Catholify Night of Mercy with Fr. Chris Alar and Jonathan Roumie

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you you were casting out fear when i was you're overcoming [Music] our lady mother of mercy pray for us name of the father son and the holy spirit amen thank you lauren and thank you everybody who is joining us it's an honor for me to be here with jonathan who plays jesus as you know on the chosen we know it everybody sold out here really quick but we have limited seating so god bless you guys could make it with us i blame you for that yeah so real quick we we apologize for having to rapid fire through these questions but i want to say anything to the viewers i actually will answer every one that i don't get to tonight personally by email when you submitted the questions and i think lauren we have all emails with them so i will personally answer all of those so please don't get disappointed if we don't get to your question so um i will do that all right first question is right from here in birmingham alabama priscilla do we have priscilla with us she said does what does forgive mean how do you live forgiveness towards someone and what is required to for one to have forgiven okay real quick this is amazing people don't understand forgive does not necessarily mean reconciliation it does not necessarily mean that you have to become the best friends with somebody i had somebody steal two thousand dollars from me an employee i did not have to go out to dinner with them and become their best friend i forgave them but you can believe i fired them you see forgiveness simply means you let go you wish them well you don't have to reconcile but if you do reconcile now you've elevated yourself up to mercy mercy is actually greater than forgiveness amen to that and i also want to say that um if i don't get to all of my questions father chris will be answering all personally so i just want to make that clear you get with that good so um my first question comes from sophia in beaumont california whom i can only assume is watching by a live stream she asks what is the most important part for you in preparing for your role of our savior jesus christ in the chosen i'd say the most important part for me is prayer part of my preparation when we were filming on location in texas for season one was finding a local church and making sure i could get to mass if there was confessions going i'd get to confession and then as often as i could receive the eucharist being that it's the source and summit of our faith it for me was also the source summit and strength of what was um bringing my uh bringing the work that i was doing to a level that was that i couldn't do on my own so i would say prayer is the uh the the defining factor for me in um preparing for the the chosen or any time that i've played um jesus which has been outside of the chosen as well so yeah awesome this is from janet in trussville alabama we're not just picking alabama people here this just happens to be coincidental what is the most important thing we can do to foster the desire to join religious life or priesthood as catholic parents first of all you need to surrender to let it be god's will not your will i see men in seminary i've seen men in my own community that were there for their parents when i personally came to seminary my mom cried for three days my dad said i'd never make it as a priest and my 82 year old aunt said i thought you liked girls i was engaged i don't know why she asked that question but here's what you do to foster it's the same as bringing somebody back to the church one have masses said they don't even have to know it you can have masses said for them i'm doing the same thing for fostering a vocation as it is bringing somebody back to the church like your loved ones brother sister children second your personal prayer jonathan just mentioned the importance of personal prayer add them into your rosary add them into your chaplet of divine mercy third you must portray joy if somebody sees in you the catholic faith is a drug dredge on you and is dragging you down in guilt and depression and woe is me god's sending me to hell if we don't do 65 rosaries this evening get up here or you're going to hell with me ain't gonna work you need to portray joy and finally number four offer up everything that happens to you good bad joy suffering you stub your toe offer that up you you you get passed over for a promotion offer it up everything that we do offered up because those graces can be used to foster vocations and returns to the church and i only recently found out that you people can say and should say intentions for other people that aren't just you know sick and dying for instance i got texts very recently because somebody wanted to say a mass for me a fan called up a church and had a mask sent for me and my local church and i got started getting texts from friends saying are you okay like i heard your name come up at mass i'm like when you know guys i guess it just doesn't have to be about sick and dying it's for whatever the intention is and nobody has to know so and if i could have one last thing do you know saint anselm said there's more value in a mass said for the living that one mass for the living is worth more than a hundred masses after somebody has deceased wow so have those masses said for the living can you say mass is for yourself if you're speaking you can have a mass said for yourself you can go right to your church go to the rectory or to the parish office say would like to have a mass said for your own intentions interesting thank you uh catherine from suffern new york asks me did i attend catholic schools for my elementary and high school education no i did not in fact anybody that i knew friends of mine growing up that went to catholic school usually left the faith afterwards so for me my naive knowledge at the time was like well if you go to catholic school you become an agnostic or an atheist so i'm glad i didn't go to catholic school getting a little older now i see a different value in it and i also realized that so much depends upon the faith that you're raised with so if you're bringing it in the home that is a huge influence on a child and a young person's development to quote father patrick payton the family that prays together stays together and that's something that has truly helped me throughout my life awesome we got international questions from all over this is from sakani from south africa so hopefully you're watching sakani from south africa i don't know what time it would be over there but it would be late are we supposed to pray the chaplet of divine mercy only at 3 pm okay great question actually you know what the lord said to do at 3 pm he said pray the chaplet right wrong first thing you do at 3 pm is the most powerful prayer you can make for conversion of sinners lord jesus christ have mercy on and you can say for me a poor sinner or for a sinner that you know has fallen away have mercy on john smith you know of to come back to the church secondly he said if you can't um the most important thing to do is pray for conversion of sinners next do the stations of the cross he said if you can't do that step inside a church or chapel and adore me in the blessed sacrament for but a moment he said if you can't do that stop where you are for but a moment and meditate on my passion that's what he said to do at three o'clock he never said to pray the chaplain at three o'clock why do we pray the chaplain at three o'clock because everything he said to do at three o'clock revolved around his passion and what's the chaplet of divine mercy about his passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world so what we do at the three o'clock hour by praying the chaplet is honoring our lord's request to meditate on his passion amy from orem utah i am not catholic but i started joining your prayer hour on instagram i have grown to love the divine mercy chaplet what specifically about the divine mercy chaplet brings you comfort and peace part of that is indescribable the answer to that question it's just a feeling but also the fact that i think it's i think that's rooted for me in trying to bring myself closer to christ's passion to really place myself at the foot of the cross and to understand the sacrifice that christ made on behalf of all mankind that even beaten bruised and scourged and literally a bleeding mess on the cross god forgive me you understand what i'm saying um like when you're scourged you don't stop bleeding you're continually bleeding and then to have nails driven in your hands and your feet and you're still bleeding from all the scourging and then at that point to be able to say father forgive them for they know not what they do that's the example that was set for us so if i can pray the chaplet as a minor minor infinitesimal token of my appreciation for the sacrifice of christ uh i'm gonna i'm gonna do it so and that's and i get peace from that i can't explain it it wouldn't sound like it based on everything that i'm thinking about as i'm praying but uh it gives me peace to connect to christ thank you jonathan jenny from fort wayne said is there a particular person that had a positive influence on your faith journey yes father rue if you are watching out there in charlotte north carolina he was the first one that shocked my daylights when he said i think you might be called to the priesthood i ran i hid i never thought i was called to the priest and if somebody would have said to me in a high school senior class that you would become a priest an appointment to the air force academy all i wanted to do was fly fighter jets and um if somebody would have said to me you'd become a priest i would have cried just like my mom so definitely a very positive influence and you know uh three other people have had positive influences are the three people that brought me down here uh brother i used to say brother david blaisland who who drove us this entire way talk about a good heart a man of god and when i see somebody like that he's always looking for the positive when i'm looking for something to say oh can you believe they did that he'll come up i'll say can you believe that they ate all my pizza and he would say you know maybe they haven't eaten in 16 days and so he'll see the positive uh the other one is who we call mama giuseppe she is giuseppe who also came down with me my cameraman who has just been a spiritual mother to us she's from italy beautiful just a soul of a great example she rode the whole way three straight days of driving 1500 miles and not a peep from her just a beautiful soul and then my cameraman giuseppe who's back there uh has been a great great influence on me i yell at him all the time all the time he's forgetting to do something but you know there's a guy that is giving me an example he's an awesome catholic man and and i tell you i hope he finds a good catholic woman someday because uh this guy is gonna make a good husband to somebody and so uh um i just saw he has hashtag cameraman giuseppe now as his handle because i always say my cameraman giuseppe my cameraman giuseppe when i do my videos and so people uh people will see that hopefully and wish him well because he's on a good faith journey so a lot of good influence i think this man right here i met him only four years ago but when i talked to him to three hours or three o'clock in the morning the first night i hear i was the priest and i came out of that meeting thinking man i want to be more like this guy you know so a lot of good influences and the beautiful people down here lauren and her husband casey have opened their home to us and people just come in and now that they just met and they're like family i'm like wow she goes that's what we do in the south so it's it's beautiful so a lot of good influence back at you buddy and thank you everybody for here for all the wonderful good that you've done for us and bringing us here it's it's been tremendous um kiana from delaware asks can you please explain the significance of a scapular who is on the scapular that you wear and why i'm wearing a brown scapular let's see if i can right here which is um tradition has it and i just learned the the details of this today from father over here so i could answer this question appropriately as if i knew what i was talking about which i don't um but tradition holds that the scapular uh was given by our blessed mother uh to saint simon stop simon stock not simon upstock simon stein there you go thank you father um in the 16th century and that when the blessed mother appeared she was wearing the the habit of the carmelite order so it's is it called a carmelite scapular yeah she brought them what a piece of the cloth is from the carmelite habit that she handed to where when you wear the scapula you may know the brown little patch there that's why it's supposed to be cloth but if your skin is allergic or whatnot you can wear the metal but it is it's wool it's made of the cloth of the carmelite uh habit the the scapular means shoulder actually and so when you wear the scapula it's supposed to mean it goes over the shoulder and that's what you wear and the protection i'll let you finish jonathan so the protection is that uh after the it comes with something called a sabatine privilege which meant that after you died the first saturday after a person died that wore this scapular they would be released from purgatory which is not a theology but it's uh it's something that was revealed through uh personal revelation to saint simon stock so it's not something that is necessary for salvation um or anything like that but uh i guess it's it's a bonus can we say extra grace extra grace extra grace is the technical term thank you okay very good tina in joshua tree california i sure hope they haven't torn down joshua tree right and rooted it right with all the offer unrest which we need to pray for a lot of people don't know that the chaplet of divine mercy is praying to god our father not the son i too made this mistake is there a certain diary number to help me make known this known to people i'm sorry i didn't have a chance to look up the passage but yes very clearly and do you know this as well the mass people always think the prayers of the mass are to jesus who are the prayers of the master the father and we're going to be talking about that today that whole essence of divine mercy and the meaning of divine mercy wraps up in the prayers of the mass to god the father you see god mass is god offering god to god god the son being offered by god the holy spirit to god the father in atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world stay with us during the talk we'll be hitting on that anna in new york new york the city's so nice they named it twice aside from praying the rosary is praying the divine mercy chaplet your favorite why and how did you come to this devotion um that's part of what i'm going to talk about tonight is it my favorite uh yes i mean i i don't know that i can say i have favorites i have favorite prayers for at different times um in in my life and uh that's one that i do say it every day in addition to the rosary i didn't always say it every day in addition to the rosary um but it's as my faith has grown it's it's just something that i've i've chose chosen to do um so uh yeah and the right yeah and then the uh how i came to the devotion uh will be part of my talk tonight so all right so we have inge in kings mountain north carolina i didn't live too far from there i understand the concept that god is outside of time but sacred scripture and sacred tradition teach that at our death our judgment is immediate therefore i do not understand how one can pray for the salvation of one who is already dead either by suicide or other causes can you please explain this contradiction thank you for writing this because this is exactly what my book is about i co-authored a book with jason brother jason lewis it's called after suicide there's hope for them and for you meaning those who have died them and you meaning you left behind but it doesn't apply just to suicide applies to any kind of loss or tragic death now this is an incredible concept i can't answer it in less than a minute but i would say please if you get a chance after suicide there's hope for them and you grab it pick it up it it goes into all this detail bottom line is this god is omniscient and he's omnipotent omniscient meaning he knows everything god is omnipotent meaning he's all-powerful what i'm going to do in essence and maybe i'll get to it in my talk but god knows every prayer you will ever make in your life even before you make it because he's omniscient he has all-knowing doesn't change your free will it's for knowledge he also has the power to apply the graces that you make at any point in time when i discovered after my grandmother's suicide for 10 years and never prayed for her because i assumed she was in hell i was told that was church teaching when 10 years later i found out that's not church teaching and and the reason is because she didn't have free will one of the three conditions for mortal sin the only way you go to hell is to die in an unrepentant state of mortal sin but the point is this i thought for 10 years my grandmother was in hell never prayed for her you can't pray people out of hell once they're in hell you can't pray for them then i learned because god is outside of time he knows every single prayer you will ever pray and he can apply those graces even to the moment of someone's judgment don't believe me go to the diary of saint faustina 1486 go to the diary of saint faustina 1698. what jesus says is he comes to the soul three times and gives everyone that opportunity to accept them the problem is if you haven't been living a good life you may not recognize them you need the sacraments you need help but i'll i'll summarize it with this god knows and being outside of time we're not outside of time but god is and he unites our prayers to be outside of time you know jesus told saint faustina that her prayers got him through the agony in the garden hold on here when did saint faustina live exactly 1900 years after jesus christ so how did saint faustina's prayers help jesus get through his passion she wasn't even born yet nor was her grandmother the great great great great great grandma nobody was even born yet in her i mean she wasn't born yet yet jesus told her your prayers got me through the garden how was that concept and then this is documented by padre pio this is documented by the franciscans padre p was once being evaluated by his doctor and the doctor noticed padre pew was praying and the doctor asked padre pio what are you praying for he said the conversion and happy death of my grandfather and the doctor said well i knew your grandfather he died over 20 years ago what are you talking about he says i know but 25 years ago god knew that i'd be here tonight making this prayer and god can apply these graces from my prayers tonight back to my grandfather at the moment of his judgment doesn't mean we can change history we can't change the past what we can do is supply the grace for those people at the moment that they die even though your prayer comes years later please don't take just what i explain here as being definitive answer please get the book if you want to go deeper into that subject jeanette in whiting new jersey as you were learning about the sacrament of the holy eucharist did you come to accept it immediately that jesus was fully present in the eucharist or was it something that you came to as you grew up read the bible and drew closer to the lord i always accepted it i just didn't really understand it until much later in life i'm still trying to understand it it's i mean it's part of the mystery um of our faith uh and and the wonder um you know to accept and look at this host and see the living presence of body blood soul divinity flesh of jesus christ in this host because your mind tells you it's a piece of gluten and wafer it's you know but in your spirit you know no that's that's jesus so um i have a much different approach and an appreciation for it now uh but i'd always believed it but now it just i believe it's so much more strongly i guess is the best way i can say that thank you now lisa in ludlow mass which is not too far from us now up at the shrine of divine mercy how can a priest confect an unconsecrated host to become jesus in the eucharist when he is living in sin and does not intend to follow the rubrics of the church perfectly will jesus still be present in the eucharist does anybody know the answer to that absolutely there is something in the church called ex apore apparato which means by the very fact that a sacrament is administered the grace is given regardless of who's ministering it so if you have an ordained priest by virtue of his priesthood sadly and i hate to say this no matter what he has done you are getting jesus in the eucharist this is church teaching it's called ex-opere apparato it's a latin term for meaning by the very fact that it is administered it has an effect that's what a sacrament is it's not a symbol it's an efficacious sign meaning it does something what's a sacrament a sacrament is an efficacious sign meaning it does something instituted by christ and entrusted to the church by which divine life is instilled in us and so yes the priests pray for him don't worry it's not your job to deal with the priest god will deal with the priest okay that's the bottom line but he's not going to shortchange you because of the weakness of the priest you come here you will receive true body as jonathan just said true body blood soul and divinity it's it's also a good thing because then if we were to judge it that the priest couldn't administer the sacrament and how much less could we receive the sacrament as as broken vessels ourselves exactly uh it's a very happy thing that that can still happen yes danielle from new brunswick canada asks how has your faith and personal relationship with jesus impacted your career and life choices i guess i would say that as i delve further into my walk with christ certain choices don't appeal to me anymore certain roles don't appeal to me anymore and even before roles auditions there are certain things that i will read or you know might come across my desk and i will decide whether or not i even want to audition for it and so i'm a lot more sensitive to certain things not because i feel that it's like oh it's part of the image i have to keep a you know a spotless image i'm i'm a i'm a very flawed human being i just full stop let's just start with that fact um so i i can't have judgment on anything on characters you know especially characters that might have the opportunity to uh grow or exhibit the mercy of god somehow you know even if it's a bad guy i have no problem playing bad guys because bad people don't necessarily think of themselves as bad people they're just broken their choices are poor whatever they're you know they're whatever makes them seem to be bad people more often than not they it's a it's a series of conscious or unconscious choices over the course of their lives that have turned them in one direction or another um but now there are you know if i see certain characters where they there's no development or they're they don't have that potential to kind of have a sort of an arc where or it feels like god is not really working in this particular piece or they're or it's just kind of um very one-dimensional uh and uh you know sensational for whatever happens in the script and i will i will just not look at those regardless of of who's involved um so i i think that's how it's affected my career uh very differently and then also like relationships and people it's you know there's a certain level of forgiveness and mercy that you can have and but but then you know you you realize um your worth in christ and that you don't need to you know forgiveness and mercy does not necessarily mean that you need to be a doormat for people so yeah it's affected uh my relationship in that way as well uh it's it's been a great thing very good julianne from palm beach gardens in florida basically wants to know where the chapters and numbers of verses come from in the bible where those originally written in the way the bible was written no but people said well father when did they start they actually there are partitions and different ways of segmenting scriptures going all the way back to the dead sea scrolls now the way that we have the current chapters and verse numbers which are consistent actually develop much later in the middle ages archbishop lincoln if i remember my seminary biblical class is correct in around the 13th century actually developed chapter numbers just to be able to reference different parts of the bible and then later um there was a guy by the name of stn i think he came his first name was robert i think it was the 16th century he actually assigned the verses to the bibles and passages and that makes it way easier for us you know when we when we can just reference something and where is that in the bible well whoa let me try to find it no that wouldn't work but with the verse and the chapter numbers it's consistent across all of our denominations who read the bible this next question is an interesting one i have two answers for it anusha in australia asks if i could pick three famous people to have dinner with who would they be cameraman just said okay three answers um if i were to pick um well we're in a church so let's start on the spiritual side uh jesus mary and joseph who wouldn't want to be at that family dinner um if it were celebrities i'd say [Laughter] um arnold schwarzenegger i'm fascinated with that man uh and uh what would be the third one al pacino i think you kind of look like a model but where do you know um yeah i think that'd be a party be an interesting party very good chris from grimes iowa says i worry about past sins that i might not have confessed because i forgot about them would you and maybe didn't tell the full complete sin because of shame or that you just don't feel that you are truly forgiven all right huge difference between the first one there and his second and third one first of all if you have honestly honestly forgotten a sin you are forgiven of it don't fall into that trap though i had a lady come up to me while back at a parish mission she came to me for confession and she confessed to sin she confessed to excuse me committed 24 years ago she confessed to sin it was very grave but remember we don't know if a sins mortal only god knows the inner heart a mortal sin has to be grave you have knowledge and free will okay she comes she confesses the sin very grave and she said father i i committed this 24 years ago i said god bless you welcome back to confession after 24 years she said no father i come every month so i said okay god bless you you must have just remembered this sin after 24 years you know it's a good idea right if you remember a grave sin you committed in your college fraternity days good idea if you just remember it to go back and confess it good thing she says no i've always known i had it and i said oh okay god bless you ma'am but you realize you don't have to keep confessing the same sin once you confess it it is forgiven unless you commit it again trust jesus once you go to confession it is guaranteed forgiveness people always say i ask the question all the time is it when you go to the confessional is it the priest who forgives the sin everybody says no yes because jesus had ultimate authority on earth to forgive sins he delegated that authority to the priest so when the priest tells you you're forgiven and gives you the sign of absolution you're guaranteed forgiveness so i said to her ma'am you don't have to keep confessing this and she goes no i've never confessed it at that point i'm like god bless you man but i'm out of answers i said why are you now confessing the sick confessing to sin but god bless you this is beautiful heaven's rejoicing she says i've always just been too embarrassed and you look like a pretty easy priest i don't know if that's a compliment or not but don't fall in that trap every one of her confessions for 24 years is invalid if you knowingly have a grave sin on your soul and we know the grave sins i mean go beyond just the obvious like you know murder and whatnot but there's a lot of sins that people don't even realize our grave matter do you know missing mass on sunday is grave matter masturbation is grave matter gluttony at the dinner table gossip these are all things people don't think of as grave matter they are if you have a grave matter sin that you're purposely not confessing your co and in your confession is invalid so please get back to confession if you have any of those in your hip pocket okay get them out there let the lord forgive you that's all he wants you to do is just come and be forgiven people like i don't need the confessional father that's how god set it up he said in the book of james go to the priests confess your sins and when you do you are guaranteed forgiveness doesn't mean you can't say you're sorry outside of the confessional but when you do it in the confessional it's guaranteed thank you father jonathan we have time for one last question one last question okay um i just wanna okay okay uh i've heard you talk about your others from rose in hesperia california i've heard you talk about your grandmother i believe saying you would be a priest i feel like god is calling you to the priesthood do you rose um i'll get back to you on that i um do you think you would be do you think that would be a possibility saint john paul ii was an actor and he was also a playwright he was an artist for sure um i just told father earlier in the car on the way over here that i had a pr a dream a couple of dreams in the last few weeks that i was a priest interesting um yeah my grandmother when i was uh we used to pray with our grandmother when we were young uh who was from ireland and she would visit we would uh she would teach his prayers and she would tell my mother because i i loved praying as a kid she's like i think you might have a little priest on your hands there and so it hasn't happened yet but uh god only knows i think right now i'm pretty comfortable with my mission um being an actor and and reaching people in a different way um what happens after this i don't know so we'll see okay thank you so much guys thank you all right thank you so much father and jonathan for taking the time to answer a few questions from viewers around the world we're going to take a quick break so please feel free to stand up and stretch there's some restrooms out the back of the church to the left and additional restrooms down in the parish hall we do ask that you maintain silence in the church just out of respect for those in prayer please be back in your seats by 5 55 night of mercy will continue in approximately 25 minutes thank you thank you guys thank you everybody welcome my name is eric dooley and i'm here on behalf of catholify when we first started planning what would become this night of mercy conference with arise worship ministry we had no idea what the holy spirit had in store for us and yet here we are just a month later with tens of thousands of people tuning in right now from around the world at catholify our mission is to rethink and reclaim technology for the church when we look at what technology has done for all these other industries it's really reshaped our world but we ask the question what can technology do to reshape and reunite us in prayer like never before we're building prayer platforms that unite us in new ways be it through our app through digital media through live stream technologies and so much more when this opportunity to bring in jonathan roomie and father chris aylar presented itself we knew we couldn't just stream this locally we had to think bigger we said what could we do for the church with an event like this what if we could rethink the way we look at parish events and virtual conferences and take a blend of the two you know right now despite the crazy circumstances we are facing in our world over 100 parishes are tuning in streaming this event live either from their parish pews or virtually in their own way to their parish communities that's exactly what we wanted to build with night of mercy night of mercy is a worldwide moment of prayer designed specifically for parishes we've put together all the logistical details the speakers the promotional materials everything you need and that is exactly what we're doing to allow parishes from around the world to participate with us this evening that they can bring their communities either virtually or physically when we all transition to adoration together we are all members of the mystical body of christ and these mercy nights are designed to help us feel that oneness like never before and yes i did say mercy nights tonight is just the beginning we're already making preparations for our next night of mercy set to take place before the end of the year so be sure to check in at on catholify social media or even just download the catholify app and you'll be the first to know once that date is released now the last thing i'll say is this catholic exists to serve the church through your generosity we are a 501c3 nonprofit serving the church digitally and we need your help i invite you to discover the mission and the ways that you can support it on our website at learn how you can be a part of this and future prayer experiences that we are building for the future generations of our church to meet them where they are on the digital continent and invite them home back to the sacraments in times like these we desperately need christ's divine mercy that's exactly why we've built night of mercy for the church so join us around the world as we unite and proclaim in one voice tonight jesus i trust in you on behalf of catholicify and arise worship ministry we present to you night of mercy by our live stream we are so grateful that you're here you're an integral part of this night and you have been prayed for for many weeks the times in which we are living have been challenging to say the least through many upheavals during the past months the lord inspired us to gather in a night of prayer to proclaim the message of his greatest attribute his divine mercy so tonight we will hear the message of divine mercy proclaimed to us it is a message of hope and a message of trust [Music] then we will hear personal testimony of the power of mercy in jonathan's life and then we will bow before the source of mercy itself jesus himself upon our altar we will move into a time of prayer and adoration and pour out our needs for ourselves and for our world we ask that you fully participate in this night not just as a spectator not just as someone who has come to hear a talk but as an active participant god loves us individually and he longs for every soul he created to know him in an intimate way jesus's heart was pierced on the cross with his last heartbeat and divine mercy poured forth that same heart began beating in the womb of our blessed mother with his first heartbeat hidden in her womb and we have a beautiful image here of the divine jesus in the womb after the night is over if you want to look around at some of the decorations but um anyway just take time to reflect upon that as well i invite everyone just to take a deep breath pause and let all the anxieties the worries and the stresses that you may have come here with tonight and let's just lay that all at his feet and let's open our hearts to whatever the lord has for us tonight and let's pray together with childlike expectant faith that god would truly release something new upon our earth through our humble prayers that he would open up the floodgates of heaven and pour his mercy and grace upon us and our whole world i'd like to introduce you my friend dr father john paul mary father john paul is originally from pennsylvania and he is a priest with the franciscan missionaries of the eternal word you may recognize him from ewtn where he currently serves as the ewtn employee chaplain on ash wednesday of 2016 during the jubilee year of mercy pope francis commissioned him as a special missionary of mercy to go forth and proclaim mercy to the entire world father john paul in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen holy spirit inspire me love of god consume me along the true road lead me mary my mother look upon me with jesus bless me from all evil from all illusion from all danger preserve me amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen to prayer from saint mary of the crucified carmelite saint the message of divine mercy is not only a message about god's infinite mercy maybe you thought that you were going to hear talks tonight and just come here tonight to hear two articulate talks from father chris elar and jonathan rooney but you are here not just to hear talks about mercy but you are here to repent of your sins there is no mercy without repentance there is no mercy mercy is god's heart poured out to us and before any of us are open we need to be repentant people centuries of avila would say that any time before we come before the all-holy and almighty god to utter any word to him we have to be repentant first in other words we have to be contrite if god's going to hear the cry of his people of us his people are our hearts rent are our hearts crushed like grapes you know fine wine is made through a process of crushing grapes and fermentation and anything good in yours or my life has to go through this process of being crushed just like the passion we have to enter into this dialogue with god and that's what i invite you into this evening is first of all before we listen to these talks and we have adoration of our lord in the most blessed sacrament to make a sincere in your own heart in some way some act of contrition for your own sins because sin is not just personal sometimes we think that our own sins just affect me and nobody else but me but sin affects the whole body of christ it's like a cancer in the body of christ so if the body of christ is truly meant to heal if you or i if we're meant to heal it has to begin within our own heart repentance just like sin is not just personal repentance and holiness even more i might add holiness is what builds up the church and repairs the church when we repent as a body and also as individuals how many people in here probably 150 to 200 people in here i'll imagine that many people repenting before god is an awesome sight in god's eyes before heaven i'd like to share with you and close with a quote from saint elizabeth of the trinity and i promise you i'm a franciscan i know i'm quoting carmelites and i'm wearing brown but i'm a franciscan but i love carmelites see elizabeth of the trinity was an amazing saint who died of addison's disease she lived as she was 26 years old only four to five years in her religious life she reached this level of union with god if you read her writings and i definitely encourage you to do this she says this and i close during painful times and i think we're all in painful times during painful times when you feel a terrible void think of how god is enlarging the capacity of your soul so that it can receive him look upon each pain as a love token coming to you directly from god in order to unite you to him look at each pain in your life the pain that you experience in your soul whatever that may be in your life look at that as an opportunity that god wants to expand your heart for capacity to love him that's why i invite you here to do this evening as we reflect upon the gift of divine mercy the gift of god pouring out his life for us for the salvation of the world there is no greater gift mercy is god's greatest attribute thank you for coming this evening [Music] i'm excited to introduce our first speaker for the evening father chris aylar who is a priest with the marian fathers of the immaculate conception prior to joining the marians in 2006 as a postulate he received his bachelor of science degree in industrial engineering and a masters of business administration from the university of michigan he also worked for a large automotive company in detroit and started his own consulting firm in north carolina father chris wrote and produced the popular divine mercy 101 and explaining the faith dvd series he is also the author of the best-selling book after suicide there's hope for them and for you he is an internationally known speaker and a regular host and guest on ewtn he currently serves as father joseph director of the association of marian helpers and is head of marion press located in stockbridge massachusetts home of the national shrine of the divine mercy it is an honor and privilege to welcome my friend father chris aylar god bless all of you for coming as i started to say what i'm about to do is a five night talk that's usually about an hour and 15 minutes broken into two sections and i'm going to try to do it in 45 minutes it's never been done before and i know i'm going to botch it all up i try diligently to create slides for this i tried diligently to organize bullets for this i got to throw all that away i just basically got to give you guys a talk from the heart for 45 minutes it tells you what god's mercy is and that is what i've not usually done before so bear with me um when i met jonathan and you're going to hear jonathan rumi speak here in a minute we did a video saying that we all one day want to meet christ well i'm gonna you know work with you to bring and hear the man who was chosen to play him and we met at one of my missions in california which was four years ago now and i can honestly say this is one of the finest men that i've had a chance to know i don't know him as well as many of his other friends or as well as some of my own friends of course but you know when you meet someone and you talk to them just a very short period of time you get to know a character and that character of jonathan is one that i think is a great example for a man who should be playing christ we as priests are in persona christi we just don't play christ but at the altar we're in the place of christ and that's part of this whole message of mercy we're going to talk about all right let's start by looking at this craziness that's going on in the world right now i'm not even going to attempt to go there there's differing opinions on all sides of that i think the only thing we can agree on are things are a mess and this is what father just brought up about uh sin one of the things that we have to realize about sin is what is it well first of all most of the people in the world today don't even think that we are sinners you all ever go to a funeral now god blessed the people but every funerary go-to is canonized the person that already has them in heaven and nobody bothers praying for the person in the casket please don't do that at my funeral i'm going to need as many prayers as you can possibly get why because we are all in need of redemption st faustina said that she you know i mean you can't read the life of saint faustina and not feel a little bit depressed has anybody read the diary of saint faustina here haven't you read that i've read it multiple times cover to cover and i tell you i put in my head that i'm just like lord i can never be this good i can't do this but that's exactly why god wants to use you the more broken the tool the more he can use us you know if you were to give a broken paintbrush let's even go farther if i was to have you build a house and another guy next to you build a house and you were given or he was given all the advanced electronic power tools in the world and he builds this beautiful house you're going to say like yeah that's cool that's nice but he had the greatest tools in the world then you look at the house where the guy builds it with just a single manual saw and a hammer and some nails and you're gonna be like you built that with a manual saw hammer and some nails and yeah the hammer was broken and the saw was rusted and you built that house that gives more glory to the person to the artist or the builder that built it and when we are more a broken tool and god can use us that's even more glory to god so what is sin sin is in its essence when you take your eyes off of the creator and you turn it to the creature or the created thing that's the definition of sin when i take my eyes off the creator onto the creature or the created thing you know i never thought that you could commit adultery other than sexually and to me i always grew up that's how i thought you commit adultery and i remember before i became a priest i got to become really good friends with the lady at a parish where i used to be she was married and i became so good friends with her i'm a single guy she's a married guy or a married guy sorry she was married to a guy and all of a sudden my life became enraptured in this lady it wasn't we didn't do anything wrong physically but the emotional i turned my eyes off of god and my eyes were focused only on her i turned my eyes off of him and focused on the creature rather than the creator all of a sudden this priest tells me in the confession i just brought it up casually in the confessional yeah there's this married woman and you know i probably spend so too much time with her and he starts asking me questions you texting her yeah how much all the time you talking to her yeah how much every day and all of a sudden he gets to the point where you know you're you're committing emotional adultery and i'm like oh boy i don't even realize that well now that you become a priest you see these things a different life does that mean that that person necessarily is doing something awful or that they're trying to get in in essence you know destruction of the marriage of course not what the person has done though has turned their eyes away from the creator when we do that we have created a situation where we are broken but god's mercy is greater when we have a situation that god's mercy is greater than any sin we could ever commit jesus told saint faustina if you took all of the sins ever committed in the history of the world and added them together they are but just a drop compared to the ocean that's his mercy now here's what i find is amazing the very definition of mercy what is it well father's being nice to somebody um it's being compassionate to something and that's all true but what is mercy what is it all right let's back up what is virtue all of us need virtue to get to heaven and of all the virtues there's many good ones patience fortitude justice you know even religion is uh what you know for instance people say father i don't need organized religion well that's too bad because jesus organized religion he established the magisterium established the college of bishops gave them apostolic succession established simon on the throne of the papacy put peter there gave the first bishops the authority through apostolic succession to minister the sacraments forgive sins all this stuff jesus organized religion oh but father i'm not into organized religion organized religion is actually under the virtue of justice why because justice is giving someone their due and what does god do from us worship so when you come in the way to worship him in the church it's the way he wants you to be worshiping him and when you do that you're giving do worship to god which is under the virtue of justice so you've got justice prudence prudence just be smart every single time i've ever got myself in trouble in my whole life it's because of my mouth it's never been what i've physically done it's been what i've stupid things i've said so be prudent what about fortitude does it take courage to be a catholic today holy mackerel i'm in the grocery store i'm in my collar where my collar everywhere i go i'm in the grocery store and i see this cutest little girl probably four years old she's behind her mom at the grocery store she's running through her mom's legs laughing giggle she's got the cutest little curls she's running around and she looks at me i'm just behind him in the line with a gallon of milk and she's looking at me from behind her mom and she comes out and she smiles and she goes back in and her mom's facing the other way and i just kind of bent down a little bit and gave her a little smile her mom turns around sees me in a collar she whisks that little girl up in her arms rips her way and says don't you ever look at my daughter like that again i didn't do anything it's the way of our world today because of everything that has happened the brokenness remember the priesthood obviously you know i can't get into this topic tonight the scandal i i mean there's no there's so many things that we can say but i i'll do another talk on this um please if you ever have a chance i do saturday talks every morning saturday morning on our web page uh our youtube channel which is just called divine mercy or our facebook that's called divine mercy official and i will be doing a talk in the next couple weeks on the church scandal and uh so i please i invite you to join us for that but it's really interesting because even one example of a priest that has abused anybody is unacceptable absolutely there's no excuse there's no reason for it there's no justification you can't even go there but the fact is that the the real stats are this and this is all i'm going to say about it tonight 85 percent of abuse happens in the home 14 of abuse happens in school and extracurricular activities one percent happens in religious institutions and of that the catholic church is in the bottom half am i excusing this absolutely not am i trying to justify it no way even one example is too many but i think our society has a wrong understanding again why because we're blocked and shielded from the truth of god by sin is it my denying that abuse didn't have absolutely not but what i am saying is this we're broken and that's the reason we need god's mercy that's why we're here tonight so what is it i just started to say you have all these virtues fortitude prudence justice temperance what is temperance this is moderation right you know you can't tell it now because i've put it back on but i lost 17 pounds when i heard one sentence one sentence a few years ago i don't know five years ago and i heard one sentence that intrigued me and i said you know what i'm going to try this i lost 17 pounds that one sentence never hungry never full so i changed my eating habits to just eat smart eat just a little bit at a time now holy cow totally violated that but the whole point is these virtues that i'm just describing these are virtues you can get through your own effort they're called the cardinal virtues uh or you know the the virtues that we can gain through our own effort but there's some greater virtues does anybody know what the the greater virtues are called anybody okay yes faith hope and the greatest of these is love the theological virtues you don't get them on your own effort they come at your baptism their gift of god and when you are given these three gifts of god faith hope and love your life changes it's instituted into your soul at your baptism oh well father's just a baby well no because when you're born you're born into god's family baby doesn't have a choice when they're born into a family i'm going to grow up and decide i want another family no when i was seven years old my i announced to my mom that i wanted another family so my mom being mary-like is she sits down and i said i want to write a letter to the newspaper and i want to place an ad for a new family i was all a seven years old so my mom helps me draft the letter my dad walks by says what are you doing mom says chris is drafting a letter i'm helping him write it to write the newspaper he's looking for a new family and my dad walks by he goes huh you don't change the family god puts you into and so when we are born into this family and baptized we are adopted childrens of god and these virtues of faith hope and the greatest of these is love now is all love the same do i love lauren just announced that i went to university of michigan i love michigan football except when they play ohio state when i watch michigan football's the only thing i ask for all year long to be able to do i don't take days off i don't do anything like that all i ask is once in a while i watch a michigan football game on a saturday in the fall now do i love michigan football the same way i love my mom she probably would say yes [Music] but no of course not there's different forms of love the greeks taught us right eros romantic love feel your love father son kind of love that's my boy but the highest form of love was what agape now all of a sudden i've stacked all the virtues up here prudence patience justice fortitude all those things then we got to the highest level faith hope that we got to the greatest of these is love then within love you have all kinds of modes of love what's the highest mercy mercy is a particular mode of love that when love encounters suffering it takes action to do something about it or as father kosiki used to say mercy is having pains in your heart for the pains of another and taking pains to do something about their pain so what god has done is he's given us an opportunity to reach out and our love overflow to somebody else mercy is a particular mode of love that when love encounters suffering it takes action to do something about it okay what is divine mercy then it's when the mercy of god saw our suffering and decided to do something about it our suffering started in the garden adam and eve a little sidebar as catholics do we have to believe that adam and eve were real people do we have to believe that adam and eve let me back up as catholics do we read the bible as literally true i heard some no do we read the bible as literally true yes now go home tonight and cut off your right hand because doesn't the bible all tell us to cut off your right and if it sins all right the meaning of the word literally in the english is different from the original language we in the literal language say literally meaning you do exactly that that's not really the meaning of literal what does the word literal mean it means the message the author is trying to convey is true and in the bible the message the author is trying to convey if your right hand causes you to sin you got to get rid of it that's that's true that's literally true if he says your right hand's causing you to sin cut it off it means if there's something in your life causing you to sin get rid of it so if it's a computer maybe move it out into the family room if it's a boyfriend girlfriend pray to god for the strength to say do i need to keep this relationship or end it what is it in your life causing you to sin if it is you've got to get rid of it that's literally true we read the bible is literally true but we do not read the bible as literal lists meaning i actually take a saw and cut off my right hand now by adam and eve though our real people catechism tells us they are our true mothers and father our mother and father you know i always say you remember the old the news teams back in the 90s remember katie couric remember katie couric she couldn't get fast enough to the parking lot of the boston chancery office when the scandal broke back in 2002. remember satellite trucks everywhere lights flashing down video cameras all that stuff but where was katie couric and the rest of abc and cbs news when at that same time they discovered genetically that every living human being in the world today can be traced back to one woman this is genetically proven adam and eve are real real parents all us living human beings genetically proven can be traced back to one woman so what happened in the garden adam and eve fell we know this they got broken and all of a sudden god sees their brokenness and what mercy divine mercy decides to do something about it what does god do he decides to give the promise of a savior and the gift of a mother the promise genesis 3 15 of the promise of a savior and the gift of mary the mother then that was the first essence of mercy because god could have crushed them out of existence and what we have in the garden is something we call the abcs of mercy now mercy father started to point this out the message of mercy and what is really critical for us to remember is this priests tell me this all the time father we don't need divine mercy we don't need another devotion we already have a devotion to saint therese we have a devotion to saint anthony this is all good but they're not god we don't need another devotion father but yes you just said it yourself we rightfully so have devotions to saint therese or saint anthony but they're not god divine mercy is both a message and a devotion it's not just a devotion which are optional in the catholic church father devotions are optional yes but divine mercy is not just a devotion it's a message and pope benedict said the message of divine mercy is the heart of the gospel he said if you in essence if you reject divine mercy in essence you reject the gospel that's not optional so what happened in the garden adam and eve got broken but god was merciful now what happened if you only take one thing out of here tonight take this out and i'm going to fast forward i don't have time to do all these slides so i'm going to fast forward way up here and this is the only thing i want you to take out of here tonight the message of divine mercy be no as easy as abc you want to get to heaven you wouldn't be here if you didn't you wouldn't be watching if you didn't i wouldn't be a priest if i didn't we all want to get to heaven you want to get to heaven you only need three things there are three things that if you do these three things you will get to heaven if you do not you cannot get to heaven those three things are a b c a ask for god's mercy the scriptures tell us if you do not repent as father said and ask for god's mercy you cannot enter the kingdom of god we know that from scripture be be merciful to each other now adam and eve let's look at this first of all did they ask for god's mercy no did they say they were sorry forgive us lord no be did they be merciful to each other no adam there's a real man what did adam do when god questions of adam goes whoa wait a minute lord it's the woman you gave me it's her fault she's the one she's the one that got me out in this whole trouble adam and eve were merciful to each other they started blaming each other and that runs right through to today my very first confessions that i heard at the shrine of divine mercy in stockbridge god bless them but in the very first few confessions there are some precious ladies that would always are shrine regulars and she would come in this one beautiful lady she's probably in her 80s and she came in and she was all excited a brand new priest [Music] so she comes in the confessional she sits down and we begin our confessions and i'm all by the book you know may the lord be in your heart and on your mind that you may confess your sins and know of god's mercy she sits down and she says yes father and she says when reflecting upon my sins i realize this and before i get to that father i want you to know this my husband did this and my husband did that and my husband did this and i said ma'am remember we're not here for your husband's confession we're here for your confession she says you're right father you're right you're right father so father i must confess impatience with my husband when he does this and he does this and this you see we're still not being merciful to each other it's in our it's in our broken humanity it's in our concupiscence and then the big ones see see completely trust in god's mercy jesus says that the vessel by which all grace is received is trust you want to get to heaven you need trust you want to get to heaven you need grace i should say you want grace you need trust so you've got to have these three things abc jesus said the vessel by which all grace is received is trust you want to get to heaven you need grace you want grace you got to trust so you do these three things you can get to heaven say you're sorry repent go to confession ask for god's mercy be loving and merciful to each other and completely trust in god's mercy well father where's love god above all things it's all three of these because this gets us to heaven now this message is so important that god wanted and tried to give it to all of humanity throughout centuries he raised up great prophets and saints to give this message of mercy to the whole world finally he says that's it i'm done i'm not going to do this anymore now he didn't say those exact words but in essence that's what god said when he said you saint faustina will help bring the message of mercy back to the world all anew and that whole new way of the way god gave to saint faustina to bring the message of mercy to the world with shrew this the diary of saint faustina in which he gave her five new channels of grace those five new channels of grace we call the devotion of divine mercy feast of divine mercy the image of divine mercy the novena of divine mercy the chaplet of divine mercy and h the three o'clock hour of mercy now seeing that i am already running out of time i can't go into all these details which i normally do but i cannot tonight and i want to try to summarize it then like this this world isn't a mess jesus told saint faustina divine mercy is mankind's last hope of salvation jesus told saint faustina that if you do not pass through the doors of my mercy you must pass through the doors of my justice now i don't know about you all but as i always say i'm not making it through the doors of justice all god has to do is look at one day in my college fraternity career and down i would go but god is so loving and merciful he's giving this time a mercy there are five signs to the end times this is not i'm not going people write me all the time father why don't you talk about this saint why don't you talk about this mystic all i have to do is go to the bible and listen to the words of jesus christ there are five signs for the end of the world those five signs christ said in scripture or saint paul one of the two depending on which one it is that must happen before the end and christ's second coming one the gospel must be spread to all corners of the world we're already seeing that especially with live streaming just working with eric up there thousands of people signed up to be part of this live stream tonight hundreds of parishes this is the first online streaming event that we know of in the world that is uniting this number of parishes parishes have had online streaming but just for their people we at the shrine are the same way we had great i've had up to you know uh court three quarters of a million hits on one video but that's just us this is the first event that you're part of that all these parishes hundreds of them are united together in a live stream that's the whole purpose of our faith bring the parishes back together and the first sign that has to happen before the end is the gospel has to reach all corners of the world we are now hearing from people from united arab emirates saudi arabia bahrain siberia belize north america south america everywhere south africa i believe the gospel is now reaching all corners of the world through social media the second sign is that there will be a great apostasy what does that mean it means it'll be a turning from from god uh turning from the church a leaving of the faith we've never had people exit the faith like we have right now i believe we are seeing the apostasy his people turning their back on god leaving the church leaving their faith nuns are the biggest religion now nothing's now the third sign that must happen before the end is the conversion of the jews all the jews must convert to christ and retzinger said that's why the end of the world is not here yet then we will have the antichrist this is absolutely scriptural this is not just protestant and then we will have the time of tribulation which we talk about could start with the illumination of conscience we're aware of our sins the three days of darkness right many sins like blessed be uh tianji uh tiago or however you pronounce her name talks about the three days of darkness many saints did get your blessed candles right there will be three days at darth singh faustina talks about darkness will overcome the land and the only light will be when the cross appears in the sky the bible says there will be three days of darkness i get letters all the time father you know you're just making this stuff up our saints are mistaken no it's in the bible it's the ninth plague book of exodus chapter 10 there will be three days of darkness if we have that get your blessed candles so that you can survive those times there's many many prophecies of akita and other places that warn us of this chastisement but don't get scared what's the answer the answer is mercy jesus said in the midst of this i'm giving a time of mercy a time for you to turn back to me but don't miss this boat and how do you turn in this time and get this time of mercy with the few minutes i got left what is god's mercy i told you it says basically when our love pours out in love of another but where do we see that you see this evil in the world that's going on people say well father why did god create this evil first of all did god create evil no he can't wait a minute father god can do anything okay can god lift can god make a rock so big he can't lift it we can't well then that means he can't do something he can't make a rock that big well yeah he can father he can make a rock so big he can't lift it well then that means he can't do something he can't lift it well that means no he would always be able to make the rock big enough to lift well or able to lift well then that means he can't make a rock big enough he can't lift this is called an absurdity god can't create evil it's an absurdity so what is evil evil is simply a lack of the good it's not a real created thing when you take god out of schools god out of courts god out of your family god out of your your society god is goodness itself so when you take god out what's left is goodness excuse me a lack of goodness you take god out very goodness itself what's left is evil i always tell the story i saw a shirt in the airport this young lady had a shirt on and it said columbine sandy hook you all remember this what were those school shootings and her shirt said god how can you let this happen in our schools and then below it it said god quote i'm not allowed in your schools and i really wanted to take a picture of her shirt but i figure a priest following a girl around the airport would not have looked too good so the point is that's all evil is a privation of the good so we can't remove god we got to bring him back into society it's our only hope it's our only answer so to finish what is it that you need to take home with you where do we find god's mercy how do we live it how do we receive it all right it all ties to this our whole faith can be summarized in one concept i'm going to give you four years of seminary in four minutes our whole concept of the faith is a circle and in that concept of the circle is everything thomas aquinas tells us what do i mean by our faith is a circle everything comes from god everything will return to god the one concept of latin i'm going to give you tonight exetuse all comes from god ready toos all returns to god now these this circle encapsulates the three great acts of god's mercy the first great act of mercy all comes from god is what creation all comes from god so the first creative act of mercy that we attribute to the first person of the trinity creation all comes from god now in the second great act of mercy why did we need it what happened well what happened after we were created it took us all of 10 minutes to get broken so after we were created by god the father mankind got created it took us 10 minutes to get broken so the second great act of mercy by the second person of the trinity god the son came down redemption is every human being in the world who ever lived redeemed what about the souls in hell are the souls in hell redeemed come on yes will every soul be saved no because some choose to reject that grace so the first great act of mercy attributed to the first person the trinity creation ten minutes later we got broken so in the second great act of mercy the second person the trinity came down redemption now in the third and the final and the greatest act of mercy guess who the holy spirit will return all of mankind that's now been repaired and redeemed back to god the father for all eternity that ladies and gentlemen is the greatest act of mercy of all called sanctification you are now going to share in the divine life of god now when does that happen when many times people will say your baptism that's a great answer says in scripture that you are divinized sometimes we call sanctification divinization in the east we are divinized we are made part and parcel of god's holy family the trinity we are made part of the trinity not in the sense that you're god but in the sense that you are partaking the living essence of the trinity share in the divine life of the trinity but that's not the answer some people say when you die father you behold the beatific vision you enter in to the inner life of the trinity that's when you're sanctified true good answer but not the one we're looking for when are you truly sharing in that third and final and greatest act of mercy it happens somewhere every day somewhere around the world at every minute of every day the mass the mass what's going on in the mass everything well father i'm not coming to masses i don't get anything out of it are you serious you can't get anything more out of it what is going on at the mass the mass is what we read in that question about um who are the prayers of the chaplet addressed to god the father what is the mass the mass is god offering god to god this is why we need the mass when you go home and pray this is good it's a first step prayer and personal prayer is important and needed but it is not perfect why is your personal prayer not perfect because you have sin i have sin you see that stained glass window right there as beautiful as it is it's blocking some of the light from coming in from the sun when the sun shines some of it comes in some of it is blocked that's how god's grace is his grace never stops shining it's like the sun but his grace comes and our sins are like shades that are pulled over the windows some of his grace gets through some does not because our sins block it we are not perfect we are imperfect because of sin so how do we receive the perfect prayer and receive god's perfect amount of god's grace wait a minute i had 45 minutes and i started at yeah okay you're right okay so i say when you come to mass you are taking partaking in the greatest act of mercy of all creation how why this what is the high point of the mass people will say consecration yes in a way it is but father mike galey and i've had theological discussions on this you want to know the true high point the supercharged moment of the mass anybody know it the concluding doxology the concluding doxology when the priest and the person of christ raises the patent raises the chalice through him and with him and in him oh god almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit all glory and honor is yours forever and ever what's going on here it's god offering god to god god the holy spirit offering god the son to god the father in atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world what is happening at that mass is that circle is being completed first act of mercy creation all of creation is present at the mass no matter if you're physically here or not all of creation is present at the mass second all of creation got redeemed christ died for everybody living dead hell heaven everybody christ died all of the redeemed are here now at the mass christ through that elevation of the priest who's in persona christi takes that patent and chalice raises it back up to god the father and through the power of the holy spirit he offers the sacrifice of the son back to god the father what's going on christ is returning all of humanity now fixed and repaired back to god the father for all eternity we came from him we got broken he came down and fixed us now he's returning us back to god the father for all eternity these are the three great acts of mercy and when you come to mass you are partaking in that when you come to mass you are there pope benedict tells us in the spirit of the liturgy the roof of the church opens up at every mass the angels and the saints ascend and descend heaven and earth are united your guardian angels come forward they kneel around the altar at the moment of the concluding doxology don't forget put everything you have on that patent take it to your guardian angel give it to put it on that patent of jesus to offer back to the father through the power of the holy spirit what is happening at the mass i finish with this who is this groom we always hear this jesus who is the bride the church who's the church us so i might say to you when were you married and you might say father i was married on august 15 1976 or august 17th 1976. great god bless you but do you know when you come to mass every time you walk up this aisle you are doing your wedding march you are the bride christ is the groom and when you come up this aisle you are the bride who's waiting for you at the altar your groom and what happens in the night of the wedding the two become one the groom enters into the bride it's consummated just like that when you come to mass as the bride that you walk up this and you're just like you're walking up here like this do you realize what you're receiving you're the bride receiving your groom and when you come to the altar who's waiting near your groom and what happens the groom enters into you the bride and the bride and the groom come together and the two are united they become one this is the essence of what's happening at the mass it's a wedding feast you want to know what the bible is you can summarize the bible in one sentence it's a romance novel not this trash that you get at the grocery store it's god romancing his bride it starts with a wedding adam and eve it ends with the wedding in the book of revelation the mass is a wedding it's the wedding feast of the lamb so when you come and i want to tie this back now finally to divine mercy and i got to finish in one minute what does god promise on divine mercy the perfect number people say is seven but the number eight is very important to the jews when is divine mercy it's a sunday after easter it's called the eighth day easter sunday is day one monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday divine mercy sunday the eighth day why is that important because to the jews the number eight represented eternity so on that eighth day you will enter into eternity as the bride of christ there's a problem you can't go to heaven and meet the groom's mother and father if you have any stain on your soul your wedding garment your wedding garment is your soul if you have any stain you cannot enter into the wedding feast so what are those stains confession we'll get rid of the first one which is sin the first stain you have in your wedding garment is sin it's wiped away in confession what's the second stain you could have on your wedding garment your soul the effect of sin the punishment which is due either in purgatory or in this life in this life you can get rid of that sin a couple ways you can do prayer fasting and alms giving but you gotta have perfect love you can do plenary indulgences but you can have no attachment to sin you all remember your conditions of a plenary indulgence one of which is no attachment to sin good luck with that one so what does god do he's so merciful that he offers us one more way that one more way is called divine mercy sunday and i finish with this because on divine mercy sunday our lord makes an incredible promise that on the eighth day if you've been to confession and you receive holy communion he makes an incredible promise the only two things are going to get you from heaven are sin and the result of sin is punishment due back for your sins because when you go to confession the eternal punishment due to sin aka hell is gone but the temporal punishment remains bottom line i know i'm talking a million miles an hour all you got to remember is this paragraph 699 in the diary st faustina on that day what day divine mercy sunday the sunday after easter the very depths of my tender mercy are open i pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who were pronounced out of my mercy here it is the extraordinary promise the soul that will go to confession that wipes out the stain of sin and receive holy communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of not only all sins the first stain but all punishment guess what then you are ready to enter into the wedding feast of the lamb because you are spotless that's the gift god gives us on this one day called divine mercy sunday and it all comes back to the mass the mass is divine mercy personified in the person of jesus christ in body blood soul and divinity there's a million more things i can say but i'm sorry i can't god bless all of you and before i sign out i know i can't get to all the topics but please downstairs we have a dvd i've got 13 talks on here much better than what i did tonight it explains divine mercy explains confession mary why would a good and loving god allow suffering the sacrament of communion confession please consider getting 13 talks called explaining the faith or you can actually download them online i'll just put this up here as i finish you can download those online right here at this address shop mercy if you want the dvd or slash explaining the faith and finally this book i talked about earlier please consider if you know anybody that's lost someone a loved one any method not just suicide please get this book it explains god's mercy in a way that can help people you'll never get over a tragedy but you can get through it sorry everybody i threw two pounds a ton 20 pounds of bacon in a one pound bag realize it doesn't work so please get the dvd please get the book god bless you visit our websites and you know what if you really want to share in the graces of god's divine mercy consider becoming a marian helper if you become a marian helper you can share in the graces of all of our priests prayers masses rosaries chaplets no cost all it takes 10 seconds to sign up dot mic prayers dot com ten seconds to sign up and you can start receiving the graces by decree of the holy see for all of our masses prayers rosaries will be applied to you just like you were a member of the marians of the immaculate conception that's decree of the holy see so amen alleluia may almighty god bless you the father the son and the holy spirit amen thank you everybody and sorry i went long [Music] the king of glory he passed through the doors within me others had told me i doubted their story but now i really is yes so that if glory to glories his mercy pores [Music] the greater sin the brighter the light when love enters his mercy will the shine when love enters me you'll make your own there is no sin that christ won't forgive you'll use your brokenness don't be ashamed to testify we offer our lives to heal the whole world to us when we are raised and jesus came into our pain and changed his rules for the sake of sorrowful passion have mercy on us a mercy on us seen we're going to take a quick five minute break so when i'm in the present moment and i'm in daily bread that's what i'm living according to the gift of the savior what i was struggling with was lord i don't want to take this one step unless you can assure me that it's all gonna work out if god stopped for a single moment relating to me and speaking to me and being in conversation with me i would cease to exist why be a marian helper because we mary and father celebrate a mass for you and all our members each and every day you can share in all the prayers good works and merits of all the miriam priests and brothers around the world and now you can share the graces just as if you were a marian priest or brother every all souls day we see a mass for all the deceased members of the association of marian helpers again there's no way that after we die we can help ourselves but we have to rely on the prayers of those here on earth and we members of the marian fathers will be praying for you as a deceased member of our association you can share in the graces of the perpetual novena to the divine mercy remember jesus told saint faustina that the chaplet of divine mercy is one of the most powerful prayers we can make and every day here at the shrine of divine mercy we pray it and you can share in those graces so if you have any questions or you want to learn more how to be a marian helper please visit or call 1-800-462-7426 and let me personally pray for you and your loved ones thank you and may almighty god bless you the father the son and the holy spirit amen we have to figure out what is the purpose for my life in the modern world we've lost our story we don't really understand where our lives fit or what makes them meaningful god is a father and he has planned from the very beginning of creation a purpose for each of us we're part of a divine family hi my name is shannon wendt i'm the founder of chooselife and we here at life are so excited truly blessed to team up with catholic once again and to bring you this night of mercy our mission at choose life is to equip all catholics with rosaries for life and when you're journeying with our lady through the life death and resurrection of christ truly that central theme is mercy mercy is the reason why we at choose life do what we do and what exactly is it that we do we create beautiful durable rosaries for men women kids and even the littlest of catholics as you journey through the rosary as you walk this way of mercy with our lady it's our hope that tonight is just one step in that journey one step in that way of mercy and we want to journey with you visit us at check out our rosaries for yourself and for your loved ones also check out our free resources we have so many things available for you to download to help you walk this journey visit us at c-h-e-w-s-l-i-f-e com 260 million christians worldwide face high levels of persecution in just two years the number of people persecuted because of their faith in christ has risen over 20 percent despite the growing crisis this issue is widely ignored by the media and often overlooked within our faith communities you can change that we need your voice stand with the persecuted christians march for the martyrs film tv theater and voice both in the mainstream media and in the faith-based genre he is widely known for his role portraying jesus christ in the hit tv series the chosen which is the number one crowd-funded media project in history and is currently streaming in every country on the planet he has also appeared on chicago med the newsroom ncis and law and order just to name a few jonathan rumi has humbly stepped into the spotlight and is known for going live on social media to pray the divine mercy chaplet and the rosary with his fans we are so blessed to have him here tonight to share his faith journey with us please join me in welcoming jonathan roomie thank you so much good evening how about a hand of a round of applause for danielle rose what a beautiful voice she has huh hand me my weapon i'll leave that right there well good evening again thank you so much for having me here it's uh such a humble honor um i'd like to touch on two subjects tonight that have become consistent anthems for me subjects which i believe are inextricably linked one is humility and the other mercy i particularly have a lot to share on the topic of mercy because god has been so merciful in my own life but for the pair of virtues i can certainly speak for myself in saying that i could al always benefit with more helpings of both of those qualities humility and mercy and how life-changing for the world at large would it be if we as a species embraced those concepts with open arms with the same humility and mercy that christ opened his arms for us on the cross according to saint augustine humility is the foundation of all other virtues hence in the soul which this virtue does not exist there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance on the subject of humility saint faustina said the soul's true greatness is in loving god and humbling oneself in his presence completely forgetting oneself and believing oneself to be nothing because the lord is great but he is well pleased only with the humble he always opposes the proud in her visions regarding divine mercy jesus himself said to saint faustina proclaim that mercy is the greatest attribute of god all the works of my hands are crowned with mercy and finally the church does not exist to condemn people but to bring about an encounter with the visceral love of god's mercy pope francis said that so how has divine mercy played a role in my life well to answer that i must examine a few highlights over the last 20 years of my life highlights not every moment of the last 20 years where god has pretty blatantly used signs to knock me over the head to communicate his mercy and in looking back i can see that there have been three stages if you will of development in my own spiritual evolution stage one being prayer everything in my life has started with prayer including my life my parents prayed for me they were faithful and are faithful people they they prayed often they prayed with their children and for them and for all of their family and friends as i referenced earlier the family that prays together stays together was a phrase that my father used liberally in our home and we did that stuck with me but i never know knew who actually said it until about seven or eight months ago i discovered it was father patrick payton the rosary priest who was the man who popularized the term decades ago so i was baptized raised with the faith and held onto it all through my life through prayer i remember my grandmother my irish grandmother coming over from ireland every summer and we would we would kneel at our bedside my sisters and i and learn prayers and and repeat them and those prayers stayed with me my entire life prayer was colloquially omnipresent spontaneous it was always in gratitude but always there especially amidst amidst the trials and tribulations the the foibles and follies and the waxing and waning episodes in my life and in my mid-20s there was a lot of waning going on i was figuring out my who i was what my relationships meant to me where my career may or may not go but prayer was a constant it never stagnated it was always this divine dialogue with god sort of a coffee talk between god and myself during one of those waning moments i developed an interest in divine mercy my father had discovered it some 15 years earlier i didn't know much about it but my interest was piqued probably due to the image it was striking jesus one hand and blessing the other to his heart a red ray and a white ray in his priestly garment i didn't know the origins of it i knew nothing about it it was just kind of mysterious looking i didn't even know that jesus had said to saint faustina i want the image of divine mercy to be solemnly blessed on the first sunday of easter and i want it to be venerated publicly so that every soul may know about it [Applause] i just like the image so i decided to pray the divine mercy chaplet with the image and i don't know about you but there's something about praying with an image or an icon or a statue i was never sure if it was just because it was comforting maybe it felt like it was you know additional access to god's presence or maybe it was because i identified being an illustrator myself i just liked portraits and drawings and it was something that anchored me in my prayer but i wondered why the inclination to pray with images and icons was so strong why was it so important to me and to millions of folks in the catholic and eastern practices and i looked it up encyclope encyclopedia britannica says on the topic of icons icons are considered an essential part of the church and are given special liturgical veneration and they serve as mediums of instruction to the unders excuse me they serve as mediums of instruction for the uneducated faithful according to iconographer marek jarnecki he says icons are a vision of reality that uses art to open the window to heaven and i believe that film and television also carry that same power the divine mercy image i was familiar with was by the artist adolf hila which i believe is the image that's over right over there on the other side of the altar it was not the original that was painted by kazimirowski but in my own youthful artistic snobbery i wasn't exactly compelled by that image images were important to me if if it was if religious art wasn't made by michelangelo or caravaggio or bugaro i was less compelled to open the window to heaven if that makes sense but god would use my ignorance and my pride to teach me humility through what i believe to be a minor miracle using divine mercy how well some of you may or may not know my history so i was born in hell's kitchen in new york city i was baptized greek orthodox and when we were old enough my sisters and i to go to school we moved to the suburbs of new york and long island there weren't a lot of greek orthodox communities out there my dad being from egypt grew up going to catholic school if you went to public well if you if you were greek orthodox if you were christian you didn't go to public school that was run by the islamic state so you went to catholic school so he was raised with the catholic faith my mother is from ireland roman catholic so she was very very comfortable going to catholic church so since there were not very many greek orthodox communities we very easily transitioned to the nearest catholic church which was fine it was liturgically sacramentally they were compatible with each other i didn't have to convert so i made my first communion and my confirmation as a catholic so early 2000s many of my greek orthodox cousins were starting to get married have kids around the time that i was introduced to divine mercy so i spent a lot of time in the orthodox liturgical environments which for me was nostalgic the beauty of the greek orthodox icons the thick aromatic clouds of frankincense smoke wafting among the candle at altar transported me to this meditative state of holiness whenever i prayed in this environment it just felt holy so when i started preparing to pray the chaplet in my stark one bedroom apartment in queens uh staring at a little two-dimensional booklet with a badly printed image of divine mercy i was i it wasn't the same needless to say so there was no catalyst to this divine deeper connection for me now i have since come to appreciate hilah's rendition for what it is it's a catalyst to prayer and more importantly it's a lasting symbol of god's ocean of mercy but at that time my spirit had not yet evolved i needed the instruments to help me to go deeper i had not the sensitivity neither in my faith nor in my art to connect to god in the same way on my own so with this recent reintroduction to the orthodox liturgy i thought to myself wouldn't it be cool if there was a divine mercy icon that i could hang in my little apartment made in the style of a greek orthodox icon that would be awesome i mean if if that existed i'd be really holy you know um how many times have i used excuses to sidestep side step prayer because of something like that but that was that was my my prayer my ask if you will wouldn't it be perfect if there existed a divine mercy image in the style of a greek orthodox icon i'd never seen one three days later this showed up outside my door on top of the mailboxes of the dusty first floor lobby of the building in which i lived if you can't see it because it's pretty small it is a greek orthodox image of the divine mercy image it's a greek orthodox icon of the divine mercy image now people left cds books cassette tapes for those kids ask your parents what they were tchotchkes all sorts of stuff but in the 10 years i lived in that apartment never once was there a single religious item never once was there an orthodox style religious item and certainly never were there any orthodox style divine mercy icons yet three days later after i asked for one there it was i double checked to see if there were cameras in the lobby i was sure i was being punked i'm like what's going on here somebody was listening it's the government i know it but i grabbed this icon as fast as god grabbed my attention in that moment and it's been with me for 17 years praise god and so this this image has become the center of my divine mercy prayer time those of you who have prayed on instagram with me will recognize it 10 years later fast forward 10 years later i was auditioning for a play i told that story in this skype audition to director leonardo di filippis who was directing a one-woman multimedia traveling show about the life of saint faustina and it was called faustina messenger of divine mercy i remember i told him the story and his eyes got real wide and he was really quiet for a second and he said i mean clearly you're the guy for this role and the role was to play jesus for my first time ever he asked if i'd do it and i said yes then this would be a first for me playing jesus we would film the scenes that would be shown during a live performance which would be interactive for the actress playing faustina who was maria vargo so she would be here by herself there would be some set pieces some lighting and then a screen and on the screen they would project scenes of all the other supporting characters including the visions that faustina had with jesus which i played we were up in washington state for three days filming uh it was a deeply moving experience for me and extremely challenging because there was no time to rehearse we had mountains of dialogue i was cast pretty close to where they were going to start filming and it was too much to memorize on the fly almost the entire project necessitated teleprompters for everyone involved because of the intense schedule but we adapted and god used to play to bring the story of his mercy to tens of thousands of people through hundreds of shows and having attended a few of the live shows myself because obviously i was recorded so i could when the show appeared in southern california i could go and attend and watch and just see people's reaction i'd never seen people react to you know faith-based material live before and it was it was pretty astounding the seeing the impact of my art directly affecting people on both an emotional and a spiritual level was eye-opening professionally and life-changing spiritually for me there were these moments where jesus smiled and was almost playful with faustina and the response to these early depiction of jesus's humanity was tremendous we see that echoed in the chosen there are there are many many moments of jesus humanity that connect people to him instantaneously so god would continue to call me to use my gifts directly to serve him six months after i filmed faustina i auditioned for dallas jenkins the creator of the chosen for a short film called the two thieves about the two thieves crucified along side christ i read for the penitent thief what a character like a lot of the um extra biblical material in the chosen people here have seen the chosen anybody here hasn't seen chosen how many of you okay great so there's a lot of stuff that takes place in between scriptures to fill out these stories because sometimes we know very very little about these characters there's two lines and then you're left to deduce the rest based on scripture archaeology you know what the culture was at the time so this penitent thief right there was this great it was about how did the penitent thief get to be on the cross so it was an extra biblical story who and he had a great character arc he had father issues it was dramatic i loved it i had a great audition i felt i nailed the emotional scenes i was pumped i felt pretty confident and then a few days later i was called back to read for jesus i was slightly disappointed for two reasons the first was that clearly my initial audition didn't go as well as i thought it did and secondly jesus only had like five lines son of god five lines yes it was the crucifixion but in my mind i'm like i'm sure there's some monologue that you know dallas can write you know somewhere you could cobble it together no where was the ark and god's looking at me like son if you don't quite see the arc of humanity in those five lines we've got a lot of work to do here but of course dallas called and said i want you to play jesus will you do it i said yes those of you that have seen the chosen can imagine me five years later flipping through episode one of the chosen to see all the lines that jesus does not have he's not is this the right i have the right script i have the right script is he just note page 53 55 oh okay finally he's here oh man jesus only has like five lines what the well surely episode two let's just get episode two out and nope he's not there either where is he not even there and then the shortest sentence in all of film history and jesus winked those of you who have seen episode two know exactly what i'm talking about dear lord please let episode three have some sort of picture oh thank you okay we're good we're good i can do the show okay there's more there's more st jude i'll get you that ten bucks after mass thank you for making this work pride and humility were the lessons i was being taught all throughout my career and my spiritual life saint augustine said it was pride that changed angels into devils it is humility that makes men as angels thus the two thieves would begin a friendship and working relationship between myself and dallas jenkins that is now six years on i never thought i'd play jesus more than once in my life and then with dallas maybe twice but i was open because i was developing spiritually the more i studied jesus the more i spent time with him and his heart the closer it brought me to him the faustina project in the short films i would do with dallas over the next three years would put me firmly on a path to christ in ways i never anticipated divine mercy would become a part of my prayer prep for playing christ a year after the two thieves faustina actress maria vargo asked me to participate in a long-standing production of the living stations of the cross in santa monica once more i said yes i would play jesus in three projects in just 16 months god was clearly trying to tell me something this real this realization precipitated the next stage of development in my spiritual evolution stage two expectant faith when i combined expectant faith with prayer i found myself in the midst of a more deeply committed dialogue with god it wasn't just talking coffee anymore we were moving into lattes the journey to performing christ's passion during easter was nothing short of transformative for me the transcendent nature of attempting to dwell as jesus in peace amidst the brutality of his passion can hardly be described the following year i was asked to co-direct and co-produce the production with ms vargo which would eventually become the last days the last days became the inaugural project of our newly established non-profit media company called gk chesterton entertainment and for those who are interested i actually have copies of that show the last days with me downstairs you all are the first to actually even see the dvd they literally just shipped right here we've never produced a dvd before so i'm really excited so daily mass praying the divine mercy chaplet daily mass when i could because i also had to work confession receiving the eucharist saying the rosary all of those became essential parts of directing acting producing and the modus operandi of any and all issues that seem to arise and boy let me tell you when you're working for jesus issues arise as many of the folks setting up for tonight can attest to uh you know it's uh it's as if something or someone doesn't want us to succeed in promoting the gospel i wonder who that could be but through prayers and expectant faith i credit all the doors all the doors which opened for us for that particular production including the contributions which came through discounts companies were giving us bills that were able to be paid and even paying actors who for years in doing the the last last days of the living stations were just doing stuff voluntarily for free we wanted to pay people to honor their time and their talent this treasure that they were giving us impossible challenges through prayer became divine accomplishments and i knew that as a company we would and were experiencing god's unique providence even though even though it didn't always happen in the way that we had conceived it and the graces there were so many transformative graces the one that sticks out the most occurred during the production of the last days i believe it was 2018 easter where at the beginning of the show jesus comes out at the at the entrance to the church and walks down the center aisle and i acknowledge i acknowledge people so i come out and start walking down the aisle and about four or five rows in this woman starts to sit stand up from her seat she's a little older but she she just calls out jesus jesus and i said oh what's this a plant what's going on here so i started to walk over to her sorry and she had this uh she had this look in her eyes this deep deep sadness and this longing and i just went over to her and this is all in us 10 seconds i looked at her right into her eyes and i just hugged her because that was what the spirit was telling me to do [Music] and she immediately began to sob in my chest the following week during a recap before our next performances where we discuss what went well what didn't go well one of the cast members stood up and told me that that woman was a friend of hers who had recently just lost her adult son in an accident and then upon seeing me coming down the aisle as jesus she just was convinced like the woman with the 12-year hemorrhage that if she just touched my cloak that she could connect to the soul of her son humbling to say the least saint vincent de paul said the most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility for as he does not know at all how to employ it neither does he know how to defend himself from it god's mercy flows through humility following that performance one of the most profound moments of god's mercy in my own life would be would arrive during the height of my struggle as an actor eight years in l.a which would inevitably lead to stage three total surrender with stage one prayer and stage two expectant faith there was no denying that the lord was doing a work of preparation in me to maintain the coffee talk analogy stage three is what i would consider the extra-large triple shot spanish latte with oat milk dairy allergies what can you do stage three is where god got real with me or more accurately i got real with god with all the time i'd spent playing christ my faith and prayer life were very active but not more active than me what do i mean by that i mean i was doing everything within my power to make my career happen i prayed i had faith i had expectant faith even but i was also juggling seven yes seven different side jobs at that point the deception was i didn't have a choice i had to work no i didn't god's like hey let me help no no i got this guy i'm doing everything i'm sending auditions i'm sending emails i'm looking for ways to uh god let me let me help you no i got this i got listen i got this okay you got this and i tried to get it i tried to do it all myself seven jobs ride share driver cater waiter for three companies brand ambassador means you advertise a bunch of stuff dialect coach i do different dialects special needs assistant i still do that storyboard artist and i even gripped the stands that are set up to shape the light on a film set or movie set i put those up occasionally very occasionally i book a voiceover job or every couple of years a tv acting gig but i wasn't making a living in la and i was struggling it's like the more jobs i took the less money i made i said how does that math work how does that even work when it came to my career i had one prayer for eight years in los angeles i said lord if there's anything else you see me doing if there's any other way that you wish me to serve you outside of being an artist please tell me what it is because this is really hard silence the desire never left to be an artist to act it only increased the opportunities were virtually non-existent i couldn't understand it and i couldn't take it anymore i hit my limit so on a saturday in may i woke up in debt a hundred dollars overdrawn twenty dollars in my pocket so zero really and no food in my house [Applause] so i did what i always did and i dropped to my knees in prayer but this time was different this time i was operating from a place of absolute brokenness and i said lord i've done everything you've asked me as far as i can tell i've asked you to show me something different if that's what you've called me to do you haven't i thought you know lord you help those who help themselves that's what i've been doing seven jobs is that not helping myself what am i doing wrong what what how much more can i help myself and i'm still struggling in a way i never thought i would be at this point in my life so if you want me to keep going here lord you need to step in because i physically can't do it anymore okay i'm surrendering it all to you because you said your yoke is easy and your burden is light so here you take it lord i'm giving you all my problems and i'm stepping back man i surrender and for the first time in my life i actually did i gave up all my expectations about how i thought my career would go how i thought i'd make money how i would get paid where the food would come come from excuse me and i just i simply surrendered body mind and spirit i remember feeling this sense of relief you ever feel that it's like not my job it wasn't my problem i didn't have the answers but now it didn't matter anymore because god our god is mercy our god is compassion our god is faithful to his word and hears the cries of the poor and that day i woke up very very poor but in the afternoon the lord was true to his word i picked up my mail and there were three checks waiting for me which covered my bills put food on the table and restored my financial standing i nearly passed out in a matter of hours through prayer expectation and surrender my life completely changed that day and i i've never worried about anything in the same way since i still have the same problems i did before but just not in that way different things but when they come i i don't i don't approach them in the same way anymore because it's not up to me i do everything that i know i can do and i just surrender matthew chapter 6 25 has become particularly resonant for me i imagine jesus standing there and saying to me therefore i tell you do not worry about your life what you will eat what you will drink or about your body what you will wear is not life more than food and the body more than clothing truth so of course i still as i said suffer the same slings and arrows and hitches of the human condition that we all do but that financially inciting incident to my deeper conversion that reversion that born again catholic catharsis was and continues to be evidence of god's mercy and grace abounding in my life he compels me to share as a testament that if we are humble willing and faithful enough to submit and trust him then with prayer expectant faith and complete surrender anything is not only possible but promised because he is mercy thank you so kindly god bless you [Music] the song called if i touch him which is from the perspective of the woman who had been hemorrhaging for 12 years [Music] so i was hiding in the crowd hoping no one saw my face i wanted to be close to him i knew that he alone could see so i went right up behind him unworthy of his games [Music] untouchable me seeking merciful grace i have spent my whole life desperate searching for a cure [Music] he will heal my if i touch him he will give me all i need if i stretch my hands again who has touched me jesus said then he looked around to while everyone denied that they had taken grace from him i knew i must confess that he had changed within in the [Music] through [Music] you gave me peace instead when i stretched my hand touch your [Music] guards [Music] again when i told him the whole truth then he spoke these words to me [Music] [Music] [Music] then i ran the truth that must [Music] he'll give you [Music] do you believe he will thank you again do you believe he will make you again [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] most merciful jesus present to us in the most holy eucharist body and blood soul and divinity we come to you with humble and contrite heart asking you to bathe us in the ocean of your mercy embrace us in your love wrap your cloak of mercy of divine compassion of peace of truth justice around us the world is most in need of your mercy jesus meek and humble of heart show us your merciful face be compassionate to us when we cry out to you for we hear your gentle voice i will show my mercy to those who ask for it jesus bless each and every one of us bless our families bless our communities our society bless the world may more people come to experience the infinite gift of your divine mercy keep us ever closer to you most merciful jesus may we go down on our knees with a repentant and a contrite heart and wash your feet with the tears from our repentant eyes and wipe us clean deep in our souls and receive us again as you received the prodigal son because your mercy is endless your love knows no boundary thank you jesus let us open our minds and our hearts to receive your love your goodness your kindness because you have mercy and love itself of pity on us jesus son of david o lamb of god [Music] you take away the scenes the sins of the world have mercy on us of mercy on us jesus son of david of god you take away the sins the sins of the world have murder see your nose god you take away the sins the sins of the world [Applause] see your nose eternal father we offer you the body blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord and savior jesus christ for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us in the whole world we pray oh lord for mercy to fall on our government for your rays of mercy and love to fall on our cities where there is unrest for righteousness and peace to be returned to the senate and the house in the white house we pray for peace in our land have mercy on us and forgive us for the violence forgive us for the dissension racism and evil lord we're asking for your mercy on the homeless and on those who struggle with mental illness and addiction lord let them see your face let them even in this hour let the heavens be opened and mercy and love itself poured out unto them father we unite our hearts and pray for a great awakening in our land a great revival of repentance and worship and devotion to your holy word come holy spirit come through the immaculate heart of mary come holy spirit come in the name of jesus i pray so oh lord jesus one week ago up to almost this hour i was in the hospital too deliver our baby girl that died lord jesus i give her back to you lord she is yours mary sarafina she's yours she is from you you called her back and your will is loved and mercy itself i know i'm sorry for not trusting you i love you i brave her all those well lost children i pray lord all those in the world in this pandemic who have lost loved ones those who have died alone those who do not know the gift of your mercy and their pain and i pray lord jesus i pray for every soul and i offer you mine and marry seraphina and i pray that we would all give ourselves over to that powerful wave of your mercy in our lives in the places where it hurts so much to give everything to you and i pray for all those who have gone before us including our little baby that that you would please welcome them to the throne of your mercy that you would please with our hearts that love so feebly that you love so perfectly that you would please welcome them we pray so lord i i i offer you this little song from mary seraphine and you know i i wrote these words in the last hours that she was inside my body and i pray that you would use these little words in this song to please please pour out your mercy especially to those who are dying please lord i i pray god was already before right you were always his party let me call you mine i shared with us for just a little time now my treasure is seen all good gifts gave to is a thousand years i thought god who gave you life i am grateful for each moment you formed you are my now my treasure is buried in his kingdom's heart mary with the angels holy all good gifts give to us a little is eye has not seen prepared has not heard what has been [Music] now my the angels all good is is heavenly father i sit here before you with as much humility as i can offer and i ask you to protect our relationships you see us lord you see us in our brokenness but our families are under attack our marriages are being torn apart lord i pray for protection over husbands and wives for all the temptations that they face and all the things that divide them lord i pray for our families especially our children we've made them so vulnerable lord i pray that we as parents who are given the authority over our children will be not afraid to pray with them to take them to the sacraments to take them to church our lady the greatest mother that's ever walked on our earth showed three children at fatima an image of hell we can no longer be afraid lord to tell our children about what is right and what is wrong give us strength to to teach them what is true and what is good but also what is evil what society tells us is right give us the strength saying we no longer will sit aside and watch you take our families lord we i pray that you will bring an end to the heinous horrible disgusting crimes of abortion human trafficking especially of children and pedophilia these are real things lord but we choose to look away because they are so disgusting have mercy on us for being lukewarm have mercy on us we're being too afraid to look evil in the eye well i ask you to send your legions of angels to stand with us so that we can look at society and look at our culture that has gone astray and say no more lord in your holy and righteous and victorious name i see no more no more will we hand over our families or surrender our marriages or sacrifice our children god have mercy give us strength and help us to not be afraid [Music] so oh jesus we love you jesus thank you for gathering us tonight here and across the world and lord it is no coincidence that you chose this humble church home under the title of our lady of sorrows and lord i had some prayers assembled to pray for tonight but in your fashion you told me to lay them aside and to share what you gave me weeks ago and so in obedience i do that and so when i was praying and i just had a friend explain that similitude i think was what she said there's there's a word for this some people call this it's like a it's like an open vision but you're not in a trance my eyes were open but god you wanted to bring hope and sometimes you do it through pictures just like the beautiful art of our friend who's come to share his testimony tonight and the lord the picture was that you have heard our cries and our prayers and that you were sending all of heaven rushing towards the earth and at the helm it was our lady leading the charge she was flanked by michael gabriel raphael and all the angels and literally all the saints rushing towards this altar for you knew lord that we would come and we would put all of humanity upon the altar we give you our hearts tonight but we put our children up there we put our priests we put our leaders in the world we put the forgotten we put those that are just given to chaos and mayhem right now let me put them up there lo those who have agendas those who have served darkness they have evil agendas that are contrary to your plan of mercy and i saw our lady come and just like she did with little juan diego as she reached into his tumula for those that know the story of our lady guadalupe she reached down and she rearranged the roses and jesus she knew you would be here but she you had her reach down to our hearts and as a mother and as a warrior and as queen she was rearranging our hearts and so god we thank you that you have sent all of heaven to help us posture before you for we do not know how to get that low we've heard tonight about humility and we've heard about mercy but all the saints and heavens the forerunners the forefathers the four mothers from abraham david caleb joshua joseph all of those who understood they received your mercy in times past but the race is not finished and we thank you for our blessed mother in her yes she was the hinge of the old the ancient into the new the seed of mercy that she would bring the new covenant have mercy and she brings now help from heaven for all the saints prophesied our time and they wish they would be born now they wish to do and see the things that we will do and see and jesus you prophesied that we would do greater things and we don't yet have understanding of that but lord i heard you say and you use this scripture it's from isaiah 43 19 see i am doing a new thing now it springs up do you not perceive it i am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland and so god we say yes and amen and we thank you and as you taught joshua to be bold to be courageous and to be brave we say yes and we received the truth wherein esther 4 14 it said that we have been created for such a time as this and god we thank you with all our hearts and we honor those that have gone before us in leading the charge our mother to whom you gave us on the cross for she saw your work of mercy and redemption she heard you say it is finished she saw you spill out your blood and water and when that sword pierced your heart the prophecy of simeon came true and it was that a sword would pierce her heart also in your very image the pieta is above you right now jesus to remind us that we are not alone and if you are for us and with us god who can be against us and we say yes to the synergy that you're bringing about all the ages the ancient and the new we are not alone never before on the earth have we had so many in heaven this great cloud of witnesses this communion of saints and we say yes lord and we say with joy and we will do your work of mercy father we will make you proud we will be your faithful children so father tonight we gather in this parish and perishes across the world lord we come for your divine mercy and we know the hour of mercy and the time of mercy is now the lord as we gather we know before you even spoke the world into existence that you foresaw this night lord that you looked across time and across eternity and you saw us and you loved us and you extended your mercy to us even before we fell so lord tonight perishes throughout the world and in this parish as we gather in your presence we say yes to your mercy and we thank you we thank you jesus that you no longer call us your servants but you've called us your friends and that you've invited us into sonship and daughterhood bring us in tonight to your presence and tonight we pray for brothers and sisters throughout the world catholic orthodox and protestant those that are suffering right now for the sake of your name for the sake of your blood for the sake of your mercy give them hope father give them strength help them to carry on for mothers and dads and daughters and sons and aunts and uncles and grandparents who are so discouraged who prayed day after day and night after night and felt that you've forgotten them god we know that you haven't and we know jesus is the yes and the amen to all their prayers so through your divine mercy lord we just ask restore their hope restore their faith bring them back to you let your endless ocean of love your shoreless ocean of love just wash all over them wash away their sins wash away their doubts wash away their fears and jesus we thank you that you've taken away the fear of the father that now we can come and we can approach you boldly and we can come to your throne and drink of mercy and drink of your love for those that have lost hope and faith give them hope and faith again restore them for those that have questions lord we just pray that you would send send brothers and sisters just to minister to them to to give them a word of hope jesus you've promised that if your word abides in us and we abide in it that we can ask what we will so we just ask it's parishes throughout the world that people would return to the church that they would return to you that souls would say yes that they would receive the divine mercy that you promised so lord tonight as you you draw us into your bosom just as the way the apostle john laid his head upon your chest without fear as he laid his head against your chest since he could hear your heartbeat lord let us draw near to you tonight let us hear your heartbeat the heartbeat of faith and hope and love and divine mercy and we ask these things in the name of our glorious savior jesus christ amen name of the father and son holy spirit so what's you are here moving in worship you i worship you you are here working in this place i worship you i worship you here is my god the darkness my god that is healing you again is is is you never stop you never stop working even you never stop you never saw working my god is keep light in the darkness my god that is who you are [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit you expire jesus with the source of life gushed forth for souls and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world a fount of life unfathomable divine mercy envelope the whole world and empty yourself out upon us a blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus as a fountain of mercy for us i trust in you o blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus has a fountain of mercy for us i trust in you o blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus as a fountain of mercy for us i trust in you [Music] our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil amen hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus [Music] i believe in god the father almighty creator of heaven and earth and in jesus christ his only son our lord who is conceived by the holy spirit and born of the virgin mary suffered under pontius pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended into hell on the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of god the father almighty from there he will come to judge the living and the dead i believe in the holy spirit the holy catholic church the communion of saints the forgiveness the resurrection of the body and life of everlasting amen eternal father i offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ and those of the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion eternal father i offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us eternal father i offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ in our tournament for our sins and those of the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us i offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ for our sins and those of the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion [Music] passion [Music] for the sake of his sorrowful passion eternal father i offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ in atonement for our sins [Music] for the sake of his sorrowful passion [Music] for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us [Music] have mercy on us and on the whole world holy god holy mighty one holy immortal one have mercy on us and on the whole world holy holy mighty one holy immortal one have mercy on us i trust in you jesus i trust in you jesus i trust in you eternal god in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible look kindly upon us and increase your mercy in us that in difficult moments we may not despair nor become despondent but with great confidence mercy itself amen saint faustina pray saint john paul the great pray for us blessed father michael sabacho pray for us all you heavenly angels and saints pray for us in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit amen it's okay it's okay know is where ah see you have given them bread from heaven foreign [Music] oh so blessed be god blessed be his holy name blessed be jesus christ to god and truman blessed in the name of jesus blessed this more sacred heart blessed this most precious blood blessed be jesus the most holy sacrament of the altar blessed be the holy spirit the paraclete blessed be the great mother of god mary most holy blessed here holy and immaculate conception blessed be a glorious assumption blessed be the name of mary virgin and mother blessed be saint joseph our most chaste spouse blessed be god in his angels and in his sins may the heart of jesus in the most blessed sacrament we praise adored and loved with grateful affection at every moment in all the tabernacles of the world even to the end of time amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] we turn our hearts to conclude this evening to entrust our hearts to our lady mother of mercy as we sing together the salve regina [Music] [Music] [Music] was [Music] noise first or gig's earlier oh standing oh clayman [Music] feel [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] make us holy in your name in your blood over lord have mercy we're begging for mercy jesus only make us for worthy jesus make us worthy [Music] from the betrayed [Music] in your compassion make us worthy [Music] jesus only you make us worthy [Music] make us worthy [Music] you three me when you come into your kingdom remember me when you come into your kingdom oh lord me when you come into your kingdom oh will you come into your kingdom when you come into your kingdom [Music] lord have mercy we're begging for mercy jesus we're begging for mercy jesus only you make us worthy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 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Channel: Team Catholify
Views: 32,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nightofmercy, catholify, jonathanroumie, frchrisalar, divinemercyshrine, divinemercy
Id: 7x1u4IwzHVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 273min 50sec (16430 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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