Catherine Zeta-Jones al David Letterman 11-01-2013 (sub ita)

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so nice to see you here it's so nice to see you how are you doing everything good yeah it's been three years I know I did time around and I'm sorry if we've been through this before but you're the only zeta-jones I know yeah have we discussed the the Zita in the Jones a combination before um no but people usually call me Zeta Zeta in in the States but you know a pinko Cold War's worst thing I said Zita lose either you were right you've done do people call you Zeta Zeta but you know what yeah I'm too old in the to throw my god but is it a family name yes it was my grandmother's name she was named after a boat the sail got her Swansea and Jones is my dad's name whoa see that's very romantic the source of the origin of your name okay so if you saw the boat you wouldn't think it's that but you know we call it a yacht and it's it's whales is that right yeah yeah your family is from Wales literally and you still have family there yes my mom and dad lived there my brother actually was with me tonight lives there and for us that have not been there characterized Wales is it a place we would like to go well if anyone's ever where Dylan Thomas II kind of documented the way it is it's rolling hills it's a nation of voices hmm not all good right population oh now you getting I never went to college I have no idea we can figure this out there's lots of lovely people there it's a it's a million no there's more than that two million linton livin don't I'd say it's I'm not gonna say because you know what I don't know it would be lambasted we're buying my country if I get the population wrong uh how were your holidays you and the kids that do something great what is we what I know that you've loved skiing now it's uh and so we were gonna go skiing and yeah yourself I do scheme I'm not the greatest gear but yeah I do ski myself just fun isn't it it's as all or is cuz it's not so fun when you fall in your ass and you know for me that's the only fun I have I got all cake I'll take that okay where did you spend Christmas New Year's we went down south we went to the Sun as you can see it but a little Club um we went down south but we we're gonna go skiing but my son my children loved to ski and they they wait for me at the bottom of the hill quaint mom come on you know I'm like an old-age pensioner slowly going down and they're like it's alright it's alright yeah is it yeah well I look cute in my ski outfit that's what I can do and you're wearing it tonight this is what she goes skiing in hello no but my son my son and my husband left to scuba dive mm-hmm and so my son is your sis nine right - Julia - 12 so he was certified and and so they left us kid the 12 year old comes together yeah they scuba dive together yeah but it's uh scares the living daylights out of me yes me too I mean I've done it once and scared the hell out of me and I used to just snorkel you know around reefs and you would cease especially in Bermuda yeah beautiful things and I was happier when I saw nothing I like to walk you know I spent hours and doing this as long as I don't see anything you know what I like to do I like to lie in my pajamas and watch National Geographic even better it's even Bates right now of the of the family - your kids well the acting mom dad dynasty the Douglas family and you of course would they have any interest do they want to be actors oh yeah yes they do this is my son just got auditioned for a school play and he's gonna play The Artful Dodger in Oliver he made it no but it's really interesting to see how the you know the whole gene pool because I've never they just they just get it but the other day my my daughter said to me you know one I did a movie years ago with Abigail Breslin you know who was this wonderful actress and so she has this memory of me having a daughter on film and she said next time you do a movie mom can i play your daughter and i said you know after college maybe because it is it's really hard to have mazing mom Michael as a dad and Spartacus as you graph yes fell Spartacus that's where things take a hard turn oh yeah my grandfather Spartacus maybe you know Spartacus okay we got some information that just came in population of whales according to 2010 census wow I wasn't even close what do you think it is I'll tell you that I say it three zero zero see we have zero zero zero yeah three million six thousand four hundred no I was way off I said a million he said two million you're pretty close okay how about that well congratulations how's it going there in Wales he has no idea what the British press are gonna do to me tomorrow that's the one thing about you now look at this speaking of things Britain British this is you receiving the British Empire honour from Prince Charles congratulations 2011 two years ago I love the Hat I just love the Hat what can you tell us of that experience well he looks pretty good from here this angle doesn t but look at his hands check out his hands yeah I don't know I don't know either I love the royal family but he's being a little saucy yeah is that something to do with the award I just think that's my grass - Lee oh that's all right well that's just fine and the what does that entitle you to you don't have to pay taxes or no I wish no no it actually it actually was a great honor for me you know to go back home and to get this um from the royal family and it's um I'm a commander of the British Empire and it was basically so basically that entitles me to David Letterman getting on his knees every time I see him well not okay but this is the idiot now now let us talk a bit about this film a broken City not when you go to work on a film like this the kids they don't know anything about it or they do know things about it oh they do know about it but there's certain things my kids can't see you know you talk to them about the plot of a film before you make one um but they're not really interested in that part but they're desperate to see Sharon Stone and you know my husband see that's no you can't do that nobody I know they're desperate so am i because I've seen it because it's like all the kids in school talk about my movies and their dad's movies in there like I have no idea what you're talking yeah yeah well one day the curtain will go up for heaven's sakes yes yeah now in this movie you play Russell Crowe's wife yeah Russell is playing the mayor of New York and I play his wife and and Mark Wahlberg is a cop well xxx kind of cop yeah who my husband Russell's character is employed to follow me because he thinks I'm having an affair turns out you're not having an affair well better than I can it's a gray area I don't want to know but is it was it all filmed in New York yes we did a little bit of work in New Orleans but I think that's the way there Allen who is our director filmed it it had to be Sean knew yeah well it certainly you know Thanksgiving dinner with with the real Matt Bloomberg oh yeah Thanksgiving with Mayor Bloomberg yeah because he how does that happen because we're used to having been murderers you know for so many years you don't live in Bermuda well we have a house there but we're here in the city now with the kids at school but and he has a house there so we went to Thanksgiving and he asked me about the plot began I said well I'm married to the mayor of New York this is all look like turkey and cranberry sauce he's corrupt beyond belief honey wants to kill me yeah and he says that would work sure all but wanting to kill you I know this is interesting to me I know that the mayor has that sometime been married because he has kids he has a family right yes yeah I don't know is he he's not married now though is he no but he has a yes he will he's a lovely partner yeah I actually had a golf closet with her in my golf course golf closet yeah you know what you put your yeah like a locker like a locker sure a locker well where I come from which is the home of golf yeah gold the golf all right well I won't look okay I'm begging you please don't make me get on my knees I am begging you no locus is where to jockstraps alright but what is the the his partner like what are certain can you tell us her name is Diana she Diana yeah but I can't be talking about the mass personal life flashes yes I actually think what does Diana do she's sleeps with the mayor show of hands how many of you slept with the mayor oh now I have the British press with and now I have your marinade everything anything else - nice day huh let's take a look at the film as a shot here in New York it looks like New York it feels like New York and it's nothing but fun what are we gonna see here it's broken city Catherine zeta-jones Russell Crowe I think Marky Mark no well he's Mark Wahlberg yeah but he was Bakke mom I'm still Marky Mark oscar-nominated fantastic actor producer of the entourage he's not well I guess he is Marky Mark yeah what are we gonna see here I think this is the first time Marky Mark sees me in the movie look and I'm on to him I know I know okay the city he's chasing this is the scene on the terrace yeah that's right well Catherine and Zita young so nice to have you with us my best year family and congratulations the film is broken City you can see it January 18th ladies and gentleman there she is right there we'll be back with Allison Williams
Channel: serpedaus
Views: 664,834
Rating: 4.7123518 out of 5
Keywords: Catherine Zeta-Jones, David Letterman, intervista, interview
Id: OjQ_C9qrPT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2013
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