Celebriteen | Ep.3| I ran to the airport in the middle of the night to make amends with my boyfriend

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hey it's haley back again so if you remember in the last part of my story my best friend kurt turned into a jealous jerk all because he didn't get the opening solo in the concert and being the sweet and caring guy that he is eric took me out to cheer me up we were chatting about all things on earth he really helped ease my mind but suddenly there was an awkward silence then eric said hilly um well um these last few months getting to know you have been so amazing um i was wondering if you'd consider um you know being my girlfriend oh my god i never expected him to say that i stared at him open mouthed so he looked at me that's when i realized that he was still waiting for my reply it'd be a lie to say that i haven't thought about him in that way before in fact at that moment i was so happy i just wanted to give him the biggest hug right away but instead i clumsily told him to give me a little time it was just a slip of the tongue due to me being nervous but before i could correct myself i saw his reaction he couldn't even keep his cool anymore and his hopeful face turned into an obvious frown he looked like a little sulky puppy why does he have to be so cute he told me of course but that means i still have a chance right i couldn't help but smile and winked maybe then he drove me home before i got out of the car i whispered to him yes i'll be your girlfriend and quickly kissed him on the cheek then ran as fast as possible into my house my heart was beating so fast and i peeked through the window to see him dancing and smiling beside his car my boyfriend was just the cutest we started dating and soon became the it couple in swing club the other kids were always commenting on how perfect we were together everything was going so well i not only had a solo in the concert but i'd also get to duet with eric and our relationship was growing from strength to strength every day i woke up to his good morning text which included a voice message of him singing some sweet tunes for me then later at school he gave me my favorite candy and a bottle of water to keep me hydrated throughout practice he was just the best the only downside in my life was kurt who barely spoke to me since the backpack incident i missed him like crazy but there was no excuse for the way he was acting as i hadn't done anything wrong i was just going to give him space and hope he'd eventually come around finally the day of the concert arrived and whoa miss anderson had chosen to mention my performance complete with my picture to promote the event in the local press i was so happy and proud of myself now i just had to make sure i didn't mess it up luckily i didn't even though i was super nervous the duet with eric went amazingly i was so proud of him for not letting his nerves get in the way the concert was a success as a whole we were on the local press and news again after that and guess who was featured on them the most yes it was hayley miller again then a few days later there were even rumors circulating school that a representative from a record label in la was at the concert and that they had their eye on someone that's it it had to be me right i sang my heart out and even kids i didn't know were coming up to me and telling me how i was the star of the show i was so excited to go to the club meeting and hear my name announced i walked into the room with a huge smile on my face then miss anderson made an announcement as you all know it's been leaked out that a label representative is interested in one of you well i can now confirm that this is true and the person in question is our very own eric jones congratulations eric eric looked so shocked but not as me thousands of things went through my head i was so overwhelmed while the other kids clapped and cheered and i just forced myself to do the same i know he's my boyfriend and he's very talented but as you see i'd been the one singing the closing solo i was the one having strangers congratulate me and i was the one on the press while everyone was praising eric i swiftly left and went home eric kept on texting and calling me but i ignored them all i just needed some time alone to process my feelings i didn't want to feel jealous of him but i couldn't help it i knew it was wrong but wait no maybe it was not i had the right to be upset since i too had worked so hard for it right that night i felt so down that i even skipped dinner and locked myself in my room with all these thoughts failure sucks and sure it's not easy to face it but i knew i had to accept the truth sooner or later eric did nothing wrong and he deserved it so i shouldn't make him feel bad for achieving his dream so i sent eric a message arranging to meet him tomorrow i should at least properly congratulate eric and apologize to him for my childish reaction right we met in the park by the duck pond eric was already waiting for me and i noticed how he looked so sad i walked over to him and said hi eric look i've been a brat and i'm so sorry i was just disappointed in myself so i wasn't ready to talk but i'm okay now and for sure you deserve this opportunity i know that i'm so happy for you i truly am i held his hands and smiled trying to cheer him up he replied it's okay haley it must have been hard for you i know you meant well he smiled back just so you know i've turned the offer down anyway i'm not ready to leave this town or um you just yet whoa this was crazy as if he'd actually turned down the opportunity of a lifetime for me then he continued besides i'm not confident enough yet i still get such bad stage fright i know this is for the best i hugged him and told him that i respected his choice and that even if he wanted to take this offer he'd still have 100 of my support to be honest i did feel such a big relief so things could carry on to be the same again we're back as normal students again and wouldn't have to worry about dealing with a long-distance relationship but then i kept thinking about it the more i thought the more this made no sense nerves or not he couldn't give up on his dream could he if that was me i would never ever let that chance slip away my time is yet to come but it's eric's time now i had to tell him to accept the offer before it's too late i rang him and as soon as he answered i blurted out you have to accept the offer else you'll regret it forever don't miss the chance just because of me i'm fine with it and fully support you i'm serious eric told me to stop overthinking and that it was too late anyway as the guy from the label will had a flight back to la that evening no i didn't know what to do all i knew was i needed to do something so i immediately called miss anderson and giving her a brief sum up of the situation and asking her for will's number she sent it over to me and i tried calling him but there was no answer okay at least i knew he hadn't boarded yet time was of the essence so i immediately took my mom's car keys and drove to the airport in search of this guy that i'd never even met i checked for flights to la and thank god there's only one and it still hadn't departed i crossed my fingers as i called will's number again to my utter relief he picked up i rambled out who i was and he told me we could meet as he hadn't gone through security yet phew i met will in front of the departure board i briefly introduced myself again then he asked me so what can i do for you i immediately muttered out please give eric another chance he's so talented and since joining the swing club he's gotten so much better i'm positive that with professional training he will grow even more you saw something in him so please give him another shot he won't disappoint you i promise will was silent for a second i got impatient so i added he refused your offer the first time because he wasn't thinking straight he really wants to sing singing is his passion finally will said okay all right tell him he has five days to prepare and he has to come to la then he gave me his card and went to the check-in counter i'd done it this was crazy but i was so relieved that i'd succeeded i doubt i would have been able to live with myself fueff it was super late but this didn't matter i went straight to eric's house and told him everything he was so shocked and touched and also worried for me for driving such a long way to the airport alone at night to do all this for him then he hugged me tight and thanked me but then i realized that we only had five days left together so we promised each other that we would make those five days memorable in the mornings i would help eric practice his singing and in the evenings we would go out eric asked me to make a list of all the things i would like us to do i just wanted to be with him and treasure every second we're together so i said i just want to ride the giant wheel eric looked a bit confused at first then he said is that all we could do something else if you wanted nah i shook my head the giant wheel sounds perfect besides what's better than seeing the town i care about with my extremely cute boyfriend so the day before eric left for the starry heights of la we went to the giant wheel which was in an amusement park on the outskirts of town we bought some hot dogs and ate them while riding it when we reached the top the view up there was just beautiful we held hands and enjoyed it together then eric asked me why i chose the giant wheel to hang out i replied well when i was little my family used to come here and my parents always told me the story of how they met at this giant wheel it was in the evening my mother was already in one of the cabins and then my father came in too he didn't know somebody was already in there but when he noticed it was already taken it was too late he couldn't get out and so two strangers had to sit together in a super small wheel cabin at first it was super awkward but then they started chatting and from that moment on their love story began my mother always told me to bring someone special here she said this place has something magical because it could make two strange people fall in love so that's why i brought you here because you are my special one eric looked at me with wide open eyes i will come back and help you fulfill your dream to become a professional singer please wait for me then he kissed me and it was the most magical moment of my life
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 210,354
Rating: 4.9438066 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated, Celebriteen, celebriteen series, episode 3
Id: z_UhtCet0vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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