CCF GLC 3 Leadership Skills Session 6 Conflict Resolution Part 1

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well welcome everyone to your conflict each month course lead-glass I'm so inspired by all of you here this reminds me of the book in the Book of Luke chapter 2 verse 52 where it says and Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man you know Jesus as described here kept on growing in many areas of his life never stopped growing I remember before I'm reminded of I think it was pastor Peter also was kept on mentioning that the moment we stop growing is the time we stop bleeding so we need to keep on growing we all need to keep on growing in as described as illustrated by Jesus in the area of wisdom and knowledge and this is actually what you're doing tonight you want to gain more knowledge more wisdom we are to grow in our walk and even in our physical health we are also to grow in a relationship with God and with others so a salute over someone at the lc3 lead class here that you are willing to to grow in these areas and why are we supposed to keep on growing so that we you and I will be used by God effectively in the ministry you know many years ago I was privileged together with about three other pastors of CCF to attend a peacemaking course at isodd Asia then but now it's called I DSL I personally learned so much from the course and I was able to apply it in the ministry and in my family life my personal life our teachers came from the ministry called peacemakers ministry in the US and I contacted them and they allowed me to use it to teach here at our GLC classes hence majority of the cereals that we'll be using tonight come from their ministry so what we'll do is we'll have some lecture we'll have some table discussions with your group mates and we'll also be viewing some videos and some other materials of theirs you know in in weddings I usually remind a couple that whenever two people in love come together and they both come from different family cultures they have different sets of friends they were brought up in different sets of schools and had different experiences in life and then they come under one roof one thing is sure to happen yes there will be conflict and this is the same with all other relationships whether family husband wife parent children relatives friends classmates workmates school mates church mates we all encounter we will all encounter conflict even on the road elevators parking lining up in the fast-food way we will all encounter conflict someday and in other words conflicts conflict is inevitable now if conflict is inevitable how do we respond to it this is what we'll be discussing tonight I believe it's so crucial for us to learn how how especially with our jz3 lead students because you will be the models and are expected to spearhead peacemaking here in CCF a wise man once said when two or three come together in Jesus name there will be conflict there will eventually be conflict now if there will be conflict we need to understand what that means in how you and I as believers and members of our church should respond the word conflict comes from the Latin word configuring it's it means to strike two things together for example striking Flint and stone or iron Flint and iron now this gives us a picture of pain imagine striking Flint and iron together as pain but there's a result which is fire you produce fire and this fire can be used in cooking or whatever good use or good purpose it has which reminds me of conflict it can be painful if you're going through conflict it can be painful at the moment but it can produce beautiful results you know I think about two of our leaders recently I I was in between them trying to resolve a conflict of theirs this is a d12 leader against the D group leader and there was conflict and after hearing them out hearing both sides I told them you know I'm so excited because God we will be learning together so many lessons from God and because of this conflict beautiful things will happen we will mature in our walk and in our love towards each other and that's exactly what's happening so we're not supposed to be scared of conflicts because conflicts can bring about blessing now before we discuss the house first we must have the proper mindset we are to be peacemakers Matthew chapter 5 verse 9 says blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God the mark that you are really a child of God the proof that you are truly a committed follower is that you are a peacemaker not a troublemaker but a peace maker question do we need peacemakers today of course absolutely with all the problems we have in a world in a country in our families in a church in our leadership team in Adi group we need peacemakers CCF is blessed by God with more and more people being won for his kingdom and as we grow in number we also need more peacemakers you know what I'm saying it's not an accident that you are here tonight to learn principles to learn how to become a peacemaker because God so ordained it tonight you GLC three lead students will learn principles about peacemaking and pass it on to our people are you are you aware that you and I don't have a choice but to be peacemakers what do I mean let me share with you Matthew chapter 5 verse 23 24 it says you're therefore if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you leave your gift there in front of the altar first go and be reconciled to them then come and offer your gift you know what this is saying you're about to offer your sacrifices to the Lord you're about to worship him but then you remembered Oh somebody has something against me so don't worship first ok leave your sacrifice there and go and be reconciled with that someone a brother or sister and then when you're reconcile you come back and when you've done your part you come back and worship the Lord offer your sacrifices so you see there's another verse that struck me in mark 11:25 it says and when you stand praying if you hold anything against anyone forgive them so that your father in heaven may forgive you your sins a while ago you are about to worship the Lord and you remember somebody has something against you don't worship first go and be reconciled and come back and worship the Lord but this time while you're praying to God do you remember oh I have something against that someone economy on a problema you know what you're supposed to do you need to forgive from your heart you know what these two verses are telling me we don't have a choice we are expected by our Lord to be peacemakers the question is can we really become peacemakers we can be peacemakers because do you know the the Prince of Peace himself lives in us christmas is coming soon we often use this in isaiah 9 verse 6 it says for to us a child is born to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father Prince of Peace if you have Jesus in your heart in your life you know who you whom you have you have the Prince of Peace living in you that's Jesus therefore you have the power to become a peacemaker he's the Prince of Peace not just pastors not just Bible teachers Nordy group leaders or detailed leaders but everyone who has Jesus in their lives can be peacemakers you know conflict can come any moment in our lives we wouldn't know when it comes but when it does it's important for us to know how to properly handle it let's watch this video I can't take I just I was wrong hey what's wrong what what is going on Megan is pregnant what what are you talking about she called from Allison Frank's house your sisters in Chicago no no no no no Megan's on the youth retreat she Oh what-what did she she thinks she's four months along Oh God do you wanted to tell us before but she was afraid Tim not tell her did not tell her I told her a thousand times she spent an entirely too much time with that Brett Johnson did not where is he that's another thing where is he if he was at home talking with his family she said they wanted to tell both their parents at the same time this can't be happening this just can't be what are you doing what do you think I'm doing I'm gonna talk to my daughter Bob she said she didn't want to talk to you I'm gonna talk to my daughter out where's the director Bob she doesn't want to talk to you I don't care what she wants I'm gonna talk to her right exactly right who cares what she wants the head of the house must be heard Helen our daughter calls from Chicago just say she's pregnant and I'm just supposed to sit here what do you expect me to do so far you've done exactly what she expected how did you not hear what's happening today Brett is at home talking with his family but your daughter is over a thousand miles away Colin on the telephone she's scared of us Bob she's scared of you your anger have you ever thought to think that maybe Brett's over his house because his parents are some namby-pamby about discipline their children you know they're probably over there feeding him ice cream while he tells them wait - I'll get my hands on that that's right devil that's right let's get him let's get him and teach him the fear of the Lord just like we've taught our daughter we've been wrong you train up a child in the way he should go and when he's out of it the child will turn out perfectly didn't we bring Megan up in the way we thought she should go what is this some sort of new-age encounter therapy honey our daughter goes out in fornicates with a boy and it would and all of a sudden it's our fault where's your sense of right and wrong this is how liberals talk and what about my ministry oh boy when the Deacons get a hold of this huh Oh Megan Megan what you does honey where'd you go oh god I don't know what to do god help me please help me I'm sorry oh Jesus Jesus Jesus please help um honey please get bacon on the phone oh I can't no won't I won't be angry just please get her on the phone hello Alice you've fine under the circumstances well we love you too thank you so much for all your help oh yes he's here he will talk later but yeah speak to Megan now please - Megan sweetheart your father wants to talk - no Megan Megan listen stop Megan he wants to talk to you he's not angry really okay Megan honey don't cry Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry they can come on home come on out we'll work this thing out okay I love you too we have some discussion questions for you I know you are you have watched that film clip but you need to do some observation and sharing what is this video saying about the conflict share two observations about their situation things we can avoid things we can apply go ahead I'll give you a few moments and then we'll we'll share our thoughts earlier I said conflicts can be a blessing may Nikita behind blessing it is a conflict though I know along the heat on your blessing it brought the family closer to each other nan Hylian Anupa young see non-game mature the father learned this mistake was willing to be corrected and yon I do you believe that that would have changed his life already from that time on but on another sincere nine legit nasha legit never yeah conflicts can bring about blessings okay so let's not be scared of that okay Allan Havey dramedy BA at Omaha actors/actresses in italic among a professional story now let's try to see them try to solve resolve a conflict husband wife no let's watch this well sit down I thought it'd be good if we talked yeah you want to talk are you feeling okay what's the matter with you just forget about it forget I was only kidding what do you want to talk about well oh no it's listen to the sermon today and I just thought well there's some things we could talk out sure I think that would be great jack yeah so what's on your mind I just thought it'd be good if we talked a little bit about repentance okay that's fine that's that's a great idea so what you want to say mm-hmm why don't you go ahead and start what do you mean well you know why don't you tell me some of the stuff you need to repent of what I didn't say anything to repent about you're the one who wanted to talk well that's part of what I wanted to talk about well you don't think you have any sin you don't have anything dad I just said did you're the one who wanted to start this crazy conversation so why should I be the one to start repenting well that's part of what we need to talk about I think you have some things to repent of I think you want to repent about starting this whole conversation you lassoed me into this just to get me to apologize about something you ought to be ashamed I'm not saying we both don't have something up we both want you go ahead start okay we'll all right go I'm gonna I'm waiting well okay remember last year when I said I was gonna clean out the garage and I never did I feel bad about that oh this is no laughing matter what's so funny I never did I've been devastated ever sitting oh not only were you not repent but now you're making fun of my reach a little deeper than that oh yeah so now I don't know how to repay what you mean a little deeper well I can think of a thousand things you could repent up and believe me I wouldn't have to reach all the way back to last year for it either oh really like what like how about the way you're always demanding your own way around here oh for pete's sake that's your anger my anger what about my anger not said how about the way you come home from work are up every night and all you want to do is watch TV I'm at the way what about the way you're not spend enough time with the kid what about the way you're always criticizing me and everything else around here huh what about the way you're always going on spending money we don't have what about the way you're on the phone gossiping with me about the way you burp as loud as you possibly can burping burping ants must repent about burping that disproves what a motormouth you are you don't even think about what you can say now I just hope you heard that sermon and I hope and pray to by some miracle of intrusion oh yeah just one yeah yeah well well what well this isn't turning out exactly like I planned I mean I can just be so obnoxious sometimes you know yeah I know oh so anyway I guess I should have started out by telling you what I was thinking about first you know when I heard the sermon rather than trying to make you repent ooh what was that well um well I'm an angry man I yell at you at the kids all the time well I am I'm an angry man it's just like you said it's because I want my way all the time when I don't get my way out I yell and scream and go berserk and far off hand on I mean I guess what I'm trying to say is I know things aren't right around here and I think a lot of it's my fault Oh Jack it's not just you I mean you know I know you don't have to repent didn't mean to put pressure on you it's just I mean I can just be so arrogant you know ya know will you stop agreeing with me on all this stuff you know what I think I think the reason that I act the way I do is that I want to be God you know I I want everything to go according to my plan I want to control everything and when it goes according to my plan now I want to be praised and when it doesn't then I want you to feel my wrath you know I just want to be God Wow you just went a long way from being sorry about not cleaning out the garage - repenting about me God well it's true no I'm sorry and I want to be different I want things to change and you're right I am a very critical person and you know why I think that is hmm it's because I think I'm God and and so I know what's best for everybody and I got to tell him it's not easy being mr. mrs. God isn't that so honey I'm sorry me too what should we do though I mean how do we be pet well I'm just so proud of you for taking the first step and you know means so much to me to hear you say these things yeah I feel better so what do you think you should we you know maybe pray okay observations observations they had they wanted to resolve a conflict what happened milena my Molly approach [Music] historical nagging hysterical and historical yes what else mammalian genome up there Papa shouting yes keep pointing to the others mistake okay but at the end was the conflict result what was the turning point where do you think the turning point was again again when the husband's humbled himself and admitted his fault what did you notice when he did that the wife also toned down and later on admitted their fault as well you know that can happen even amongst among our d group members or team leaders or ministry partners or wherever we are office mates school mates that can happen conflicts can happen when will be the turning point it should come from you because you're the peacemaker diva so if you encounter problems like that you should you should be the one to start humbling yourself admitting your fault and we'll talk about that further so let's define what is conflict for our definition conflict is a difference in opinion or purpose that frustrates someone's goals or desires everything you all of us have a goal every time that goal is blocked there will be conflict what should we be thinking of when when we're dealing with conflict let's look at Luke chapter 6 verse 27 28 if we're truly peacemakers it says here in 27 but to you who are listening I say love your enemies do good to those who hate you bless those who curse you pray pray for those who mistreat you how are we to be different as peacemakers how are we to be to be different in responding to conflicts sabadie to love your enemies okay I think think about that oftentimes were on the road traffic traffic is normal here in the Philippines right now in Manila and you encounter mana drivers who would decide to block your goal you want to reach CCF soon Lipkin a pair of mirin drivers that who decide to just cut you some little then they become your enemies ability to love your enemy you do good it doesn't stop there love your enemy okay you'll see I love my enemy but but it says here do good to those who hate you people who hate you we're supposed to do good to them Wow not only that SAP I bless those who curse you when people shout at you and even curse you what are you supposed to do bless them and then it ends pray for those who mistreat you at one point you will be mistreated and how are we to respond we're supposed to to pray for those people you know just like how pastor Ricky would ask us it's that hard or it's that hard love puru ulun you know this proves that we need supernatural help to respond in a godly way we need the Prince of Peace okay to take over there are many causes of conflicts let's talk about that first cause is what we call misunderstandings misunderstandings are often the cause of major conflicts the reason why you're in conflict because you don't understand each other you misunderstood each other there's a story in the Bible when when the Israelites were going to conquer the land flowing with milk and honey they were there at the Jordan River and time came when the two tribes and a half okay talk to Joshua and said that we'd like to get this land before the Jordan River because it's so beautiful we believe that our tribes can thrive here but but Joshua said no you join us first until we conquer the land beyond Jordan River and after we do that then you can come back so let me let let's let's read on Joshua 22 it says here then Joshua some wonder reunites the gadites and half drive of Manasseh and said to them you have done all that Moses the servant of the lord commanded and you have obeyed me in everything I commanded for a long time now to this very day you have not deserted your fellow Israelites but I've carried out the mission the Lord your God gave you apparently they were able to conquer already the land beyond Jordan River and now that the Lord your God has given them rest as he promised return to your homes in the land that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you on the other side of the Jordan only enter post an assignment go back you know instructions when they came to Galilee lot near the Jordan in the land of Canaan the Reuben IDEs gadites and half tribal - they built an imposing altar there by the Jordan so they went to their place now beyond the Jordan across and there they built an imposing altar verse 11 says and when the Israelites heard that they had built the altar on the border of Canaan and at Galil off near the Jordan on the Israelite side the whole Assembly of Israel Israel gathered at shallow to go to war against them imagine two and a half tribes against Olympus illa twelve tribes all in all Dubai so nine nine in half tama by nine and a half tribes and Caliban and two and a half tribes but I only moppet a union so what happened next when they went to Gilead the reuben gad and the half tribe of manasseh they said to them a genuine Armed Forces nila no the whole Assembly of the Lord says how could you break faith with the God of Israel like this how could you turn away from the Lord and build yourselves an altar in rebellion against him now was not the sin of pare enough for us up to this very day we have not cleanse ourselves from that sin even though a plague fell on the community of the Lord and are you now turning away from the Lord answer goodness that was the issue okay they answered no we did it for fear that someday your descendants might say to us what do you have to do with the Lord the God of Israel the Lord has made the Jordan a boundary between us you Ruba nights and gadites you have no share in the Lord so your descendants might cause ours stop feeding the Lord far be it from us to rebel against the Lord and turn away from him today by building an altar for burnt offerings green offerings and sacrifices other than the altar of the Lord our God that stands before his tabernacle when Phineas the priests and the leaders of the community the heads of the clan surface has heard what Reuben GAD and Manasseh had to say they were pleased when the explanation was given them that we did not build this altar to worship or sacrifice we will sacrifice their atoms tabernacle this was just a pairing reminder when they heard what Reuben garden Manasseh had to say they were pleased and finally a son of Eleazar the priest said to Reuben God and Manasseh today we know that the Lord is with us because you have not been unfaithful to the Lord in this matter now you have rescued the Israelites from the Lord's hand you know we oftentimes moontak number tanto montec num mug kau busan Guerra and it's not a simple simple conflict it's it's life in that situation from the for the Israelites but it came about because of misunderstanding do Yura that oftentimes we become we have conflict we encounter conflict with other people because of misunderstanding you don't understand the other person you at once judge the other person of whatever or maybe some some other people judged you misjudged you we have the tendency to jump it to conclusion whether we heard something said or we read something like on Dominions a facebook but canyons in Ibiza Facebook the man but before getting angry let's try to understand the other party first oftentimes our senior pastor would remind us he used to judge already people oh why why did why didn't you want to talk to me why did you want to hang up already at once firing why were you in a hurry I wanted to talk to you panic around in his mind he was judging already until he under he talked to the person in and understood that the other person was concerned about him because he called up bahama quiet shy melaka phangan so he was in a hurry just thinking of him so now every time there's a situation in his life he tells us okay put it in the parent folder a special folder suspense folder okay and then until you get to understand the situation before you judge anything so at other causes of conflicts yes misunderstanding and one differences in values and goals we have all different different goals or priorities in life calling or expectations there are so many differences in the body of Christ and it can cause conflicts the question is who made us different the Lord and for what purpose because he wanted people people to be to have passion in say the music ministry others he wanted to have passion in children's ministry others want he he gave the gifts of administration wanting to take care of the building facilities and all we were given different gifts we were given different passions in life we are all different but this differences can cause conflict we are we have to know that okay we can't expect everybody to be like us the Lord has a purpose and God just wants to use these differences for creativity and diversity Cassie company Perry hotel how boring life can be right another cause of conflict would be competition over resources competition over limited resources money time people devar you're so jealous of people transferring to another D group donation Citigroup name Bob Andy no matter anybody limited they weren't limited baggage in satellite no most boring funds but can we quantify angle or debar competition over resources not healthy at all another cause of conflict would be sinful sinful attitudes and desires but just like fever the real problem is infection oftentimes we deal with the symptom a worm a division but oftentimes the real cause is their sin among the group their sin which we need to deal with other causes of conflict would be stress stress caused by change you know some some are affected by change actually a lot of people joke about CCF they say CCF stands for change change fellowship I remember when time came when people Pete was really hammering on us many many years ago the concept of d12 he said this is the way to go detailed d12 we had people then who were stressed out and really rebellious against the thought why did I blow only before I will only minister to d4 or d3 but you see those people who got the idea who who accepted the challenge they were the ones who were blessed who were used by God mightily in winning more Souls there are sinful attitude with regards to sinful attitudes if we go there I wanted to share with you that we have actually idols in our lives idols okay let's talk about the idols there's a progression of an idol first it starts with I desire it may be something good you're desiring something good but whether good or bad this desire of yours it can move up to I demand if you don't get what you desire you demand if you still go don't get that you you go I judge and then I punish let me give you an example I've been over the exalt ministry which is music ministry in CCF and sometimes we of course we go we open auditions and groups come in and a person of course would be would would come and would want to join the choir because he or she wants to serve the Lord in singing with the choir that is a very good desire but when that person was not admitted nagging I demand my groupmates were admitted I'm I'm also a singer I can sing like them I should be admitted demanda in the paren I judge now those people are really unfair they don't know what they're doing and then I punish they start posting already so Facebook la boot illegal of anima exalt nyan so if you find yourself not happy not satisfied because your desire is not given to you then that desire could be an idol oftentimes when we hear about Idol we think about human are statues big or small a candy bar that people worship bow down to but here in our inner Christian environment idols can be maybe a car a position in your company maybe a relationship if there is anything in your life that can take away the joy from your height other than God then it could be an idol but God uses conflict to expose our idols the Quran on conflict and then we realize oops idol Paulo and I have an idol conflict brings them to the surface it opens our eyes it gives us the opportunity to correct our sin and to ask for forgiveness even a ministry can become an idol let's be careful KCU ministry more so how do we cure an idolatrous head if we have an idolatry side how do we cure first if you realize you have an idol you confess your sin and you trust God alone for everything you need and then you replace idol worship with worship of the true God you realize you have an idol in life maybe relationship you were eyeing on this person and then your d group mate was the one named partner Nitin person and you have bitterness in your head you don't have joy depressed canal divine so it can be an idol and you need to confess that because because you need to get the joy from God okay and then replace idol worship with worship of true God let me share with your verse some 34 verse 4 there 7 verse 4 it says delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart so among your groupmates now can you give just one one example of how you show the Lord that you delight in him okay talk about talk about that share among yourselves one example lung but beginning one example on how you will prove to God that you delight in him that you delight in the Lord being grateful in everything that happens to your life do by being grateful actually I see myself you impossibly beautiful and diming I mean coche that was Lord bounnam parking and then all of a sudden there's one vacant parking lot Lord thank you being grateful for anything grateful for for your life maybe no for waking up for for your family for it being having a grateful that that's one okay uh nope ah thankful because the Lord will provide you're not worried about provision young man do you know indica indica taught nor Castlevania and never will I leave you never will I forsake you you know that passage comes from talking about money he will provide please God good Wow reading the Bible now spending time with God's Word every day do you know that you can easily if if you don't have a chance to sit down and read your Bible do you know that we have YouVersion Bible that has audio Kaiama Skinner to toothbrush Carnegie Lamas gonna be bisca you can hear God's Word being read to you Navarre you can finish the entire Bible in one year pi repugnant and unanimously pastor Peter who of you read the Bible in the entire Bible already this year you can raise your hand Marren an audio Bible Naropa being obedient obeying God human human commands yeah if you read the commandment you'll be now if you obey your showing the Lord Lord I delight in you I want to obey you in my life well abandon gurglings a table at all rejoicing worshiping him can anything over you endeavor exhaustible that ever rejoicing you you you worship his saying you praise him you praise him you know spending time with God and His Word praying reading his word listening to audio Bible listening to podcasts that reminds us of who our God is it fills us you know it shows us that we were looking forward to our meeting with him every day you wouldn't let a day pass without spending time with his world and talking to him you know even traffic situations now are a blessing when I'm caught in traffic tapas I'm spittin I mean five or ten kilometer long house building stop me Jimmy blessing them on tuenti eat up a stop yeah that moment I thank the Lord father thank you we have time to talk and then I pour out my height I worship Him and then I pour out my height you are concerned Scott I get to pray for my family okay uh make good use of those moments you know if we fill ourselves with God's Word we have peace and love okay we have peace and love kasi God's Word will give us that if I'm filled with peace almost nothing can upset me do you agree if you have peace in your heart you're filled with God nothing can upset you okay if you're filled with love nothing would irritate you see me lovely well I mean you filled with love child a child would baby would wake up and cry at night you you modern to ours belong to look would wake up not irritated at all why because her heart is of love towards that maybe if I'm filled with Jesus almost nothing would make me mad almost nothing would pick me off but if I'm filled with self anything can tick me off anything can make me mad anything can irritate me so what am i pointing at be very careful with what's inside your heart fill your heart with God delight in the Lord and then make bonus he will give you your heart's desire what we are to keep in mind is not is that the problem is not the people outside who irritate you but what's inside your heart so when the time comes when you're irritated super irritated and a gala from Pier I took downtown then stop and analyze take a what's in my heart how come I'm angry how come I'm getting irritated but I him they're all filled with Jesus do you know the saying that nobody can make you angry unless you allow him or unless unless you allow the person to make you angry so always worship the Lord always sing to him thank him from every for everything for the parking for keeping you safe for your good health for keeping your loved ones safe for enjoying his creation being grateful for your work the money that you can get from your work being grateful for your family your ministry in other words fill your heart with God and to resolve conflicts you you get your eyes back to Jesus because even even conflicts are allowed by Jesus for a purpose to mature us to give us an opportunity to be peacemakers and set up non-eu moment by moment you're in tune with God you know I recall there was a moment in my life when the Lord just reminded me to delight in him always I was driving and I was I was to attend a an early morning early early morning conference at Medical City meadow coming Department of Ophthalmology conference every Wednesday and that early morning Wednesday I parked I was early sometimes I come late like I said that but were in before 7:30 but I was early at that time to go to minus 7 and when I park you know I I had this cell phone playing sides Cherico and there was this song a standard song playing and I turned off the engine I opened the door I was about to go out and then the song started Sabino song I can only give you love that lasts forever we go in there we go there we go but I don't see Jesus store why go because only Jesus can say such my I can only give you love that lasts forever because no no one of us nobody can tell you that here divine even your spouse can say that forever mommy Avalanna shanwa lanham forever so so sappy co-parent see Jesus parent love me Jesus and then I started to go down and then it went on sabe and the promise to be near each time you call oops see Jesus night oh we go I think Jesus is talking to me so I closed the door again I went inside the car and I put my hands under on the steering wheel and I said okay Lord CD Paco's up in your photo and then the the song went and the only heart I own for you and you alone that's all that's all Wow it's off we go thank you for that thank you for for loving me for giving me your height tapas Albania I can we give you country walks in springtime and I had to hold when leaves begin to fall oh sorry go springtime fall pattern I will be with you on message have any Jesus I will be with you Glenn in happy times springtime and even during lonely times for because thank you Lord and the love whose burning light will warm the winter's night that's all that's all I was enjoying already in conversation I meani God doing so secular song that always a standard tapas Ave there are those I am sure who have told you they would give you the world for a toy not in a cone I recall that time of Jesus in the wilderness when when the devil was tempting him and he said look at all the kingdoms of the world I will give them to you you worship me Peron Peron they would give you the world for a toy divine purposes he went all I have are these arms to enfold you to perspiring a picture cozy Jesus across at Allah hang these arms are the only ones that I have for you to enfold you to embrace you so we go thank you for loving me so much you died on the cross for me extending his arms like that and the love time can never destroy you love just a keen in the reminder to never be destroyed and then Sabina so I was already teary-eyed that time tapas AVI if you're wondering what I'm asking in return dear oh sorry colloid you have been so good to me you have been so good you looking back in 1986 he plucked me out from this world he can succumb Hindi Negi no I was up numbering I mean magazine humo Familia Monaco tapas even in 2004 when we lost our entire house of sapphire he was there he never left us he never first so cos he was so good sub pickled Lord a new poem Castagna if you're asking if you're wondering what I'm asking and open anything Lord anything you just tell me a fungus I'm a subpoena you'll be glad to know that my demands are small I don't know guide I don't know you'd still be i i i i will give to you father say it's me that you adore for now and every more that's all that's known so Big O Lord we go south we go I I offer my life to you I I you will be the only one I will adore for known forevermore thank you so much for loving me you know so I was there crying inside my car gone when I when I when I got put there and I just saw some side namana machine T Muhammad on my syllabus in Kochi to meeting your conductor behind a camel is a surgery go under manga in the e-cigarette but you know I I never forgot that the Lord spoke to me in a song and he could speak to you at any time in your life
Channel: Gabriel Rebuta
Views: 687
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Keywords: ccf, glc 3, leadership skills, session 6, conflict resolution, part 1
Id: ppgT9QmNHlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 49sec (3349 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.