Catholic Schools Week 2020 #2 A Tour of our Church

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[Music] hello and welcome to our second video celebrating Catholic schools week today we are going to take you on a tour of our beautiful parish church with its patron st. Peter and st. Paul the church was initially opened in 1965 and it didn't look like it looks today and again it was reopened in 2008 welcoming thousands of people every Sunday and every day and every day to worship and have Christ in our midst as you enter the church through the main door you will be entering through the porch which is an addition to the original building and in the main portraits or see in the side porches of the church you will be finding this baptismal water in fact this holy water in which every time we enter the church we bless ourselves in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit remembering that we are baptized in Christ and also remembering of our call to be Christians as we entered to be with Christ during the mass or in fact in prayer as we enter the church we find ourselves in the main body of the church and first thing we see is the sanctuary head of us the sanctuary light and the tabernacle so before we go rushing into a seat to sit the first thing we do and properly - is genuflect and acknowledging the presence of Jesus in this church as you walk to the church towards the sanctuary and on the left hand to right of the church you'll see the candle friends and in fact here on the right of the church is one of my favorite candle shrines is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ here at shrines people come to pray or light the candle they pray for different additions they pray for those in need they pray for those who are sick and why not they pray for those who are having exams here also on the side of the church we have the confessional boxes confessional box is a place where people come to experience God's love and mercy here in the church we have confessions every Saturday after the 10 AMS and after the 6:30 PMS and in fact every time we'll have to find a priest in the church also along the side of the church will find the Stations of the Cross in fact 14 of them which follow jesus' journey to the Mount of Calvary to mark the place of his crucifixion and we now approach the most important part of the church the sanctuary as we go in the sanctuary we climb the steps representing our ascension here in sanctuary we have the most important elements of the church and first of all is the altar the altar on which the sacrifice of mass is being celebrated altar on which the bread of wine are being transformed into the body and blood of Jesus Christ another important element is the Ambo the Ambo also known as the table of the world from which new readings are being proclaimed the readings from the Old Testament the New Testament on of course also the Gospels important element is the precise chair in which the main celebrant sits and presides over the Eucharist and over here we have another important element is the cross which also reminds us of the jesus's sacrifice and the sacrifice of the mass as you sit in the sanctuary you may notice that the church is in the shape of the cross means that we all who are here presiding or here attending the mass we form one body participating in one occurrence of Jesus Christ we're now in the most holy and most important part of the church the tabernacle here in the tabernacle the Eucharist also known as the body and blood of Christ is being kept so every day people come here and see it in adoration and to Jesus in the Eucharist or anybody and blood very close to the sanctuary we have the camera where the holy oils are kept and there are two of them there is the oil oil of the seek obviously for the comfort of the sick there is the oil of the Calico used mainly in the baptism and the holy chrism used in Pattison in conformation and also for the automations of priests bishop Dana's blesses these oils every year in the Holy Week on either side of the sanctuary there are two shrines here on the Left we have the shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary her mother in heaven and behind me you'll see the mysteries of the rosary on the other side Frye on the right of the sanctuary there is a shrine dedicated to Saint Joseph also very close to the sanctuary is the baptismal font where many children are being baptized this is the original formed from the original Church of st. Peter and Paul and also next to me is the Paschal candle the Paschal candle that reminds us multi light of Christ we are now in an interesting part of the church called the gallery the gallery usually houses a typical instrument for the church called an organ and here usually requires it the choir helps during the mass to uplift our souls for the celebration so if you know the words you can join thank you for joining us in the tour of our parish church we hope you enjoyed it you are welcome to come in anytime you want and hopefully you'll discover anymore many more elements of this parish church that will find interesting we hope you'll join us tomorrow as we will discover many more elements of our parish
Channel: Portlaoise Parish
Views: 5,263
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Id: P-OaAahrhbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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