Cathedral Service for Fallen Firefighters Among 9/11 Remembrances - September 11th 2021

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[Music] so [Music] so do [Music] [Music] from [Music] so [Music] so so so so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] okay is [Music] um [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so so [Music] so [Music] let's see so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] is is r [Music] oh oh is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh is is [Music] oh [Music] you oh is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] peace [Music] peace [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] please [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] peace [Music] oh so [Music] [Music] [Music] yes is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] me [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] is is [Music] oh [Music] oh is [Music] oh [Music] free [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is yes [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] foreign is see oh oh is so foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Applause] so um [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so so [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you realize that 20 20 years ago this st patrick's cathedral was jammed as well with people they were sobbing and scared they were worried some were covered in ash and grime they were all searching and afraid and here they found i am told some solace some sense of providence some company in community some direction and nudge to keep on going so may all of you this afternoon as i welcome you i welcome you here and encourage noble sentiments of reverent remembrance gratitude for the fdny and other courageous first responders who came not back solidarity was still choked up families friends and colleagues governor hulkel attorney general james mayor de blasio commissioner nigro chief richardson esteemed and highly respected members of the fdny and beloved families of our heroes lost lamented but never forgotten distinguished chaplains welcome and let us pray when tempted to conclude no one is listening we know you are lord while wondering if anyone really knows our loss we realize you do when feeling all by ourselves we sense that you are with us dear god thus do we gather in prayer your people this somber afternoon confessing you as the god who can transform transform heat to love darkness to light evil to good death to life our god who lives and reigns forever and ever amen your eminence thank you you have been every day there for the men and women of the fdny for their families you've shown your love and your support thank you so much it means so much to all of us on behalf of all the people of the city 8.8 million new yorkers thank you to everyone who has gathered here in remembrance i want to thank our governor kathy hochul our attorney general tish james thank you but i especially want to thank the family members who are here all of us who are civilians can only begin to understand but to the members of the families of those lost on 9 11 343 members of this department it's a number we cannot comprehend to this day the pain signified the loss of so many good noble decent people who put themselves in harm's way and a number that represents something so painful 257 members lost since 9 11. we stand with the families but we don't know your pain all of us who haven't gone through it so all i can say is we stand with you we thank you for your strength i've seen it so many times over these 20 years family members who were there for each other one family for another who showed the very best of this city and your compassion and carried on everything that was good about the one you lost 911 is personal for every new yorker every one of us can tell you not only where we were when we heard but who we lost in our lives but for you it's a magnitude so much greater for the men and women of this department many of you lost members of your own blood family but you lost so many members of your fdny family and it surrounds you and it's painful every day and yet you have persevered in a way that has the admiration of not only the entire nation but the entire world it is impossible to put into words the respect that you have won for fighting through the unbelievable the unimaginable and always being there to protect the people of the city every one of us thinks about this very personally a few months before that horrible day was in a living room in my own neighborhood in brooklyn visiting with two wonderful people david and marion fontana and everyone knows david went back on duty that day even though it was his anniversary and we lost him and i didn't know michael boyle personally but i sure knew his dad jimmy boyle i think a lot of people in this room knew jimmy boyle one of the most passionate and colorful figures this department has produced in a long time that family gave so much story after story of goodness people who just wanted to do the right thing and now they're gone so we could remember just the pain but i ask us all on this day to also remember the greatness remember the joy that these good men and women brought to us and to the world remember that those who perpetrated evil did not win they thought they'd tear us apart they thought they'd write the final chapter but in fact we bound together we showed all of us what the city was made of what this nation was made of the terrorists did not win they lost i just hope everyone in a time of remembrance magnified by the pain we've been through in the last year and a half with the coronavirus i hope everyone takes some solace every one of you have continued that fighting spirit that noble spirit we can't bring them back but we can do our very very best to live like them and to the people gathered here today i say thank you for continuing their memory in the most noble way thank you for living as they had lived as they would have wanted us to live i thank you for that profoundly because it makes a difference and it makes this city great it makes this nation great god bless you all thank you mayor thanks mayor what do you see when you look around are you looking for [Music] see when memories close your eyes and remember the best days of our lives [Music] [Laughter] [Music] taking the pictures in my mind so there's never a moment left behind [Music] singing a song [Music] making the most of every day colors [Music] chasing the rainbows through the clouds [Music] giving you always what you need stand in the moment [Music] changing the world now day by day we're looking to find a better way there's gonna be more than we can see it's gonna be up to you and me and we'll see [Music] everywhere [Music] colors [Music] [Applause] oh boy almost 20 years ago at a mass for his son jonathan one of our 343 my friend firefighter lee ilpi stood before us and said i know he's in god's arms but i wish he weren't mine how many of us have said or thought that very same thing over the years following the loss of our loved ones we can hear and believe the phrase they are in a better place yet we so wish that place was right here with us we remember we remember that beautiful september morning 20 years ago it suddenly became dark and mournful and it forever changed our lives we remember today and every day those we lost then and in the days since they were our husbands and wives our fathers and mothers our brothers and sisters sons and daughters our loved ones and our friends the mission on that faithful late summer morning was at once simply defined yet incredibly difficult to achieve the rescue of thousands of trapped new yorkers in our tallest buildings our members courage brought hope to those trapped the stories of heroism from that day are legendary in the days weeks and months that followed brave men and women determined men and women toiled ceaselessly in the rescue and recovery effort many became sick far too many have died we honor and remember them for their sacrifice it's not an overstatement to proclaim that our 343 and those who've perished since demonstrated the courage that is the essence of the fdny they inspired our city our nation and our world people may ask why twenty years later we gather here today we have already mourned and cried must we still remember and of course we must the events of that september morning have joined us together forever history has joined us to that time and place and the togetherness brings us strength and comfort forever supporting one another and caring for one another we will never forget and why is it important to be here in saint patrick's cathedral 55 years ago after the dreadful 23rd street fire that took the lives of 12 of our members the department gathered right here for a solemn funeral mass and we've gathered here many times since 20 years ago distraught members and families questioning and shattered sought answers when there were none that would suffice they sought comfort and strength this was a place where we received that comfort and strength then and many times since so here we are once again we gather together in the company of friends in this sacred space to feel at peace and to remember those we have loved and lost we know they are in god's arms but we so much wish they could once again be in ours this department the bravest and the best will never forget our heroes and their families we will remain strong and will forever honor those who live in our hearts and may god bless them and bless you and may god bless the fdny [Applause] good afternoon your eminence thank you for allowing the fdy family to gather and remember our loved ones in this beautiful house your beautiful house a building that symbolizes hope and faith in life ever after governor hochul attorney general james mr mayor thank you for joining us today commissioner nigro chief richardson and all the fdy staff behind me thank you for your leadership over the past 20 years is a true honor to speak here today and for that i am grateful courage courage is defined as the mental and moral strength to venture persevere and withstand danger fear and difficulty my father captain frederick james ill junior exemplified the word courage on september 11 2001 he was the assigned captain of latter two only a few short blocks down on east 51st street upon the second plane striking the north tower latitude received a ticket and the company responded without hesitation as fast as possible with the intent to help people in trouble in this great city that is our mission in the fdny to the core help those in need without any reservations the symbolic nature of this memorial being held in this great structure means the world to my family demonstrating great pride and leadership as the captain of ladder company ii he took on the overwhelming responsibility of protecting midtown manhattan especially this cathedral binders and schematics of the cathedral spiral stairwells and roof structures would envelop our kitchen table and living room some nights meetings with cardinal o'connor and setting up multi-unit drills were said were set up numerous times demonstrating the time it would take to stretch hose lines up to the eaves of this cathedral even going so far to order his son to monitor the mobile scanner in his room with the manhattan fire radio at night followed by if a 1075 is transmitted for st patrick's wake me up in his eulogy i describe my father father how my father lived his life with monumental pride he gave his heart and soul to everything he set out to accomplish as a husband and father he gave us his undying devotion he was instrumental in our local parish same markets of antioch and pearl river accomplishing any task asked of by the monsignor including hanging christmas lights in the trust work of the church that's still hanging the rafters today his love for the fdny was unwavering his dedication every tour was to train his men to be prepared for every type of emergency and fire that presented itself and to make every tour better than the last one as a young child i was fortunate to experience the firehouse life many times and see how respected he was by his men i also was witness to this great job and knew from a very early age that this is what i wanted to do at operations he conducted himself with poise and conviction selflessly making sure everything was done with perfection from shop backing apartments on the east side at night after a water leak to rescuing a man on lexington avenue subway six line he committed his all his this time and effort to seeing every mission through on the day of 9 11 i've been told that members passed him in the stairwell in the north tower stating that they were being ordered to evacuate by the incident commanders he stated to them i will be right behind you i just have to wait for all my guys to return i'll see you in the street he was always looking on for out for his men and others before himself with monumental pride in his heart my father loved this country with all his heart he taught my sisters and i how to be a better american to respect the american flag and value the blanket of freedom it provides and to respect the military service men and women who defend it in 1992 at a young age of 40 he felt a void in his heart [Music] and went on to join the united states army reserve reluctant to my mother's wishes he built schools in south america building bases in germany and built bonds of friendship that would last a lifetime the impact that my father had on this on these reservists motivated them to request the reserve unit up in billville new york to be named in his honor this was an incredible honor for our family and one that does not come lightly and for that we are grateful to the us army dad thank you for instilling the values to be a good person to always treat people with respect thank you for showing me how to be a great husband and father you epitomize what leadership is defined as especially when it comes to taking care of men and women in your command thank you for marrying my mother mary elizabeth i do not think i could navigate these uncharted waters the last 20 years without having such a great strong confident woman by my side as fate would have it i do believe you had something to do with my with me meeting my wife mary ellen on that saint patrick's day in forever and for that i'm grateful for she has made my life dreams complete thank you for being one of the best fathers a son a son could have you introduced me to this unbelievable dream the fdny and at moments guided me at times while assigned to latter 5 8 rescue company one and currently rescue company four i try every tour i work to be a better leader a better firefighter and most importantly a better person lastly to freddie and katie although grandpa fred is not here in person i know deep down his spirit lies deep inside both of you both your smiles your intelligence and your will to never give up comes directly from your grandfather always remember how special he was and the sacrifice he made and he loves you deeply and is very proud of you to all the families in the audience look to your left and right we too fit the definition of courage from the mothers who woke up september 13th and kept the family moving forward one foot one foot in front of the other to the siblings that kept their mother safe and comforted and to all the fdy brothers and sisters that keep putting the gear on day after day serving this great city persevering withstanding danger fear and difficulty our mission is to keep telling the stories good funny and most importantly the sacrifice that our loved ones made that day that is the best way we can honor their legacy god bless all you thank you commissioner niagara for letting me speak god bless the fdny and god bless the united states of america so let us i know that i speak on behalf of all of the chaplains here and say that there is no greater honor for any of us than to serve the men and women of fdny thank you so much on this sacred day we come here not only as believers of different faiths but as people who belong to one family i remember years ago speaking with a young boy who lost his father on september 11th i said to him tell me about your dad he said my father always had time for me took me to so many great places bought me so many toys rabbi he said i want to make a deal with you i'll give you back all the toys give me back my father i said i wish i could but i think you can give back to him all the love that you have in your heart you can say as the song says i want to be just like you dad september 11th taught all of us that death may take away life but it does not take away love you fdny loved your brothers and sisters so much you refused to leave the site so many sacrificing their lives you see you were not just great on september 11th you were great before september 11th and became greater after september 11th i believe that one day when you we are reunited with our loved ones and they ask us what did you do when we were no longer with you we will answer we never forgot you there is an ancient yiddish proverb that says the memorial monument of a person is not that which is implanted in the ground it's the one that's implanted in our heart we will hold them in our hearts and with our hands we will hold one another yes we cannot bring them back but like i said to that young boy we can continue to give back to them as one family amen amen [Applause] oh [Music] was [Music] my fears [Music] the me [Music] the sun [Music] then when we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like me [Music] was [Music] see [Music] [Applause] good afternoon it is an honor to stand here before you achieve an apartment on this the 20th anniversary of 9 11. everyone knows where they were on that day but today we are here to honor and remember the brave souls of our department who gave their lives so others could live as i prepared for today i prayed very hard for the inspiration to gather my thoughts and to figure out how my remarks could maybe bring some comfort and solace to our 9 11 families and our post-9 11 families and to somehow inspire our rank and file firefighters officers emts and paramedics what i did was reflect on the time i spent at the world trade center site during the rescue and recovery i attended a memorial mass last week in honor of father michael judge and i read a book about 9 11. as i reflected on my time working on the pile as it was called i remembered the group of fathers former firefighters and officers who had lost their sons how they were there just about every day they inspired us all to work very hard i will never forget the ground zero cross that was raised from the rubble on september 13th which became a symbol of hope a symbol of faith and a symbol of healing it was placed on a pedestal at the site which remained until the end of the recovery operation the location of the cross was where sunday services became a regular occurrence for those who wanted to participate it also was a place where families of the lost could come many left personal effects to share their grief and loss this 17-foot high symbol was very powerful it could be seen for most areas of the site it now sits in the 911 memorial museum last sunday i attended a memorial mass for father michael judge father judge was the first fatality recorded on september 11th it is said that he was the good shepherd guiding his flock while they performed their heroic duties i was struck by the priest's homily at the mass when he said and i empower paraphrasing many times people will say that time heals he continued and claimed that time often does not heal but that faith heals i believe faith brings hope and it is our hope that maybe someday your families can heal from your emotional wounds through faith the book i read about 9 11 sparked several different emotions but when i finished it i found it to be a wonderful reflection on those we lost and those we continue to lose due to world trade center illness i want to share just a short paragraph from the last page of the book september 11th is like a wall separating two different worlds pre and post before and after a borderline between life and death impenetrable unforgettable countless people were forever changed that day in new york across america and all over the world they all have a story there are thousands of stories each deeply personal and meaningful each as valid as the next maybe all we can do is remember and tell the stories so as i looked for inspiration to prepare for my remarks today i realized that i am inspired each and every day when i come to work by the 15 000 uniform members of the fdmy most of which came on the job after september 11th we have many legacy members sons and daughters of those we lost they have chosen to proudly serve in this vocation we call the fire and ems service what a beautiful testament to their families if we look further all around the country men and women continue to step up and serve in the first responder community and the military this is the american spirit at its best when i think about the 13 servicemen and women who were killed in afghanistan recently most of them were either infants or toddlers on 9 11. yet 20 years later they chose to serve we are blessed as a nation to have people who continue to answer the call of duty i'll conclude my remarks with the words of remembrance that were offered in every firehouse and ems station this morning at 8 45 today we remember the bravery of the 343 members of this great department who made the supreme sacrifice 20 years ago so that others could be saved 20 years ago today members gathered in their firehouses and ems stations to begin another day of service to the people of this city not knowing what the day would bring this can be said about every day in the life of a career first responder on september 11 2001 the department lost not simply 343 members but we lost one member 343 times today we come together to remember each of these individuals we also come as a fire department family to give strength and support to each other we continue to honor the memory of our 343 fallen members and their contribution to the department the city and the country we will never forget [Applause] how you doing good afternoon my father was steven c martial who started off as a fireman in engine 271 in bushwick and was later promoted a fire marshal in the late 90s after his promotion he worked and headquarters as chief peter gigantes exo and driver twenty years later my father was working headquarters when he heard chief gancial from down the hall to at the time chief nigro that are planet hit the world trade center my father along with chief niger ran over to his office looked out the window and sold the world trade center was on fire the three of them immediately responded together in the same vehicle that morning that day i got to see what a lot of others didn't get to see that was my dad walking down the block covered head to double toe and dust and debris and alive but missing his boss and good friend chief ganci although he survived that day years later he would become ill like many other members due to the toxic debris and dust from that day and from the pile many months afterwards and almost 10 years after the attacks on the world trade center he would pass away although he is not with us our memories have not faded my father was a strong tough guy with a big heart and also one of the biggest ball busters i've ever met typical fireman he loved his family his friends and the new york city fire department and we all love them back the same it is always nice to run into people around the job that knew him and they always had nothing but great things to say whether it was a funny story or just a favor he did for somebody to sign up for the firefighter test was announced on the day my dad passed away and after seeing all the support from the job at his waking funeral was a no-brainer for me the department was something i want to be a part of it is an honor for me to follow his legacy wearing the same badge doing the same job he loves so much thank you [Applause] let us pray heavenly father 20 years ago 343 families learned that a significant member of their family would not be returning 20 years ago 343 families became one family in their grief and mourning 20 years ago 343 families began to search for meeting for the senseless act of mass murder 23 20 years ago 343 families learned that their husbands fathers brothers friends died because they had one thing in common they all lived their lives with gospel values lord somewhere in their lives they were instilled in the values of commitment generosity and compassion and they search for life which they can live these values they found that life in the fire department of the city of new york and because they lived these values they entered the towers of the world trade center without hesitation because they lived these values they began to climb the stairs of these towers only to discover that they're no longer climbing the stairs of the trade center a climb in the hill of calvary and their sacrifice earned them then the right to climb the hill of resurrection father there are other families present with us today whose loved ones also learned to live their lives with values who also through their sacrifice became victims of the terrorist attack these are the ones who tirelessly digging through the rubble to find those who lost on 9 11. they learned that they were digging through the hill of calvary and because of their sacrifice earned them the right to climb the hill of resurrection heavenly father help all of us to learn from our loved ones the lessons of life taught by these firefighters the lessons of sacrifice and values which earned them admittance into paradise we pray also today for all members of the fdny they will continue to learn the seriousness of the calling they have received from god and continue to learn and follow the traditions taught by those who have gone before us holy father we ask you today to continue to bless us all with your peace amen this evening as on every anniversary of september 11th the tribute of light the two towers of light will shine rising to the heavens as we look at these magnificent bright lights breaking through the darkness of the night sky may we be mindful of those we are here to remember those who have arrived at the world trade center that day and offered their lives to rescue those they did not know by name we must also be mindful of the members of this department who worked day after day week after week and gave their lives to recover those who were lost when we hear the gospel of saint john we are reminded that light is defined as life as we light the two candles that grace our cathedral sanctuary on this memorable anniversary may they remind us not only of our past life together but remind us of our future life together i now invite our fdny chaplains to light our 20th anniversary memorial candles members of the department who made the supreme sacrifice while operating at manhattan box 558087 world trade center on september 11 2001. first deputy fire commissioner william m feehan chief of department peter j ganci jr assistant chief gerard a barbara assistant chief donald j burns deputy chief dennis a cross deputy chief raymond m downey senior deputy chief edward f garrity deputy chief charles l casper deputy chief joseph r marchbanks jr deputy chief oreo j palmer deputy chief john m paolillo chaplain father michael f judge battalion chief james m amato battalion chief thomas p d'angelos battalion chief dennis l devlin battalion chief john j fanning battalion chief thomas j farino battalion chief joseph d farrelly battalion chief joseph greslick battalion chief thomas t haskell jr battalion chief brian c hickey battalion chief william j mcgovern battalion chief louis j mata ferry battalion chief john m moran battalion chief richard a prunty battalion chief matthew l ryan battalion chief fred c sheffield jr battalion chief lawrence t stack battalion chief john p williamson captain daniel j brethel captain patrick j brown captain vincent e brunton captain william f burke jr captain frank j callahan captain martin j egan jr captain michael a esposito captain john r fisher captain vincent f giamano captain terence s hatton captain walter g heinz captain frederick j ill jr captain william e mcginn captain thomas c moody captain daniel o'callaghan captain william s o'keefe captain vernon a richard captain timothy m stackpole captain patrick j waters captain david t woolley lieutenant joseph agnello lieutenant brian g ahern lieutenant greg atlas lieutenant stephen j bates lieutenant carl j badegian lieutenant john a chrissy lieutenant edward a diatri lieutenant manuel del valle jr lieutenant andrew j despereito lieutenant kevin w donnelly lieutenant kevin c dowdell lieutenant michael n fodor lieutenant david j fontana lieutenant andrew a fredericks lieutenant peter l freund lieutenant charles w gaborini lieutenant ronnie e giese lieutenant john f ginley lieutenant jeffrey e guja lieutenant joseph p gullickson lieutenant david halderman lieutenant vincent g halloran lieutenant harvey l harrell lieutenant stephen g harrell lieutenant michael k healey lieutenant timothy b higgins lieutenant anthony m jovic lieutenant thomas r kelly lieutenant ronald t kerwin lieutenant joseph g levy lieutenant michael f lynch lieutenant patrick j lyons lieutenant charles j margiotta lieutenant peter c martin lieutenant paul r martini lieutenant paul t mitchell lieutenant dennis mojica lieutenant raymond e murphy lieutenant robert b nagle lieutenant john peak napolitano lieutenant thomas g o'hagan lieutenant glenn c perry lieutenant philip s petty lieutenant kevin j pfeiffer lieutenant kenneth j bailen senior lieutenant michael t quilty lieutenant ricardo jay quinn lieutenant robert m regan lieutenant michael t russo senior lieutenant christopher p sullivan lieutenant robert f wallace lieutenant jeffrey p walls lieutenant michael p waccola lieutenant glenn e wilkinson fire marshal ronald p bucca fire marshal andre g fletcher fire marshal vincent d kane fire marshal kenneth b cumple fire marshal paul j pansini firefighter eric t allen firefighter richard d allen firefighter calixto anaya junior firefighter joseph j anzalini senior firefighter joseph j angelini jr firefighter faustino apostol jr firefighter david g arsey fire fighter louis arena firefighter carl f asaro firefighter gerald t atwood firefighter gerard baptist firefighter matthew e barnes firefighter arthur t barry firefighter stephen e belson firefighter john p bergen by a fighter paul m byer firefighter peter a bielfeld firefighter brian e bilcher firefighter carl v beaney fire fighter christopher j blackwell firefighter michael l bolccino by a fighter frank j bonamo fire fighter gary r box firefighter michael boyle firefighter kevin h bracken fire fighter michael e brennan fire fighter peter brennan fire fighter andrew c brun fire fighter greg j buck fire fighter john p burnside firefighter thomas m butler firefighter patrick d byrne firefighter george c kane firefighter salvatore b calabro firefighter michael f camarata firefighter brian cannizzaro firefighter dennis m carey senior firefighter michael s carlow firefighter michael t carroll firefighter peter j carroll firefighter thomas a casoria firefighter michael j cawley firefighter vernon p cherry firefighter nicholas p shiafilo firefighter john g chapora firefighter michael j clark firefighter stephen coakley firefighter tyrell coleman firefighter john m collins firefighter robert j cordese firefighter ruben d correa fire fighter james r coyle firefighter robert j crawford firefighter thomas p cullen iii firefighter robert coratolo firefighter michael d doria firefighter scott m davidson fire fighter edward j day via fighter martin n demaio fire fighter david p de rubio fire fighter gerard p dejuan fire fighter george di pasquale fire fighter gerard j duffy firefighter michael j l ferris firefighter francis esposito firefighter robert e evans firefighter terence p farrell firefighter lee s feeling firefighter alan d feinberg firefighter michael c fiore firefighter john j florio firefighter thomas j foley firefighter robert j fote firefighter thomas gambino jr firefighter thomas a gardner firefighter matthew d garvey firefighter bruce h gary firefighter gary p geidell firefighter dennis p germain firefighter james a giberson firefighter paul j gill firefighter jeffrey j giordano firefighter john j giordano firefighter keith a glasgow firefighter james m gray firefighter jose a guadalupe firefighter robert w hamilton firefighter sean s hanley firefighter thomas p hanafin firefighter dana r hannon firefighter daniel e harlan firefighter timothy s haskell firefighter michael h howe firefighter john f heffernan firefighter ronnie l henderson firefighter joseph p henry firefighter william l henry jr firefighter thomas j hetzel firefighter jonathan r homan firefighter thomas p hollahan firefighter joseph g hunter firefighter jonathan l ialby firefighter william r johnston firefighter andrew b jordan senior firefighter carl h joseph firefighter angel l juarbae jr firefighter paul h keating firefighter richard j kelly jr firefighter thomas w kelly firefighter thomas j kennedy firefighter michael v keefer firefighter robert c king jr firefighter scott m kopitko firefighter william e krukowski fire fighter thomas j kuvacus firefighter david j laforge fire fighter william d lake firefighter robert t lane firefighter peter j langone firefighter scott a larson firefighter neil j levy firefighter daniel f labretti paramedic carlos r lillo firefighter robert t lennane firefighter michael f lynch firefighter michael j lyons firefighter joseph maffeo fire fighter william j mahoney by a fighter joseph e maloney firefighter kenneth j moreno fire fighter john d marshall firefighter joseph a mescali by a fighter keith roy m maynard firefighter brian g mcleas fire fighter john k mcavoy firefighter thomas j mccann firefighter dennis p mchugh fire fighter robert d mcmahon firefighter robert w mcpadden fighter terence a mcshane fire fighter timothy p mcsweeney firefighter martin e mcwilliams firefighter raymond m meisenheimer firefighter charles r firefighter steve j mercado firefighter douglas c miller via fighter henry a miller jr firefighter robert j minara by a fighter thomas mingeon firefighter manuel mojica firefighter carl e molinaro firefighter michael g montessi firefighter vincent s morello firefighter christopher m mozilla firefighter richard t muldowney jr firefighter michael d mullen firefighter dennis m mulligan firefighter peter a nelson firefighter gerard t nevins firefighter dennis p o'berg by a fighter douglas e olschlager firefighter joseph j ogren via fighter samuel p otis by a fighter patrick j o'keefe firefighter eric t olsen firefighter jeffrey j olson firefighter stephen j olson firefighter kevin m o'rourke firefighter michael j utten fire fighter jeffrey a palazzo firefighter frank palumbo firefighter james and papa george firefighter robert e paro fire fighter darrell v pearson jr fire fighter christopher j pickford firefighter sean e powell firefighter vincent a princiata firefighter kevin m pryor firefighter lincoln guape firefighter leonard j regalia firefighter michael p ragusa firefighter edward j roll firefighter adam d rand firefighter donald j regan firefighter christian m.o reagan hard firefighter kevin o'reilly firefighter jimmy riches firefighter joseph r revelli jr firefighter michael e roberts firefighter michael e roberts firefighter anthony rodriguez firefighter matthew s rogan firefighter nicholas p rosamando firefighter paul g ruback firefighter stephen p russell firefighter thomas e cebella firefighter christopher a santora firefighter john a santorum firefighter gregory t sosito firefighter dennis scouzo firefighter john a shart firefighter thomas g scholes firefighter gerard p schrang firefighter gregory r sikorski firefighter stephen g siller firefighter stanley s smagala jr firefighter kevin j smith firefighter leon smith jr firefighter robert w speer jr firefighter joseph p spohr jr firefighter gregory m stagic firefighter jeffrey stark firefighter benjamin suarez firefighter daniel t sir firefighter brian e sweeney firefighter sean p talon firefighter alan tara shevitz firefighter paul a tegmaier firefighter john p tierney firefighter john j tipping ii firefighter hector el tirado jr firefighter richard b van hine by a fighter peter a vega firefighter lawrence g belling firefighter john t viggiano ii firefighter sergio g visa nueva firefighter lawrence j virgilio firefighter kenneth t watson firefighter michael t weinberg firefighter david m weiss firefighter timothy m welty firefighter eugene m whalen firefighter edward j white iii firefighter mark p whitford firefighter raymond r york retired members of the department and member of the fire patrol who died while operating at manhattan box 558087 world trade center on september 11 2001 retired captain james j corrigan retired firefighter philip t hayes retired firefighter william wren fire patrolman keith roma members of the department who died due to illnesses related to their work in the rescue and recovery effort at manhattan box 5580 world trade center on september 11 2001. firefighter gary e celentani firefighter robert w dillon firefighter van clive a johnson firefighter russell c brinkworth firefighter edward v teigen firefighter walter voigt battalion chief kevin r burns firefighter stephen m johnson lieutenant richard m burke firefighter michael sophia firefighter joseph t callahan firefighter joseph p costello firefighter william r o'connor lieutenant ronaldo natal paramedic deborah reeve lieutenant cruz antonio fernandez fire marshal william wilson jr lieutenant thomas j hodges firefighter robert j weber lieutenant joseph p kololori jr firefighter michael j shaggy firefighter william r st george firefighter raymond w halber lieutenant brian ellicott firefighter william e moreau lieutenant john p murray firefighter sean m mccarthy firefighter bruce m foss firefighter jacques w paltrey firefighter martin c simmons firefighter kevin m delano senior lieutenant vincent j tancredi ii paramedic clyde f seely firefighter timothy g lockwood firefighter anthony firefighter edward f reilly jr firefighter john f mcnamara lieutenant thomas g roberts captain kevin j cassidy firefighter joan r daly firefighter richard a minetta lieutenant peter j faronkov battalion chief john j vaughan firefighter robert a ford paramedic karine a brown firefighter james j ryan lieutenant robert m hess emt freddie rosario lieutenant harry wanamaker jr supervisor communications electrician phillip j berger firefighter vincent j albanese firefighter robert j ventriglia firefighter john p sullivan jr firefighter roy w chelsea firefighter william h quick lieutenant andrew m borghese firefighter john f o'neal firefighter willie t franklin jr lieutenant randy j weibach firefighter brian c malloy lieutenant john a garcia firefighter anthony j nuccio fire marshal stephen c mozielo firefighter carl capobianco captain emilio r longo firefighter raymond roguchi deputy chief william j guido captain sheldon barakas firefighter virginia a spinelli deputy assistant chief john s mcfarland lieutenant robert j stegmeier lieutenant mark w mckay firefighter owen t carlock emt anthony j fakara lieutenant patrick j sullivan firefighter michael f mongelli firefighter lawrence j sullivan firefighter michael g begetty battalion chief thomas r van doren battalion chief richard e mcguire emt joseph v schumacher paramedic reuben i barios firefighter walter torres battalion chief john k corcoran firefighter andrew d dal cortevo lieutenant martin t fulham firefighter charles l jones iii battalion chief richard d arazosa supervising fire marshal emile k harnish fega lieutenant douglas mulholland captain peter j casey paramedic rudolph t havelka emt francis a charles paramedic john w wyatt jr emt louis de pena firefighter adolfo atano lieutenant michael f kavanagh deputy chief inspector james w mandelkov lieutenant thomas j graney firefighter keith e atlas auto mechanic rafael e scarpity lieutenant walter j nelson jr lieutenant john j halpen captain william c olson lieutenant stephen b reisman firefighter ronald r breneson lieutenant john k grimms firefighter daniel e heglund firefighter robert e lever lieutenant howard j bischoff firefighter cornell l horn lieutenant thomas g marino firefighter eugene j mccarry firefighter james j marshall senior firefighter charles s zoki firefighter richard e noggin battalion chief john j cassidy captain john r graziano firefighter gregory a chevalier battalion chief george d icer firefighter james m hicks captain john gallagher lieutenant keith m lachlan captain thomas j thompson lieutenant harold e mcneil senior lieutenant gary j gates firefighter dennis j heedles senior firefighter nicholas j demazzi firefighter thomas a lin battalion chief james n costello firefighter frank d fontano firefighter michael p smith firefighter thomas j kelly emt norman valley firefighter joseph a more stat lieutenant robert g alford firefighter thomas farrell firefighter robert w johnson fire marshal gregorio morales firefighter william e woodlawn lieutenant ronald d biller captain vincent r ungaro firefighter paul f santoro firefighter robert m gless firefighter john a dunn firefighter harry l davis lieutenant raymond w alexander firefighter joseph p o'toole firefighter kevin a rooney firefighter brian j masterson firefighter robert f d giovanni lieutenant edith e torres firefighter robert e newman emt rose m scott lieutenant stephen sauger lieutenant mario bastidis firefighter roy e smith firefighter james j lanza paramedic mark a harris firefighter raymond j pfeiffer lieutenant william j kelly firefighter william j gormley firefighter john b o'brien firefighter michael l duffy marine engineer robert w alexander battalion chief joseph d mccune firefighter michael r o'hanlon dr michael g gutenberg firefighter robert m talacio lieutenant edward j mcdonough lieutenant joseph r stack jr firefighter raymond r phillips jr firefighter ronald p sveck lieutenant edward t meehan captain victor c valva deputy chief joetti frizzell firefighter paul r tokarski pilot thomas p phelan firefighter keith r young marine engineer john l bueller firefighter george f frolick firefighter brent g kroback firefighter james j hearson firefighter robert j lembo assistant chief ronald r spadafora firefighter charles williams battalion chief robert p muccio firefighter michael t mcdonald firefighter jimmy martinez firefighter dennis g heeney firefighter john r elgis emt felipe a torrey paramedic martha stewart emt joseph a rodriguez firefighter daniel c bove captain john s micheller firefighter richard h meehan lieutenant timothy p o'neal firefighter kevin e lennon captain robert e collis lieutenant john t moran firefighter joseph walsh firefighter lloyd w stewart firefighter kevin j nolan firefighter richard n driscoll auto mechanic james j setilli firefighter robert b fitzgibbon firefighter walter e mckee firefighter john w boyle firefighter joseph r lucino firefighter raja espinal firefighter richard j tanagreta firefighter andrew s gargiulo lieutenant richard g s striker firefighter clifford r demuro captain dennis m gilhouley firefighter brian w cass firefighter michael l feldman firefighter richard b jones lieutenant paul w dale jr firefighter joseph a hatzelman firefighter daniel r foley battalion chief dennis j moynihan lieutenant donald franz firefighter anthony r arachi firefighter john h maher firefighter paul j greco lieutenant kevin c dunn firefighter anthony j catapano firefighter paul a mcmanaman associate electrical inspector michael cavolius firefighter john p fogerty firefighter timothy j burke emt renee sanchez lieutenant john p pulos firefighter william hodgins fire marshall robert j kelly firefighter thomas g manley firefighter ronald p stores lieutenant gerard c mcgibbon lieutenant paige a humphreys firefighter dennis a farrell firefighter george h wilton jr firefighter joseph m boyle captain frank a portell firefighter joseph k daly firefighter james d shaughnessy lieutenant james j winters captain john j galvin firefighter sean d kenny firefighter thomas g alkers firefighter anthony malfi [Music] wayne t gehring paramedic stevenson mccoy lieutenant patrick j whalen firefighter stephen j reilly firefighter dennis b mclean [Music] um james gormley the captain of fdny engine 40 confirmed in the new york daily news two weeks after september 11th that 11 members of his engine company were missing i consider these members still listed as missing he said still operating at the scene as we have not been able to relieve them from duty i have always had full faith and confidence in them in their ability to lead especially now his firefighters were not lost according to gormley but with faith they continue to lead us to prayer let us pray dear god 20 years later we continue to pray we pray together mindful that we are not alone in our sorrow because you are here with us and we are here with one another we pray for the fallen they are the ones we love so dearly and miss so deeply we have entrusted them to you and ask you to continue to embrace them in your love we don't really have to tell you this god since you already know but we'll say it again the ones who have died and who we entrust to your care are some of the best people wise brave compassionate joyful whip smart and really funny they are friends and family neighbors and colleagues they are your beloved children we also pray for the crest fallen this day marks a time of so much sadness and grief for so many we ask for your care and comfort for the living remind us again and again that you are with us and you always have been every member of our department does their duty with the knowledge that any day could be the day they make the ultimate sacrifice they know it the day they chose the vocation they know it's their first day on the job and they know it every day thereafter god help us to always remember the loving sacrifice made by the 343 members of our department on 9 11 and the 257 members who have died due to world trade center related illnesses the bravery of those members and the bravery of every other member of the fdny that bravery is what keeps millions of new yorkers safe every day and for this we are forever grateful amen amen remain standing please the lord bless you and keep you the lord let his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the lord look upon you kindly and give you peace amen go in peace so [Music] while the storm clouds [Music] let us swear allegiance [Music] as we raise our voices [Music] stand beside her and guide her the night with the light from above from the mountains to the prairies to the ocean [Music] me [Music] america my home sweet home [Music] from the mountains [Music] america my home [Music] america my home [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] foreign is uh [Music] from uh [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Saint Patrick's Cathedral NYC
Views: 7,805
Rating: 4.8743458 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, Church, Daily Mass, Homily, Christian, Faith, Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, NYC, Archdiocese of New York, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Amen
Id: -3qg7khb0VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 53sec (10253 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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