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it is [Music] [Music] is more than just an obligation you give without a promise your mercy looks foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i can't explain i don't deserve it jesus jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a place for me and it's heavenly [Music] and it's through here [Applause] that's [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] standing higher [Music] shakers hey good morning church so good to be here with you would you guys stand with me welcome to those joining us online we're going to worship the lord together this morning [Music] [Applause] who could carry that kind of weight [Music] it was [Music] [Applause] i tried to hide it was my turn [Music] into your glorious day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as your [Music] [Applause] and now your freedom is all that i know [Music] [Applause] out of the darkness into your glorious day [Music] [Applause] into your glorious day [Music] i needed rescue my sin was heavy the chains break at the weight of your glory i need a shelter i was an orphan and you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my eyes are open cause when you combined [Music] glorious [Music] [Applause] [Music] out of the darkness into your glorious [Applause] can we give the lord praise together this morning [Music] when darkness tries to roll over my bones and sorrow comes to steal the joy i own [Music] when brokenness in pain is all i know i won't be shaking say i won't be shaking my fear doesn't stand a chance when i [Music] doesn't stand a chance when i'm standing [Music] to hide and i am not captive to the lies i'm not afraid to leave my past behind no i won't [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] doesn't stand a chance when i stand [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's a power that can't empty [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] doesn't stand a chance when i stand [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when i stand in your love [Music] let's give him praise together this morning [Music] [Music] is gone and your mercy fills the streets to look upon [Music] there will be a day we know about before him there will be a day when death will be no more and we're standing face to face [Music] and every prayer we prayed in desperation the songs of faith we sing through doubt and fear in the end we will see that it was worth it when he returns to the way our team [Music] then death will be no more and we're standing face to face [Music] and on that day we joined the resurrection and we stand beside all the heroes of the faith with one voice a thousand generations [Music] stand beside [Music] a thousand generations [Music] singing worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory to our god who gave us [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glory to our god who gave us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for there will be a day amen lord there will be a day a day of great victory when you set foot on the mount of olives and rule and reign as king of kings and lord of lords oh there will be a day when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that jesus christ is lord oh lord jesus come quickly we're living in days of tremendous trouble and we look forward to that day when there's a shout of victory over all the earth so god we just welcome you in this place pour out your holy spirit revive your church and meet us now and stir us up in jesus powerful name and everyone said let's give the lord praise and glory and honor can we do that amen amen go ahead and have a seat everyone welcome everyone in the sanctuary welcome everyone joining us online hope you're all doing well it was a nice cold rainy weekend it's like hey that's oregon we love that hey would you all do this for me would you i'll take out your smartphones or your tablets whatever you have and open the church app if you don't have it please this very moment go to your app store or your play store whichever you have and search for calvary hillsboro first thing you'll see is the app you're going to need it those watching online please also you go right now to the play store app store and download it let me just highlight remember this tab updates is where we're going to be adding things as we're adding things back which we're excited about doing already we've been doing some see we added the dinners on wednesday love our dinners on wednesday great connection great fellowship great way to make friends so come be part of that and then of course after dinner is our verse by verse chapter by chapter service and uh we love god's word verse by verse come and join us and then also of course as you know we added back our donuts and coffee on sunday morning so we're excited about that but we soon will be adding dinners on saturday evenings i don't know exactly when but we'll announce it soon we'll also be doing sunday dinners before the evening service so much that we're going to be adding and some new things we've never done before all excited to announce as we get closer all of this is because of you you make it possible when you are a volunteer and help us out because we need teams to build all of these things that we're doing so here's how you let us know you can help us go to this tab called serving opportunities right now we're asking for those that would like to help with our koine cafe this is uh koine means it's a fellowship in greek it's where we serve the specialty coffees and so if you've ever wanted to be a barista now is your opportunity we'll train you and you get a sample all the awesome drinks right so here's how you let us know click on that line where it says coin a cafe there's a form once you fill it in then the submit button will light up and just click on that and they'll get you all connected up now would you go down to this tab called growth groups because we're launching our small groups growth groups uh either this week or next and there's all kinds of opportunities here some for the gal some for the guys some blended together but many opportunities and so be part of it it's kind of the church being the church right and small groups are a great opportunity to just really connect strengthen relationship and the faith that you have in the lord so sign up there's a whole bunch to choose from uh let me go to highlighted events several things to mention first of all uh we have some really amazing things going on with our middle school and high school and we are going to have a special parent student night of prayer and worship as we're sending the kids off into the school year we want to just pray a covering over them and how right is this that the parents are part of the praying for their kids and so parents uh plan on joining us that's coming up this very friday at six o'clock and uh we're going to serve you dinner so make sure you sign up so we want to make sure we have enough for everyone sign up be part of it parents what a great thing is this the prayer and worship night it starts at six o'clock on friday now i want to mention something that uh we're excited about and that is a special weekend coming up it's going to be october 8 9 and 10. so october 8th friday night we are going to be showing a movie premiere it's called unqualified it's the norm geisler story uh many of you might know that he's one of the great influencers of this century and apologist evangelist an influencer of the gospel and his movie is called unqualified because he was that unqualified that god took and did amazing things it's a great life story that's going to be premiered here friday night and then saturday the very next day norm geisler's son david geisler is going to be here giving a conference on conversational evangelism if you've ever had a desire to share your faith but didn't know how to engage in a conversation about it great conference coming up on the next day we're going to open it up to the community invite friends it's going to be very very impactful and i want to mention that our own pastor matthew dodd is going to be presenting and teaching the conference with david geisler many of you maybe don't know this but uh pastor matthew is finishing up his doctorate in apologetics and evangelism so how exciting is that so he's going to be part of the the teaching of this conference so sign up for it invite some friends it's going to be an awesome day and there's going to be a follow-up conference there's there's gonna be a follow-up class to it on conversational evangelism class that pastor matthew will be teaching it's a seven week class for those who want to dive deeper go deeper in it that's going to start on tuesday october 12th pastor matthew will be leading that one so i encourage you to to really be part of of uh what god is doing god puts it on our hearts we should be sharers of the gospel and this class is going to be a great way to do that next thing to mention is we have a special guest speaker coming sunday night october 10 dr tim clary who is from creation research institute creation research institute biblical creationism from the scientific viewpoint very encouraging to your faith bring a guest to it it's going to be a very important and encouraging night sunday night october 10th last thing to mention is pastor matthew is speaking tonight at the six o'clock service out of second kings 22 his message is the keys to revival come tonight be blessed as pastor matthew shares the word of god this evening all right uh ushers would normally come now receive ties and offerings but uh instead of that we have these boxes which you'll see at the back of the sanctuary we call them agape boxes it's greek it means love it's a place to bring ties and offerings uh but let me suggest that the app is a very convenient very secure easy way of bringing ties and offerings and those watching online hey since you're online that would be like super convenient for you because you can go to this tab give donate online for one-time donations or scroll down further log into your account then you can set up regular giving and track records and all that now if you don't have an account i say this to everyone if you don't have an account hey please do it's our connection you can look up others that you might meet and it's really part of the life of the church you can create account right there with that tab and those watching online you have an account too wherever you are be part of the life of the church and join us create an account and be connected that way by the way you can go to our website calvaryhillsborough.org click up there on members everything is there on that page you can do it all and i say again how much i appreciate everyone standing with us through these crazy days it's so very much appreciated now church before we do uh our bible study this morning i'm excited to say that we're going to have a baby dedication so i'm going to ask pastor shaun dean if he would come up as we dedicate our uh one of our little ones pastor sean thank you good morning church it is one of our joys to be involved in the life of our young families amen and as pastor rich prayed in the beginning these are these are some kind of times in our world so how much more so for our young families raising up children and the strength and the admonition of the lord so we consider it a privilege and a blessing to be a part of that and i'm going to invite uh right now i'm going to invite one of our families so little nathan's going to join us and little nathan's going to come up here with his dad ray ray fatumbi and mom lola hola leahy i did pretty well with that i think and these are some special young folks in our court of three ministry and you know jesus says in matthew 19 let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these and in our church we dedicate our children we don't submerse them in baptism someday we'll be praying that nathan will make that choice himself to have the lord jesus in his life as a savior and then it'd be our privilege to baptize him but today we're going to dedicate him and this is really for mom and dad to say to you publicly we intend to raise our son in the knowledge of jesus christ amen and it takes a community to do that so you're part of that community you're their family so i'll encourage you to introduce yourself as you see them around the church and encourage them as they are on this journey and but for right now i'm going to invite you to extend a hand if you would and join me as i pray over nathan and mom and dad and we're going to see if he'll let me hold him it's okay i'm gonna stand right between mom and dad how about this i have done this before okay hey let's pray heavenly father what a joy it is to pray over this little man nathan and father we know that you have blessed him with parents who love you dearly and so father we first thank you for them we thank you for ray ray and lola and their dedication to you and we pray your strength over them wisdom beyond their years lord is this times that we are in and father for nathan we pray that he will grow up to be a man of god a man after your own heart like david who will be praying for his future siblings for his parents for his extended family many who are live far far away from here and father we just thank you for the blessing of being their church family and pray now in the name of jesus and all god's people said amen and amen can we give them thanks on their way out here [Applause] how cute is that doesn't that make you want to have more babies okay my time is over i'm just saying i'm just saying hey let's do a bible study with joel uh take your bibles please and open the second samuel chapter 22 we'll begin in verse 1 the title of our message how to walk on high places oh does god want us to understand what it means to walk on high places so let's pray lord we do open our heart to you and ask that you would use the word now to stir us up in our faith to draw us through yourself to show us what it means to walk on high places that you would show your heart in our lives we open our heart to receive it in jesus name amen many people love reading the psalms in their daily devotions because you know there's just such an encouragement to them and many of you might know that david wrote many of the psalms and when he wrote them he really wrote them as a song to be sung and you know he was a musician he was a singer and he wrote and sang many of these songs uh you know he's out there with the sheep you know in his harp and he would be writing these songs to be sung and he would sing many of them and many of you maybe don't know but i used to write songs when i was young because you know when you write songs it's an expression of the heart you know i could sing a little and be a musician you know so i would write songs i i wrote a song for a friend and i called it hello old friend pretty creative huh pretty creative huh and i actually wrote a song for my dad uh my dad maybe you know is an alcoholic and very difficult troublesome but i wrote a a prayer for his salvation and there was a song a prayer and it was just very meaningful to me so you know it's an expression of the heart whatever you experience you write it out you know uh i would write a song if if someone broke up with me i could write it i know and so you know it's the expression of the heart but david wrote psalms all his life at the key points you know there are many key points of life and he would write a psalm an expression of his heart to the lord at these key moments he wrote him all his life when he was a young man a teenager out with the sheep writing psalms when he was being pursued by saul in danger of his life as he relentlessly pursued him writing psalms when he sinned with bathsheba and and god confronted him over this he wrote a psalm when he was uh when absalom you know took over the throne and he had to flee jerusalem he wrote a psalm all his life he would write because they are of the heart and so one of the themes that you come you see in david's psalms one of the great themes of them all is that god is a great help in times of trouble that god was a deliverer over and over david used this as one of his great themes very likely because david saw so many troubles you want to talk about epic troubles david certainly faced many all his life i mentioned being pursued from saul all of these things philistines enemies all around absalom another all of these things david saw god's hand to help and to deliver every single time and so he writes these psalms these songs now we love the psalms because they speak to right where people are in other words we can relate to them because they relate to us and which is one of the reasons we love reading them you know it's kind of like today even in modern songs songs becomes meaningful when you experience whatever the song is about so people listen to love songs when they're in love they listen to breakup songs when they're breaking up they listen to sad songs when they're feeling sad hello darkness my old friend you're feeling sad you know and david wrote psalms out of the expression of his heart out of those troubles out of god being a deliverer and when we read them our faith is strengthening because we see david's relationship to god out of these psalms out of out of his faith you see them now ii samuel 22 is in fact one of those great psalms songs and we learned much from it so let's read it now we're not going to read all of it because we'll do that at the wednesday service verse by verse service but i want to just highlight it so we begin in verse 1. david spoke the words of this song to the lord in the day that the lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of saul and this is what he wrote the lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer my god my rock in whom i take refuge my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold and my refuge my savior you saved me from violence i call upon the lord who was worthy to be praised and i am saved from my enemies for waves of death this is the troubles that david experienced waves of death encompass me torrents of destruction overwhelm me cords of sheol you might know that's the hebrew word for the place of the dead cords of sheol surrounded me snares of death confronted me in my distress i called upon the lord yes i cried to my god and from his temple he heard my voice and my cry for help came to his ears now move to verse 26 again we'll cover the other verses on wednesday with the kind you show yourself kind with the blameless you show yourself blameless with the pure you show yourself pure but with the perverted you show yourself astute you see all things and you have saved an afflicted people but your eyes are on the hottie whom you abase for you are my lamp oh lord and the lord illumines my darkness for by you i can run upon a troop by my god i can leap over a wall as for god his way is blameless the word of the lord is tested he is a shield to all who take refuge in him for who is god besides the lord who is a rock besides our god god is my strong fortress and he sets the blameless in his way he makes my feet like hein's feet and sets me on high places that's where i got the title of the message he sets my feet on high places and he trains my hands for battle so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze that takes some serious strength to bend a bow of bronze you have given me the shield of your salvation and your help makes me great you enlarge my steps under me and my feet have not slipped all right well look at the other verses on wednesday but these verses really show us the heart and relationship that david had with god god had with david and there's some great lessons to take hold of starting with this make god your confidence david surely did you look at david's life and i think many would you want to you want to see a man with confidence that would be david a leader a hero a me a mighty man of battle and lord did david have confidence oh david surely did but david's confidence was not himself he says no my confidence is in my god notice for example psalm 71 verses 3 5 and 7. he writes it this way be to me a rock of habitation to which i may continually come now this is very important the insight that david shows us here in his relationship to god be to me a rock of habitation the word habitation means a dwelling place a place where i can continually come this is insight you want to have confidence want to have an understanding of of god's help and deliverance that god is your great confidence know this he's a rock of habitation to which i may continually come you have given commandment to save me for you're my rock my fortress my hope oh lord god you are my confidence from my youth david understood something that frankly many people don't understand their whole lives but if you would take hold of this great truth when you are young it will serve you all your life it is a tremendous understanding to have such confidence not self let god be your confidence and then he says i have become a marvel to many yeah people look at david and they would say david you're amazing look at all you've done you are like a hero wow this is amazing you're a marvel god says no you god you are my confidence since my youth and for you are a strong refuge david knew his god see one of the one of the expressions of who god is is found in the names of god jehovah nisi uh jehovah jireh for example but one of the great fascinations is to understand that every name of god that describes him is really to be seen as personal in other words god is not just jehovah jireh god the provider he is jehovah jireh god my provider it's a very different thing when you see it from a personal perspective david did see that's one of the great keys to david's spiritual life he knew his god he knew who he was and he knew that that god was for him because and here's what we can understand as we see david's psalm you need a rock to stand on you got a rock you got a foundation you need a rock to stand on in these times this is a messed up world this is a seriously messed up world you need a rock you need a foundation see to god to david god was his rock there's many times you know when david would have to stay in the cave in the mountains and david in the cave could see that god was his rock it's very personal to david you know i came as a cleft in the mountains right a place of safety a fortress imagine david there safe in the cave in this great rock god you're my refuge you're my fortress you're my rock another thing about a rock is is that it does not move right it is it's just steadfast you know one of the things if you ever have the opportunity to go to israel and i surely hope that you do if you ever go to israel one of the things that you observe is that israel is a place where there's a lot of rocks you know you go you take your pictures and of course everyone wants to take many pictures of course right and then when you come home and you start reviewing your pictures then you can really see it wow there's a lot of rocks in israel i took a lot of pictures of rocks and so david there sees this place right no god is my rock does not move this is a foundation it's a picture of the relationship that david had with god that confidence that he had and let me just add this god and david had a history now this is a very important thing god and david had a history very long history god proved himself to david over and over and over and every time that god saved every time that god delivered every time that god helped it established more and more confidence in who god was in his life so that when when you move through life and you encounter a new problem a new distress when you can look back on this long history and you know that god has always delivered god has always helped god has always saved god and david had a long history now this is important may you and i have a long history with god may god prove himself and i'll tell you what i'm getting older now i'm ready to admit it i'm getting older now i know and i look back on my life and i'll tell you god and i have a long history god has proved himself to me over and over and over god has rescued god has saved god has delivered god has provided god has been a rock and we got a long history together may you have a long history many would say the same thing how many people would say that we got a long history together amen let me give you some words of the scriptures that say the same luke chapter six jesus teaches in verses 47 to 48 where he says it this way everyone who comes to me and hears my words and acts on them see now i want to add that emphasis because many people come and hear the words of christ but it's a whole other thing to act on them to live by them to take hold of them for your life as a word of god for you everyone who comes to me hears my words and acts on them i will tell you whom he is like he is like a man building a house who dug deep laid a foundation on the rock we would call it bedrock and when a flood occurred and a torrent burst against that house it could not shake it because it had been well built you want to build your life well a well-built life has a foundation and that foundation is the very word that god speaks through his son jesus christ you take hold of those words and you live according to those words you get a foundation and you are well built and then the storms and troubles of life will not shake it because your belt build well on the foundation psalm 40 verse 2 he brought me up out of the pit of destruction he brought me up out of the miry clay and he set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm he saved me and he made my footsteps for him psalm 62 6 he only he alone is my rock and my salvation my stronghold and i will not be shaken so then you look at this song this psalm and you see the heart of david in that david would cry out call out such was david's confidence he knew that when he would call out and cry out that god would hear and god would help and god would deliver the word for us is learn to call out to the lord more more david in verse seven in my distress i called upon the lord yes i cried i yelled out i cried out to the lord you know when i was in eighth or ninth grade you know that's a turbulent time for many it was very traumatic and difficult time in my life many of you know of course my father was an alcoholic and the cursing and the yelling and the fighting and it was just a turbulent time and uh we lived way out in the country and uh so far out in the country that i could go out the the back woods and keep walking and i mean i could walk for miles and not run into a house and so i would go way out into the woods and literally yell i mean just yell out to god all of this trouble in my life in the the turbulence and the alcoholism and the fighting and all i would just yell out to go oh god help me something happened there i got to tell you something happened there something happened in me something changed in me there and god i tell you god heard my cries god heard god answered god delivered god rescued god changed god transformed even to the point that later on in my life i had the privilege to lead my own father into faith in jesus christ and got to baptize with my own hands god can change god to get it over amen see some people expect that when they call out to god that he will move to rescue and save and it will be done immediately at the word of his command many people expect when they cry out to god that god will emit hey i call out to you they expect immediate answer immediate rescue immediate help immediate deliverance now i here's the thing i have seen god move quickly to rescue i have i have seen god amazingly deliver and quickly and i tell you what it's amazing what i have seen irrefutably the miraculous hand of god's intervention irrefutable i've seen god move quickly to save but i've also seen this that god has also answered by walking with me on the long journey out of the trouble for there is much to learn when the journey is long god can do both god can rescue quickly god can deliver quickly but sometimes he walks on a long journey out of the trouble for there's much to learn when the journey is long that you can watch steadfastly that you never quit that you always hope that you always look that you know where your help comes from it's like this and psalm 121 and one of david's famous ones psalm 121 verses 1 to 2. i lift up mine eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the lord maker of heaven and earth i look to no one else he alone is my rock my fortress my salvation i look nowhere else and if the if the if the journey is long i will wait for those who wait on the lord will be renewed in strength i will wait some people feel hypocritical when they call out to god in their distress i mean after all they were not calling out to god before before they were in distress before they were in trouble but now they're in trouble they don't feel right about it it's like well that's a little hypocritical and then that it disturbs them that they're calling out to god now and they don't feel worthy if they don't feel like they deserve it because they oh now now that you're in trouble but i give the same answer hey if you are in trouble you are in distress you call out to god what else you gonna do call out to god that is exactly what you must do but when god helps when god delivers don't forget to thank him for it and make it then a regular thing to call out to god don't forget to praise him don't forget to worship him don't forget to honor him for all that he has done in your life in fact isn't that what david is doing when he writes a psalm like this isn't he writing it as to honor god isn't that the whole point of it i want to thank you god you're amazing you are my deliverer you're my help you're my rescue you're amazing i called out to you i didn't know what to do i called out to you and you saved you know here's another interesting thing did you know when it comes to calling out to god did you know that the holy spirit also does the same for you the holy spirit is calling out in your behalf notice this notice this is really quite fascinating romans chapter 8 verses 26 to 28 in the same way the spirit helps our weakness for we do not know how to pray as we should but the spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words and then immediately verse 28 and we know that god causes all things to work together for good to those who love god to those who are called according to his purpose see how they're connected the spirit himself is interceding for us with dronies too deep for words and then god works all things together for good to those who love god what an amazing thing here's another one first john chapter 2 verses 1 to 2. if anyone sins that should get our attention if anyone sins we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous that is amazing if anyone sins you have an advocate an advocate is like a lawyer someone who is for you who will represent you in your behalf you got jesus christ as your advocate this is amazing see this is a right understanding of god this is a right understanding of god and i say this because many people don't have a right understanding when it comes to this thing now they they're convinced man i mentioned this before because it's so important to grab hold of correctly many people are convinced that when they sin when they blow it when they do some terrible thing that god cast them off you have offended me be gone i have nothing to do with me you have offended me with this thing and many people are convinced that god pushes them away and even looks for ways to find retribution but i don't see that what i see is this if anyone sins we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous is your advocate for he himself is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for those of the world that's just amazing we need to call out to god more because not only can you have the the faith to believe that god will hear you and will rescue and he will deliver you when you call out to god something happens to you something happens to you and this is very important thing that we see that happens with david something happens there call out to god and when you call out to god with a heart after him i mean how could you not be comforted and strengthened by words such as this romans chapter 8 verses 35 to 39 who shall separate us from the love of christ he says shall tribulation or distress persecution famine nakedness perilous sword no in all of these things we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us for i am convinced i love that word right there i am persuaded this thing is settled with me i'm convinced of this that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of god which is found in christ jesus our lord nothing and separate us see that's the confidence that's the confidence that we have to call out to him now notice we see this also in this heart of david in this psalm god rescues because he delights in you now we didn't read verse 20 but there it is in verse 20 where he wrote he rescued me because he delighted in me now that's very difficult for many people to believe or to think to understand what god delights in me they're very much aware of their own sinfulness they're very much aware of their own unrighteousness how is it possible that god could delight in me but david understood this no god does delight in me and i delight in him see there's there's that relationship part of it god delighted in david david delighted in god you are my hope you're beautiful you're amazing you're my deliverer god see david delighted in god it'd be great see if it went both ways it's a relationship it should go both ways it's like if a husband delights in his wife it'd be great if the wife delighted in the husband it kind of goes both ways it's a relationship thing if a hus if a wife delights in the husband it'd be great if the husband delighted in the wife that's a relationship thing you should go both ways so in other words hey even us we understand our children are far from perfect but we love unconditionally we're for them to help it's like this jesus taught the same thing in luke 11 verse 11 to 13. jesus said this way now suppose one of you fathers is asked by his son for a fish which was very common thing to eat in those days you know dried fish uh smoked fish so suppose one of you fathers is asked by his son for a fish that i'm hungry can i have a fish jesus says he wouldn't give him a snake instead of a fish now would he of course you would say well no of course not well then if you being evil or being of the world know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give the holy spirit which is one of the greatest things you could ever ask for to those who ask him here's another one first john chapter 3 verse 1 how great is the love the father has lavished on us don't you word that don't you love the word lavished i love that word lavished it sounds so lavish oh how great is the love the father has lavished what does that word mean very generous like overflowing generosity oh it's a great picture the love the father has lavished on us that we should be called children of god that's some amazing love right there that he would call us his own children bring us into our relationship to him sinners though we be and that is what we are zephaniah 3 17 the lord your god is with you he is mighty to save he will take great delight in you he will quiet you with his love and he will rejoice over you with singing i mean you could write a whole book on this this is just like amazing what god delights even to the point that he rejoices over you oh it's amazing david understood something of god's heart and then we see this second samuel 22 we see this also david showing us a great truth god strengthens those who trust in him you trust in him god strengthens those who trust in him i love verses 30 to 37 particularly by my god i can run upon a troop by my god i can leap over a wall see david looked to god not only to be help to be a deliverer to be a rescue but to strengthen to strengthen him by my god i can leap over a wall by my god i can run over a troop i will not be afraid of ten thousands who have set themselves against me roundabouts the lord god is my defense of whom should i be afraid david understood a great truth see in other words strength of faith brings strength of life strength of faith brings strength of life strength of faith brings strength of life david accomplished great things great victories survived deep troubles even against terrible odds but david made it very clear god is the strength god is my portion by my god i can run upon a troop this is what god promised to israel this is what joshua reminded israel of in this last speech before his death when he called israel together in joshua 23 verses 10 to 11 where he says one of your men puts the flight a thousand how is that even possible because the lord your god is he who fights for you just as he promised you so notice this so take diligent heed to yourselves to love the lord your god take diligent heed be very careful make sure that you delight in god for god delights in you be very careful because god is your help your deliverer and the relationship that delights the soul see god is greater than the problems and the troubles and the trials when david faced goliath he knew that god was greater than a man even a giant of a man and remember this famous speech david is just a young man you want to talk about amazing confidence in god and god's strength here's david young man here comes goliath you know david's enemy being taunted by goliath come here come here boy i'll take off your head and feed you to the birds of the sky david responds oh what a famous speech you come to me with sword and spear and javelin and i come to you in the name of the lord god of israel what a difference notice what he says first samuel 17 46 and he adds this day the lord will do it the lord will deliver you into my hands and i will strike you down so that all the earth may know that there is a god in israel it will be proof and evidence that there's a god in israel when i strike you down and so that all this assembly may know that the lord does not deliver by sword or by spear for the battle is the lord's and he will do it he will give you into our hands this is faith this is confidence to understand this when you are young it will serve you all your life and then lastly we'll close with this he makes your feet like heinz feet david paints a beautiful picture when he says that god makes his feet like heinz feet and sets them on high places first you should know what a hind is do you know what the hind is a hind is a doe a deer a female deer i think i just thought i'd throw it out that way and here's an interesting thing when you go to israel you would see this they are very famous for their sure-footedness in difficult terrain and you can go there and you can see this like this is amazing how is that even possible it's almost like they're walking up a sheer cliff face and yet they're sure-footed and then just and they're confidently standing on a sheer cliff like how is that even possible and so david sees this and he goes that's amazing this is like my god this is like my god my god he makes my feet like heinz feet he sets me on high places that's the point to be sure-footed in difficulty is one of the greatest aspects of faith to be sure-footed in difficulty is one of the greatest aspects of faith faith because many people panic many people become consumed with fear i mean it overtakes them like torrents of fear and they're like oh no no no no no what do you do no to be sure-footed in trouble to be sure-footed in distress is an aspect of deep abiding faith you are my confidence from my youth you have delivered me you have saved me david and god have a long history of it sure-footed to be sure footed in distress is a deep aspect of faith the idea of walking high places is not just to walk victoriously over the thing the problem the distress but it has to do with the the character within the faith within the reason god causes you to walk on higher places is because his way is higher god's character is higher notice isaiah 55 9 as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts we need higher we need to live higher higher and holy you know david wrote in verse 35 here that by my god i can bend the bow of bronze surely it takes great strength to bend a bow of bronze but i suggest to you that it takes great strength of character when to know when not to send that arrow when to use the discernment of the heart when not to send it off to withhold it for example we saw last week when david was fleeing jerusalem as absalom was taking over the the city of jerusalem david in shame is fleeing jerusalem out comes a man from the house of saul to curse him to throw stones and rocks get out he says get out your trouble is coming upon yourself you did this to yourself he's throwing rocks at him you bloodthirsty this is for all that you did and so alongside of david now first of all it takes some bodaciousness to be doing what shemia is doing frankly david is surrounded by mighty men and abhishai one of his great generals is incensed by this this cursing insulting man and abishai says you give me the word sir and i will dispatch him and david says no don't you do it let him curse let him curse perhaps god will see my affliction today no let him curse now we know the story absalom pursues david in a great battle absalom dies in this and david then is restored now as david is being restored to jerusalem it's like one of those grand things you know as he's coming back and people are like you know wanting to declare their allegiance to david now you know so david's coming back and who do you think should appear what shumihai sir i spoke wrongly please forgive your servant i spoke wrongly that day who should be right next to david but abishai why should he's just incense why should this man yet live for all that he said david's response shows that there's something higher at working david he responds there's been enough dying today no there's been enough dying today i forgive you you will not die to walk on high places means to walk higher than this world this world is a mess this world is a mess and we need to walk higher than it to walk in god's ways something high and holy at work i was reading the uh the story of corey tenbu many of you know of course that she and her family rescued many jews hid them in their home during the holocaust in germany and while they were doing this at one point corey ten boom said to her father will i have will i be able to face it if we're arrested for this will i be able to face it well i have the strength with it and his father said god will give you the strength when you need it god will give it god will do it when you need it god will do it god will strengthen you something high and holy god will do it god will do it i was at a conference my wife and i were at a conference just a few years ago in washington dc for those who stand with and support israel which we do and uh a speaker there had uh to speak at one of the evening sessions here's a room just filled with christians and this jewish speaker said when a jew meets a christian he asks within himself a question now i've never heard this before it was quite interesting when a jew meets a christian he asks himself within himself a question if something like the holocaust happens again and jews fear for their lives with this one this christian would he hide me you might know in germany in those days there were many christians who did not but there were there were some heroes who took great great risk and so when a jew meets a christian he asked within himself this question this one would he hide me and then he he said he looked at this great room of christians and he said and i say this i know in my heart of hearts that every person in this room would hide me tears flowed as the place erupted in applause and a standing ovation oh it was a it was a beautiful moment in other words god changes the character of a man makes him walk on high places because there's something of god's high and holy character at work in him may there be something of god's high and holy character at work in you because i'll tell you what it's a way better way to live it's just a way better way to live you've got to decide how you're going to live this life to walk with god as your rock to have the confidence that god is your help your rescue but that he doesn't work in you high holy work changing and transforming you and me into that which is a higher place to walk he sets your feet on higher places father thank you so much it's amazing to see how you have revealed yourself through your word that we can see quite well that you are our confidence you're our help our deliverer our rescue and god who who have i in heaven but you you are the rock on which we stand so god god we ask that you would do this now do i work within this church a high and holy work within this church that we as a people would come to you and say god this is the desire of our heart do that which is high and holy in me it's a way better way to live that's the way i want to live that's what i want i want to walk in a way that you are my confidence you are my rock you're my help and that you're the one who does something high and holy in me church would you say that to the lord this is my heart this is my desire this is what i'm asking this is what i want this is the desire of my life is it church would you say it to the lord would you just say it by just lifting your hand raising your hand to the lord you believe my confidence you be my help i deliver her and do that which is high and holy in me father thank you for everyone moved of the lord touched by god strengthened god do that in us we pray that is our prayer do it now lord we pray in jesus name and everyone said can we give the lord praise and glory and honor amen amen we're going to worship you know worship is an expression of the heart like david it's so right it's so right and good for a church to be a worshipping alive heart open church we're going to worship in a moment but first i want to give you this invitation if you are in distress if you are in trouble and you need god to be your rescue your deliverer please do not leave without asking for prayer we have people in the prayer room that will stand with you lay that burden down and god will hear your prayer in your heart he is your help your deliverer lastly i want to i want to give you this invitation if if you have not asked the lord jesus christ into your heart as lord and savior what are you waiting for today is your day he is pursuing you he set you there to hear this message to hear an invitation that he is pursuing a relationship to you he wants to be your father and he wants you to be his son or his daughter don't wait he'll forgive your sin you ask him he'll forgive your sin put your hope and faith in him he'll give you the promise of eternal life don't wait let today be your day i'm going to ask you if you would ask the lord jesus into your heart as lord and savior or rededicate your life today to him that you would make your way out of your seats either while we're worshiping or after and there's a prayer room just say i want to ask the lord into my heart or rededicate my life and they would love to pray with you but let's do this let's all stand to our feet let's worship the lord church i love you may the holy spirit truly bless and ignite your soul may his favor be evident in your life and may you walk in the confidence that god is your help amen love your church god bless you [Music] there is there is [Music] let's use the uh saturday night that's your saturday night no saturday night [Music] i am here with one [Applause] [Music] and i know is all [Music] in every season your purpose is [Music] your kingdom will not be shaken i am [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] by your stress i am here with one touch i am made home you have spoken and i know that it is [Music] and i know that it is [Music] together this morning [Applause] [Music] in the darkness we were away without hope and without light until from heaven [Music] from the [Music] praise the father [Music] [Music] of his [Music] you did not despise the cross or even in your suffering you saw to the other side knowing this was our salvation jesus for our sake you died [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the dead rose from their tombstones [Music] and the church of christ was born [Music] [Applause] for the love of jesus [Music] raise the sun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] of his we've given praise together this morning well church has been a pleasure to worship with you we look forward to seeing you at our wednesday night service until then go and be blessed in the power of his spirit [Music] the great i am is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] rising in myself [Music] me [Music] [Music] rising in myself [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] foreign i believe that you are my fortress [Music] the truth [Music] [Music] you are the one [Music] i believe you are [Music] [Music] oh you are who you are [Music] all my fears and doubts they can all come to because they can't stay long when i'm here [Music] [Music] true [Music] that's true [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] so we need no other hiding place you promised never to forsake yes foreign [Music] for jesus this [Music] is [Applause] this way [Music] is [Music] [Music]
Channel: CC Hillsboro Stream
Views: 53
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: j8zSdebla6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 50sec (5690 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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