Celebrities Give Bribery The Old College Try

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welcome one and all to the Late Show I'm your host Stephen Colbert there is a huge a huge huge scandal rocking the news cycle today and it has to do with higher education right so Donald Trump is not involved sort of refreshing yeah you know in in a horrible way you know how conspiracy theorists say everything is rigged for the wealthy and famous well as a wealthy famous person let me just respond by saying you're absolutely right this morning the FBI announced that they were charging dozens of wealthy parents with using bribery and other forms of fraud to facilitate their children's admission to elite schools including Stanford UCLA Wake Forest Yale Georgetown University of Texas University of San Diego and USC the FBI was tipped off by the essay question on this year's common application reflect on an accomplishment that sparked personal growth and or list your parent's credit card number what prompted your choice what is the three digit security code backstory backstory stealing other people's opportunities now at a press conference the Justice Department had an interesting way to describe the parents involved these parents are a catalogue of wealth and privilege a catalogue of wealth and privilege I get that once a month from Anthropologie the FBI also announced the name of the sting operation varsity blues yes operation varsity blues named of course for the scandal where a 22 year old james van der beek tried to scam us into believing he was in high school ok back to the creek dawson the man behind the scam is self-proclaimed master life coach and Supercuts cautionary tale Rick singer singer founded a fake charity you see and so parents then donated to the fake charity and took the deduction which is tax fraud in exchange singer promised to cheat their kids into college one of the parents charged is actress Felicity Huffman who was married to actor William H Macy celebrity a nickname of course William H muffin investigators also charged Lori Loughlin who played Aunt Becky on full house well I look I know it's shocking but this is nothing new I mean back in the 90s Laughlin was part of a notorious scheme where they made a pair of twins pretend to be one person no one knew no one knew millions of dollars of God in order to get their children in Laughlin and her husband allegedly agreed to pay bribes totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the u.s. a crew team despite the fact that they did not participate in crew but in their defense I'm pretty sure than you all the words - row row row your boat so how'd this singer fella managed to get non-athlete slots reserved for real athletes I'll let the Justice Department explain in many instances singer helped parents take staged photographs of their children engaged in particular sports other times singer and his associates use stock photos that they pulled off the internet sometimes photoshopping the face of the child onto the picture of the athlete and submitting it in support of the applications for these children to elite schools yes photoshopped images in fact one applicant to Stanford claimed that he played shooting guard in Space Jam [Music] singer also helped kids cheat by providing them with answers to the exams are having a smarter student take the test for them okay kids before the test let's take attendance starting with the 40 year old man with a beard your name Tiffany Parker [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Views: 1,950,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Late Show, Late Show, Stephen Colbert, Steven Colbert, Colbert, celebrity, celeb, celebrities, late night, talk show, comedian, comedy, CBS, joke, jokes, funny, funny video, funny videos, humor, hollywood, famous
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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