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so here's what we've done those in the sanctuary or in the fellowship hall please notice that we have what we call agape boxes places for ties and offerings but let me highlight for everyone especially those that are at home but for everyone really the app is a great way because it is so convenient notice for one-time donations the tab called give donate online that's there for you also go down a little further you can log into your account for those that would like to make like regular donations or tractor giving and all that you can create an account on that tab as well all of this is available on the website go to the members page click on that navigation bar and it'll take you right there god bless you thank you again for standing with us this has been crazy uh since it started and to stand together is so so appreciated i thank you very much for standing with us all right church that's all i have for announcements let's do a bible study and i'm excited to ask you to open your bibles tonight to deuteronomy chapter 18. we're back to our regular verse by verse go through the whole bible and deuteronomy 18 beginning in verse 1. and so let's ask god's blessing father thank you for your word thank you for sending it forth in power for revealing to us your heart and we come into the courts of god with the heart that is open to you show us your heart after us in jesus powerful name i mentioned before this is uh moses's last speech that he's giving to israel they're on the other side of the jordan they're at the end of their 40 years journey in the wilderness god has told moses that he is not crossing that jordan and and so therefore this is his last speech his last opportunity and he is seeking revival you can sense in his words when he gives some of the greatest words that god has ever spoken right in the book of deuteronomy in this speech you shall love the lord your god with all of your heart this is the greatest the foremost of all that god has ever said jesus told us this the greatest words you shall love the lord your god you want to transform your life take hold of those words if you love the lord your god he says with all of your heart and all of your soul and all of your strength the the the transformation that he says will happen in your life is astounding wondrous the beauty of the presence of the lord like he's offering moses wants revival and he knows this is the key they're going to go into this land across that jordan and they're going to go into this land where there's all of this worldly people worldly influences and he knows that it's going to go badly for them if they do not love the lord their god with all their heart it's kind of like i think of it like maybe a parent you know getting ready to send their children off to college or getting ready to send their children into the world now that that's a scary thought to send your kids off into the world we we raised five uh kids and uh now we've adopted our granddaughter avia so we're now number six but i'll tell you it is a it is a ominous thought to send your kids off in the world like it is today when anybody agree with me this is a messed up world this is a messed up world and the influences and we're going to see this in this chapter particularly the influences of this world will destroy i mean you love your kids right you love your kids and you want them to do well in this life you you love your kids you want them to do well and you know the key so you know the key you you know when you send that kid off into the world whether it's to college or you know whatever when you send them out into that world you know that there are a lot of things that can destroy them so therefore what is it that you want most for your child i want you to walk with the lord man i'm telling you right now i want you to walk with the lord i want you to know the promises of god i want you to know that he'll walk with you but i tell you the words that moses gave here are words that every parent would love their kid to take hold of from the bottom of their heart oh if they would be steadfast in the lord and i'll tell you as a parent who's got now adult children when they walk with the lord it will bless your life anybody else have any children that are walking with the lord it'll bless your life but if they don't it'll break your heart and so you can just see god's heart in that right so now we get to chapter 18 he's going through this uh speech in many ways he's kind of recounting some of the uh various laws and things that they heard before so he's kind of reminding them again because remember they didn't have what you and i have we have what a privilege we have the speech of moses anytime you want to read the speech of moses you got it right there it is for you everyone in this room has a copy of the bible some people have multiple copies of multiple translations right of multiple versions and and everyone is home you have also the the speech that moses gave anytime you want to read it but they didn't and so he's reminding them again so let's pick it up now chapter 18 verse 1. so he's he says now the levitical priests you remember that out of the tribes of israel there was one tribe set apart set aside and that's the tribe of levi the levites to be priests unto the lord so he says now the levitical priests the whole tribe of levi shall have no portion or inheritance with israel in other words when they cross over that land and all the tribes start getting their apportionment of land the levite shall not have a sector of land because it says they shall eat the lord's offering and his portion in other words it says they verse 2 they shall have no inheritance among their countrymen because the lord god is their inheritance as he promised in other words you might a lot of people would look at this and say oh that's terrible they didn't get any land and he says no this is a great thing i will be with you i will be your inheritance you're getting the best part of this because you're the ones with the greatest privilege because you're the ones that are gonna walk closest and you're gonna serve the living god what a privilege is that see now that's the way to leave i saw it too this is a privilege we are called you know to minister to the lord and to minister to the people in the lord's behalf what a privilege by the way do you know he says today to believers he calls the the church a kingdom of priests now a lot of people don't think of themselves as priests unto the lord but that's what he calls you he says because you get to minister to the lord himself you bless the lord and you get to represent the lord to the world that's a privilege right but he goes on to say about the levites verse 3 now this shall be the priests do from the people from those who offer a sacrifice by the way on a side note the levites were to have what are known as levitical cities so they would have a place here and there and here and there levitical cities they would have then some a certain amount of farmland around that city so they could uh grow things but it says here that verse 3 the priest shall have a do from the people from those who offer a sacrifice in other words when the people bring an ox or a sheep of which they shall give them to the priest the shoulder see so when they bring some an offering to the lord as a burnt offering or whatever the priest says get a portion he can have the shoulder and the two cheeks and the stomach i think we call that tripe isn't it isn't that the stomach tripe i'm sure the levites were going yes awesome we get the best we can see i don't know about you i've never had tripe and i don't think it's very appetizing to even think of anybody ever had tripe it can't be good it just can't be good but it says no this is like a delicacy you know there are things in the world that are delicacies and special that we would not think as very special like for example you know these snails in france and people pay a lot of extra money for snails in france moving on yes we get these portions verse 4 then you shall give him also the first fruits so they were to bring a tithe offering tithe literally means a tenth they were to bring a tithe offering of the first and best of whatever it was the first fruits of the grain or the new wine or the oil the first shearing of the sheep so they had a provision god made a provision by the way why was it that god chose the levites out of all of the tribes do you remember when moses was on mount sinai or mount horeb is another name for it those 40 days 40 nights and he had been gone a long time and the people of israel down at the base of the mountain became impatient because moses had been gone so long so they said to aaron his brother we don't know what has become of this moses make us say god you know that we can uh honor and serve him and so aaron said to them bring your gold earrings and whatnot you know and he put it in the fire and fashion the golden calf remember the account of this here is your god who israel and so when moses was coming down the mountain because god had told him these people these people have turned away so they're coming down the mountain moses and joshua his is a right-hand assistant joshua says i hear i hear the sound of war in the camp and moses says that is not the sound of victory and that is not the sound of defeat that is singing that's what i'm hearing they are having a party and he comes down and sure he sees the people it says they rose up to play that's hebrew for they had a parte and moses became angry you remember the story and he took the tablets that god had given him on this mountain and he threw them down and broke them to pieces and became angry with the people and then he called out to israel whoever is for the lord come to me now he's going to he's going to deal with this he's going to put an end to this but he calls out to israel whoever is for the lord come to me now and it says that the entire tribe of levi came to moses at that moment now i i find that a very inspiring scene unfolding wouldn't you want to imagine that if if such a thing happened if god said to you whoever is for the lord come to me now that you would have said here i am lord i stand with you anybody want to raise your hand and say i that's what i want my heart to be i want to say lord i stand with you now this is an important thing cause i'll tell you there's going to be a great struggle now god rewarded the levites for that stand made them special they get the privilege of all the other tribes of representing god and being nearest to him and serving him in the temple but wouldn't it be a similar thing in our modern age because there is so much there are so much in this world that is against god wouldn't this be true you don't have to look very far there is so much in this world that's against god there is so much in this world that is detestable to god would anybody agree with me on this that god finds offensive that's what the word detestable means that god would find offensive are there things in this world that god finds offensive there most certainly are wouldn't it be wonderful now listen to the application wouldn't it be wonderful if the holy spirit if god said through his holy spirit whoever is for the lord come to me now and then you said here i am lord i'm yours i stand with you i stand with you see this is this is important because there's a time of choosing you gotta you gotta decide in your life where are you gonna stand where are you going to walk how are you going to live this life there's a lot of ways you can mess up your life but there's one way to honor god walk with him whoever is for the lord come to me now and so the levites did and they got this privilege and says uh uh verse 5 for the lord has chosen him and his sons from all your tribes to stand and serve in the name of the lord forever now if a levite comes from any of your towns throughout israel in other words once you cross over wherever he resides and he comes whenever he desires to that place the lord chooses that will be jerusalem then he shall serve in the name of the lord his god like all his fellow levites who stand there before the lord and they will all eat equal portions except what they receive from the sailor of the father's estates that's theirs now verse 9 when you enter that land notice what he says this is very important to what is going to follow when you enter that land which the lord your god gives you you will not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations because those nations were doing very detestable things he lists them what they are verse 10 there shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire now let's stop there because this is an abomination and virtually all of the gods of the world at that time included some aspect of sacrificing one's children not all of them of course but a child would be offered to the goddess of fertility in order to bring about a a blessing supposed blessing on the crops or or whatever you know and a child would be offered and they it's just like no it's like no he says they this shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire or one who uses divination or one who practices witchcraft or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer or one who casts a spell or a medium or a spiritus or one who calls up the dead for whoever does these things is detestable to the lord and because of these detestable things see notice because of these detestable things the lord your god will drive them out he's going to give that land to israel because of these detestable things you know when you think about your relationship to god the key word that i suggest in that phrase is relationship when you have a relationship to the living god you want to walk in such a way that you you please him you want to know his heart you want to please him and i think that's true of all of us right if we're going to be in a relationship with someone we want to know what they like what they don't like right if you're going to be in a relationship to me right if i'm going to be in a relationship to you we're going to know what each of us like and don't like right so for example there's certain things i like there's certain things i don't like if you know me very much you know there's certain things i like i love good humor i just like due to humor i can't stand potty humor that's that's me i love respect i think that people are are or to be respectful of one another even if you disagree with him you can still be respectful this is just that's just who i am right i just think that people should respect when i'll respect you you respect these are things i like i like to you know do adventures i like to do adventurous things you see but there's also things they don't like and so the same is true and how much more true with god there are things he loves there are things that make the lord delighted there are things that the lord finds detestable and it would be really good to know in fact in proverbs chapter 6 it says there are six things which the lord hates yes a seven which are an abomination haughty eyes a lying tongue hands that shed innocent blood a heart that devises evil uh wicked plans feet that run rapidly to evil a false witness that utters lies and one who strip spread strife these things the lord hates so he says look at these things of the world they are detestable have nothing to do with them divination he says divination trying to see the future through occultic means there are those who do that like with tea leaves or pollen reading or tarot cards or ouija boards i don't think that's such a thing today but it was for a while where he says witchcraft the the attempt of using spiritual powers to impact other people's lives there's a there's a modern resurgence of witchcraft uh today by the way uh mostly known as white witchcraft but there is a resurgence with of witchcraft or a soothsayer those who predict the future with astrological signs uh kind of like horoscopes and whatnot or the interpreting of omens he says that was a thing many many years ago where they would cut open an animal for example and look at the the innards and whatever and that was supposedly going to give them the direction for their life or they would uh see something happen and they would say oh that's an omen and then they would interpret that omen to mean this or that thing or a sorcerer that's someone who uses drugs to create a spiritual uh uh experience that which was a big thing in the 60s and then communicating with the dad to go to the dead to seek their advice to seek their their their counsel on something that's why in isaiah 8 9 it says 8 19 when they say consult the mediums in spiritus and who whisper and mutter should not have people consider their consult their god should they consult the dead on their behalf of the living god says it's all detestable so it says notice verse 13 you will be blameless before the lord your god for those nations which you shall dispossess they listen to those who practice these things witchcraft diviners but as for you now i love that phrase but as for you the lord your god has not allowed you to do so but as for you i love that phrase because it really helps us to sense god is setting people apart as for you you're in the kingdom of god now see if you've asked the lord jesus into your heart as lord and savior you're in the kingdom of god now and a whole different set of principles apply if you're in the kingdom of god because the world has their set of principles that are detestable but god says you're in the kingdom of god now as for you i just love that phrase but notice where he goes next verse 15 the lord your god will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you from your countrymen you will listen to him this is clearly by the way prophetic uh jewish leaders for many many many years have interpreted this to mean that god will send a prophet like moses he will be the one in fact do you remember when jesus fed the five thousand with the five loaves and the two fish it tells us in john 6 that afterward the people said this is truly the prophet who is to come into the world remember when the disciples of john the baptist came to jesus and they they said we have a question from john john wants to know if you are the one are you are the one or should we look for another jesus i love jesus's answer he said you tell john what you have seen and what you have heard the blind see the death hear the lame walk and the dead rise again you tell john that and he will know the answer he is the one the long promised one this is the one and he says i will send a prophet like me you will listen to him verse 16 this is in accordance to all that you asked of the lord your god on that day on the mountain at horeb at mount sinai saying let me not hear again the voice of the lord my god let me not see his great fire anymore lest i die in other words they said moses you s you go talk to god for us you go bring back what god has to say to us we are very afraid so verse 17 the lord said they have spoken well i will verse 18 raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you and i will put my words in his mouth and he will speak to them all that i command him this is clearly a prophecy of jesus christ like highlight you should just highlight any of these clear specific prophecies and it will come about notice verse 19 it will come about that whoever will now listen whoever will not listen to my words which he shall speak in my name i myself will require it of him that is a powerful phrase i will require my word from him in other words jesus said that he speaks the words that the father gave him to speak and then he said whoever abides in my word is truly my disciple do you consider yourself an a a disciple of jesus christ do you do you consider yourself a follower of jesus christ he says whoever abides in my word he is truly my disciple and he will know the truth and the truth will set you free and he whom the son sets free is free indeed like these are some epic powerful words god says i'm sending forth my son i put my words in his mouth and i will require those words of you he will require those words of every man every man is going to have to stand before god the father and give an account of what did you do with my son i sent you my son my only begotten son and i sent him with my words i sent him with my heart and i sent him with the mission of seeking to save that which was lost he gave his own blood he paid the penalty on the cross for every one of your sins and i will require it of you what did you do what did you do with my son my only begotten son my precious son i gave him to you what did you do with that it will be required of you now that is a deep deep powerful understanding because it says those in the world they go to the diviners they seek after the dead they go to the spiritists they go to the the drug thing they they go after the stuff of the world to find wisdom to find life to find words what do you go to them for what is there that they have but i gave my son the very words of my heart and he spoke those words to you and those words will transform your life you take hold of those words jesus said anyone who hears these words and takes hold of these words and lives according to these words he says i will tell you what he is like he is like a wise man who built his house on a rock and when the storm came and beat against that house it did not fall because it was built on a foundation of rock that's a powerful understanding and in another place jesus said the good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good the evil man out of the evil treasures brings forth what is evil for the mouth speaks and the life is lived from that which fills the heart you take god's word you take the words of jesus and you write them on the tablet of your heart and it will transform your life you know why because god sent forth his word in power it's not just it's not just letters on a page he says i will send forth my word in power and it will not return empty or void without accomplishing the purpose for which i sent it it's like deuteronomy chapter 11 he says you will write these words on your heart and on your soul you will bind them on your hand and on the funnels of your forehead it's like this is life so i will require to view verse 20 but that prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in my name in other words no god didn't say that you're just that's god didn't say that i have not commanded him to speak or which he shall speak in the name of some other god that prophet shall die it's an ominous thing to to to to speak in behalf of god or say this is god's word and you may say in your heart well how shall we know the word which the lord has not spoken he gives a test when a prophet speaks in the name of the lord if the thing does not come about or come true that is the thing which the lord has not spoken that's the prophet has spoken presumptually presumptuously you will not be afraid of him chapter 19 verse 1 when the lord your god cuts off those nations whose land and lord the lord your god gives you and you dispossess them and settle in their cities and in their houses in other words after you've been there and settled this matter verse two you shall set aside then three cities for yourself now he's changing the topic this is a very important and famous topic called cities of refuge he's speaking now about setting up these cities he's already on the east side set up three cities of refuge so this is when you get to that side i want you to set up three more but notice what it says i want you to set up three cities for yourselves in the midst of that land which the lord your god gives you to possess and you shall prepare the roads for yourself divide into three parts the territory of that land which the lord your god will give you as a possession so that a man's slayer may flee a man slayer may flee there run so he describes verse four this is the case of a manslaughter this is the case of a man slayer who may flee there and live when he kills his friend unintentionally it was an accident it was completely an accident not hating him previously not premeditated this is where we get the idea premeditated as as for example he gives an example as when a man goes into the forest with his friend to cut wood and his hand swings the axe to cut down the tree but the iron head slips off of the handle and strikes his friend so that he dies he may flee to one of these cities and live lest the avenger of blood pursue the man's slayer in the heat of his anger and overtake him because the way is long and take his life though he was not deserving of death since he had not hated him previously so the idea here is that back in that time that culture is very common in the world it wasn't just there it was very common in the world that if someone died that the nearest of kin would be assigned to be quote the avenger and then the avenger his job was to go find that person who killed the nearest relative and take his life to be you know to pursue to get vengeance thus avenger it's very common in that time and so he says but the man's not deserving it was an accident it's an accident he's not deserving of that but the avenger that was the custom and culture of the day and so he says i want you to set up these cities of refuge so that should this happen the man is not deserving of it he may flee the run there and it tells us in in the book of numbers i he says i want the roads to be always maintained all the roads to the cities of refuge always maintain i want road signs always maintained on every intersection so that everyone knows how to get to the city of refuge and i want it to be within one day's journey if the person runs and it says in the book of numbers you must tell that manslayer if you're in trouble you run you don't walk you don't jog you run and i love that scripture the name of the lord is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and are saved you run the cities of refuge is a picture of jesus christ he is our refuge he is our help if you're in trouble you run to the lord you run sometimes i hear people say you're only turning to the lord because you're in trouble to which i say i'm at least you're turning to the lord now other times people think well if if you've done something terrible something terrible has happened that god is angry and so therefore i i have no help from god he's angry with me whereas god is saying turn to god that is the very place you must go in time of trouble run run run to that place by the way the idea of sanctuary cities which has of course been in the news in our uh uh nation of late the last several years the idea of a sanctuary city actually comes from this idea right here and the idea of protection although it was meant to be applied this way and it was also common in in history by the way interesting little side note factoid that if someone run to a church that if a person ran into the church that the the the police would not pursue them there uh let me just say if you're in trouble with the police please don't run to the church i'm just saying it's going to put me in an awkward place but that was very common in those days and so he gives this idea of the cities of refuge and it's a beautiful picture of jesus christ psalm 91 say to the lord you are my refuge you're my fortress my god in whom i trust it is he who will deliver you from the snare of the trapper and the deadly pestilence it is he who will cover you with his opinions and under his wings you may seek refuge uh psalm 27 verse 5 in the day of trouble you will conceal me in his tabernacle in the secret place of his tent he will hide me and he will lift me up on a rock you run if you've ever been in trouble you run to the lord i've had i've had people let's just say people in the church who've gotten into trouble and then they they say to me i just need you to stand with me please stand with me to which i would say you're my friend i will stand with you i don't care what you've done i will stand with you and i will help you to have the help of god all i can i want revival in your life and i'm here to help bring revival because i know that's the very thing you need most amen and so he continues about the the the manslaughter for the avenger of blood if he pursues in the heat of anger and overtake him because the way is too long and then take his life though he's not deserving of it verse 7 therefore i command you saying you will set aside these three cities for yourself and then notice this if the lord your god enlarges your territory just as he swore to your fathers and gives you all the land which he promised to give your fathers if you carefully observe all this commandment which i command you today to love the lord your god to walk in his ways always that's how the blessing of god will be fully seen then add three more see did you know god gave boundaries for the nation of israel which they never achieved even to this day they've never achieved the fullness of the boundaries that god had promised them it will be seen in the latter days but not yet he said if you walk with the lord if you if you if you observe all of these commandments and love the lord your god and walk with him always and the blessing of god flows in abundance then add even three more up to a total of nine besides these three so verse 10 so that innocent blood will not be shed that avenger will be doing the wrong thing for innocent blood would be shed in the midst of the land which the lord your god gives you an inheritance and blood guiltiness beyond you no so if and so because if if a man didn't deserve to die and the family knows no it was an accident he didn't deserve to die but the avenger takes his life well then the the family of the person who was wrongfully killed will get their own adventure and then they'll go after the avenger with a new avenger and then that family will say well he was just avenging because he did this now you stand avenger after our venture we're going to have to send another avenger after your avenger are you with me on this and pretty soon you have family feud and some of the famous family feuds probably the most famous family feud in history is the hatfields and the mccoys and it was passed from generation to generation it got so bad the the governors of kentucky and west virginia had to get involved and eventually went to the supreme court to get resolved although history tells us that what really settled it was when one of the the uh fathers of africa maybe the hatfields came forward a revival meeting his name was devil ants ends devil ands was his name can you imagine naming your son devil probably a nickname devil ends went to a revival meeting and heard the gospel of jesus christ and came forward and gave his life and history says that that the family was transformed when the father came to faith in jesus christ and the matter was settled now there's a there's a strong word there the influence of a father is powerful later on it says after all this was settled in the year 2000 by the way the hatfields decided to have a family reunion and they invited the mccoys and then there was the dispute over the uh no just kidding but notice this notice this verse 11 if there is a man who hates his neighbor though different case here and he lies in wait for him premeditated and rises up against him and strikes him so that he dies and and he flees to one of these cities now this provision is now for that the elders of that city shall send and take him from there and deliver him into the hand of the avenger that he may die after a thorough investigation if this was premeditated murder they will hand them to the avenger do not pity him but purge the blood of that innocent from israel that it may go well with you by the way another interesting factoid about the cities of refuge tells us in the book of numbers that if that manslaughter ran to the help the city of refuge he must stay there he must stay there if he leaves that city then the avenger finds him then he can get a vengeance he must stay there until the death of the high priest the high priest in jerusalem when the high priest in jerusalem dies and here's the amazing thing when the high priest in jerusalem dies that manslaughter is forgiven in its entirety and he can be set free he can go home without any uh further concern what a picture of jesus christ who is our high priest and it is the death of the high priest our lord and savior jesus christ that sets us free from our own sin and death i don't know about you but i love the analogy that god put into the scriptures that points out jesus christ over and over and over all right chapter 19 verse 14 moreover you will not move your neighbor's boundary mark he's giving various and sundry uh guidances to them do not move your neighbor's boundary like that is god god given don't mess with those things that god gave which the ancestors have set in your inheritance which you shall inherit in the land that the lord god gave you and then verse 15 another interesting aspect of justice a single witness will not rise up against a man on account of any iniquity or any sin which he's committed they shall judge he's giving guidance now to the leaders and judges not do not let a single witness rise up on evidence of two or three witnesses a matter shall be confirmed and by the way we very much use some of these rules they have informed some of our justice system some of which verse 16 if a malicious witness rises up against a man to accuse him of wrongdoing and it's a malicious witness then both of the men who have had the dispute shall stand before the lord before the priests and the judges who will be in office in those days and the judge will investigate thoroughly and if the witness is a false witness and he has accused his brother falsely then they shall do to him just as he had intended to do to his brother and the rest will hear and be afraid and will never again do such an evil thing verse 21 is interesting it's often quoted and is often misquoted thus you shall not show pity life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for food foot for foot and and some have quoted that to mean that god has authorized vengeance if someone is mean to me i get to be mean to them if somebody uh cusses at me i get to cuss at them if somebody you know talks about me behind my back i get to talk about them behind their back it's eye for eye tooth for truth it's famously quoted but that's not what is meant that this is the a justification for vengeance no he's giving guidance to the rulers and judges who will investigate cases in case a dispute arises let the judges and the rulers investigate and be just that's the idea not individual vengeance um in fact this scripture tells us jesus himself said you have heard it said eye for an eye tooth for a tooth but i say to you and it gives a word that shows that god meant for grace to be extended in our individual relationships if someone slaps you on the cheek turn the other cheek that's a difficult principle that's a difficult principle we like the other one better if somebody if somebody's mean to me i ought to be able to me to be mean to them i like that principle better if somebody spits at me i get to spit at them i like that principle better but that's the principle of the world you're in the kingdom of god now and a whole different set of principles apply that's why in first peter 3 he wrote be humble in spirit not returning evil for evil or insult for insult but give a blessing instead grace give grace for you are called for this very purpose that you might inherit a blessing when you give grace even to the people that are like mean give grace means treat them better than they deserve don't return evil for evil or insult for insult you're in the kingdom of god now and if you operate by this principle he says god called you for this very purpose that you might inherit a blessing here's another one romans 12 9 12 19 never take your own revenge beloved never take your own revenge beloved but leave room for the wrath of god for it is written vengeance is mine i will repay says the lord in other words let god settle the matter god settles all matters and i'll tell you what when you operate by these principles it will set you free many of you know my story my daughter was murdered and it went to trial and he was found guilty of aggravated murder and given the the sentence of life without the possibility of parole but when it was all said and done i asked for permission from the judge to speak to him right there in the courtroom and and the judge said he's not allowed to speak to you and i said i don't need him to speak to me i want him to listen to me and she said go ahead so i said to him i may look at me because he had had his head down most of the time look at me so he brought his eyes to mine and i said i tell you today that i forgive you take this as an opportunity to start your life over because there is a judge that is far higher than this judge in which you must give an account of your life it's not too late to redeem your life take hold of this and change your life i said a few more things and my wife came up my wife asked she came up and stood in front of him and said i mean i pray for you every day i pray for you every day and i too forgive you i would tell you that it did something first of all when we sat down the judge said to him do you have anything you want to say she said stand on your feet you have anything you want to say and he said yes i'm sorry the first words he had ever said taking any responsibility i'm sorry i don't know the condition of his soul but i do know the condition of mine and i know that to hold on to hate and the hurt is something that would have ruined my life and i don't want to walk the rest of my life carrying hate or hurt i have entrusted my daughter into the hands of the lord and i will see her again and i think of her every day but i will not carry hate and i will not carry hurt because it would set me in a prison that i don't want to be in i want to be free in this life whatever i got left i want to walk free with a heart that's open and i want to say that to you because god is giving a very important word here there are so many people that carry hurts and wounds they're angry they've been carrying hurts and wounds and it ruins their lives don't carry it anymore lay it down don't carry that hurt anymore you are the one you're the one that will be in a prison of your own pain if you can't let go trust god he settles all accounts let's pray father thank you so much for your hand on our lives how you show us your heart through your word how you show us the very principles of life through your word and i just pray lord for everyone here in this place tonight that would hear these words god i pray for everyone here that they would open their heart to you and say i want to live my life with the principles of your heart god i want to live my life with the principles of your heart i want to walk in the freedom of jesus christ i want to walk in the victory that you have promised for me i want to run to the refuge of god and find help in time of need and i want to know the freedom that comes in walking with you church whether you're here in the sanctuary or there in the fellowship hall or watching from home [Music] may the holy spirit speak life to you right now may the holy spirit speak life to you you're called to be different he says you're called to be different you're in the kingdom of god [Music] and there are principles that will set you free church how many tonight would say i want to walk i want to walk in the freedom and the joy and the glory that god has for me i want that which he has i want to be set free i want to walk in that victory i want to walk in the fullness of his love i want to walk in the fullness of his life i want to walk in all that you have for me how many people would say that just raise your hands to the lord and say god i'm saying it because i mean it just say it to the lord by raising your hand those in the fellowship hall or those that are home just i'm saying it because i mean it i want to walk in the fullness of it all that you have set me free lord fill by your spirit with life and love and peace and joy the presence of god in my life i want to walk in the freedom that comes in the fullness of god father thank you for everyone who says yes to you and desires the deepest relationship that they can have god i just thank you for everyone who says yes bring your spirit pour your life bring revival on your church we honor you and thank you for all that you're doing in us now in jesus powerful name and everyone said can we give the lord praise and glory and honor amen amen amen we're going to worship the lord but i want to give you an invitation if you have if you have not asked jesus christ into your heart as lord and savior let me just say something god put you in that seat tonight because he knows your name and he knows your life and he knows your need and he knows your hearts don't let another day go by without getting right with god settle this matter with god now and if you have not asked him into your heart [Music] do it now don't let another day go by and here's what i'm going to ask that you would do if you would give the lord your life walk with him i'm gonna ask that when we stand up to worship or after the service either one that you would just make your way to the prayer room there's folks that will be right there to agree with you in prayer if you're in the fellowship hall you can come over to the prayer room if you're at home watching i want you to just send me an email that i can pray with you rich calvary i want to just agree with you in prayer but don't let this day go by don't let another day go by without settling this matter with god let's all stand to our feet let's worship let's honor the lord from the depths of our heart we honor him let's worship as we enter the presence of god [Music] you were matchless in grace and mercy there is nowhere we can hide from your love [Music] you are steadfast never failing you [Music] you're the healer of the sick and the broken [Music] forever [Music] we sing [Music] nothing could come against no one stand between us [Music] stand between us [Music] moves with compassion there is light there is healing in your lover the son the holy spirit for eternity we'll sing of all you've done we see god with us [Music] god for us nothing to come against [Music] you brought [Music] you were with me and you lifted me up and you lifted me [Music] where there was and when i was afraid you were with me and you lifted me up and you lifted me [Music] when i was afraid you were with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] stand between us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] us [Music] [Music] can we give the lord praise together tonight let's put our hands together [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] so open up the gates make a way before the kingdom [Music] free [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] who can stop the lord almighty who can solve the lord almighty [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before [Music] let's give him praise together this evening hey well church it is a pleasure and a privilege to worship with you we look forward to having you join us for our saturday night service as well as our sunday morning service until then we're praying for you go and be blessed [Music] ah wall comes crashing down when i open
Channel: CC Hillsboro Stream
Views: 103
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: uMfStq0jSiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 48sec (4008 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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