Explaining the Faith - Understanding Fatima

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Well, thank you, everybody, so much for joining  us once again for our continuing series live,   all live here at the National Shrine of the  Divine Mercy. I'm Father Chris. It's again,   a pleasure to be with you as we continue  our series. And you can see on your screen   today's topic is understanding Fatima. And as you  saw on that title slide, you know, there's so much   that we hear about Fatima, quite arguably the most  important Marian apparition in human history. But   there's a lot of confusion. Is Russia consecrated?  Not consecrated? What was the message? There was   all kinds of visits. What do we need to take from  that? What is the message? What do we have to do?   What are we instructed? What's obligatory,  obligatory? What's not? We're going to cover   all that today. So we're excited you could be with  us on a sunny, beautiful day in Stockbridge today,   on Saturday. A little bit cooler about  55 that we're hey, we're making it.   And, and this is a part this whole series and the  next slide you'll see is part of my Explaining   the Faith Series. Now, these are going to come  in sets. The first set was my first 13 talks.   This talk today will be on the next  set. But you can get this first set   called Explaining the Faith on our website  ShopMercy.org or by calling (800) 462-7426   or if you'd like to livestream it you can  visit TheDivineMercy.org/ExplainingTheFaith.   Okay so everybody again awesome to be here  and again with the most important topics   that we can discuss from our messages  from Mary of all Marian Apparitions.   All right. Let us begin really what this talk  is going to connect is Mary and Divine Mercy   and this is one thing you don't often hear when  we talk about Fatima. Mary and Divine Mercy is   going to be the connection. Now, most people  agree that Fatima is about private revelation   and prophecy. But Father, that is  not mandatory. That's optional in the   Catholic Church. We don't have to believe  it to get to Heaven. Is this true? Yes.   However, why listen then? Well, I think these next  couple of slides will help you understand. Look at   the next slide. This is Thomas Aquinas, one of the  greatest Saints ever in the Church. And he said   private revelation is important because it offers  a deeper understanding of revealed truth.   He said it gives guidance to leaders in the Church  of actions they should take at a particular point   in time. Don't you think it's interesting that  Mary appears at different times to address   issues of that time. Aquinas also said prophecy  is needed for the proper worship of God. So   there is a role in private revelation and  prophecy. Now let's go to our next slide.   Here we have two powerful statements.  The first one is Saint Peter.   Saint Peter said no prophecy ever came through  human will, but rather human beings moved by the   Holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God. So  here's Peter telling us that we need to listen.   This is important. Next, Karl Rahner there  on the right. He said private revelation   answers the question as to what is most urgently  to be done here and now in accordance with the   general principles of the Faith. Okay, so what are  we saying here? What we're seeing here is, yes,   technically we do not have to listen to private  live relation or even believe it to get to Heaven.   However, as Father Seraphim says, and I use his  words directly, quote, You'd be foolish not to.   So. And the important thing to remember here,  though, and this is what most people forget,   prophecy is not set in stone. Pope  Benedict the Fifteenth emphasized this.   It sometimes is given by God as a warning to  change. To change. And we can affect that change.   And so, when we have that opportunity, when,  when God warns us, especially through His Mother,   we need to listen because He's telling us how  to avoid, like for instance, a chastisement. So   anyway, this is important stuff. Now, where  does Fatima begin and how does it begin? I   think this is interesting and I'm giving a new  talk here. I've done the Fatima talk before,   but I've adding some new things to it. I  did this only a couple of times years ago,   but I'm adding a couple of things. I believe that Fatima actually bully, excuse me,   actually begins and let's put up our next slide  right here with Pope Leo the Thirteenth, who I   believe is the greatest Pope in the history of the  Church. Father, you're from the JP Two generation,   you can't say that. Okay, I get it. And yes, John  Paul too is right there. But personally, what I   learned in Seminary, I think Leo the Thirteenth  was the greatest Pope we've ever had. Now, as we   saw on that slide, he was Pope from 1878 to 1903.  Now what happened? We have a pious tradition,   which means this is not Scripture. But the pious  tradition was in 1884, on October the thirteenth,   Pope Leo finished Mass and overheard a  conversation between Jesus and Satan. So,   our next slide. Because this is what he heard. He heard this conversation between Satan and   Jesus, where Satan said to Jesus, I can  bring down Your Church. And Jesus said,   you think so? He said, Yes, but I need more  time and I need more power. And Satan, or   Jesus said, How much power? And Satan said, enough  to influence the lukewarm sinner, those on the   fence. I want a shot at getting the souls of those  on the fence. Now, why would Jesus allow this?   He allows this because the Bible tells us we  must be tested. The Angels were tested. Adam and   Eve were tested. We are going to be tested. If we  haven't already. You will through your whole life.   So here's what's important.  Jesus granted him the power   to test us. Then Satan said, I need more time. And Jesus said, how much time? He said, about a   hundred years. And he said, and I can bring down  Your church. Whoa! In the hundred years. Now,   the question is going to be, when  did that one hundred years begin?   But we know in the last hundred years, or in that  one hundred years, even from the time of Saint Leo   here's what we've seen. In our culture  we've accepted no fault divorce,   Contraception is not even questioned, Abortion,  shattered families, single parenthood,   test tube babies, same-sex  marriage, redefinition of marriage,   Instant access Pornography, the corruption of  higher education, the indoctrination of our youth,   a giant welfare state, the destruction  of the middle class, crippling debt,   a rejection of our Constitution, the stripping of  our freedoms, especially the freedom of religion,   an embracing of Marxism, an acceptance  of violence as a form of protest   and the no one is accountable approach, yet  everyone goes to Heaven and there is no Hell.   That's what's happening in our society. So, Satan,  if he was given this power and we can see those   effects, those have happened. The question often  asked of theologians is: when did that one hundred   year reign of Satan begin? Did it begin in  1884 when Christ had that conversation with   Satan? Now some people say yes, because 100 years  later. So, if it was in October 13th, 1884 that   Satan had this conversation and he was  granted 100 years. Some believe this is true,   because what happened one hundred years  later to the day October 13th, 1984?   The Detroit Tigers won the World Series. I'm from  Detroit. I had to throw that in there. But no,   actually, sorry. All joking aside, a hundred  years later, John Paul consecrated the world   to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1984. So, some people believe that was the hundred   years. However, others believe that that time may  have began in 1917. That Satan took some years to   form his army and to launch his attack. Why 1917?  This is very important. Okay. The other thing,   the reason that people believe in 1917, may have  been the year that began was the horrible things   that were happening in 1917. All right. First  of all, the World War One was raging. This was   the War to end all Wars. All right. Not only  was World War One raging, the Masonic bankers   took their first country in Russia. Also, Margaret Sanger. You may have heard   of Planned Parenthood. She was the founder. She  released a film called Birth Control in 1917.   It was so scandalous she actually spent 30 days  in jail as I understand it. She opened the first   birth control clinic in New York. In Brooklyn.  I think it was in 1916. But anyway, this   birth control film was released in 1917. So all  these things were going on in 1917. I think the   Spanish flu was even raging at that time, if I'm  correct. But what does God do? Where sin abounds,   grace abounds even the more. How did  God answer this issue in 1917? Well,   God did. Let us look at our next slide. In 1917,  God answered in a big way with Our Lady of Fatima   and Maximilian Kolbe in 1917. You know what's interesting?   Mary appeared on the 13th of every month, and  I told you that Pope Leo s vision of Satan and   Christ speaking happened on October 13th. You  know what happened 33 years later to the day?   The Miracle of the Sun on October 13th,  1917. But that's not the only connection.   Let's look at some more incredible  connections in 1917. All right.   First, our next slide. You see  Pope Pius the Twelfth right there.   He was made a Bishop in the Sistine Chapel at the  exact time and day, May 13th, 1917, that Mary was   appearing to the children at Fatima and Pope Pius  the Twelfth is the Pope that led us through World   War Two. Also, you see Pope Benedict the Fifteenth  on that screen, on that slide. Now he was doing a   Novena there's Pope Benedict the Fifteenth. He  was leading a Novena to Mary Mother of Mercy,   believe it or not. So, there's Benedict Fifteenth  leading a prayer to Mary, the Mother of Mercy   for peace and an end to World War One.  And on the eighth day of that Novena,   Mary appeared. That was May 13, 1917. So, you  see, Satan launches his attack in 1917. World War   One's going on, the Masonic banker's take over,  the Bolshevik Revolution, the fall of Russia,   the Spanish Flu, Margaret Sanger launches birth  control clinics and the film Birth Control.   But yet, God answers with Mary and Maximilian  Kolbe in 1913. So, while the Pope is being   installed as a Bishop in 1913, 1917  on May 13th, there's Mary appearing   to the Children of Fatima. Unbelievable. All right. Most people don't know when Fatima   actually began, but it actually began the year  before Let's look at this slide. Here's a slide   of the Angel of Peace appearing to the Children  at Fatima. Actually in 1916 Now it appears that   excuse me, the Angel appeared to the Children to  prepare them for Mary's visits. Now the reason I   bring this up is it's powerful because he taught  them a prayer that's very similar to the Divine   Mercy Chaplet: I offer You the Most Precious  Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus. This,   these two prayers, the Chaplet and what the Angel  gave at Fatima are incredibly similar. All right,   so then Mary came at the next opportunity in  1917 that the angel prepared them for. Mary came   on May 13th, as I said in 1917, which was  the Feast of Our Lady of the Eucharist.   So, you're going to see the connection here  between Mary and Jesus, the Divine Mercy.   And I'm going to show you later, that's the  entire message of Fatima. All right. Now,   next, we see the three children. This is who  Mary appeared to. These three Children: Lucia,   who was ten, Francisco who was eight, and Jacinta  who was seven. That picture supposedly was taken   right after they had the vision of Mary, where  they said She was more brilliant than the sun.   And so, Mary appeared to these children starting  in May 13th, 1917 and asked for prayer and penance   to never offend God again. Her message was that  mankind must abandon themselves to God, who is   the Source of Love and Mercy. So we're getting  there. Mary told them to pray the Rosary every day   in order to obtain peace for the world and an end  of the war. Then, She told them to come back every   month on the 13th for six consecutive months. All right. Now, in those apparitions, I don't   have time to explain what happened in each  of the months. Let's jump ahead to the most,   and one of the most important of them. See our  next slide. The Secret of Fatima. All right.   The Secret of Fatima was given in July's  Apparition, and the Holy See treats them   as one Secret in three parts. So, we're going to  talk about the first Secret, the second Secret   and the third Secret. All right. The first  part, or the first Secret was given a vision   of Hell which only lasted but an instant. But it  was so awful that the Children said they would   have died of fright, had Our Lady not promise  them that they were already going to go to Heaven.   Now, I want to show you a clip, a quick  minute and a half video from Father Mike   Gaitley s Series where he describes Hell. Now, I should probably give the little parental   guidance warning here because it could be a little  scary. But the reason I'm showing this slide, so   if you have children watching, might want to judge  right now if it's a little scary, because this is   the vision of what the Children described that  they saw in Hell and to them was very scary.   And so, let s watch this quick video  from Father Mike Gaitley.   Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire  which seemed to be under the earth.   Plunged in this fire where demons and souls in  human form, like transparent burning embers,   all blackened or burnished bronze,  floating about in the conflagration.   Now raised into the air by the flames  that issued from within themselves   together with great clouds of smoke now  falling back on every side like sparks   in a huge fire without weight or equilibrium,  and amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair,   which horrified us and made this tremble with  fear. The demons could be distinguished by their   terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful  and unknown animals, all black and transparent.   This vision lasted but an instant. How can we ever  be grateful enough to Our Dear Heavenly Mother,   who had already prepared us by promising in  the first Apparition to take us to Heaven.   Otherwise, I think we would have  died of fear and terror.   Okay, so you see in that video a real,  what I would say is a wake-up call, right?   I show that because sometimes you know,  it takes a little shot to us to wake up,   to realize the error of our ways, and this is what  Mary showed the Children. And so, we have there a   message from Mary. In the first Secret it was,  this is Hell where poor sinners go, especially   if there's nobody to pray for them. Now, let's  go to our second slide, because in the second   part of the Secrets we have Mary saying this: you  have seen Hell where the souls of poor sinners go.   To save them, God wishes to establish in the  world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If what   I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and  there will be peace. The war is going to end.   But if people do not cease offending  God, a worse one will break out.   She means World War Two. To prevent this, I shall  come and to ask for the Consecration of Russia   to My Immaculate Heart and reparation on the First  Saturdays. We'll talk about that in a minute.   If My requests are heeded, Russia will  be converted and there will be peace.   If not, she will spread her errors throughout the  world, causing wars and persecution of the Church.   The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will  have much to suffer; various nations will be   annihilated. In the end, My Immaculate Heart  will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate   Russia to Me, and she shall be converted, and a  period of peace will be granted to the world.   All right. Powerful, right? That's the  second of the Secrets, talking about the War,   that if we don't change, this first World War  that was happening, a worse one would break out.   Then She talked about Russia. What's  interesting is we know that this message   was authentic because the Children, they  didn't even know who or what Russia was.   They thought it was the name of a woman. They re like, who's this Russia?   They didn't even know there was a  nation called Russia. And so, when   Mother Mary said Russia to them and they repeated  it, they didn't even know what Russia was. So,   we knew there was something really truthful told  to them. All right. Then Mary gave the third   part of the Secret, the one that has  much controversy and confusion. And   we're going to try to clarify that for you. All right. So basically, before I show the slide,   the third part of the secret had  the Angel crying out penance,   penance, penance. And then Mary, let's show our  next slide. Or Lucia said she documented what   Mary, or excuse me, what the Children documented,  what Mary said. Okay. Mary said this. to prevent   this. Meaning what? The Children going to Hell or  excuse me, Mary said the Holy Father, I'm sorry,   the Holy Father passed through a big city, half in  ruins and half trembling with halting step. Now,   what is halting step mean? That's kind of like a  stutter step. Remember John Paul Two when he had   Parkinson's disease? That was a halting  step. Afflicted with pain and sorrow.   He prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on  his way; having reached the top of the mountain,   on his knees at the foot of the Big Cross, he was  killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets   and arrows at him, and in the same way there died  one after another the other Bishops, Priests,   men and women Religious and various lay people,  other positions. All right. This is important   because, first of all, it says who's that Bishop  in white? Well, John Paul believed it was him.   Most everybody believes it. But it  said he died. He was killed. Remember,   Pope Benedict told us prophecy is not set in  stone. We can change it, mitigate it through   prayer and penance. And so, John Paul  Two believed he was spared for a purpose,   and we'll talk about that in a moment. But after the Children describe that third Secret,   it said that beneath the two arms  of the Cross, there were two Angels   with a Crystal Aspersorium in which they had in  their hand, and they gathered up the blood of   the Martyrs. Remember the Church expression? The  blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the Church.   So they gathered up the blood of the martyrs  and sprinkled the souls that were making their   way to God. That's you and me right now. We are  those souls struggling through those, that those,   ruins. What do you think those ruins are? Are we  not seeing on the news every night? The cities   being torn to ruins, not just in the  United States, but around the world.   These are the ruins and we, you and me,  are making our way through it. But yet   we're being persecuted. It says we're being  persecuted greatly. This is what happens to us   just for being Christians. We re being greatly  persecuted. All right. So, what happened then?   On that July Apparition, Mary then promised  that She would come and give a great miracle   on October the 13th for all to believe. And so,  right now, I want to show the second and final   video from Mother, Father Mike Gaitley. It's  only 3 minutes long, so stay with me. But this   is a beautiful one. The Children can watch this  one. It's a summary of the Miracle of the Sun   that Mary told about that was going  to come on October the 13th.   You know, I once told my Dad the story of Our  Lady of Fatima. At the time, he didn't have a   very strong faith, yet, he was totally captivated.  In fact, he was so captivated that after I finish   the story, he said, Mike, if people heard that,  they d believe. Now while the prophetic aspects   of the message of Fatima are certainly impressive,  what particularly struck him was the Great Solar   Miracle. That's the part he thought would really  get people believing. So, let's go to October   Thirteenth, 1917 in what's known as the Miracle  of the Sun. Of course, any miracle is impressive,   but I personally think that the Miracle of the  Sun was one of the most awesome and dramatic   public Miracles in the whole history of the  Church. During the July Thirteenth Apparition,   Our Lady had told Lucy that She would perform a  miracle in October for all to see and believe.   Well, Lucia shared that information with  others and the word quickly spread.   In fact, even the secular anti-Catholic  newspaper O Seculo. It helped get the word   out, although it did so only to mock the  Children and the people who believe them.   Well, all morning long on October Thirteenth,  1917, the day of the promised Miracle, a steady   rain saturated the Cova d Ira. But despite that,  tens of thousands of people still came. Then   at midday, Our Lady appeared and the Children  knelt in the mud at the front of the crowds.   Looking very sad, Our Lady said do  not offend the Lord or God anymore   because He's already so much offended. After speaking those words, Mary opened Her   hands. The reflection of Her own glorious light  was reflected on the Sun as She disappeared into   the distance. At that point, the Children  began to experience a series of visions:   Saint Joseph with the Child Jesus, Our Lady robed  in white with a blue mantle, and then Our Lady   again, first appearing as Our Lady of Sorrows and  then as Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Now, while the   Children beheld those visions, the people who  had gathered saw something very different.   As we approach the hillside upon which the  appearances were supposed to have taken place,   I saw a sea of people. It was a day of incessant drizzle   It was absolutely full of people. But for  my part, I felt devoid of any religious   feeling. A few moments before the  Miracle, it stopped raining.   Suddenly the rain ceased, the clouds separated,  and I saw a large sun brighter than the sun.   Outside the people were shouting and weeping  and pointing to the sun. One could see the   immense multitude turned toward the sun, which  appeared free from clouds and in its zenith.   When Lucia called out Look at the  sun , the whole multitude repeated:   attention to the sun. Look at the sun . I can  hardly find words to describe what followed. It   looked like a lake of dull silver. It might have  been an eclipse which was taking place.   Then the sun started spinning  and shooting streams of light,   which changed it to all colors  of the rainbow. At the same time,   it started getting bigger and bigger in the sky  as though it were falling on the earth.   Before the astonished size of the crowd, the sun  trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside   of all cosmic laws. The sun danced, according  to the typical expression of the people.   Everyone was frightened. We all thought  it was the end of the world.   Near us was an unbeliever with spent the morning  looking at the simpletons who had gone off to   Fatima just to see an ordinary girl. He now seemed  to be paralyzed. His eyes fixed on the sun.   Suddenly, the sun stopped the spinning  and returned to its place in the sky.   Everyone started shouting, Miracle. This  is a miracle. Just then I noticed that both   the ground and my clothes were bone dry. People then began to ask each other what they   had seen. The great majority admitted to have  seen the trembling and the dancing of the sun.   There was a man standing with his face turned to  the sun. He recited the Creed in a loud voice.   I believe in one God, the Father Almighty. I believe in one God, the Father Almighty.   Okay, so we know and we've all heard about the  Miracle of the Sun and maybe you've also heard   about the Miracle really in a sense that happened  in Fatima that day or in, yeah, in Fatima that day   because there were 70,000 people that were  reported to be there and remember it had been   raining all day. They were full of mud, soaking  wet, and all of a sudden everything was completely   dry. Their clothes were clean. The mud was gone.  They were completely dry and everybody was yelling   miracle. So, all this good, right? Mary comes,  makes it known the world is not destroyed.   Everything's clean now. The mud goes away. All  is good, right? Well, not necessarily. Here's a   picture of it. Here's a picture of those 70,000  people or just some of those 70,000 people.   And you can see, look at the crowd there. I  mean, that's incredible. I love this old picture   because it gives you a context of really  what was going on. Some people showed up,   as Father Mike said, just to mock it but, boy,  they all became believers afterwards, right.   Now, after Mary did the Miracle and everything got  cleaned up, that means all was good. Right? Wrong.   World War Two still happened. Mary's predictions  of hunger and famine and persecution of the Church   still happened. The Children, they suffered a  lot. Fact. In fact, Francisco died and Jacinta,   she had to go through some real pain. She had  two ribs removed with, for an inflamed long   with no anesthesia. Can you imagine? Now,  people think that was the end of Fatima.   The last Apparition was October 13th, but no,  Fatima continued into the 1920s. This is where the   real important messages come. Because remember,  Mary hadn't given all the details in those six   months at Fatima. More was to come in the 1920s.  For instance, in 1925 in Spain, Jesus appeared as   the Christ Child and described how Mary's Heart,  His Mother, Her Heart was wounded by blasphemies,   and He talked about the five blasphemies  that wounded Her Heart, and that was   blasphemies against Her Immaculate Conception,  blasphemies against Her Perpetual Virginity,   Blasphemies against Her Divine Maternity.  You remember these are Marian Dogmas for us.   Blasphemies that instilled hate in Children  against Mother Mary and blasphemies of   those who reviled Her Sacred Images. That's why I get sometimes comments online about,   you know, disgusting images of idolatry. No, it's  not. And I I'll do a whole nother talk on Statues   and images coming up in the future. But, that's  not idolatry. It's actually given by Our Lord,   as He's given us in the past ways to carve  Statues. For instance, the Ark of the Covenant,   where the gold, the Bronze Serpent. These were  instructed by God to carve these. Again, we   don't worship Mary, but She leads us to Jesus. And we'll talk about that. All right. Now, when   Mary came, Jesus gave, the Child Jesus gave these  blasphemies as a reason that Her Heart is pierced.   So the Blessed Virgin then appeared and requested.  Let's look at our next slide. The Five First   Saturdays Devotion. All right. The Five First  Saturdays Devotion because of these blasphemies,   and we're going to talk  about this in more detail.   I want you to put this in your memory  bank. But basically, what do you do   for the First Saturday of five consecutive  months? Mary said, one, you go to Confession.   All right. Now, the people always ask, does that  mean it has to be exactly on that day? Try your   best to go on that day. But Father Apostoli said  even if you had to go a couple of days before,   a couple of days after, as long as you're in a  state of grace, go after. Try to get it as close   as you can. But it doesn't have to be exactly on  that day. Try. Next, you receive Holy Communion.   All right. Then you pray the Rosary.  And here's the key. And meditate on   one or more of the Mysteries of the  Rosary for an additional 15 minutes.   All right. That is the Five First Saturday  devotions. We're going to come back to it.   Why? This is very important and it has to do  with the Consecration of Russia and, I'm sorry,   the conversion of Russia, which is different.  You have the Consecration of Russia,   which means she is blessed. Then  you have the conversion of Russia,   which means the people change. Now, let's look  at this for a minute. That happened in 1925. Now,   in 1929, Mary appeared again to Lucia in Spain and  asked, now for the official Consecration of Russia   by the Pope with his Bishops around the world.  So, what happened? It wasn't consecrated.   So, in 1931, Jesus appeared and said He was  unhappy that Russia had not been consecrated. So   when Mary asked first in 1929 it was not done. 1931, 2 years later Jesus appears and says I'm   not happy. Russia has not been consecrated.  And Jesus said they did not heed My request.   Like the King of France, and I'll explain  that in a second. They will repent and do it,   but it will be late. Russia will have already  spread her errors throughout the world,   provoking wars and persecutions against the  Church. The Holy Father will have much to suffer.   All right. So, people who are saying  was Russia consecrated it or not?   Lucy said in 1931 that Jesus said it will,  she will be consecrated, but she'll be late   and I'm not happy and Russia will spread  her errors all around the world. Well,   Father, Russia wasn t consecrated because  she spread her errors around the world.   Well, that's what Jesus said would happen, not  because it wasn't consecrated, but because it   was late. Now, what's this about the King  of France? All right. On June 17th, 1689,   Jesus commanded that the King of France  consecrate France to the Sacred Heart.   We know this with Margaret Mary Alacoque. They  didn't do it. 100 years later to the day, June 17,   1789 the French Revolution. This is that same  hundred years that France calls the Enlightenment.   And trust me, it was anything but enlightened.  It was a rejection of God and a turning away   and putting all power in the reason of man. It's  the beginning of many of our modern day problems.   So what happened? Russia is not been consecrated.  Jesus appears in 1931 says it's not happened.   I'm not happy here. So all of this went on.  There was a few attempts like during the   War Pope Pius the Twelfth but he didn't have all  the bishops with him and all kinds of stuff. So,   nobody argues that Russia was not consecrated in  those decades following Fatima. So, what happened?   Well, on May 13th, 1981. Let's look at  our next slide. We had a wake-up call.   On May 13th, 1981, the 64th anniversary,  John Paul two was shot and he was rushed to   the hospital in what they said he should  have died. But miraculously the bullet   was, was, changed trajectory inside the body  of John Paul and miraculously he did not die.   Now when he was in the hospital, he asked for  two things. He asked, one for the Third Secret of   Fatima, and guess what else he asked for?  Let's show it on the screen. The Diary   of Saint Faustina in Polish. This is incredible.   This is what John Paul asked for. The Third Secret  of Fatima and the Diary of Saint Faustina. Now,   he saw his shooting as the fulfillment of  the shooting of the Bishop in White that we   just read on that slide for the Third Secret.  Remember, a Bishop would be walking through ruins   with a halting step. Well, John Paul two had  Parkinson's. He had a halting step towards   the end of his papacy. The ruins, I think we're  seeing ruins of our cities and world right now.   And this is what's going on. But he didn't die.  Remember the prophecy said the Bishop would be   killed, but he wasn't. He should have been  killed. He was shot. Just like the prophecy   said he would be shot. But remember, Pope  Benedict says prophecy is not written in stone.   We can change it with prayer and penance. We  can mitigate it. So this is important. So, after   reading the Third Secret, John Paul Two said that  Mary should no longer remain in the background.   It is time to bring Mary to the forefront And,  this is the beautiful thing that started happening   in the world. John Paul Two s Pontificate, started  bringing Mary out to the world just like God   desired All right. So next slide. Not many people  know this but on May 13th, 1982, John Paul went   back to the Shrine of Fatima in Portugal and he  was assassinated or there was an assassination   attempt again. One year later to the day, he  was stabbed by a Spanish Cleric in a second   assassination attempt. My goodness. So let's look  at the slide here. There's the crown that he then,   although he was not seriously injured in the, in  the stabbing, he then took the bullet and placed   it, the bullet that was fired at him, he placed  it in Mary's Crown. That was what he did on this   second visit to Fatima on May 13th. 1982. So, holy cow. What's all this going on here? All   right. So now he said, that's it. He decided to  consecrate Russia. So, John Paul Two consecrated,   but his first attempt was done privately.  So did not fulfill Our Lady's requests.   Now, in the second attempt, he invited all the  Bishops because the first attempt was private.   He didn't have the Bishops.  Not valid. His second attempt,   he invited the Bishops, but it arrived too late,  the invitation. And so, we have a lot of problems,   people saying because the Bishops weren  t part of it. Well, he realized that. But   good came out of this because when he realized  that Russia wasn't consecrated, he was learning   and he was being inspired. Let's look at our next  slide of some of the good that came out of this.   John Paul Two began to make explicit the  connection between Fatima and Divine mercy.   You see that Priest holding that? That's a Marian  of the Immaculate Conception. Father Francis,   one of our own Marian Priest s there with Father,  with his assistant, with Cardinal Dziwisz.   And so, look at this beautiful painting of the  Divine Mercy Image. John Paul started to make the   connection between Fatima and Divine Mercy. This  is where we're going here. All right. Remember   the Angel's first words at Fatima in 1916 were  designs of Mercy. And Sister Lucia's last vision,   so the first vision talked about designs of Mercy.  And her last vision had the words Grace and Mercy.   Mercy bookends the messages of Fatima, and John  Paul II finds hope in a love more powerful than   evil that no sin of the world can overcome. This  Love. What was it called? Mercy. This is what   John Paul two said. And he said, Mary brings us to  the source of this Love and Mercy, Christ Himself.   John Paul said Consecration to the Immaculate  Heart means returning to the Cross of Her Son.   It means bringing the world and all its  problems to the Pierced Side of the,   and the Heart of the Savior. And thus  back to the very source of its redemption.   Now, listen to this. It means bringing Mary.  Excuse me. I'm sorry. It means bringing the world   through Mary to Divine Mercy. Every one of you  right now listening, who's a Marian Helper or   who helps support our Marian Father s mission,  I can tell you right now, God handpicked you.   The reason I am a Marian of the Immaculate  Conception is because of those words that   John Paul Two uttered. What is this whole message?  Bringing the world through Mary to Divine Mercy.   This is who we Marians are. We're all about  to Jesus through Mary. That's why Father Mike   Gaitley focuses on Marian Consecration. I and other Marians focus on Divine Mercy.   Although the two are inner connected, you can't  separate them. That's why I'm talking about Mary   today. And Father Mike talks about Divine Mercy.  It is the two Spiritual Weapons of our times, Mary   and Divine Mercy and John Paul II saying this.  This is what the message of Fatima is actually   about. This is how we have to understand it. Let's  read John Paul's next quote on the next slide.   The message of Fatima is more urgent than  ever. It invites us to approach anew the   Fountain of Mercy by an act of consecration.  Mary wishes to draw near to this fountain.   That's what Marian Consecration is,  drawing us to the Fountain of Mercy.   This is the whole message of Fatima. This is  why we Marians focus on Marian Consecration   and Divine Mercy, the two spiritual weapons. This  is why we're called the Marines of the Immaculate   Conception. But, Father, you're all about Divine  Mercy. What was God's greatest Act of Mercy   ever bestowed on a creature? The Immaculate  Conception. We were the first men's community   ever to bare the term, Immaculate Conception.  Centuries before the, the dogma was declared.   We were the first men's community in Poland and  the first ever to bring this focus together of   Mary and Divine Mercy. This is the message of  the world and we crazy little Marians have been   given this message to do it. This is, boggles the  mind. And so you're with us in that mission.   If you're watching and you're not part of  this mission. I apologize. I should have   made a slide for this, but go to MICprayers.com.  It's as simple. Takes you less than 10 seconds.   You want to share in this mission, you want to be  part with us, MICprayers.com. I think Mark may,   Brother Mark may have had a chance to get it  up there. But if you go there, it takes less   than 10 seconds. You can join us in this mission.  There's no cost, just MICprayers.com and join our   mission to the world, to bring Mary to Divine  and through Mary to Divine Mercy. All right.   This is the ending goal of the message  of Fatima, to bring us through Mary   to God's Divine Mercy. John Paul Two. What about all this talk of the Triumph of the   Immaculate Heart? It's not independent. It's tied  in here. The Triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart,   John Paul Two said is we allow Her to wash us in  the Fountain of Mercy, which is, She is especially   free to do when we are Consecrated to Her. So,  I'm going to be doing a talk next week on Marian   Consecration. That's my subject next week. So,  it ties from Fatima into Marian Consecration. So   join me next week as we talk about how we  do that. When you are, John Paul Two says   that Mary is especially able to wash us in the  Fount of Mercy when we're consecrated to Her.   So, what is the Triumph? The Triumph is when man  turns with trust to Jesus through Mary in prayer   and penance for the sins of the whole world. This is basically the Chaplet. The Eternal. The   Chaplet. Eternal Father, I offer You the Body,  Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved   Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for  our sins and the sins of the whole world.   You see how this all connects.? It's phenomenal.  John Paul Two realized there would be peace   as Heaven promised through Fatima, but also  Saint Faustina. And he brought them together.   Faustina said mankind will not have peace until  it turns with trust to My Mercy. Remember that?   Well, how do we bring it? How do we bring this  trust? This peace? Through the Triumph of the   Immaculate Heart of Mary. Don't despair but trust.  This is all connected. Join us in this mission.   I believe that you're watching for a  purpose that God has chosen you.   You don't have to get on a plane and fly to Africa  and build schools or something. If you can that's   great. But you can be the hands and feet of Jesus  through the Marians of the Immaculate Conception   through your prayers and, and support whatever  you can offer. Now, let's look at this next   thing now. Finally, John Paul Two realized  this connection of Mary and Divine Mercy.   So, what did he do? Next slide. On March 25,  1984, 100 years later, from the discussion with   Pope Leo where I started this talk, in union with  the Bishops, John Paul Two solemnly consecrated   the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Now  before you turn me off and you say, Father,   sorry, Russia has not been concentrated,  I'll grant you Russia's not been converted.   But we're going to talk about the Consecration  right now. Some say the Pope did not specifically   say Russia in his public prayer. But when John  Paul was thanked for consecrating the world   because he said, I consecrated the world, John  Paul Two himself added quote, And Russia.   Now let's look at our next slide. Very important.  Sister Lucia said he made the Consecration   in the way in which the Blessed Virgin had wished  that it should be made. Afterward, people asked me   if it was made in the way Our Lady wanted, and  I replied: Yes. From that time on it is made.   All right. Some of you may still not believe  this. You're free not to believe it, that you're   not going to be punished by God that you don't  believe it's been consecrated or not consecrated.   Remember, this is private revelation. However, I want to make a few points here.   Shortly after Sister Lucia said that in  1991, the Soviet Union began to collapse.   Now, do you know when Gorbachev signed the actual  paperwork to dissolve the USSR? Take a guess.   The Feast of the Immaculate  Conception and he didn't even know it.   Then the official ending of the USSR. You  guessed it. December 25th, Christmas Day. Now,   people still argue that it's not been consecrated,  I grant you not converted. There's a difference.   But the Consecration, we Marian Fathers stand with  the Holy See. All right. And the Holy See issued a   document, the Congregation of the Doctrine of the  Faith. This is official Church teaching. Issued   a document called The Message of Fatima. And I'm sorry, I should have made a slide here   but it's from June 26, 2000. It's stated  Sister Lucia personally, and I'm quoting here.   Sister Lucia personally confirmed that this  Solemn and Universal Act of Consecration   corresponded to what Our Lady wished. Yes, it has  been done, just as Our Lady asked on March 25th,   1984. Hence, any further discussion or request  is without basis. End quote. That's not my words.   That's the words of the Congregation of the  Doctrine of the Faith from June 26, 2000.   So, we need to listen, I think, to the Church.  But many will argue, rightfully so, Father,   we haven't seen the Triumph of the Immaculate  Heart. Russia hasn't been converted. Although,   I think there's more Churches being  built in Russia than anywhere else.   I think the conversion has started. But Father,  there's no peace. Mary promised peace with the   Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. How come we  haven't seen the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart?   Therefore, Russia must not have been converted.  Excuse me. Consecrated. Because she's not fully   converted, Russia must not have been consecrated.  There's no peace. So, Father, if there's no peace,   there means there's no Triumph. And if  there's no Triumph of the Immaculate Heart,   that means Russia wasn't consecrated. All right.  To answer to that, we have a fascinating answer.   For Russia to be converted, Mary said two things  have to happen. One, Russia must be concentrated.   But Mary didn't stop there. If that's all  Mary asked for, I would agree with you.   It seems Russia wasn't consecrated, but Mary  said there's two things that need to happen. One,   Russia needs to be consecrated. I believe  we've done it. The Church says we've done   it. But then why isn't Russia being converted?  Haha. Because Mary said there was a second thing   that must happen. Now, you and I shouldn't worry  about the Consecration. We can't control it.   You and I have no say over whether or not Russia  was consecrated. That s between God, the Bishops   and the Holy Father. But Mary gave part two  that had to happen that does involve you and me.   That we do have an effect. And what  is that? Let's show our next slide.   Back to the Five First Saturdays Devotion. Mary said, in order for Russia to be converted,   she not only has to be consecrated, but  those Five First Saturdays have to be done.   Now, this is what is we're not doing. Remember, we  got to go to Confession, receive Holy Communion,   pray the Rosary and meditate on the Mysteries, or  one or more of the Mysteries for an additional 15   minutes. I ask you all, I'm not pointing fingers.  I can point it at myself. Are we doing this?   Are we fulfilling our part of the bargain?  Let's suppose, as the Church says, that the   Holy Father did hold up his end of the bargain and  Russia was consecrated, but she's not converted.   That means Mary s second, part of  Her request wasn't fulfilled.   Who's to blame if the Five First  Saturdays haven't happened yet? Us.   Not enough people are doing it. Do you? How many  people do you know? Raise your hands. Right.   If you're doing the Five First Saturdays Devotion.  God bless you if you are. But it's a forgotten   devotion. I feel it's important we tell the world  we got to start doing this again. This is what   is important and we don't even realize it. Have  most of us been faithful to this request of Mary?   I don't think so. It doesn't matter if Russia was  consecrated or not. If we're not doing our part   of the Five First Saturdays, which also  needs to happen before Russia's converted.   So, let's get busy, everybody. Let's get busy. But there was another problem that I think   explains this. Even if Russia was consecrated.  Remember that what I said earlier, the problem is   it was late. Let's look at the next  slide. Jesus said to the Three Children:   They did not heed My request. Like the  King of France, they will repeat, repent   and do it but it will be late. Russia will have  already spread her errors throughout the world,   provoking wars and persecutions against the  Church; the Holy Father will have much to   suffer. I already read this, but I wanted to show  it in a slide to bring it back, to emphasize that   there was a problem with Russia being consecrated  late. Now, my good friends down at the World   Apostolate of Fatima also have an answer for  whether or not Russia was consecrated.   They said this: If Russia had been  consecrated as Our Lady asked back in 1917,   then Communism would have been stopped and  World War Two never would have happened.   Instead, because of the Consecration s long delay,  World War Two did happen and Russia did spread her   errors of atheism throughout the world. Therefore  by 1984. Listen to this. This is fascinating. This   is in Father Mike Gaitley s Book. Therefore, by  1984, not just Russia, but the whole world needed   to be consecrated because Russia, errors had  infected. So, John Paul explicitly consecrated,   quote, the world, end quote as well as,  quot,e nations that particularly need to be   thus entrusted and consecrated So what he did  was he consecrated Russia plus more nations.   What's wrong with that? Nothing. He  did more than what Our Lady asked.   So, it took a long time for Russia to be  consecrated. It may take a long time for her to be   converted. You see the connection there. All right. So, the Consecration was not soon   enough and we didn't listen. That's why the evils  of the 20th century and more martyrs than any   time in human history have happened. All right. However, God brings a greater good. What's all   this gloom and doom, Father? God brings a greater  good. Remember I said John Paul Two started to   realize the connection between Fatima and Divine  Mercy. This is a bigger, greater story. Let's look   at our next slide. Here are the two power hitters.  This whole thing is not just the story of Fatima,   but it makes it even better. The story is John  Paul Two, Saint Faustina and Divine Mercy.   It's all connected here. All right. Let's look  at our next slide. Through the blood of the   martyrs. The 100 years after Fatima. The blood  of the martyrs has been the seed of the Church.   It has been. A time of mercy has been granted.  Remember, I said the Angel sprinkled the blood   over the people walking through the ruins. You and I are the people walking through the   ruins. Now physically of our cities being  burned but earlier through the destruction of   our culture, the ruins of, of destruction of our  culture. The ruins doesn't have to mean physical   buildings, although now I think it is. The ruins  of our culture being decimated and destroyed.   You and I are walking through a destroyed culture  right now. It's laying in ruins. But the blood of   those martyrs, the Angel sprinkled over you and  me, sprinkled over us, to get us through. This is   why the blood of the martyrs, through the last  hundred years has, has sustained this time of   mercy. It's fascinating. Our Loving God gave us  a way out of the mess. The Second Greatest Story   Ever Told as Father Mike says Faustina, John Paul  and Divine Mercy. It all connects. John Paul gave   a voice to the powerful connection between Mary  and Divine Mercy and Fatima and Faustina.   All right. Last page. So, as we await,  obviously, the full conversion of Russia   and the world, with Mary, in this time of mercy,  we can call down an ocean of graces upon us   like Divine Mercy Sunday. That is the day that we  call down a whole ocean of graces, Jesus tells us,   on the whole world. John Paul Two said this is the  final message of Fatima and the way that we can   prepare the world for the Lord's final coming. Remember, it connects to Saint Faustina. Jesus   said You, Saint Faustina will be hand, I m hand  picking to help prepare the world for My final   Coming. So, through Marian Consecration, which I'm  going to be talking about next week. Join us. And   Divine Mercy Sunday. Our soul will never  be cleaner. We're wiped clean by the blood   of the martyrs in this time of mercy. Just accept that grace. This was laid out by   Jesus through the great prophetic  Saints, Faustina and John Paul.   Wow. Now, I have another question. Well, Father,  I want to be a saint. I want to be used by Jesus   like that. Do you have to be a canonized Saint to  be used by Jesus and God for this mission?   Let's look at our next slide. No, this man  was not a canonized Saint, even though I   think we could sure use him today. God can use  anybody. This is Ronald Reagan as you may know.   He too was shot in the spring of 1981. Do you know  he was shot just six weeks apart from John Paul   and they met eachother? They became great friends  and they said to each other they both believed   that God had spared both of them for a special  purpose. Both should have died in transit.   They both believe that their  mission was to bring down Communism.   And we know now it was proven that the Soviets  were behind the assassination of John Paul.   So, John Paul and, and Reagan, there's a  statue, the two of them in Gdansk, in Poland,   did this. And that's why Reagan had  an intent interest in Fatima.   You may not know that he actually went there  and Ronald Reagan gave a talk about Mary and   the Three Children. And he said, quote, in simple  people like the Children of Fatima, there is more   power than all the armies of the world. You  know, Ronald Reagan, when he died, he had only   one request at his funeral and Nancy, his wife  honored it. And that was to have Ave Maria sung   at his funeral in the year 2004. You know, he grew  up just down the road from Bishop Fulton Sheen.   So, this is amazing. So, the bottom line,  Mary's message is this: there is still time.   We're in this time of mercy. This is why Pope  Francis dedicated the time of the Year of Mercy.   He said the Mercy of God is infinite, but the  time of Mercy is not. So, he declared the Year   of Mercy. It seems that the Pope, all last three  Popes, John Paul, Benedict and Francis, see this   connection between Divine Mercy and Fatima, and so  should we. As I said, that's why Pope Francis.   Let's look at our next slide. Do you  know he actually dedicated his Papacy   to Our Lady of Fatima? Pope Francis did, and  he declared the Year of Mercy, as I said.   And do you know this? He also re-consecrated  the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.   Bet you didn't know that. All right. So  let's finish. I wanted to finish with a   question. What does Fatima mean for us today? I gave you all the history, I showed you the   connection of Fatima and Divine Mercy. But what  does it mean today? We still live in the age of   Fatima, but yet we await the Triumph, full Triumph  of the Immaculate Heart and the full era of peace.   So what does it mean? How do we summarize  this message, this message of Fatima to bring   about the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart? I found something amazing to answer this question   and I want to share with you and I promise  it is nothing you probably ever thought of.   Do you know what it means for us today, what the  message of Fatima is as applies to you personally   about the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and  how to bring it about? It involves you.   Father, I'm not doing anything. I'm not in  Fatima. Oh yeah. Listen to this. According to   Barb Ernstler of the World Apostolate of Fadama,  she quoted Saint Lucia or Sister Lucia from 1946.   Listen to this. The essential request of Our  Lady of Fatima was conveyed to the Children in   that very first question on May 13th. Quote.  Are you willing to offer yourselves to God   and bear all the sufferings He wills to send you  as an act of reparation for the sins by which He   is offended and in supplication for the conversion  of sinners? Now, here's where it involves you.   Mary asked that question to the Children but She's  asking it of us to. Here's how. Mary emphasized   that it is the fulfillment of one's daily duties  according to their own state in life and the   sanctification of this effort in reparation for  the sins and conversion of sinners, which is the   primary condition for the turning back of the  tide of evil which threatens the world today.   The request was most essential because Mary is  inviting us to unite all our sufferings with the   sufferings of Christ, just as She did, to accept  and bear with submission all that happens to us,   makes everything about our normal day holy and  at the service of God's will. It invites us to   trust in our Lord and surrender all things to Him.  Okay. Here's the bottom line. I hear all the time   from people, Father, I get up every day, 5:00 the  alarm goes off. I have to hassle around, get ready   for work, make breakfast, get my husband off to  work. Then I have to get ready for work. Then I   got to get the children off to school. Then I have  to hassle with traffic. Then I have to fight with   my boss at work. Nobody appreciates anything I do.  Then I got to come home. The kids are a mess. I   got to get dinner ready. I got to feed them. Then  I have to help them with their homework. Then I   have to sit down and fight with my husband about  paying bills. Then I go to bed and I got to wake   up tomorrow and do it all over again. Father, there's got to be more to life than that.   Guess what? Mary's words at Fatima was  that very day that you go through in   your daily duties based on your state  in life If you're a mother and a wife,   that is how you are sanctified, made holy and  evil is stopped. This is what brings the Triumph   of the Immaculate Heart. Part of the reason  we may not have seen it is because people are   realizing that's the way to do it. We, we, we  live our daily duties faithfully. So husbands   and wives be faithful to each other. Love one  another. Instill in your children an act of Faith.   Do your duties. Offer them up when the sufferings  come. And I know they do. You offering them up to   God. He will reward that. This is the message of  Fatima and it all connects to God's Mercy because   in the midst of that suffering, God's having  mercy on us. This is incredible. This is amazing.   And yet we don't know this message. And so ,I  hope that in a little way, you'll share this,   you ll share this message, because this is  how we are sanctified, holy, made saints   and get to Heaven. It's a way of life. The message is one of yes, as Mary said,   of reconciliation, reparation and prayer. Father,  you're forgetting this. No, I'm not. The message,   yes, is reconciliation, prayer penance, and  particularly reciting the Rosary. Lucia said she   was frustrated because people always wanted  to focus on the miracles and the secrets.   And Sister Lucia said. Quote. The miracles and  secrets aren't what's important. Whoa. Really?   What is most important is we must  concentrate on Our Lady's message   to live the Ten Commandments in our daily  duties. That is what is important. To this,   Lucia added the 11th Commandment:  Do whatever God tells you.   Do the will of God. That's what Our Lady wants.  And if you are faithful to your daily duties,   honest, loving, faithful, charitable, you're doing  the will of God and that's how we thwart evil.   The next picture on the slide.  There you see the shrine of Fatima.   The Sacraments. Where do you get the Sacraments?  In that Church. Our Church. Your Church.   In 1916, the Angel brought the Children  the Eucharist, the Bread of Life.   The promise of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart  calls for us to have immaculate hearts through   Baptism and Confession. So, the Sacraments are  also the answer of what Fatima s message is today.   What about Works of Mercy? Yes. Mary said  pray, pray a great deal and make sacrifice   for sinners for many souls go to Hell because  they have no one to sacrifice or pray for them.   This is important. In fact, Saint Faustina  said that you have three ways to do deeds   or to do Works of Mercy. Word, Deed and Prayer. If  you can't do something nice for somebody, you can   pray for them. If you can't say something nice  for somebody, you can pray for them. So, Works   of Mercy. Very important. And finally, Marian  Devotion. Let's look at our next slide. There's   a beautiful picture. That's Marian Devotion. We're  not worshiping Her. People see that picture.   We're not worshiping it. We're honoring Her. This  is what we do to a Queen. A Queen is not the King   but you still honor the Queen. And this  is what we're going to talk about with   Marian Consecration next week. We pray to  God to help us through Her intercession.   Mary appeared as Our Lady of the Rosary and Our  Lady of Mount Carmel. Those are Marian devotions.   She said, pray the Rosary daily for peace in  the world, for the conversion of poor sinners   and for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.  Let me repeat that. Pray the Rosary daily for   peace in the world, the conversion of poor sinners  and for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.   This is Marian devotion to Our Lady, Mount  Carmel and Our Lady of the Rosary.   She also said, be invested in the Brown  Scapular. I just blessed the Brown Scapular   on my way up here to the talk. Then, of course,  don't forget your Five First Saturdays Devotion   to make reparation to Her Immaculate Heart for  the blasphemies. And then finally, as I said,   the topic of next week, consecrate to Mary. Let's  look at the last slide. You can see that beauty in   the concentration of Mary. There you see all those  lights. I hope those are candles, not cell phones,   but whatever it takes. Right? We  consecrate to Her. And then finally,   what is the message of Fatima for today?  Devotion to the family. This is why Sister Lucia   said the final battle will be between good and  evil will be do over marriage in the family.   You know, during the October 1917 Apparition, the  three Children saw Our Lady Saint. Joseph and the   child Jesus. That's the Holy Family. The model  for our families today, which are falling apart.   Turn to the Holy Family. Sister Lucia said  to Cardinal Carlo Caffarra. Quote. Father,   a time will come when the decisive battle  between the Kingdom of Christ and Satan will   be over marriage and the family and those who will  work for the good of the family will experience   persecution and tribulation. Man, are we seeing  that today? But do not be afraid because Our Lady   has already crushed his head. Wow. What an amazing  message. Please. I'm finished now but share this   message. You know, down below the video, you're  watching our YouTube channel s called Divine   Mercy. Click on that subscribe tab so that we can  continue to unite you with us in this mission.   The only way that we're going to do this is  together. So please, if you can find just a   moment, reach down on your video. You're watching  this video right now. Click subscribe to the   Divine Mercy Channel. This is an incredible way to  join us in this mission of Mary and Divine Mercy.   Please send the video to others. Spread this  message. I don't care if it's this video or   another video, just spread the message. This  is the message of our times. And this is why I   began with saying Fatima is arguably the most  important Marian Apparition in human history.   So God bless all of you. We're so thankful  that you could join us. And please, as I said,   join in our Marian mission. Visit MICprayers.com.  Become a Marian Helper. it's free.   Takes 10 seconds. Because we want you in Mary's  Army. You know, you always say talk about the   Blue Army of Fatima. This is a perfect example.  Let's live it and see that connection between   Mary and Divine Mercy. So, may Almighty God bless  you and yours. And we hope to see you next week.   In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of  the Holy Spirit. Amen. And God bless you.   Unfortunately, all of us know someone  who is affected in some way by either   substance abuse or some form of addiction and  we want to invite you in this month of October,   which is actually Substance Abuse Prevention  Month, and for those struggling with addiction,   to get the grace and the help they need. You know, on October 24th and 25th, we are   going to have a special awareness weekend. We're going to have several events. The first   will be Father Chris Talk and his Explaining the  Faith Series that is every Saturday at 11 a.m.   Father will talk about grace and addiction. The  next day we will be offering a special Mass at   9 p.m. Eastern time. We are going to offer  all the names that you've submitted to us   at Marian.org/addiction, where we are  going to offer all those who suffer from   any addiction or substance abuse on the  Altar of Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.   You know, the key is to be able to get the  grace for those people. You don't have to   send their full name. This is anonymous. You  can put initials, you can put first names only.   God knows who they are. The key is  that we just get those from you so   that we can offer them up in prayer. We  will literally print those names out,   place them on the Altar. I'll be celebrating  the Mass with Brother Jason, and we are going   to offer that Mass for those of you and your  loved ones who are suffering in such a way.   And right after the Mass, we're going to have  a healing service. I'll be offering a talk,   and then we are going to expose the Blessed  Sacrament with Our Eucharistic Lord.
Channel: Divine Mercy
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Keywords: alar, Fr. Chris, Marians, Marian Fathers, Fatima, Mary, Mother of God, Sr. Lucia, Lucia Santos, Marian apparition, Marian, Explaining the Faith
Id: Pmh3IMccpQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 29sec (4649 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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