A Love divided - RTE 1999

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your Allegro Bacchus Vader Larry Luca Costco car gross got her a love divided [Music] [Applause] people say the past is another country [Music] when I look at an old photograph of Shawn me and the girls it seems more like another world [Music] it's half a century ago since we were young and fell in love nothing else mattered at least that's what we thought Shawn and I got married three times first time I was in a registry office nobody knew that was just gross our second wedding was a secret - in a Protestant church that was for me [Music] in the window who made it official or a big Catholic wedding in front of our whole village in Wexford I was a Protestant marrying a Catholic who rules were simple I was accepted as long as we pledge to bring our children up as Catholics at the time that seemed like a small price to pay to be together [Applause] [Music] nelq an economist [Applause] there's one last thing [Music] we mustn't let anything come between us it's got to be you be sure you me against the world me Tim years I mean it [Music] I mean it [Music] I shall make babies [Applause] [Music] ladies you yes boyo right here Debbie Joan Tony you eat just relate for church huh no shall not say what do we do now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I always loved Sunday our race into the village and a laugh with Andy Bailey feathers one and only atheist Andy had fought for Irish independence people said that gave him the right to be different way thank you I think I'll be praying for your immortal soul Andy oh I'm sure dust raisin haven't even been even leg and II haven't seems like the most boring place on earth [Music] that's our mail could smell that while ago there's not sour grapes Sean brownie you forgot that father you spoil them is not what the guys are far [Music] so every week we stuck to our agreement come on go Sean took the girls of the hill to Marcin big Catholic Church along with most of the village while I went with my own down the hill to our church a place for everyone and everyone in their place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you sit here this morning freely listening to the Word of God well spare a thought for the millions of good Catholics marooned behind the Iron Curtain for whom all these freedoms that we take for granted are denied [Music] [Music] Rober Stafford was in fine form today [Music] now see that man about the dog I will have to choose because twice take what kept you marry Lord Mary morning father Stafford 10 sweet Afton please mrs. Enders own the box of swans if you please and no alien how are you good and have all day you know father 6 my goodness me it seems only like yesterday I was baptizing you are you looking forward to school good well we get you started as in Bridget's next weekend now tell me mrs. Anderson would you say all these children like ice cream of course all of them ice creams all around ah and how much was it one for the field one get quit think of it is the bank won't give me a listen hmm hmm tell green you've raised the cash but up from 90 Tom the Agra pay it back as soon as I can and then paper drama your hat sorry okay how is that bad-tempered alehouse of tums anyway you see Laura conceal haven't pulled him a player within a month got your hands on a good mayor down except your did I just taken one fight let me hit that dinner will only be fit for cakes you get thanks Lord for what we are about to receive for the bountiful blessings you have bestowed on this family no you eat all your currents today miss they help you see in the darkest night you told my carrots you got to help your crowd me I need to eat a powerful lot of carrots find a decent man around here how do you like that fellow shock like if you're bobbing himself after the land and your good name and the rest looks after itself there's a lady in the scoop let's go talk [Music] it's shown around I have a crisis on the hurling team I can't say father so I am looking double come-ons and I got married what was Elia pushovers was train and Wednesday night oh I suppose self out of butter no but still be grand and I must be off Oh nearly forgotten baptismal lives baby oh just freely and starting at simply just next week well we haven't really made up our minds about the school yet we're in two minds tell you about what well st. Brigid's is a fine school Oh sir well we were thinking about Anna Walsh in the town school Anna that is a good teacher you should be bothered near head wood silly thoughts about Anna Eileen's gotta get on great at st. Bridget's isn't she Sean like I said father we haven't made up our minds yet [Music] well Sheila there's no minds to be made up Eileen is about taste Catholic and you made a solemn vow that they are married you all your children would be brought up in the principles of their faith that means going to st. Bridget's Wednesday then Shawn thanks 40 Sheila boy's father why didn't you say anything we said we take this sort of decision for ourselves didn't we so what's wrong with st. Bridget's there's nothing wrong with st. Bridget's but it's for us to decide you and me you're on a promise scar to remember well then we can tell father Stafford that we haven't decided yet and that when we do we'll tell him it's not that easy it is that easy she's our child but his no are you going to tell him what you want me to certain diseases only what I'm doing [Music] well darling it would be show before you know I think PAC seen this Oh God hello see they know why were you hiding have you got you new dress for st. Bridget's yes it's a bit soon for that Teresa but they start next week father Stafford was telling me virtually it's shown to me that could be deciding where she's going to school not father Stafford oh I see [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] what listen father focus a little problem yeah puzzle alien yeah what well the thing of it is Nadine is our daughter I think we should aside on our stolen there's a drink wait for you would Bailey's right so they're looking at this the wrong way around you've already made the decision you and Sheila made a pledge before God's presence didn't you yeah well yes Father I could be after ordered a plan Shawn simple as that and I would be failing you and the girls and Sheila if I were to let anything different happen yeah with Sheila and Sheila he's a good woman Shawn she wants the best for her family as I do as you do as we all do well let's face it we are talking about the best school here are we not hmm and we want those girls playing for the right team don't we yeah we do what course well you just tell us straight best way and women I know it on I can tell you this Shawn they like to be led and then I like to think it was their idea my god we did on who was the hero of the day I got a hold of the ball and I scored the winner tried Washington halfway to Dublin alright girls up to bed beds I've taught my father Stafford there's any one thing we can do oh dear this melon has to go to st. Brigid Eileen Hurst ago what we want you to vote no we've no option we've already made a decision we signed a pledge before God we said a piece of paper before a priest I think you've got out of this don't do what's best for the family you decided what do you think about this you've decided yeah I've decided she's gone to st. Bridget's so you to chat with father Stafford and what else did you tell him did you tell him what we did after math class Sunday that's enough I mean what was this confession that's enough you talk to father Stafford and you won't talk to me I'm trying through you're not listening this is our decision only ours we made a pledge a pledge of our own I'm trying to do what's best for the girls don't hide behind those little girls skirts what it's nothing to do with them you're just too weak to stand up to Stafford it's wrong Sean did not give you an answer to those probably know for this if I once you're gonna do as I say [Music] God knows we all have to make sacrifices to smooth the choice don't pick me laugh [Music] listen we get married if we're lucky then we have children then we die and if we're very very lucky we have a little bit of happiness along the way you have two lovely children you're married to a smashing fella what is the problem I don't know jeweler Dorothy you talk to her mr. Fisher I can't give any sense out of her if I only did it to keep the peace I was a young girl I didn't think anything office yes but ultimately surely you did sign their pledge Dubois it's coming between Sean and me yes I know the pain that is caused to other families but the prevailing wisdom is that we keep our head down and our mouths shut that's why I sign away my child's future and pretend it doesn't really matter of course it matters my last baptism was two years ago my last wedding was five years ago at this rate there won't be anybody to bury us so what can I do you can accept this or you can fight us but nobody's ever done that I told her that's the way it is I don't know why she thinks she's so different Dorothy I told you that in confidence Sheela love you're amongst friends here you can't take on the whole Catholic Church I know right you can't fight this thing there's no shame in giving in how can you say that you'll get over it love everyone does it's not worth upsetting everyone over I mean please have I interrupted something what can I get for you counselor that's a lovely skirt don't eat baby daddy it's a dress oh I'm terribly sorry young lady it's girls my okay you two off the bed going already just sorry do you still two stories okay [Music] [Music] morning father good big day [Music] hello Sheila hiding could be bothered your head with silly thoughts about Anna Sheila there's no - to be ready Eileen is about ties Catherine and that means grown to st. Bridget's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe oh I thought she was going to say Bridget so she's going to hear if you the face of course of course no I mean my name is going to be joining this what do we say oh sorry I'll stick to Britain Bulls we're waiting for God's sake yeah I have no option she's just like our mother Oh regiment of the shipper once I've inseparable sympathy now be fine that's lovely Eileen [Music] they'd even pound fear that I'm sending all questions today 18 pounds sold hello Patrick how's the field I didn't get up a 90-ton I'm fine well done sir well I have a job I've been very patient up to now but this nonsense can go no further you are to instruct your wife this child is going to send Bridget's do I make myself clear Sheila together herself she's making a holy show out of you Sean go home and sort it out right why why did you do it I was making up a complete fool what the name of cloister you're trying to do to me all this over a stove nothing to do with the school it's nothing to do with Eileen it's to do with us we made a promise night on the Arabella promise apart that's it that's it what sort of promise means making a fool out of me is that what you think of these listen the child has to go the st. Bridget's says who your priest can you not think for yourself and no do you hear me enough they will have no more of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] right listen to me while Amy's going to st. Bridget's tomorrow and I'm taking her there myself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Walker's better tasting crisps are now available in Ireland we think Europeans feed on them as carriers vomits on capsule taken daily the special combination of vitamins minerals and purified ginseng helps you get back to normal fight fatigue with Pharma Tong most Irish people spend approximately 20 years of their lives sleeping five years eating fifteen years working one year and five years in their car of course some people prefer to spend more time in their car than others so [Music] the pouch from whiskers with all the goodness sealed in for so much more taste makes tiny Tigers power every day the paint first you mercy I've spent my whole life looking and analyzing study my patrons rule about Paris fear detail texture the little things it's all there and all you have to do is do my eyesight's pretty important [Music] I'm not a dentist but after eating a chew of it should freak out a simple guide to the bull must pint bottle for our European friends step 1 take a standard pint glass half filled with ice step 2 pour your Boomers into the glass filling to the top you now have a delicious ice-cold pint step 3 enjoy step 4 repeat step 2 f Walla still a pint the original pint bottle from boomers still a pint in a world of milliliters [Music] but the solo [Music] simply add your favorite doll meal stir in some Oz - freshly cooked dal meal pasta for a delicious meal enrollments take Italian lessons with dumb meals turns as general perception is there gov perception of somebody who doesn't think ability to learn that thing very often that misunderstood it's my attention to keep the carrots in my pocket and there's only the players all say that at the table mother take more and then somebody close to be committing yourself I think we're on a Haiti to them your honor Haven - no tough job but someone's got to do it blowing the whistle Saturday at 9:20 and RTE one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] where is your tongue oh please let me talk to it Shiva she's not here shop she know you're in there I swear she's not here what's happened where's Dorothy she's in the village I think I know nothing about it Shawn I swear to God she'd never go in her own she must have said something hey come on Ian she never said a word Lucien honestly well if you hear anything let me know I don't know what's got into him yes right tanks tanks inspector I I owe you one the guards think she got the train to Belfast him what who does she know in Belfast nobody she's never been up northern her life [Music] two movies 12-6 a week ago we arrived in belfast but it could have been the other side of the world i walked out of the train station and didn't know which way to turn i ended up in the cheapest boardinghouse i could find without the faintest idea what to do next for i reckon there's more to this than meets the eye the day before she left she was in Casey Anderson's with her sister and a piano teacher but so I walked in they clammed up they looked as guilty as sin guilty about what she couldn't just disappear with two young children in tow without someone given her Hannah hold your horses hold your houses all of you well this is a good village Sheila will come to our senses and be back I'm sure of it nanny Flint such going on holidays [Music] [Music] he's good [Music] and the poor father's heart has been broken asunder our prayers are with Sean Cloney at this dark time in the shore hope that his family will soon be united and his little ones back in the bosom of our church Sean Ray comes over Pedic come over later family not to say she didn't speak the LD Tammy she had I know what he said what I said about time some people here stood up to all this church you say that changes some African Matt he ran behind no yeah Sean but look at that that they're loving it that's slavery in Kennedy saying she kidnapped our own soon got a pair he's not asserted this out yourself how could Sean have let them say that but I've kidnapped my old children papers are the least of your worries mrs. Clooney I have to keep this out of the courts my advice is that we formally negotiate with your husband I'll draft a set of guidelines for a reconciliation and present a list of terms Sheila you have to trust me this could turn nasty almost we want to get you and those two weekers back home safe and signed as soon as possible but it has to be done properly and that means talking terms with your husband what does that mean we're trying to do a deal here I don't want a deal but you do want to go home yes ah mr. Clooney how'd you do georgina Flanagan I'm representing your wife we're sealing the girth huh oh they're not here what do you mean where are they please I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to disclose your wife's whereabouts until we reach an agreement no shall we discuss your wife's terms terms there's no terms but you can't come back until we talk yeah well they're not talking until they are but you're being unreasonable look this is the way it is if she lookin spiked this will never be mentioned again but she's got to bring the girls back do you hear me now you tell her that do you want your wife back mr. Clooney yes and that's why I don't understand why you're here and she's not but she can't come back until we agree conditions the hell with your conditions let me do the talking ah sit down gentlemen history as I wrote to your grace mrs. Connelly has refused to return with the children mrs. Coney is a Pelisson together yes and she signed them they'd to merit a pledge in my very church your grace Oh mixed marriages why excuse me why why'd you marry this woman girl Luthor huh love I see I still love her you must pray mr. Tony pray pray then I recommend a prayer to the virgin mary the conversion of heretics and schismatics not familiar will I look after that your grace you see the thing of it is she's got this fancy lawyer why don't you be worrying about lawyers thought of stuff but I want you to hire the best Catholic lawyer in the north no expenses to be spurred I mean these girls are turned about to be long thank you your grace it has to go to court no mrs. kill me your husband's brought the Catholic Church into it to do anything it's between Sean and me they see you as a test case if one Protestants allowed to get away with this what's to stop others don't care about anyone else I have to tell you they're arguing that you have no means to provide for the welfare of your children they'll go for custody of the girl Sheila if you go to court you will lose no no no one's got to take my children away from me there must be some other way here isn't there must be she'll are you prepared to do anything to keep your children I hope you're ready for this I want you to start off I want you to stay outta me each of those geezers yes brother you signed away your birthright when you signed their pledge and now you want to reject it I just want to hold on to my girls so that devious oath you swore is not worth the paper it's written all right Sam I am willing the way to just crew see it so that you can keep your children be proud of your crusade course not my crusade miss Estonia and merely an instrument of the Lord I must expose the corruption of Christianity that is Rome you just like Stafford aren't you just so sure you're right you cannot go into court and all that oh wait I can't hear this right girls come on look go outside I'll have to disappear well you can't stand in this country if you defy the summons appearing toward you be wonderful there's no way we save here [Music] I know well I'm novices Carly as know how long [Music] if you go it's a one-way tent Jah opportunity dresses for the girls all right [Music] Lord a plaything designer to establish whether mrs. Cloney is available to give testimony she does not appear to be present in court not present is your client not aware that she is holding this court in contempt milord I consulted with my client over the weekend and I expected to see her here perhaps she's been delayed come here check tape come here we can't do like you'd shake come on that's a big adventure for you there you go your mommy give this little the people who meet you they'll send you on my team somewhere safe I don't know it's better that I don't know missus kill me they are you CEO beyond to me dragons were a little eBay but I don't know where your name exploit Swearengen my client is extremely distressed about the well-being it was wife and children I move that an order of habeas corpus be served on missus Cloney forthwith i'ma during this hearing pending the successful service of the order on mrs. Clooney to produce her daughter's Eileen and Mary in this course where is she how many we fear don't think I don't know what's going on me let me tell you this is not as much you people have taken out more than you see this back to me [Music] [Music] the case of the missing cloudy children today inspector see that's what failed [Music] not to my superiors were you think this America no he didn't know you for sure may I have a word I'm in the middle of a class if you don't want come out now please what I have to say is not for their ears the people of feather death demanded the return of takumi children and on my congregation of the people of feather to vanity was with me mr. Fisher the woman must have had help she couldn't have all this on her own and some of your people no let me tell you something father I despise your pledge and I resent the misery it causes to our people yet we still continue to honor it well I don't see much other here I can't help you and if I could I wouldn't and let me tell you this mr. Fisher until those girls are returned you and your people suffer the consequences consequences that's some sort of threat I defended you from those who would have acted sooner [Music] defend you no more we want those children this outrage was planned and perpetrated by people in our midst you all know to whom I am referring they swear their innocence and are silent at all our pleas well the time for talking has stopped it is time to act from now on all those who are against the one true church will be boycotted Bly CE o TT until those babies are returned no true Catholic will buy good strong communicate with another anything whatsoever to do with those among us who planned this sacrilege do I make myself here Whateley Steve this I found us in grannies now is DD image of your Uncle Jack who's this it's you makes a grand cup of tea berries he looks so young I was going to say beautiful but it was no beauty but I was beautiful dad did dad take it no this was someone else do you like some more tea turn the moment gold with berries go and plenty vomits on capsule taken daily the special combination of vitamins minerals and purified ginseng helps you get back to normal fight fatigue with farmer Tom this year the Green Dot is being progressively introduced to show that manufacturers are contributing to the cost of recovery and recycling of packaging waste help wait goodbye to wasteful and do your bit for the environment shut green dot it'll help a lot this fabulous 24 piece quality cutlery set from the prestigious Ashford collection can be yours for just $24.99 with 30 Center tokens your local Center for details the fresh-baked taste of cuisine de France has a certain effect because cuisine the France is baked fresh in store every day the only trouble is once you've tried quizzing the France nothing else will do cuisine de France embrace the taste the new Fiat Punto the ideal car for the man for the woman of today now let's go through things nice and slowly shall we girls love when your engines onto the bonnet which you can stand and stare up with you to meet there's a five-door version with 297 litres of space that's 94 shopping bags in your language better handling the new torsion beam suspension something interesting to talk about from the football season's finished 24 pockets and cubby holes to put your makeup and Yankees in it's really slinky looking and you can make the power steering even lighter with this special girly button perfect Brittani punter spirit all different [Music] [Applause] [Music] rather than creating a new facet of a la boîte pasta sauce ragout have created a delicious thick and chunky sauce that holds onto the pasta so that our new ragu sauce is simply deliciously chunky tell your family about the new chicken and sunflower recipe from pal just look at me Co what thanks pal what a difference a day [Music] don't just fainted crown it a major new series on this rock is a unique insight into the history of Christianity in Ireland it takes us back to a time in the church when when there was one Christian family east and west looking at the crossover between Celtic spiritualism and Christianity I bless these rings with the sign of the Cross and the sacred do of the earth investigating pagan rituals the arrival of st. Patrick and the roots of modern pilgrimages on this rod starts Sunday at 10:25 an RTE one [Music] [Music] - you'll get on the ball have you got a phone Oh what are you gonna pay you hello mm one four three nine six please quickly pretty up there hello newsdesk place it's in the name of Jay Z governor give me panic this would be the last milk you'll sell or those children are brought back what's going on we want those children back you talking about you've broken Sean Cloney tarts all of you could I have a pound of your best butter oh thank you that's nice give this man a plate don't worry have them back before you know you're not welcome here anymore this is my bar I say who's welcome and who's not have a drink this one's on the house town unless you want to buy a farm Sean thanks Andy but I'm not stay where I'm not wanted and go tell your cronies we want those children back what is the way you wanted to all I want is my family back [Music] the days turned into weeks and we were shunted around half of Scotland by that time I'd run out of explanations to the girls so I told him that we were the parcel in a big game of pass the parcel I had never felt so far from home in my life [Music] [Applause] I'm sorry [Applause] [Music] this is brand are you mrs. Brown yes did the top jumpers in Belfast come up with that name I'm Helen pottinger you and your girls are very welcome here this is Eileen and Mary so girls what do you think of the art near islands quiet did I hear you say you might be wrong there dear Laura - what do you got in here a stack of Bibles anyway plenty of room in the Norton come on in you get [Music] you're welcome funny goals every time I come home I look at this and it's like seeing it for the first time right let's get you sorted this is for you in the girls know this is not to grant I can take us you're good to work for us you'll be ironing this room no no must be something else right if you have chicken it's all we need there's no meat you're happy no breasts please better go home rather stuff but this is the last time you will come into my school uninvited now get out I'm talking to one of my parishioners but father I'm not teacher I can't leave here with my children you will not cross this threshold again until their fathers and mothers reveal the whereabouts of a lean and very clothing do not defy your church bishops talks on himself demands it it's all right I'm closing the school I will not have these children subjected to any more to this hysteria now children you can say say goodbye to miss Walsh [Music] don't slouch [Music] the next are the shark hornball the property of Tom Kelley fetters any bidding 200 anybody take 200 load 200 200 pounds away 200 anybody start me at 200 and even get me way to anybody say 200 balls are too small anybody say 150 please get me started lowered 150 come on gents anybody say 150 my lord has anybody bid me 180 pounds anybody with me Eddie Murphy pal anybody say piss Peaks anybody with me 50 return to blender but I'll get 50 get up to the top 50 anywhere okay what's wrong there is no man here I wouldn't have called a friend there are some here I have helped and son who about me in the name of God stop this nonsense bring back those girls I don't know where they are then find out come on men where [Music] this is from the boycott observance committee warning me to stop serving Protestants I said it once and I say it again Andy Bailey does not need to prove anything to anybody or I decide who I serve and who I bury what we see about that Andy then John forgot to sign it you don't get me any of your shirt you're used to wakin up to an empty house your family hasn't disappeared without a trace I need my girls but what about Tom and Dorothy did they ask for this did I ask for it sorry son I couldn't you're bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I brought you breakfast [Applause] Sheila you tried to show Callum up take a break lady sir I am here today to tell you that it is not against Christian justice or charity to refuse to give money or custom it is indeed the duty of our Catholics to demonstrate their opposition to the moral outrage perpetrated against you and to tell those who have criticized you while say nothing of their crime of stealing children but they are hypocrites and Pharisees thank you your grace it is a source of great comfort that you should have taken the trouble to visit us during this ordeal it grieves us to shun our neighbor but we have no choice in the matter we will continue this dignified protest with your blessing your grace for as long as it takes to restore Eileen and Mary Cloney to their rightful place here among us let those who can deliver back to us our children and all this will be forgiven and if I may say forgotten thank you all for your support [Applause] [Music] nor woman [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I gonna [Music] [Applause] [Music] call it a pony with and since a piece of you company [Music] chill out get Reggie we're going soon [Music] right over that mountain up over the scene you don't like to smile you know she's coming in right now girls and boys go and pick as many world flowers as you can find it's time to go to the store gone [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] it's in memory of a local girl Betty Carter she drowned herself here drained yourself rather than give birth to an illegitimate child [Music] what a bloody waste and you tell the children of course why not it's a terrible thing to have happened every year we do this to remember her and to share the blame back home we keep that sort of thing to ourselves and where's home Sheila somewhere we keep that sort of thing to ourselves [Music] we sever a forever deep bellhart frontier I approach these warring sides and grows I wait lovely [Music] say blindly never or never parted we have never brokenhearted [Music] and favorite [Music] of course you did eizember but you love her maybe better lioness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] one thing you can bank on this holiday weekend no leftovers your white cells that the idea takes better when you put it all together with the wrong [Applause] [Music] bladder problems submerges wetting accidents why live with it at any age today there are treatments that can help with wedding accidents and having to go so often another cup I'd love one whatever your age you can talk to your doctor nurse or continence advisor about treatments that can help or call theorem one 850 476 476 a new age of cleaning has begun new Gipp all-purpose liquid with its anti stick formula that loosens clinging dirt so the job gets easier every time you clean for a brilliant shine on floors and more new [ __ ] all-purpose liquid from deliciously tasty Sun sweet California Prue's come son sweet prune juice every day is right for this 100% pure prune juice with nothing added nothing artificial try some sweet prune juice enjoy life feeling good it's very nicely laid out looks inexpensive Scott Nell upstairs all over Ireland primary schoolchildren are working on the project my favorite building meanwhile schools parents whole communities are collecting the tokens their schools need to participate if I create the future if I have built behind every true original lies respect if I can move the world with melody for the crafts and traditions of past masters if I see further than you it's because I'm standing on the shoulders of giants boomers original Sider all in its own good time [Music] this boss 32 centimeter electric lawnmower is only $119.99 good you get this strimmer with $29.99 absolutely free 79 for green extra 400 meter squared is only 22 99 good to get this 50 meter squared box worth $9.99 absolutely free this hose ultra read is only $79.99 save 20 pounds and there's a free fight fine give factor when you spend 50 pounds they're more enlightening Woody's there's no better buy in DIY was unemployed but wanna give to don't rely on the fact is I don't remember that it was as oppressive as people are now saying four or five years on economic decay of continued emigration all large cape on on furniture these were years which could be described as if the country had to get fish a film portrait of Ireland in the 50s the make-or-break decade of the Irish state seven ages returns Monday at 9:30 and horse ëone you're still bad I finished feeling sorry for myself a me just come to tell you you are right better late than ever he's here you can buy them a pint okay I'll be home mr. Tony I think it's time we heard your side of the story I'm just a farmer there is no story what's happened in this village is creating an awful lot of attention not just in Ireland God then you don't need me to sell your newspapers you're right mr. clone II don't need you the story will sell itself but no one really knows where you stand I think it's time we did barely we've had enough of your load now you've been told what's expected of you and we've come to make sure that you're listening I fought for this country and I look at you sexist Shaitan and I wonder if it was all worthwhile you're all barred and if you come in here again you better bring guns we don't need guns yes you [ __ ] do given excuse your long straight apiece and here [Music] I shot better man than you Andy [Music] [Music] you wonder scary I'll give you your story that's 19 that count I'm giving you a piggyback your family that's come along girls tiny for a [ __ ] what are you coming on it's decent that's right to it lassies I understand [ __ ] [Music] my straight tell me where you are can we take a children [Music] he says he loves you if I tell them I am no good take the children that's not good won't let them go Oh [Music] my work [Music] maybe three husbands but it can't interfere in people's wives like this economy I am 58 years of age I have drunk blood straight from a cow's vein with Maasai warriors sister like piss I've seen children die for want of a drink of water and men kill for want of a moment's thought so don't you tell me what I can and can't do drunken [ __ ] jerk that girl is going to drive herself into an early grave don't John Katie's hot on the letter from Scotland what I do go and get a shot well what if she won't come back don't bring her back take her away and then we can New Zealand anyway we're here oh you have every chance and I didn't take it no look at me so grab your chance John I know she says no don't let her say no go and get her or I promise you you'll regret it till the day you die love's too precious and life's too long without it [Music] yes non-jarring hiding that the Catholics ate the stronger than any bricks greater than any individual the Holy Spirit will never be comfort for the Red Army by its persecutors Lumberjacks have even a little thicker so let the end but no window time to set [Music] [Music] [Music] no Sheila [Music] you're not taking them away please [Music] I just came to say I'm sorry [Music] want it back [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who's that [Music] this is private property [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's my fault it is ok mr. bunny [Music] thirty pounds she came and I gave a tour [Music] Hey if anywhere I am only Gandhi you say nothing so how bad is it our place has gone mad I've never seen anything like it please are they experiment it's not over you it's always been there under the surface we were their excuse can't go back I don't want you to go back I want you to come away with me I want us to go somewhere where go don't cares what school you go to but that just running away we'd be running away together give us a chance you can help me be strong it'll be better somewhere else we can start our what do you think you know you break or something because out of it giggling to the side the doors why didn't you choose one of your own where they will know you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh so edit or mover sorry from home as we can I think you might have to face your demons back there first Landy your father's intro it's not the time to run Sheila [Applause] I mean what the hell happened this time the Christians got the lion a crush on hi I'm sorry for bringing you back here Andy how is he god help amis in the harbour that bastard Stafford Sean and us we've got to give them what they want no sure don't let them win no after all of this I apologize to you all my daughter should honor her promise to have the children brought up in the Catholic faith father we've come here I've come here to do something I should have done a long time ago this is oil in America there are daughters and they will be educated in the way that we see fit not you or anybody else but oh it's bigotry behind the name of God do you think you're doing this boycott is wrong what you're doing is wrong I'm gonna bring shame on all of us you have no authority to criticize the actions of your church [Music] son Tony do you hear me your ability have no authority [Music] you turn your back on us after so much have been done for you that's where you're wrong [Music] none of this was going for me well this is not over this is not Kate [Music] changed [Music] and your grace wish to see me all the stuff no I don't believe you have met his Excellency she Bishop by Chile the papal nuncio your excellency this is a great heart we've just been discussing the unfortunate situation feathered despite Shawn clone his desertion your grace the boycott is stronger than ever put an end to it bigger fan base passions have been stirred up that is the feeling that things have gone too far end a taller race they're still denied the night amore pledge by refusing to send the child to school tonight the virus they made in my church I don't think you're aware of the government's views on this matter respect your grace the government has no right to dictate to the church the devil error feels that this boycott is a mistake he has privately protested to the Vatican and appealed to the Holy Father himself to intervene so we feel it would be for the best if it were you who made the first small gesture of reconciliation macho grace you were and your brother bishops we supported us publicly at a time when the church is standing firm against communist persecution in Poland China neither both of us in the world we can't be seen to be waging a petty little pogrom County Wexford with pennant row as I say we feel the small gesture from you would send out the appropriate message grace believe me Father in six months time no one will remember this cloning woman thank you for the Stafford [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can I help you Father gentle sweet Afton pleased with sense you can keep your money father Stafford [Music] [Music] and so the boycott ended people hoped things would get back to normal but they never did our village was never the same again and as for Sean and me well we never did send the girls to school any school we taught them at home and we kept ourselves to ourselves and they grew up to make us proud so I look at that old photograph and think did I do the right thing did we do the right thing I don't know all I do know is that our love was tested and it was strong enough to survive I only wish we had another lifetime to spend together [Music] a kiss and then we sever a forever deep in heart from tears I approach the warring sighs and groans I hate thee never love see cleanly [Music] see blindly
Channel: KillianM2 TV Archive
Views: 216,194
Rating: 4.6339483 out of 5
Id: dCyuEDvuq1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 50sec (6530 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2017
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