Cece Winans Preaching pt 2

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[Applause] God is a God of order and whenever you get out of his order you're out of order you're wrong don't try to make it right God laid this out for purpose and it's the cover you and you wonder why everything is crazy in your life you won't have enough covering you out of order so Esther Mordecai continued to cover her okay even though she wasn't with him physically he still covered her and she obeyed see a lot of us are in trouble cuz we won't obey we won't submit who are you submitted to you're never too old to be submitted somebody needs to be speaking into your life if Jesus was submitted he obey who are you obeying verse 15 now when the turn came for Esther the daughter pala Hill the uncle of Mordecai who had taken her as his daughter to go into the king she requested nothing but what Haggai the Kings eunuch see that's just obediently just obeying Authority I'm telling you I promise y'all that's one of the reasons why I know I'm blessed because they all say they didn't have to explain to me why you just do it because they tell you to do it well Joaquina because I say so who so she requested nothing but what had guy the Kings eunuch the custodian of the women advised an extra obtained favor there she go again in the sight of all who saw her so Esther was taken to Kingdom a ha Souris into his royal palace in the tenth month which is the month of Tibet in the seventh year of his reign the king loved Esther more than all the other women and she obtained Grace and favor in his sight more than all the versions so he set the royal crown upon her head and made her Queen instead of fast time most of us are not whole because we won't listen we have allowed disappointments in life to make us rebellious and turn us into somebody else totally contrary to what God created us to be you will not prosper outside of God's order this is the time when the church should prosper and it's not about material things you might lose your job I might lose my job but I won't lose my peace just by his supernatural provision that we're taking care of anyway amen but a lot of us have allowed like disappointments to change us Esther is similar to Jesus in several ways she lived in a life of submission dependence and obedience to her god-given authorities amen when your position for greatness you live in submission you don't stand submission for three months or come to the conference for three days you got to leave in walk in submission everybody can go to church and fall out and I love to fall out but what matters is how you act when you get up but that is it you just you just got dirty mist up your clothes now greatness in the kingdom of God is totally different from the world okay God's perspective is the only thing that counts greatness is remarkable outstanding greatness and God is not self glory but his humility they were fussing in mark 9 33 to 35 and at the 35th verse he said he sat down and called the twelve and said to them if anyone desires to be first he shall be last of all and servant of all see God's thoughts are not like our thoughts his ways are not like our ways that's why we have to stand a word and saturate our minds and our spirits the more you saturate your mind the stronger you become you'd be wondering why you don't have no power how long have you spent in the world how long have you been praying or if you've been watching TV all day and then you wonder why you weak you say you cannot fulfill his plan carnal when you walk in the spirit you won't fulfill the lusts of the flesh but if you walk in and carnality that's all you won't do is live in the flesh when your position for greatness you have got to trust God completely because you have the responsibility to love God and others more than yourself you see Esther she gave up her right to live so she could save a nation for this she was exalted right and that was great and we love we get excited oh she got crowned and she made it we get excited about the end result but the Word of God tells us to get excited during the process during the refining you have to learn the praise of in the fire everybody can praise them after you get out to fire the three Hebrew boys they praise them in the fire and so God jumped in the fire with them he said blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake but theirs is the kingdom of heaven rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you amen okay let's to read a little bit more of Esther and I'm gonna close a little bit more of Esther it's a let look at the fourth chapter in the fourteenth verse and it says for if you remain completely know the fifteenth first let me start the fifteen verse four fifteen then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai go gather all the Jews who are presidents shoo shoo shame and fast for me see there you go you know who you are and so you know how to handle the circumstance as good as that Big Mac might look you know you need a fast right because you know that you know that you know fasting and prayer is a powerful thing that's when you're dealing with some serious demons you know what I'm saying warfare you got to turn down your plate alright cuz you know everybody can save when you fail because you so weak you just think you'd be like oh they fit I'm talking about this okay god bless cause you hungry [Applause] so go gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan and fast for me neither eat nor drink for three days night or day my maze and I will fast likewise and so I will go to the king which is against the law and if I perish I perish so Mordecai went his way and did according to all that Esther commanded him hmm chapter five first one now it happened on the third day that is to put on her royal robes and stood in the inner Court of the king's palace across from the king's house while the king said on his royal throne in the royal house facing the entrance of the house so it was when the King saw Queen Esther standing in the court that she found favor in his sight and the King Haakon abused and the King held out to Esther the golden sceptic that was in his hand then Esther went near and touched the top of the sceptic and the King said to her what do you wish I heard the Holy Spirit saying what do you wish Queen Esther what is your request it shall be given to you up to half of the kingdom she was exalted when she went before the king but please understand this tonight that she didn't know that would be the outcome she had no idea that she would be rewarded going into the king's court when not being called the sentence for that was death right it was death but Esther knew all she needed to know she knew she wasn't Queen because the King made her Queen she knew that either than the natural she was an orphan she knew that she was a daughter of the King of Kings she knew who she was in who she was she knew enough she knew that she had a relationship with the God that speaks and men live and he speaks again and men died she knew she knew she knew enough she nude enough she knew enough that she was pieces at positioned for greatness and no matter the outcome no matter the outcome she knew that everything would be okay because why would God take care of her this far why would he allow you to go through that rape and go through that Miss Vic that abuse and divorce why we allow you to go that far to leave you even when the position gets tight and the roles get rough you can rest in knowing that God is sovereign he makes no mistakes nothing takes him by surprise he's not nervous about the economy he's not wondering how you're going to make it because your husband just left you he's not scared because you just found out you have cancer he's able he's more than able he's God all by himself he's waiting on you to realize who you are he's waiting on you to realize your position for greatness you can redeem your identity if you're ready to trust them so you have to trust this plan and his purpose for your life when you identify with Christ you become like him and you say yes to his will and you surrender to his way and the only way you're gonna redeem your identity the only time you find yourself is when you're in him you won't find yourself outside of him the only thing you should hold on to from your past are the lessons you've learned the wisdoms you gain everything that's not like God that has attached itself to you you got to let it go you gotta say purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow make me hear joy and gladness that the bones that you've broken will rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities all created me a clean heart O God renew a steadfast spirit within me o do not cast me away from your presence and do not take your Holy Spirit for me restore to me the joy of my salvation hallelujah nope hold me with thy free generous spirit we have to do like David and say clean me you have to identify those things that you've allowed is your personality changed because of what you've gone through have you harden yourself because of what you've gone through are you determined that nobody's ever gonna hurt you again that's not trusting God love is vulnerable oh because I know if you hurt me God still got me hallelujah if you leave me God it's gonna stay so do you really trust them tonight do you know who you are who you are do you understand that all things work together for good to those who are called according to the purpose do you know that hallelujah everything's got to go that's not like him unforgiveness dr. fear anger rebellion hatred the pay got to go because I stopped and you got I said I want to give you all of this but I can't these verses in Psalm Psalm 51 they calls for cleansing from sin readiness to serve the Lord when you redeem your identity you grab hold to holiness and you did not sin the Bible tells us to abhor what is evil and cling to what is good we have got to hate evil we like evil too much no we really do we allow certain things in ourselves that you know Wainwright and nobody sees it but you and God but you know it's there we can leave free from everything tonight if we do like Pastor show brady's if we're just honest honest before the Lord Lord I'm sorry I've been rebellious I'm sorry I haven't treated my husband I'm sorry I was mean yesterday I'm sorry see we have to understand that we show our love for him the way we show our love for one another how can you say you love God and you don't love your brother you just you just the Bible calls you a liar we must ask God to cleanse us from within clearing our hearts and our spirits for new thoughts and desires right conduct come only from a clean heart see if you can't live right than something clean on the inside because he said my yoke is easy my burden is light the way of a transgressor is hard you trying to live right the day in and then live wrong tomorrow you're trying to you make it to Sunday school and then you go to the club on set you're shouting in church and then you're sleeping around and then you're praising about your mouth and then you cussing somebody before you get to the parking lot God is not pleased God is not pleased and if you haven't notice you must understand that the devil ain't playing he come in for everybody and see my thing is when he showed up at my door he ain't gonna find none of his self in me I don't want nothin to devil got nothing because if he see yourself being you oh he coming in he's knocking a door in you just think it's a pity it's a sin you can pay well you justify oK you've been hurt you abused but Jesus shed his blood let it go let it go he's the mender of broken hearts he can wash away whatever you've gone through no matter how heinous it is we serve a god that's full of love that's full of power and he still has that same purpose and plan for your life the devil has told some of you that you've messed up too much no no no God is saying I still love you just like the prodigal son he had to come to himself you need to come to yourself tonight because the king is waiting he's saying I'm here I want to give you all the riches you need I want to give you all the wisdom you need but you know what you gotta come to yourself you got to humble yourself and you have to repent tonight if you understand now that you're fearfully and wonderfully made and that you're still the woman and the man that God created you to be and you're ready to embrace your identity you're ready to embrace that you're a true child of God because you've been acting like somebody else's child you know I remember one time I was going on tour and and my kids were you know the pre teenage you know the age they kind of just lose their money and I said well I'm gonna take y'all with me because I don't want to come home and you're acting like somebody else's children I need to keep you all with me so I can see when y'all act crazy and I can stop it right there you know what I'm saying so some of us walking around we acting like somebody else's children so tonight if you want to be if you want to repent if you want to be saved maybe you don't know the Lord as your personal see God is saying I love you you're searching for who you are God is saying you belong to me and I'm here to I'm here to put your life back together again I'm the answer that you need and he's knocking at the door and he just wants to love you like only he can he wants to hold you so we want to open up the altar for you to come don't be afraid don't be ashamed because we're all sinners saved by grace I don't want anybody to move I don't want nobody to walk cause somebody had to stand in the gap for you and somebody's life is in the balance it could be their last night I don't know but God is saying come come into the kingdom and then some of you've been in church for a long time and you know you just haven't been living right you've been putting on a front you've been putting on the front and got a saying calm repent repent repent repent repent get your life back grab it back your identity grab it back your personality get it back get your joy back get your peace back the enemy has come in and you've allowed him to mess up your marriage you've allowed him to mess up your finances you've allowed him to mess up your children because you weren't in the place you were supposed to be the altar is here for you I don't have a heaven or hell to put you in so don't worry about people looking at you don't be afraid of that just calm just come [Music] just come and I want to intersession just begin to pray so that people will come this is what church is all about it's about people being healed being set free in the balcony calm we'll wait for you you're never too young to serve the Lord just come God is saying I love you anyway I still love you I still want you I still have purpose and plan for you hallelujah anybody else just come just come wherever you are I don't know how to new you how to live yes yes [Music] anybody else's tonight keep forensics be praying anybody else research [Music] anybody else wanna come back maybe your backslider you wanna come back and maybe you're in the church but you've allowed the pain to stay you've allowed disappointments to hurt you you pound on to the feet rail god is saying let it go let me free you tonight don't leave with the same baggage you came in here with [Music] we feel we nurse for you for your glory and your power [Music] it came on yes do so [Music] satisfy me anybody else now at this moment goddess and come let me change you let me heal you let me fix it come on your position the greatness with bars [Music]
Channel: derlamtay
Views: 12,168
Rating: 4.8775511 out of 5
Keywords: Cece Winans, Sheryl Brady, Joby Brady, The River
Id: U3afwjaG1PA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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