Beware Of Falling Into The Youtube Gear Trap!

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[Music] right hello everyone as you can see I'm out in my bike and today I'm heading up I'm a row I also want to talk a we bit about what I've got in my hand here these cameras and have a bit of a have a bit of a moon I'm uh yeah I'm I'm feeling a bit grumpy this morning I don't know why maybe it's the weather um rained all the way up but it's not too bad it's be bit moisture in there but anyway I'm cycling in I don't know be 10 or 11 km to go up a mon row I've been up I don't know lots and lots and lots but in all my years I've never ever tacked it from this route and I'll talk a we bit about that as well later on and how that uh can spice things up a little bit anyway let go on a bit further and uh yeah I'll bring you back a bit further up bit further up the Glen oh [Music] I've done about 11 kilm still a bit damp still in a mood don't know what's wrong with me today um I was down working down south this week and I didn't get into about 10:30 last night this is a world away from where I was yesterday and uh way down south anyway I was going to be this weekend the forecast the first bit of summer or summer like weather hit Scotland this weekend of course as I said I was down in the South England where it was like this it was like 13° in London but 22 in the west Islands this weekend there was one forecast at the start of the week saying that weather was going to continue into the weekend but it's not I've brought it back up with me so it's a bit dank but anyway the plan had been to go wild camping but as you can see the Cloud's down that's forecast right across Scotland so it's the last minute decision to come here it's local Glenn if you haven't guessed I'm in Glenn almond and the mon I'm going up is at the end of The Glenn up to the left B here which I'm looking forward toz I never come this way I'll spice up a bit as I said ear on still nice atmosphere it's nice of than me sat at home that's for sure I'll come on to what I'm going to be Ming about in full depth later on in the video but I'm going to head up here I have been up here before not up the hill but I had in a wild camp on a bike packing trip four or five years ago so I'm going to head there but I'm going to leave my bike further down the Glad I'll bring you back when I'm dring dropping the bike off see in a minute it's about 15 km from the start point to the point where I was going to be dropping my bike to start the hike up the Monroe Benny H it's a lovely Glen as you can see here even when The Mists down it's very atmospheric and well worth a visiting its own right all right I am at the point where I'm going to leave my bike as I said earlier I have been up here before and I took my bike right up the hill in fact I don't know if you'll make it out in the camera this is the first part of the Hill here and um I push my bike up there's a 4x4 track that goes up to the point where I camped at beyond that I have no idea I'm pretty sure it's going to be pathless I'm just hoping I'm going to be able to get to them mon roll from the side I'm pretty sure it will be but anyway let's get a bike away I want to pad lock it to this yeah just put pad lock it to the fence here then we'll get going I'm going to um I know there's a we rock from when I camped there's a weed Rock up there so I'm going to have a coffee I think I've got about 300 M to ascend what have I done so far so so far it's on 15 km and ascended about 240 M I'm just under 400 m in altitude and the Monroe is 900 I don't know 930 or something so so anyway let's get sorted here I'll report back in a while it can always be a bit of a fa getting the hiking gear ready after being on the bike for a we while but that's what I did and I was soon all ready to head up them Monro oh right you just about see this first H it's almost coming out the Mist now what height I'm at yeah said 370 380 M so let's get up here let's see if we get coffee up there but the weather is on the the slide it's uh yeah it's it's not getting any better that way it's not doing much for my mood stippled pool hopefully not oh he right as I said it's a steep old pool just s of give you a quick I don't do this all the time but every now and again I will rundown of what I'm wearing and why I'm wearing it mainly to do with the trouser so uh we're into spring now it's nearly summer actually and I was going to be wearing my I've got some Revolution race trousers which I like but they're the material is not very stretchy it's quite thick which is good in some situations but it also means it doesn't dry as quickly so these Jord trousers are quite light a we bit stretchy for cycling as well it just makes them more comfortable and they'll dry out quicker I do have over trousers if the rain gets any heavier I had my old fleece on my vaporize RAB fleece the green one with a my about 20 year old northe Julie got a couple of Buffs I've got my cap and this is my I call this my second waterproof jacket it's a bit older so in really bad weather it's starting to let the rain in but in less um rainy weather shall we say days where it might be showy it's it's perfectly adequate so I've got that I've got my Gators on the reason for that is once I get up off this path I'm not sure but I'm almost certain there's no path from there to the summit so the Gators will help with the Heather stopping that falling into my boots and what have you I've got some Salamon boots on old ones uh base layer what else have we got it's got Speare hats goggles sunglasses gloves in the bag another thing which is really important is I've sprayed everything freshly this morning with Permethrin because I'll be going through Heather there's a good chance they'll be tick trying to crawl onto me but they ain't going to go very far and they come across that chemical so there's a we rundown for you I'm still going to talk about this these cameras later on as well wait until I'm in a better mood this is exactly where I pitched my tent this is called dund Dorney Hill 640 M that's the Su up there and you get lovely views from here honestly you do um and I where the camera P there's a we table which is where I cooked my tea on that Frosty bike packing trip that I did I'll put a link to that video at the end or in the description uh but anyway I'm going to stop and get a coffee here before heading off into the unknown which is part of the excitement of this part of the excitement going into places going up ways or up to Hills that haven't been up before or I've been up this one loads but you know what I mean going up in you route I think it uh it just um I think it's important I think the book by is it Nan sheeper about the Ken Gores talks a lot about that about the sometimes it's the journey around the hillside or getting to know the mountain isn't necessarily going to the top and back down uh I know you can't do that with every Hill but yeah I've come to this one today I'm going explain a bit more why I didn't go camping in gleno or Toran today and the reason come here in a bit in a we bit and I will talk about my moon about cameras marketing capitalism and money in a we well but to sow let's get a coffee on right well I'm waiting for my um water to boil for my coffee I've got a banana couple of Scotch eggs and a treat white chocolate Twix really looking forward to that um but yeah why did I not go while camping well I think I alluded it to to it earlier on this cloud has moved in across the whole of the country and the views I'm getting now would have been the same as the views I would have got in glanco or Torin The only difference is I would have had to drive for two 3 hours to get there I only had to drive for 20 minutes to get here so I'm getting my same fix even if even if i' driven 2 or 3 hours but that's Scotland for you um of course when you go to these places this is a beautiful area as well don't get me wrong it's um it's just got a different type of beauty I always think these areas in the East feel a bit more remote and wild and I've talked about that before but going up a new way as well adds a bit of excitement to it so we'll see if I can find my way up I need to get my navigation on I did do some research there are a few trail reports and I think there's a the path runs out about a kilometer that way and then as you strike up the hill there might be some fence posts that I can follow but let's see let's get my coffee get some food inside me what time are we at yeah it's half 11 so time for this I'll report back later on well it's amazing but a coffee a scotch egg and a bit of chocolate can do my mood feels a lot better now ready to tackle the unknown so let's go and we can find our way to uh the top of this Monroe which might sound easier than it'll actually be because this side is pretty featureless and these are the sort of conditions where sometimes you need Crags or rivers or Ravines to help you navigate but uh got my GPS on my phone got a map in the back but I'll not use that uh I might use it for practice but I'll probably just use the uh the phone GPS but I tell you what is every now and again there's you know there's more light hitting that which sometimes indicates it's clearing so it's not forecast to clear but let's see right we'll report back going a be while back on the track this track goes for about a kilometer it does drop away down I'm on the up part but it dropped down it dropped about I 100 m from the summit of D dney Hill and now I'm heading back up towards benah or Ben Hony Ben a he is what my mother called it she was from creef so I don't know if that's just a local thing someday will be able to tell me anyway Ben hon or Ben a he 931 M so probably got 350 to 400 m but yeah there are some views because of dropped down back down at the Glenn almond I don't know if you can see that that was the route I brought the bike up in but yeah looks a bit clogged in where I'm going so yeah I'll bring you back it'll be while I think the next time I bring you back I'll talk about my moon right that's me uh arriving at the end of the track so I will be going off Route shortly I just wanted to as I promised I would do have my little now and I am feeling a bit better cuz I've eaten and had my coffee so it probably won't be as bad as what it would have been had I uh talked about it earlier but my issue is I've got two cameras recording I've got my big camera there and I've got my newer camera here this is my new action cam and my issue is more with action cam well I suppose this with anything really could be cameras could be gear but um I got that camera the action cam it's a DJI 4 action for and it's been great don't get me wrong the main reason I got it was because I could get a wireless transmitter without putting a transmit a wireless receiver sorry without adding a transmitter onto it for days when it's wet but that isn't the issue that's a good thing that's a really good point I'm glad I bought it for that but what I have been slightly disappointed in is the image quality and what I mean by that is I've got a I think it's an insta R which you can convert into a 360 camera which I'll come on to in a minute as well and it's got a 1 in sensor and it's about 7even or 8 years old I'm pretty sure it's it's it's more than 5 years old put it that way and I think the image that I get from that camera is actually at least on a par if not better than with the new technology and where my grumbled lies is the marketing teams are obviously really really good for these companies because there was another camera that came out recently was a 360 one and I looked at it and I saw the videos on YouTube and all that Stu stuff and it looked amazing and I do have a 360 camera which have damaged and every now and again I thought about upgrading it and I watched a few of these videos uh online and it looked amazing the picture quality looked almost as good as like an SLR camera and I was almost a way to purchase it and I don't use the 360 camera that often so it was going to be a luxury but then I thought well wait a minute I'll maybe wait a few weeks and see other channels other people who have been given the cameras it's one of the reasons I don't do reviews I do get contacted do them but this is another reason I don't do them but anyway a well-known YouTuber who does a lot of wild camping and a lot of stuff it's really good um so he he got the camera and um he he rates it he thought it was really good but when I was looking at the footage I then put up one of my old my videos where I was using my old three or four year camera I couldn't tell the difference um you could probably tell it side by side but not enough to spend 7 or 800 on it so um I don't know let me know what you think I know that the technology does get better but for the stuff I'm doing the image quality I don't think I've got an old hero uh GoPro Hero 7 I think black and just for this sort of stuff it might be slightly worse than these sorts of conditions where it's dark but when you've got a lot of light if you're in the snow or the sun it's 4K and I honestly can't see the damage but maybe for things like if I was riding my bike or don't know doing Motocross or that sort of stuff the stabilizations maybe got better but um yeah there's a few cameras which I have noticed a difference on but for the action cams and these 360 ones I just didn't notice and it goes for the same with the clothes the marketing teams are so good I got sucked and I bought another down jacket and I didn't need it in fact I wear my North Face one which I bought about 15 years ago more often than I bought this than this other one which is a bit lighter but it's there's not that much difference and there's you know they talk about this new technolog anyway um let me know what you think I know there is some stuff which gets brought out by the companies which is which does give a significant Leap Forward but it doesn't seem to happen that often and the most companies will renew their gear every year and some camera well all camera companies bring out a new camera every year as well don't they so anyway capitalism spending money spend spend spend spend uh maybe we don't need to do that um I don't know the other thing is phone cameras now Ah that's another topic right I might I'm getting warm so I might take this jacket off but I'm just going to go up a bit higher and see if there's any moisture in there I'll tell you what there is in there the first time I've seen them this year is blooming midges disaster hey let's go having had my Mo and swatting off the midges it was time to ascend the hill and I was now onto the section where there was Zero path so navigation was key especially in these Misty conditions I'm not far from the summit now I Reck in another 10 15 minutes will be there but I'm roasting so I'm going to take this hard shell off and put my vapor eyes on just to uh a bit cooler yeah so uh yeah not far from the summit and it's it's been quite nice sometimes when you can you do these routs where there's no paths it can be thigh deep Heather but as you can see it's quite Mossy Short Grass which is lovely not many Peet hags or anything that quite nice walking I think it'll be quite nice coming down this way and it's and it's clearing a weit don't know if you can make it out I might have got lucky he says it's clearing just as the clag comes in but does look like there's a chance that we might get some views if we're if we're lucky but uh anyway let's um let's get going I think I should be at the top I don't know whether I'll do a bits of camera at the top or not because usually it's quite busy at the top of mon Rose so if there's people there I'll probably not and but I will report back when I leave the summit if it's busy oh hate does anybody else do that when you're picking your ruck sack up you inadvertently stand on the strap and it short it you have to readjust it or was it just me it keeps on doing that oh that's a pain right let's go up the top so I was almost there and before long the summit K of Benny H came into view and it's unrounded kind of non script top but don't let that put you off it is quite an interesting Hill especially if you explore it the way you going up it different ways a bit like what I was doing today and it sits at 931 M and it means the mossy Hill which is quite appropriate cuz it was certainly Mossy on my Ascent up from the north side anyway I took it all in and decided to um head back down before it got busy at the top right me in the summit Ben AI or Ben hon here 931 M there are a few folk about can hear bit of a commotion what's going on but uh yeah as expected haven't met a soul until the summit that's another advantage of coming up a new way and a way less traveled and I think the most popular way is probably from the Glen lead no side um when you go through C but um I prefer coming out VI GL turret which is down there which is slightly longer and this way up Glen almond was even longer but nice and different so going to head back down there it's not going to clear it's kind of yeah I've seen the views up here a million times so let's head back down and I'll report when I'm away from civilization I just need to make sure I get the right bearing off the top I just need to make sure I'm going off the right way so I checked my watch there and I've done since leaving the bike it was 662 M of a cent to get to the top of benah he and it's just over 5 km so not far from dropping the bike off and uh just under 2 hours but that's with me stopping and farting about the cameras but there's a l of fence post here I never saw them on the way up as I said the description that I read did mention them so I'm going to follow them down a we bit and just see if they take me in the same direction but often coming off the Summits I've done it many times just taking a slightly wrong bearing or not taking a bearing on like you know looking at the phone of the compass and just heading off thinking I'm I'm going in the right direction and figuring out quite a while later that I'm going in completely the wrong direction so it's always worthwhile just taking a second or two to make sure you're going in the right way that's the beauty of the phones now anyway one thing I would say about the phones is just make sure you download them Ms cuz you often don't get signal so you wouldn't be able to access them unless you've downloaded them onto your phone the rest of it works off the uh the satellit so uh yeah just a we tip tip of the day cuz you don't want to be lost up here you can see it's pretty featureless like that I could be going in any direction and I wouldn't know so I'll put this away I'll speak you in a we well I've decided to come directly towards Dorney Hill and not go into the track and the reasoning behind that was just to avoid more ascent and reascent or more descent and reascent i' be dropping down I don't know gu 100 m so about another 100 m of sent on but it's pretty pathless and pretty bogy I'll show you look at this that's the sort of terrain I'm having to go through it's not too bad you as long as you've got waterproof waterproof shoes on and I've got my Gators on it's fine so uh yeah maybe a long cut for a shortcut if you know what I mean right let's keep trudging through this this B of bogginess the bog of bogginess has now turned into a p hay of Haggin big PE hags look this these can be a nightmare to navigate in but it's not too wet there's been a few bits which have been really really wet but when it's relatively dry like it is at this point it's actually quite nice to go through you see where all the deer have been as well at the deer prints there in the uh hoof prints in the pit so I just need to try and get through here without any uh too much drama that's me back at theor hle just over the bat there and just here's where I had my coffee so back onto the track now six of one and a half a dozen the other really I think may be easier just dropping down onto the path and uh sucking up the extra descent and an asent as opposed to trying to cross the B and the P hags not too bad but it's a bit more energy sapping so yeah I suppose it's yeah do you want to do more asent or do you want to to be fair up and down the pet hags is probably more Ascent I don't know right back onto the track now just there and steeply down to the bike to my trusty waiting for me down in the Glenn and then it's a lovely cycle as I know too well down Glenn Ammond that's the route I took on the way back when I did my Crossing Scotland trip from Fort William to per um a few weeks ago of course the weather have you watched that video the weather was slightly different so if you want to see what Glenn Almond's like in all its Glory go back and have a look at that video anyway I put a link to that video in the description as well looking forward to getting back back to the car and back home I'm back down now when I see him back down I'm under the cloud and I'm getting views which is lovely look at this there's D dney up there and the track have come down you can see down Glen Armond there and then up this way um is beyond these Hills here there's two Hills I've not been up that one but there's corbits up this way and but over here is it drops down into Lo and beyond that you can sometimes see not shalan Ben LS and that's the way I came when um I cut over I had wild Camp just over the back there about a month and a half ago when I was as I said when I was do my Scotland Crossing and walk to a white capped Ben L it was lovely um but anyway yeah let's get back down to the bike and I'll do a we bit to the camera there a final bit but yeah it does feel I've said this before as well this area here I know it's about 12 or 13 km back that way and I can get to Lo T going that way but just feels really remote and not many people come up this way so it does have that wild remote feeling although it's as I said I I'll be home within an hour I think once I get to my bike it's lovely it's just nice and uh just got that remote feeling look at that isn't that wonderful all right let's get back to the bik oh back back at the bike I don't know if you can see through the railings or Beyond me the sun's actually starting to come out almost on these corbits at the top of the Glenn and uh dund Dorne is starting to clear which is uh SSL yeah it's been the fantastic nice to get out as I said it was kind of of a last minute decision because I was wasn't going to go well camping through the West Coast plus my wife had uh she was on call not on call she was called into our work last night which um had she been at home I might not have come but see as there was nobody in the house I've come out and I've really enjoyed myself even though I was a bit grumpy earlier on so um yeah I'll put the starts up um the starts up of the cycle in how long and ascent and then I'll do a separate one for the hike and then one for the the stats for going back so you know how long it took but yeah wonderful let me know what you think about the cameras as well if you think the technology is slowly progressing but they're not you know is it worth is it worth how however much you pay for these cameras action Camas £400 £500 and the bigger cameras uh even more um I I don't think it is um not on a yearly basis to change them anyway I might be I might just be being a bit stingy there I don't know let me know let me know what you think same with gear um do you change your gear all the time I I certainly try and get a good few years out of it I mean this this thing must be about 20 years old I'm not talking about um some of my other clothes I've got at home which my wife keeps trying to get me to Chuck out but anyway right I'm going to end the video here cuz I don't think you need to um see me cycling Back Down The Glenn as always stay safe out there thanks for watching and I'll see you next week hopefully for another adventure woo so all that was left to do now was the wonderful cycle back down Glenn Ammond and I just like to apologize for continually calling the H benah he when it is benon or Ben Hony uh that was just my mind being tired and not thinking about what I was seeing but anyway hope you enjoyed it uh and I'll see you next week [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Scotland's Mountains
Views: 12,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gear trap, YouTube Gear Trap, hillwalking, boring hikes, moutain hikes, camera gear for youtube, what camera gear do youtubers use, best camera gear for youtube, camera gear, camera gear review, ben-y-hone, ben chonzie walking route, mountain biking scotland, buying traps, hiking gear purchasing guide, hiking gear rip off, gear rip off, scotlamd's mountains
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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