that create life and they have their own heralds in a way with the eternals and another thing you will notice about these eternals bios is that they all make reference to the eternal's powers coming from their ability to tap into quote cosmic energy and that same wording is used in every bio cosmic energy and some people have already pointed this out but it sounds a bit similar to how characters like galactus and silver surfer get their powers from what is called the power cosmic and in the comics the power cosmic is the cosmic energy that runs through all living things in the universe so perhaps with the eternals being able to tap into what these bios and is calling cosmic energy perhaps that is kind of marvel studios laying the foundation to introduce galactus and the power cosmic for future projects and in guardians of the galaxy vol 2 they already sort of set up a different type of celestial cosmic energy from ego because in guardians of the galaxy vol 2 ego says he is a celestial and that his source of celestial power comes from what he describes as his light which is the celestial energy he passed on to his son quill and that is actually what i want to talk about next so let's get to that and we can expand upon that and what it could mean for guardians of the galaxy vol 3 and also the eternals there's so much that i need to teach you about this planet and the light within they are a part of you peter yes yes whoa yes okay so as we discussed earlier in the video we've had several references and even a few actual inclusions of these celestials in the mcu up to this point and back at comic con 2019 kevin feige briefly talked about this and did mention ego as a part of the celestials but you'll actually notice that feige actually makes the same small g motion with his hands that ego does when he says that he's a god with a small g in guardians of the galaxy vol 2. i'm what's called a celestial sweetheart a celestial like a god small g son but yes the celestials go back a long way among all i mean we heard about them the collector told us a little bit about a celestial we know that nowhere it's a severed head of a celestial we know ego was involved in them but we learned much more about them in their agenda and what they've been up to and you notice what feige specifically says there is that ego was involved with the celestials and i think what may be going on in the mcu when it comes to ego and the celestials may be a few different things first of all in the marvel cinematic universe there is this impression that throughout the universe the celestials are basically like this cosmic legend with all sorts of ancient myths and stories surrounding them that only the older cosmic beings in the universe or those who have really studied the universe would know about so one possibility to consider because ego is so old that maybe he's just lying or over exaggerating to make himself seem more powerful but like i showed in that clip just there kevin feige did include ego as a part of the celestials when he was talking about him so another thing to consider is that maybe in the mcu the term celestial could be one that's used throughout the universe as a sort of umbrella term for any kind of ancient powerful cosmic entity or god and doesn't always apply to the gigantic celestials we know from the comics but we do know from the recent eternal synopsis that like in the comics the celestials will be these ancient beings that have been around since the beginning of the universe and in guardians of the galaxy vol 2 we learned that ego has also been around since the formation of the universe or at least those very early days of the universe and that he started out as just a sentient form of cosmic energy of drift in the universe and as he became more intelligent ego started to grow his own mass around him which became his planet i don't know where i came from exactly first thing i remember is flickering adrift in the cosmos utterly and entirely alone over millions of years i learned to control the molecules around me and i continued building from there layer by layer the very planet you walk on now so as we are reminded of in that clip there in the mcu ego started out as a sentient energy alone in the universe and because he was alone he ended up evolving and when he evolved he didn't have anything else to base his evolution off of so he took on the form of a planet and maybe they could play around with that same concept or a similar concept when it comes to the celestials we will see in the eternals movie that maybe they could have also started off as sentient energy in the universe but instead of them evolving to take on the form of a planet they took on the form of these gigantic humanoid robot looking things and in guardians vol 2 ego even refers to his cosmic powers as his light which is also what the celestial's power has been referred to at times in the comics as well which that same terminology has also been used at times in the comics to describe the celestial's cosmic energy and the celestials are cosmic builders that see life throughout the universe which ego has that same ability as a cosmic builder since he was able to not only grow his own planet but he then proceeded to seed other planets throughout the cosmos with parts of himself to continue his cosmic expansion and he did this in guardians vol 2 in the form of those little light plants but you can still see the similarities in how ego is also a kind of cosmic builder as to what is being described with these celestials we will see in the eternals movie but since he evolved alone he became a bit darker and he wanted to use his celestial light and his ability to expand the universe for his own malevolent purposes as opposed to the other celestials who are cosmic builders and are a bit more benevolent and want to see the universe and create good things another thing is is that all this stuff in the mcu we've been talking about in regards to the cosmic power that fuels these celestials that they have passed on to the eternals could also factor into star lords bigger story within the mcu as well because in the first guardians of the galaxy movie quill is able to hold and harness the power of an infinity stone without dying the way that tony stark did in avengers end game and at the end of the movie nova prime tells him that it's because he's not entirely human and that he's half human and half something else and then in guardians of the galaxy volume 2 we learned that this is because he is ego's son and that the same way the celestials have passed on a fraction of their power to the eternals ego passed on some of his celestial power to star-lord and this may not be exactly the same it's not apples to apples but this kind of makes star-lord very close to being an eternal i mean in guardians of the galaxy vol 2 on ego's planet once he learns about these celestial powers he has he's able to fly and he's able to manifest blue cosmic energy he can even use that cosmic energy to form and construct his own matter the same way that fastos and cersei will be able to in the eternal movie according to those character bios and at the end of guardians of the galaxy vol 2 we are led to believe that quill can only use these powers because he's on ego's planet and he's able to tap into the cosmic celestial energy at the core of ego's planet and that after ego died all of star-lord's celestial power left him but i don't know if i quite buy that i mean it depends on where james gunn wants to go with guardians of the galaxy vol 3 and star lord's character but it seems to me like they've left the door open for them to be able to bring back star lord's power at a later date if they choose to because for one thing after guardians of the galaxy vol 2 came out james gunn did hint that we may see ego return in a future movie which that could make sense because even though ego's planet was destroyed all the celestial seeds all those little light plants he planted across the universe still exist so ego could always grow a new form and a new body or even a new planet from one of these little plants that he's placed all over the universe so if ego still exists or some of his celestial light still exists in the universe then star-lord could potentially tap into that to bring back his powers but also that may not even be a factor because at the end of guardians of the galaxy when quill harnessed the power of the power stone he was not ego's planet he was on xandar so this would suggest that he doesn't need to be in close proximity to ego for his powers to manifest and another way that james gunn and marvel studios could perhaps bring back star lord's powers or come up with a way to make that work is that if star lords celestial power can only be drawn upon by being in close proximity to the energy of a celestial like he was in guardians 2 when he was on ego's planet he was able to tap into the energy at the core of the planet then maybe that will work if he's in close proximity to any celestial power maybe it doesn't have to be ego's celestial power so for instance if star-lord was in the presence of another celestial or a celestial power source could his powers perhaps return like perhaps what if star lord was on nowhere could he then draw some of the ancient celestial energy from that giant celestial skull into himself as like a battery source of for that energy or maybe they could even explain it that quill can even draw upon any kind of ancient cosmic energy like the infinity stones maybe in the first guardians of the galaxy movie maybe it was actually the power stone that was fueling peter's celestial energy so he could actually withstand holding it but anyways let's move on now because another thing i want to talk about in this video that ties into the celestials and the cosmic mcu and guardians of the galaxy and guardians of the galaxy vol 3 and possibly thor 4 is the elders of the universe and their connection to the celestials in the mcu before creation itself there were six singularities then the universe exploded into existence and the remnants of these systems were forged into concentrated ingots infinity stones okay so i wanted to quickly touch on the elders of the universe characters and their connection to the celestials in the mcu and what the future for those characters will be and what this means because this is something in the mcu that i've just i have a lot of interest in and i hope we see explored in future projects and i just think there's some cool things into this that have yet to be explained and in the comics the elders of the universe are a group of ancient and powerful characters that have been around since the earliest days of the universe they are remnants of you know the universe of old and the most of them are the last surviving members of their race and members of the elders roster in the comics include the collector and also the grand master as well as the runner who i mentioned earlier and then there is also tricho the champion court the traitor ord the gardener which elements of the gardener were adapted into ego's character in guardians of the galaxy vol 2 because in the comics ego is just a planet then there's also the collector's daughter karina and we sort of saw the mcu version of karina in the first guardians of the galaxy movie but it's a little bit different than it was in the comics and then there is also characters like the inbetweener and ego the living planet who weren't officially elders of the universe but were a part of the elders team in the comics and then besides that there's a bunch of other elders of the universe in the comics as well but those are some of the big ones now of course in the mcu we've already seen a few of these elders introduced with characters like ego and the collector and the grand master and in the comics the collector and the grand master are actually brothers and kevin feige has confirmed that that is also the case in the mcu that they are also brothers in the mcu and there's been several different theories out there regarding these elders and their connections to these celestials in the mcu with some even thinking that like ego the collector and the grand master are also some kind of celestial gods with a small g's you know so maybe not big celestials but some kind of celestial beings with connections to the big celestials because like we've been talking about ego claims to be a celestial and in the mcu films both the collector and the grand master have undeniable connections to the celestials with the collector he actually lives inside an ancient celestial's head on nowhere and when he first meets the guardians in the first guardians film he shows them a clip of the celestial essen the searcher destroying an unspecified civilization with the power stone and it's made clear that he seems to know a lot about the celestials and in disneyland's guardians of the galaxy ride mission breakout they've also included a side attraction that's a part of that that's called the tavonne collection and it's modeled after the collector's display room from guardians of the galaxy and is full of all sorts of mcu easter eggs among which is the faces of several of the celestial beings and we'll come back to that in a minute but first let's talk about the grand master because the grand master has made his domain in the trash planet sakar which is literally the dumping grounds of the universe and in the marvel studios visual dictionary it's revealed that sakhar is littered with the corpses of giant ancient celestials so i would very much like to know what went down on sakhar in the past and if there was some kind of giant celestial battle there or if these pieces of celestials have just come there through wormholes because it's the trash planet of the universe and it makes sense because the grand master has also modeled much of sakaar in the colorful imagery of the celestials with his royal guard even all wearing armor that is designed to look like that of various celestial beings another small connection the grand master has to the celestials and it's not so much in the movies but was that the grand master mini funko pop figure or the funko minis they released one when thor ragnarok came out that showed the grand master in a energy form and this funko mini was labeled as the grand master in his celestial form now all these celestial connections to these two characters could just be because both of them have been around since the earliest days of the universe when the celestials were a big looming force over the universe that everyone who was alive at that time knew about and perhaps worshipped as gods but another possible option that's a little bit more interesting is that maybe characters like the grand master and the collector and any other elders of the universe that marvel studios may introduce in future projects are actually some kind of celestial being similar to ego and one way this could work or one theory on this is that the giant celestials that we will see in the eternals movie that these beans could be pure cosmic energy that are just encapsuled inside these gigantic suits of armor so if something like that was the case then perhaps the grand master and the collector are celestials that have just decided to either leave behind their previous gigantic forms and choose to live in a more humanoid form so if something like that was the case then perhaps the grand master and the collector have left behind their previous gigantic forms for some reason or another either they decided to live as you know small humanoid figures or maybe something happened to them that made them not as powerful so they had no choice but to live as just normal human looking figures but another twist on that same theory goes back to what we learned about ego in guardians of the galaxy vol 2 where it's revealed that ego's power comes from the celestial light at the core of his planet and because of this if ego is away from his planet for too long away from his light source then his celestial powers start to fade if i don't return regularly to my planet and the light within it this form will wither and perish and this is why ego had plans for his big cosmic expansion i mean for one thing he just wanted to take over the universe but the other was if he planted seeds of his light all over the universe then he would have power wherever he went and this is an interesting detail as it could potentially set a precedent in the mcu that celestial beings have a core power source of cosmic energy and if they are away from that power source for too long then they start to then lose their power and a story detail like this could go on to explain why these celestials have been notably absent from big events in the universe of the mcu for so long it's not that they are dead but rather they have just been you know sticking close to home to their native realm or their native planets because if they leave for too long then they will lose their power and maybe they were gone for a long time and their powers got drained so they had to go back to where they came from and rebuild their power sources which for all we know could take thousands of years so if it turned out that characters like the grand master and the collector were somehow actually celestials then maybe marvel studios could say what happened to them was that they were celestials at one point but they just stayed away from their power source of celestial energy for too long and therefore lost their celestial powers and they can still live a long time they just don't have the same powers they used to and you know this is all just spitballing different backstories that marvel studios could go with that they could introduce at some point if they ever want to go further into the backstories of characters like the collector and the grandmaster and introduce other elders of the universe at some point which i think they will but i do think something like that isn't crazy because they've already set the precedent of having ego be a celestial so they could definitely do something like that with characters like the collector and the grandmaster and other elders of the universe and from the sounds of it it looks like we will eventually learn more about at least the collector and the grand master because both those actors benicio del toro and jeff goldblum have expressed interest in doing more mcu projects and exploring those characters and kevin feige himself has said on multiple occasions that he wants to bring both the collector and the grand master back and have them appear in a cosmic mcu project together which i love this idea and what i would really like to see is the formation of a full elders of the universe team in the mcu that could go on to be a sort of cosmic villain super team you know they could bring back ego and pair him with the collector and the grandmaster in some way and then i would also like to see the introduction of other characters like the in-betweener the champion and maybe even the grand master's daughter voyager and any other elders of the universe from the comics they might like to introduce as well and with thanos totally wrecking the collector's museum on nowhere in avengers infinity war it would make sense for the collector to go chill with his brother the grandmaster on sakhar for a little bit so he can regroup and collect his power back and there's been rumors that the grand master may return in thor 4 partly due to jeff goldblum himself saying he was speaking with marvel studios about coming back and the collector could potentially return in any number of upcoming cosmic mcu projects like thor 4 or guardians of the galaxy vol 3 but one of the projects i really think has potential for us to see either one or both of the grand master and the collector return in is in guardians of the galaxy the holiday special that will air on disney plus which i imagine will probably be around an hour long and since james gunn is writing and directing the holiday special to come out several months before guardians volume 3 i think it's pretty likely that he will use that as an opportunity to set up guardians 3. but since it's this holiday special it won't be nearly as serious and it'll give him a chance to kind of explore some fun characters and some fun little side stories that he wouldn't normally put into a big movie like guardians 3 but he could explore in something like that so i do think there's potential for us to see one of those characters especially the collector in that holiday special and going back to the guardians of the galaxy mission breakout ride at disneyland disney's joe rhodes said that the collector's museum portion of mission breakout is full of mcu easter eggs and he said some of these are from past movies and that there's also a lot of easter eggs for many upcoming mcu projects and two of these easter eggs were these paintings that were done by ryan minerdine who is marvel studios head of visual development and one of these paintings is the collector holding some unknown cosmic artifact so it'll be interesting to see if we ever learn what this cosmic artifact is and then the other painting is the really interesting one because this one shows the grand master and the collector sitting together playing some kind of game of cosmic chess and they are sitting in the grand masters viewing room that we saw in thor ragnarok in sakaar and kevin feige has actually suggested in a past interview that this painting may be of a scene that we will see appear in some kind of future mcu project and another interesting detail about this painting that goes back to the whole connection between the elders and the celestials is that ryan meiner dean actually signed his name to this using the celestial alphabet and it's not just this painting that has the celestial alphabet on it it's actually all of the attractions and all the stuff on the walls and signs on the walls everywhere in the tavon collection portion of mission breakout at disneyland is covered in the celestial language and in the real world there is actually an ancient alphabet that's called the celestial alphabet but this is not that this is actually an entirely new alphabet that has been created by marvel studios for the presumably the celestials and at some point we will probably see this introduced into the actual movies most likely in the eternals movie and we have seen writing similar to this in the movies in guardians of the galaxy vol 2 we also saw a language on quill's shirt that i believe is called clin and while it's different that definitely has similarities to these celestial alphabets and another one that's really interesting and is very close is the cree language and the cree glyphs that we mostly saw in captain marvel and a little bit and guardians of the galaxy and like i said the cree glyphs are definitely similar but not exactly the same but i really like this concept and i think including this in the mcu could really help the mcu explore the past of the celestials in the universe and the very big influence they've had on the universe for instance in the comics the celestials also visited hala millions of years ago just like they did on earth and they experimented on ancient blue cree so perhaps in the mcu at some point if they wanted to they could explore that connection and say that the cree are actually influenced by the celestials and their language is similar because of that and they could also do something like make the celestial language sort of like the cosmic version of latin in the marvel cinematic universe where it's this dead language but if you talk to certain people or go to certain parts of the universe they still speak it and characters like this could include the elders of the universe like the collector and the grand master and also they could of course include it and make it a big part of the eternals and maybe even in the movie we find out that the eternal's native language is the celestial language or somehow tie that to what happens in the eternals movie and that backstory because we know in the eternals movie that the main events will take place on the present day of the mcu after avengers end game but there's going to be tons of flashbacks showing us the whole history of the marvel cinematic universe specifically the celestial's influence on the marvel cinematic universe and the eternals so this is another little cool easter egg that ties the collector to the celestials and might mean that his native language is that of the celestials that existed thousands or millions of years ago in the universe and another project i would really like to see marvel studios create that could be centered around the elders of the universe is a contest of champions disney plus show because we already saw the grand master's own contest of champions arena battles on sakhar in thor ragnarok and in the comics the elders of the universe were the focal points of a contest of champions comic series where each different member of the elders of the universe would abduct some powerful alien character from some planet throughout the universe and all the elders would gamble on who they thought would win and i just think that would be a cool fun project that marvel studios could do now that they are doing all these disney plus shows and they already introduced the concept of the contest of champions in thor ragnarok so that's already set up plus it would just be a very cool way for marvel studios to introduce an abundance of cosmic new characters that could be brought in to battle in the contest of champions and then could spin off into other movies and shows but anyways i think we should probably call it there at this point because i think i've been talking for like an hour at this point or close to so we should probably call it there i was originally going to do one last section of this video where we talked about thanos's connections to the celestials and the eternals and what's going on with thanos in the eternals movie and how all of that could tie together but i think i'm gonna have to save it for one of the next videos and just do a shorter video on that because this video is already going on too long so keep an eye out for that because i definitely want to cover that since i have all these different ideas written down but um we'll save that for one of the next ones but anyways i hope you guys like this video i love talking about all the cosmic trippy stuff going on in the mcu and where it could be going so if you like this video please like and subscribe and also remember of course the best way to support the channel is to share the video that greatly helps so please share if you liked it with any of your nerdy friends and also come hit me up on twitter that is the best place to get a hold of me and get at me with your questions and topic requests or just come see what we're talking about over there with other mcu stuff we might not talk about here and lastly remember you can find the links to any of the videos you may have missed in the description down below anyways thank you so much for watching everyone and i will be back soon [Music] foreign
Channel: KindaCulty
Views: 256,199
Rating: 4.8431177 out of 5
Keywords: eternals, guardians of the galaxy vol 3, thor 4, wandavision, celestials, marvel, mcu, galactus, power cosmic, silver surfer, thor ragnarok, the collector, grandmaster, contest of champions, elders of the universe, star lord, comic book movies, multiverse, kevin feige, pop culture, nerd culture, movie news, cosmic mcu, phase 4, thanos, avengers endgame, avengers, ikaris, makkari, richard madden, gotg3, arishem, disney+, phase 5, captain marvel, ego the living planet, heralds of galactus
Id: OE7y1qtLXbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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