The Eternals: The Celestials Origins & Powers | Geek Culture Explained

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what's going on guys this is rob and with the newest eternals trailer giving us our first real look at the celestials in the mcu which by the way i think they look fantastic i thought it'd be a great time to make an origins and powers video on the celestials themselves you could have at least some idea of what to expect going into the mcu after all we may not see an exact duplication of their powers or origins from the comics in the mcu but at the very least you'd be able to keep up with everybody else's conversations when they're talking about things so here is the origin of the celestials wind the clock back to before the multiverse before anything and all you had was the one above all now the one above all was in effect god in marvel comics right and still is right he's this immutable indestructible force and what the one above all had done as its first real foray into creating life was to create the first firmament also known as the first universe the idea here was that the first universe was basically autonomous it could do whatever it wanted to do but it was lonely and so what it did was basically create children and so you can kind of think of the first universe as a kind of sentience of a universe itself basically like a giant empty chasm and so in creating its children which it called the aspirants what they started doing was creating things to fill this universal space solar systems and galaxies and stars and different things like that now the way this worked is that the aspirants whenever they created a thing a planet life on that planet stars galaxies whatever they would approach the first universe and they would ask its permission or ask if it was satisfied with what they'd done and if the first universe was happy with their creation then their creation would continue on to its eventual end whatever that end happened to be right an asteroid hitting a planet and the planet gets destroyed a galaxy being sucked into a supermassive black hole at its center doesn't really matter but if the first universe said it was unhappy with their creation the aspirants would destroy what they created and then start over again now while that whole process was going on there was actually a faction of aspirants that didn't believe the first universe was perfect in its form that it actually felt like life including the universe itself as well as themselves should understand growth change and mortality basically meaning they should experience dying and being reborn as something different than what they were before and so as a result of this two things happen the first is that these rebels cast off their name aspirin and instead started calling themselves celestials the second thing that happened is that they were branded heretics by the first universe and this led to a holy war between the celestials and the aspirants themselves now this holy war was massive in scale as you would expect with a war between two races both of which have the ability to alter reality on its most fundamental scale right to alter the very fabric of the universe itself it was pretty big this actually led to the aspirants creating something called the god killer armor which was like this 25 000 foot tall armor that was used by the aspirants to literally hunt down and destroy celestials now for reasons that are never really given to us what we end up finding out is that the aspirants had essentially gotten themselves involved in a civil war and that what the celestials had done is they had used that opportunity to basically capitalize and destroy the aspirants the second thing they did is they detonated what amounted to a cosmic bomb and when it went off it essentially shattered the first universe into an infinite number of pieces and that's where the first multiverse comes from and so following that with the the aspirants dead the first universe essentially now becoming the first multiverse this led to the celestials essentially duplicating themselves and then spreading throughout the entirety of the multiverse and that's why you have celestials in every universe throughout the whole multiverse and they're all basically duplicates of each other because they are in effect duplicates they made copies and just kind of sent themselves forward now having said all of that what's the power of the celestials and as a bonus question what do celestials do okay the power of the celestials is basically infinite they can do anything they want to these guys have the power to create life to destroy life presumably to resurrect the dead they have the power to alter reality on a cosmic scale they can do basically anything they want to the funny thing is you don't really see it all that often in marvel comics instead the power of the celestials is relegated to the roles they play in marvel comics now there are a couple caveats for example tiamu the dreaming celestial is probably the most powerful of all the celestials this dude's so powerful that like the cosmic entities are even afraid of them right like galactus we know is afraid of them presumably the other cosmic entities are afraid of them the watcher who sees everything couldn't see the dreaming celestial when he woke up i mean this guy is just it's absurd how powerful the dreaming celestial is but he's quite literally dreaming he's unconscious and he's just been on earth for a really long time hopefully we'll see him in the mcu with regards to the other celestials and this is something that's particularly interesting because a lot of people ask about that this guy is named ereshim the judge the whole idea behind irish and the judge is part and parcel to the bigger role that the celestials play so the idea is that while the celestials can basically do anything they want to what they've chosen to do is basically shepherd the evolutionary process of sentient beings across the whole universe what does that mean it basically means they travel from planet to planet experimenting on life and then watching those experiments unfold the way this works and we can use earth as an example since it's something that we talked about in our previous video as well as kind of reiterating here is that the celestials showed up on earth at a previous point in time they modified the genes of early man which led to the deviants the eternals and then the eventual development of the mutant gene which gave us mutants in marvel comics the celestials after conducting that original experiment left earth to go do whatever it is they were going to do they eventually returned a few more times and that's what they do now with earth it was a little bit different because there were some situations unfolding that required their attention here like when the deviants enslaved humanity when you had the sky fathers so like zeus and odin and those guys who were getting involved in the affairs of mortal men and altering the potential destiny of humanity as the celestials originally wanted to see it unfold under any normal circumstance they never would have shown back up but because of those things they had to get involved but what the celestials would normally do is they would conduct their experiment on a world then they'll leave then they'll come back and they'll judge that experiment now the judgment process is upheld by somebody called irishm the judge and ereshim will basically show up and he'll analyze the experiment analyze basically the world and if he judges in favor of it the world just continues on and everything's fine if ereshim judges against the world then the world is completely sanitized and when i say sanitized i mean completely cleansed all life on that world is completely and totally eradicated and then following that the celestial gardeners will step in and they'll start the process of seeding life on that world and then the entire experimentation process will begin again and the celestials will leave then they'll come back and they'll judge it again right this is kind of how that whole thing works that's the role they play in the universe but despite that being their role they're immensely powerful and there's multiple instances when you can look at marvel comics and get a good idea of how powerful they are now the question you guys are undoubtedly going to be asking and that other people are going to be asking here is how does the power of the celestials compare to the power of an infinity gauntlet okay this is probably going to be the most popular question anybody's going to ask the celestials are not necessarily equal to the power of an infinity gauntlet but they kind of are it's a weird situation so when you look at what the celestials do they they modify and they alter the fabric of the universe right it's like picking up a pen and writing on paper that's really all it is when it comes to something like the infinity gauntlet it makes you one with the universe so it's like you are the pin and you are the paper right uh it really allows a far more nuanced scale more specifically than that in terms of how marvel explains it it's just a hierarchy right having the infinity gauntlet makes you more powerful than a celestial we know that because when thanos had the infinity gauntlet in the original infinity gauntlet story the celestials couldn't overpower him in fact nobody could not even eternity the walking talking embodiment of the universe itself could not overpower thanos so the infinity gauntlet is basically top tier when it comes to any one particular universe i personally think the cosmic cube is as well just because the cosmic cube is basically a wishing box so you can do anything you want with it as long as you possess a cosmic cube you can define the laws of physics you can do all kinds of crazy things but for their power the the celestials are basically just these wildly powerful beings right there's nothing they cannot do there's nothing beyond their ability to achieve because of the power they possess if you can imagine it they can do it that's just the kind of power they have the biggest issue is you don't really see them using that power because that's not the role they play in the universe it's like galactus right the role of galactus is to basically maintain universal balance by traveling from world of world that's life-sustaining and consuming that world thereby destroying it and most likely eradicating all the people on it but just because galactus does that does not mean that he's not wildly powerful he's insanely powerful you just don't really see him using his power on that level very often and indeed that's from most of the cosmic entities you see in marvel comics eon eternity infinity the in-betweener a lot of these guys right they have insane levels of power you just don't really see them use that power all that often one because it probably wouldn't make for a very compelling story and two because they just don't really need to if we're being honest with ourselves though when it comes to these things the infinity gauntlet the celestials eternity infinity these cosmic entities like galactus and all that kind of stuff their level of power is so extreme there might as well not be any differentiation i mean sure technically the infinity gauntlet is more powerful than a celestial but when you're talking about the ability to warp or alter reality on a universal scale to manipulate time to scan and control the thoughts of all beings in existence to literally reshape reality as you see fit there really is no differentiation there i guess the big difference is that the infinity gauntlet can alter reality harder than the celestials can i don't know i don't really know how you justify that but marvel does they give us a kind of hierarchy and just sort of go forward from there with that being said guys we're gonna bring this to an end if you guys are looking for a more comprehensive explanation about the celestials something that will give you a ton of information way more than i gave you here make sure you guys check out the link down in the description it'll take you to my celestials explained video over at comics explain where i will make you an expert on the the race group team whatever you want to call them in the span of about 20 to 25 minutes covering a lot more information than we covered here and yeah i will catch you all later peace
Channel: Geek Culture Explained
Views: 147,003
Rating: 4.9462867 out of 5
Keywords: who are the celestials, the celestials, eternals celestials, eternals the celestials, the eternals celestials, celestials the eternals, the celestials explained, celestials explained, celestials origins, celestials powers, celestials origins explained, geek culture explained, mcu celestials, celestials mcu, celestials eternals, marvel celestials, marvel, mcu, eternals, the eternals, celestials eternals trailer, eternals trailer celestials, celestials marvel, celestials comics
Id: qDF8UT_Rabo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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