What if Catnap EATS THE WORLD in Roblox!

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gritters today we get to eat anything we want we can eat the world if we so choose isn't that right crafty oh yes finally I can eat all the grass I want as we eat these blocks in the world of Roblox we will get bigger and bigger and if you're big enough you can eat even smaller players so I'm going to run away from crafty crafty hey back up there you're telling me I can eat you right now I wanted to k k up help me protect me K up okay let me see throw oh my God oh my God okay we we we're going to stay behind this tree let's let those two monsters fight real quick now as we're eating guys you see look okay we're getting bigger and bigger and we're making money at the bottom see that money we can actually spend it over here to make some upgrades to oursel to make oursel get even bigger currently we're level one on everything we can become faster and we can multiply our speed faster hey Nom Nom get out of here Noob I'll protect you get her we can throw anything at you okay I'm going to the left wait I'm SM I got her where did she where did she go she's in I think we got her or is she behind here waa somebody was living in here this whole map is hilarious guys we oh my oh wait is this that looks like a missile um I'm I'm I think I'm going to leave or actually I got a chair you want to eat this chair catnb oh no I would like to eat the computer okay I'm going to sell all this I just managed to oh but when you sell it you go back to being tiny look at I can make another upgrade I can get even bigger now I just got to level two hey ho you're back and I'm back St doing that sorry oh wow oh I think I deserve that one ah Critters there's a giant over here she eat me everyone pick something up and throw it at her oh my god get away You're crafty you're the biggest Critter okay Critters let's take down the Titans together oh throw everything you can Canam she might step on you get it there's another one to the left I see they're eating the building if we take down the Titan maybe we can steal their string I got hit by a big we caught this get up crafty oh crafty I'm under the ground please help me somebody help me uh I okay I'm going to try to shrink I'm going to sell H guys I'm underground why am I the only one attacking you guys saved me ah she's really mad she is really mad she's got low Health well I'm too tiny now I don't have enough strength yeah I'm going to stay in this little hole I think I'm wait can I tunnel a little oh I think I make a little tunnel a little quitter tunnel and then I can just eat and get levels inside of there look guys I made myself a little dog home in here and I was able to get another 100 but we survived that round but things are not looking good there's Titans across the map and all my Critter friends they are getting even stronger so we've got to work towards a multiplier here if we get one of the multipliers we're going to be able to eat super super fast and gain size immensely um oh I'm not planning your doom there crafty you don't need to what we're got to work together we're Critters we can't get eaten by that big one that's what I was talking about okay I'm really tiny right now but I got so many the the coins guys I'm going to hide behind this corner real quick and we're going to make some upgrades let's go I'm going to change my size multiplier we're going to get even bigger okay oh we're leveling up there how many I got 880,000 left do I uh what do I buy do I buy the eat speed I'm going to buy the the the maximum size oh I spent all my money okay well there well let's start eating let's see how fast we get now look at the bar it got even bigger every every time I take a Chomp I think I gain like five or six yeah I do so before it was only giving me one or two so we're getting even faster so we're going to get huge in no time get up she's right behind you oh no do help me okay I I say um let's let's try to take her down okay we might not be ready for this she's grabbing an entire Island every time she takes a bite uh I'm throwing uh the that okay that hit but it did like no damage where where's crafty where's hopp I'm on the way oh crafty okay you're as big as catnap right now take that you got to do more damage than that that's not enough watch out everyone make a tri take her down I did 10 damage but I I feel like they just tickled her toe or maybe I untied itti her shoes what are you doing I'm eat oh now I'm getting wao now we every time we eat we're getting almost plus 20 look it oh this is going to be perfect up yeah crafty you might want to run for your absolute life cuz she's going to drop that on you and you're just going to be Splat I just reached 1,000 size but I don't think it's enough that person is really angry at crafy right now just keep throwing ho over here okay I'm coming Hoppity I'm I'm bringing some food with secret area a secret area cat oh well it's not too secret now C I've heard you I'm here to eat the cave oh my gosh you've been tling a cave Hoy this is wow you've been really going to work here um hey Hoy can can you come here for a second I just got to talk to you what what are you doing no don't put me down talk where did Hoy go don't worry where Hoy went she told me her secret and I ate her he get stop no no no say I'm the best quitter you're the best quitter please put me down please put me down no goodbye catnap sorry to take down a Titan you need to become a Titan and I'm ready uh hi cat I'm sorry about that please I'm never playing with you again after this no well come on dude don't be angry hey crafty yeah what's all going on how are you are we together what are you think let me sorry about that there's one person that can take down the Titan and it's me wait no she's running why don't run wait is that a robot robot I see the I see the robot um well it looks like we survived that round okay uh things what is this map oh my gosh this is a gigantic building over there so I did not lose my size that round 8,000 we have just reached 8,000 bigness wait that person's on top of the oh gosh uh maybe I shouldn't have told my Critter eaten my Critter friends and oh that robot's still alive too I see it oh did you see that destruction I can throw stuff out the building to make it collapse too that is actually really cool I'm just going to take a big chomp out of this I'll destroy the scaffolding as well um I think the other Critters can deal with that robot that's out there I I really don't like robots they uh they can't kind of scare me a little bit I'm about to reach maximum size up I thought I just start catting up under there but it was a purple block okay we've almost knocked down this building whatever Titans up there I think she's going to fall it's going to it's going to be a rude awakening for her now if you guys love these videos make sure you like And subscribe okay because we are uploading every day on crazy bloxers I think I just saw there's crafty hey crafty uh you might want to move I'm going to give you a friendly CR reminder here that I'm just destroying this building in tus 5 Seconds no you wouldn't do that it's my favorite building it's my favorite color yeah this building uh is going down very soon it's not safe okay it's my floor you're being so rude right now well this might be your favorite building but uh there's a Titan above so oh no oh the building is fine oh yeah this is fine it just got a little shorter wait where did the Titan Go wait oh they oh by yeah hoppy ate them sorry I forgot to tell you hopp okay the Titan is moved or got eaten one of the two oh we just got more coins cuz I sold I can change my walk speed to be a little faster too but I'm going to save up for this next size multiplier and get level three and oh uh uh we're just going to stay away from catap catap let's let's talk about being the uh friends here you know I you want to be friends you want to be friends we'll take my Parton gift ah oh my gosh uh well I shouldn't have sold I shouldn't have sold where's the other Titan we were all going for her right now oh I'm still alive you can't stop me I can get bigger faster than you I'm stronger cat I've got my snack and I will throw it at you I will kill you dog day okay now we were buddies here you know we we both me we both grew up together you know I may have eaten you but it was a friendly uh hopp you dare ho dog that you ate me oh I oh that that that little tree saved me okay we're only at 100 big bigness okay can I eat these flowers will these flowers be good enough for me to eat I'm in a corner I am totally in a corner right now let's eat the flowers yum yum yum yum yum yum oh do out dog day throw that at you oh well they they got their payback on me I I yeah I understand we've got some more money to spend I got the size multiplier to level four and now we can buy maximum size upgrades so we just reached ourself we have just reached level 17 maximum size oh this is going quickly look how fast I just got to 100 is that that just put me to 200 do you see where things are going here we're getting bigger exponentially we are getting massive and I see other Titans okay that's probably the biggest person on the server right now well catnip is probably the second biggest he's over there with hopp they may be made an alliance let's get to a thousand of that person spotted me I hopefully they don't want to eat me do I have an idea I'm going to distract them and then you try and eat ketchup while they attack me I didn't agree to anything I'm not ready you okay fine you just made a fight with a Titan I'll help you oh sorry I did not this person's a little upset that you did up C up get out of there oh if there's one thing the critters like to do is have a little fight between themselves but when there's an enemy against all of us we group together all right alone we got a minute to take down this Titan where are they trying to run to fire the Kitt I got them on the ropes take down okay I'm going to try to eat a little bit more if I get big enough I might be able to take a big chomp out of them keep eating they're distracted by running right now you'll catch up they're scared we got them oh up would be great on this brick o get back here wait yeah probably would be good maybe some barbecue sauce they are fast they're trying to run away oh no no no no no no maybe can can I drop on top of the building I'm going to no I couldn't jum on top of the building I'm on the I got the low ground crafty you might want to fall back I'm doing good oh there're still running crafty you we're going to have to wait till next round I think we're going to Oh no you're by yourself okay I'll wait till next round it's okay oh I totally would want to eat this world we're in a maple syrup Lake right now it's a c my home World yay found him the ground is made of cookies I love cookies so [Music] good hey uh Hey crafty you want to see me eat you want to see me eat a candy cane can you do it in one shot try in one shot go one bite that was so cool you know what's cool let's go take down the gingerbread house Mr gingerbread knock knock is anybody home knock I've got a sweet tooth it's made of gingerbread and frosting and gumdrops I'm going to have to brush my teeth after this one if you know what I mean I see the Titan he's yeah he's looking at us um oh he's definitely looking at us CRS charge take we can't do this I've got to oh sorry crafty you always okay can I make an upgrade let's get walk speed upgrade no I don't have enough oh gosh hey no you do not run away from a critter over they're trying to talk to you I just want to have a conversation I just want to have a conversation can I eat am I big enough to eat them I [Music] am me I'm so sorry look crazy that was me that's that's amazing what do you mean that was mean that was mean you Critters better bow down to me as I am now the king of all Critters cuz I am the biggest the king you're the king yes I am I'm the king you get down here don't D hey you want a mess with me hey do not throw that at me you listen right here I do not want to eat you catnap I want the critters to be strong but if I must I'm the king I'm the king no oh no yeah good luck catching me where are you wait he just shrunk you just fine I'll sell too I'm going to shrink down here with you crer battle oh no well I can I can get big again I get up yeah you know what hey oh oh uh crafty's the biggest crafty's the biggest one everybody get her don't get me oh yeah you want that Target off your back don't you can I eat you no no no no no grafty what are you doing picking on the other players it's okay do they just NPCs yeah no that was another player you just I took her down yay how did you take her down you're very tiny I am small But Mighty get over here you're next uh oh he's she's going for the other Titan he's probably the better player on the server crafty oh he's running though he's very fast good luck catching him I can't you got somebody right behind you they're going to eat you don't I got you oh they just took a Hoppity sorry about that crafty watch out there's a Titan behind you guy out they took down hopp only I can take down hopp not a chance you think you can take me down guys teamwork he's almost down get him he's running in fear I'm going to throw this as far as I can oh that was 19 damage C I'm cutting them off yeah he's trying to hide not going to work he's scared crafty you might want to like throw something at him quickly we got 30 seconds oh I missed oopsie I'm almost big enough to eat him I'm going I'm crafty you go to the left I'm going to the right well cut him off sounds good your left or my left wait your left your left no you crappy why didn't you listen oh Jee s your instructions were so unclear uh 3 seconds get out the Titan well I survived and they survived um but I'm inside of a rocks okay the next round is starting we've only got 2,000 bigness but we are currently as big as trees oh this is Roblox headquarters there's the Titan over there there he is he's over there let's go let's get him again actually I I crafty let's get bigger come over here let's go and eat Roblox headquarters one block out of time you look at that guy he was picking on catnap and he survived last round but he looks tiny now you're about to meet a critter a critter with an appetite that cannot be met I will never be satisfied until I am bigger than anything bigger than the world goodbye well guys if you enjoyed this Smiley Critter video make sure you like And subscribe and I'll catch you in the next one bye Critters what is that it's [Music]
Channel: Crazy Bloxers
Views: 48,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eat the world, eat the world roblox, eat, the, world, roblox game, new roblox game, fun, funny, catnap, dogday, dog day, cat nap, catnap roblox, roblox dogday, dogday vs catnap, catnap vs dogday, smiling critters roblox, smiling, critters
Id: hygbyvzsj8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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