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in this video I try Celebrity cruise line for the very first time on their newest and most expensive ship to date come [Music] along one of the cool things about DC if you find out DC it could be cool also paint the butt is um depending on if there are VIPs in the sky uh you can put on a ground stop so we were just informed that we are put on a 10-minute ground stuff uh because there are aircraft overhead a lot of times that could be a variety of things sometimes there are aircraft in the restrict Z and then sometimes it can be the president or vice president one of the VIP flying through and we got to wait so just want to share a little tidbit of flying in and out of Washington regular airport after a long and productive year I treated myself to a first class upgrade on Delta Airlines and it was smooth skies all the way to Miami after reaching cruising outf to lunch was served on a white tablecloth about 2 hours later we were safely on the ground in [Music] Miami all righty so when you get to Port of Everglades you are going to have to um there's highly secured area so you're going to have to show your ID and your boarding pass even if you take Uber the Uber driver has to be prepared to show their ID so we are here ready to board celebrity Ascent let's go good morning welcome to celebrity thank you wonderful thank [Music] you so the checking process is very much like Carnival or the mustard process is very much like Carnival you watch the safety video on the app then you you check off complete and then as soon as we go to board you will start going to your mustard stations um do the final check and then you're off another perk I think I like about celebrity they are very open about you can go to your room drop off your items get your card and keep it going um they were very open about that sometimes it's like a little secret but they told us we can drop our things off your room not might to be ready but you can drop your things off so so far very smooth and BARC day here at the celebrity ASM I probably waited about a total of 15 minutes before it was time to Bo so excited to get on this ship but it was smooth sailing and celebrity was a well oil machine good morning morning [Music] mhm all right so far okay so far this a an element of luxury I have not experienced yet so this is really really exciting just a beautiful Decor beautiful aesthetic so far so good okay trying to find this mustard station though with this being a new ship I have no idea where I am going all righty a couple of hiccups so far I went into the wrong room thankfully the the what threw me off was the name cards were not out there and and I just I don't know when it's the wrong room I got comfortable for something reason I just kept looking and I was like ooh so I think I'm in the right room my key card wasn't ready they also weren't ready at the mustard station um to check in so I'm going to go just have something to eat summer down and hopefully things are more organized after eating so we're now in Ocean View cafe which I hope is the buffet area we'll see lovely hand washing station do this [Music] Ocean View cafe has to be the most extensive Buffet I have seen to date on the high seas I'm just going to sh that for a bit so you can get into these sweet treats and tasty Delights welcome dessert good morning [Music] [Music] and she bar [Music] ooh [Music] [Music] [Music] how are you hello I'm [Music] fine [Music] okay I really could eat everything but I decided my comfort food which is mashed potatoes and gravy it's good some fish Fried Chicken of course and there's hot sauce up there and beef stew so I have the premium drink package and that includes anything up to $17 which I feel is way worth it um especially with the amount of bars that on this ship so I'm about to put these three days of drink package to good use with a full belly and a couple drinks in me it was now time to explore this billion [Music] [Music] ship again celebrities giving an elevated experience high quality safety vest here nice plush Towes I like it we like it so far a really really plush plush and elevated Vibe on Celebrity I'm digging it I'm really digging it I am really digging a lot of shaded areas to relax on this Sho there's a it's like a walking [Music] Track ooh that seems very cool it's a little heel on the track oh yes look at this plunge pool I am digging all the seating areas [Music] easily identifiable restrooms all right celebrity all right for you smokers you have a fancy pants area to sit no we're putting baby in the corner for you smokers This is So [Music] Posh I spent time wandering around the ship however when I got to this Sunset bar area I had to stop and pause for the [Music] [Music] cause with a little fizzy lifting drink in my system I continued to explore this this beautiful ship taken back by the artwork distinct [Music] [Music] spaces once I was done rebeling in this Zin of the rooftop garden it was time to check out the Leo [Music] deck [Music] okay y'all I might not want to go home these spaces on this ship are so plush so relaxing and restorative and everything is looks comfy and clean so yeah I am I'm enjoying this so far I can't believe it's only 3 days I got to already figure out how to get back on this ship Hi how are you doing hi great it's open house of the spa right yes it is would you like a tour yes I will I will take you thank you samtha great I'm Samantha pleasure to meet you nice to meet you too oh this air feels really good okay so our next step is going to be our acupuncture clinic so I'll give you that so if you have any of these concerns um Dr hungan she can treat it she's a third generation acupuncturist from amazing in here yes I think it's that it could be any one of these okay either so um I'm sure some of these look familiar so here passes um so the single pass will get you for the whole cruise and then the day pass will get you I have to admit that I was expecting a bigger spa space with more amenities and rooms um but I did stop to get a pedicure all right I'm here in the spa celebr sent on day one not wasting any time because we got to see this whole ship and I am getting a pedicure and I'm a m massage tomorrow so let's see what this looks like with fresh feet I decided to head back to my cabin to see if my key card was there as well as I return to my mustard there is a link in the description for a full room [Music] tour and the mini bar item are not included room service includes a complimentary uh continental breakfast but if you want something heavier you got to pay for that I took one more quick spin around the Leo deck and came across these Cabanas which you can rent out on either C days or Port days of course they're cheaper on Port days and of course ran into a variety of vloggers who were here to capture this fantastic sh after the video check the description box for links to all the channels who were on this sailing that I had opportunity to meet at this point the transition to evening activities began started with a solo meet up then on to dinner and then more nightlife activities [Music] here is a peek into the casino as I was heading to a solo Cruiser meet and greet in [Music] Eden [Music] Eden is celebrity as since spin on a salarium of sorts it has the one of the more exclusive restaurants inside of it as well as a complimentary dining area and a fun fact is most of the plants are real and our watered and growing [Music] daily I opted for the Fig drink as well as took in some live music [Music] if you choose to participate in the solo Cruiser meet and greet celebrity will establish a set dining time on the first day for the group to continue mixing and mangling all righty so um if you go to the solo meet up they will make sure that they give you a one solo experience and they're starting with us having a dinner together in one restaurant on this evening the solo Cruise meet up was at the college napolitan restaurant and here is the menu oh going to order some of that rare wine which one wine yeah I opted for a corn chowder Steak Diane as well as some sort of fruit [Music] dessert when dinner was over I headed back to Eden for more live music and then I got a snack at the buffet tonight in the buffet there is a theme it takes of Mexico so let's go check it [Music] out so there's mac and cheese on the buffet it looks kind of good let's see all right this is what we working with let's taste it cheesy not bad it's a step above craft but you know oh live so confession I have given up on silent discos on cruise ships because they typically play the same set list and have just gotten cheesier and cornier however celebrity had a fresh mix three different channels and I actually found myself bopping to the beat a little [Music] bit an entertainment staff was particularly fond of shoban Parker from Parker on the go and let's just say Brandon Parker wasn't feeling it every night I got a fight to prove my [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] love once everyone was moving and grooving it was time for celebrity to hit us with its signature mve it's flare [Music] [Applause] [Music] bartenders It's My [Music] [Music] Life yeah [Music] all righty so this concludes Day One aort Celebrity Summit and what a day um this is my first time on Celebrity and um for this to be on the ascent I don't know how I'm going to go back to other cruise ships lines anything because I mean celebrity isn't really knocked out the park with it spaces the food the food the food is so great the drinks are great everything the Ambiance is great um I'm going try to start from the beginning so embarcation day or embarcation was so smooth um they make you wait in little uh pods kind of little sections of the uh boarding area and then I think we were there sitting there for like maybe 10 minutes and then they started call um calling section by section to get on the ship um celebrity highly encourages you to drop off your things there were a couple hiccups when I dropped off my things my key card was not ready um also my mustard station was not ready but their mustard is pretty much you watch the video on your phone and then you report to your mustard station um my issue was when I got to a must station the person who was checking Us in wasn't there yet however I used it as opportunity to go to the buffet um get a couple drinks explore the ship and this ship has beautiful indoor outdoor spaces and then when I got back my my key card was there um so yeah um a variety of activities really really good live music great live music I'm in a variety of Music um and that's pretty much what I did most of the day was find plac to go listen to live music and Vibe out um outside of just exploring the different parts of the ship so pretty much that was day one tons of vloggers tons of I can't just call them vloggers tons of friends indivual I call friends um are on this ship so it's been great to experience this uh previous selling with them tomorrow we are in Nassau my plan is not to get off the ship too long I have a massage in the morning um and I plan to just take advantage of the ship with a little less people on but it has not felt crowded uh so far on this ship um but I also need to explore nass cruise port um I'm overdue for a k salad so that's my plan for tomorrow so thanks so much for tuning in this is C withc thanks for traveling with me like comment and subscribe and I will see you in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: See It With C
Views: 3,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity Ascent, Celebrity Cruises, Where is Celebrity Ascent Now, Celebrity Ascent Fort Lauderdale, See It With C, Solo Travel, Solo Cruise, Celebrity Ascent Embarkation Day, Celebrity Ascent Preview Sailing, Celebrity Ascent Inaugural Sailing, Celebrity Ascent Cruise, New cruise ship, celebrity ascent onboard activities, celebrity ascent captain, celebrity ascent vs beyond, celebrity ascent infinite view verandah, celebrity ascent balcony cabin, celebrity ascent buffet
Id: V8IcsIVsSxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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