Did We HATE Our Celebrity Beyond Infinite Veranda? Honest...

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I have to be honest we have heard so many negative reviews and watched so many videos about the infinite Veranda that after I booked our cruise on the celebrity Beyond I wondered if we had made a huge mistake booking this cabin hi there I'm Ilana from the website lifeltcruise.com welcome or welcome back to my channel now we are on day two of our cruise on the celebrity Beyond we are having a wonderful time but I wanted to share with you right away like as soon as possible our thoughts on the infinite Veranda cabins now I know there are some pros there are some cons and to be honest I do not think they are for everybody but I will share with you my verdict on this cabin and really it might surprise you it definitely surprised me now before I get into this Cruise cabin review I did want to mention that if you like this video if you find it helpful informative or enjoyable and anyway then please do give this video a big thumbs up I really do appreciate it and please subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already let's get started now we all know there are a lot of cons out there and I'm definitely going to share them in this video but I am going to start with the pros first because if you have booked an infinite Veranda cabin or thinking of it I think that you may appreciate some of these and of course I'm going to let you know my thoughts on this cabin and if we are happy in the end that we did book it now firstly our first view of this cabin actually took our breath away a little bit we saw those floor to ceiling windows and being able to just have a full view of the outdoors whether it was the cruise port and then once the ship was sailing to see the sea uh it kind of did take our Breath Away Now Beyond those floor to ceiling Windows the cabin really did feel a little bit grander a little bit bigger and what the cabin balcony reminded me of and remember they don't call it about balcony they do call it a veranda but it did remind me of sort of a sun room so sort of that idea of that indoor outdoor space it really felt like that to us and it really did bring the outside right into our cabin and we did like that now a real Pro and something that we absolutely loved were those ocean sounds now normally when you have a traditional balcony you have to be outdoors to hear those ocean sounds or you do need to leave that balcony door open now that works well if you have a sliding door if you have one of those doors that is not a sliding door sort of an open closing door then you don't really have that luxury we love to be able to just hear the sounds of the sea and as a matter of fact as I sat in that living room sort of area with that small couch I was able to sit write notes for my video or even just scroll through my phone and I could hear the ocean sounds I could see the ocean from top to bottom it really was something nice I appreciated it now something that I really wouldn't have thought of but that is something important is this Veranda cabin did feel very private normally when you are sitting on your own balcony you can hear and you can even see a little bit your neighbors to the left and to the right you can see your neighbors to the bottom sometimes to the top you cannot see anybody else when you're on your own Veranda inside your infinite Veranda cabin now something that was really interesting and I don't think this will appeal to everybody but I do think it will appeal to some especially if your technology orientated you can actually control the blinds on your window from your phone so I was able to be in bed and actually open up the blinds in the morning time so yes because you have those floor-to-ceiling windows you do have blackout blinds you're able to control them by a button that is right at the side of the window but you can also control that right from your phone and by the way a you can also control the temperature of your cabin and even the TV and another little fun point I think I might have liked this one most of all but you can actually control the lights from your phone you can have them on sort of an evening setting or a morning setting or a sleep setting it really does make the cabin I guess it's a little bit modern but it really was something nice when we went to bed and when we woke up in the morning now if you want a little bit of a separation between the cabin and The Veranda area you do have these doors you can see them right behind me but they're sort of opaque but still clear glass doors so you can close those either halfway or the full way if you want more privacy now if you are sitting in the area that I guess is closer to the balcony area or to the window then you can close that off behind you now I do think that this is for some people the negative for people who really like to sit on the balcony area area while somebody else sleeps and for it to be very quiet maybe that is something that might be a little bit better on a traditional balcony but for me this was not a problem at all now I have heard some reviews and I guess this is a con for some people but where people said that the railing of the infinite brand at balcony that that actually impeded their view if they were sitting down and maybe they were looking out maybe they were having room service they were having a breakfast but we didn't find that to be the case now I'm not a particularly tall person so it really didn't impede my view at all but my husband is about 511 and he didn't find it a problem either okay so now for some negatives or for some cons because the reality is I don't think that this cabin is for everyone con number one it is not a traditional balcony if you like a very traditional balcony where you have a patio door and you can go to a very separate outdoor area for all all its pros and its cons for the inclement weather for everything else that can happen on that balcony you are not going to have that in your infinite Veranda cabin and that can be a negative for some people now when I actually looked into this cabin for our cruise I did take a look at some of the other cabins that were available they were the sunset Verandas they were significantly more expensive and I decided not to opt for that for this cruise and I did also look at these other more traditional looking balconies there are just a few on this type of cruise ship however they were in a way partially obstructed because they had sort of a porthole window from your balcony and in the end I decided to give this infinite Veranda a try I didn't like the idea of that Circle or that round space where you could look Outdoors but otherwise where you did have this very obstructed view now by the way please let me know if you've stayed in either of those cabins in the sunset veranda or especially in those cabins that have that sort of porthole style view please let me know your thoughts on them in the comments below now another potential con and I definitely can see this for some people is the noise so while the cabin itself is not noisy and The Veranda itself is not noisy when you do raise the window to close your Veranda or you lower it it is going to be well there really is some noise it's about 30 seconds or so of noise and that might be something that you don't like at the same time while there is no obstruction of the view of that large floor to ceiling window I love that what you do have instead of having a curtain is you do have a blind and you do have a blind that Also Rises and lowers and that makes noise as well now another negative and I think this is particularly if you are somebody who likes to go out on your balcony when the weather is maybe rainy or stormy I don't like to do that so I'll be inside I wouldn't even notice it at all however some people like to do that and on this type of ship in this type of balcony the captain actually does have control of closing up your Veranda so what they can do is close that window and you would not be able to open it at the same time of course you're not able to open it if they're doing any window washing or something like that now what was the rest of the cabin like the rest of the cabin is absolutely beautiful we love the color scheme we love how modern it feels how open this cabin feels we love the space even in the bathroom it is very beautiful I'll show you a look around while I'm telling you a little bit about it there is Storage so there's storage in drawers there's storage in the closet the only I guess potential negative that I have to say about it is the mirror when it comes to the closet is in the cupboard and if you do have your bed that is close to the closet it is a little bit hard to open that mirror fully so for some people that can be a negative now by the way something that you should know is when your window is open my understanding is that the air conditioning would not stay on I think that this is the same case and a lot of the newer cruise ships when it does come to the balcony if you have that open so that is something to note but when you do have your Veranda or your window closed you do have control of the temperature in your cabin not only of course from your phone but also from the thermostat and you definitely can control the cabin temperature so if you do find it gets hot because of the floor-to-ceiling windows you can make your air conditioning cooler so what's the verdict well I think that it goes against maybe the grain of a lot of the other videos that I've seen here on YouTube and a lot of the other reviews but we actually love this cabin now this is not a cabin that you see on every cruise ship but when it comes to this cruise ship we're on the celebrity Beyond this cruise ship is very modern and this cabin feels modern as well well and we are loving it now I know a lot of people have had many questions about the celebrity Beyond this is a very different cruise ship and I do plan to answer that in future videos if you've sailed on this cruise ship or if you have any questions please let me know down in the comments below and please let me know if you think you'd love this cabin or if you think you'd skip it thanks so much for watching if you've enjoyed this video please do give it a big thumbs up I really do appreciate it and please subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already bye for now and happy cruising
Channel: Life Well Cruised
Views: 303,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity cruises, celebrity beyond, celebrity cruise ship, infinite veranda celebrity beyond, infinite veranda celebrity, cruise ship cabin, life well cruised, cruise cabin review, infinite veranda cabin, celebrity beyond infinite veranda cabin, celebrity cruises beyond, infinite veranda, celebrity edge, celebrity cruises review, celebrity apex, celebrity beyond cruise ship, celebrity cruise review, infinite veranda reviews, infinite veranda stateroom, cruise tips, cruise
Id: GxNHLDsf45g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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