Cate Blanchett Teaches You Australian Slang | Vanity Fair

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what's that say mystery bag is that what men call what they put in their pants mystery bag what's that gonna be like hi I'm Kate Blanchett and I'm here to teach you about Australian slang or g'day cobba I'm here to talk to you about some Aussie lingo [Music] back of Burke or bakerberg Bakker Burke is bum nowhere okay bricky that's what we call breakfast dinky die that means you're okay cobber uh uh R Pika if you're a pika it means you're not giving it a good Aussie dough thing oh you know when you can't remember something when you've got early onset dementia like I do you go ah where's that um where's that mobile thing oh it's a very very useful word what's that chunky oh I love the word shanky means something just is is so badly made like most of the films that I've been in except for tar it's a good one go see it um footy now this is a really really important word to know this is true football it's not soccer which is also called football it's not football or what you call American football that's not a football that's just like a a lemon that you just throw around think this is the real game of football where people don't wear any pads they they run like the clappers at one another kind of try to punch one another jump in the air and catch the ball that is footy love it okay Porky now that's all from what actresses are called we're not Porky Porky is like a porcupine or a lie now did you tell the porky I'd use it to my kids a lot I don't tell porkies grundies see maybe this is um depending on where you're from in Australia you might call your undies grundies or you might call them bundies I call them bundies or scungies depending on how often you wash this is very yeah so huru psych bye-bye like that one chewy now this is not Chewbacca Chewie is um chewing gum because when you're chewing gum it's really hard to say the word gum see they're like chewy defo really great word I usually spell it with two F's because you go deaf ho it means that it's something is absolutely 100 correct like um how would you say are you coming out tonight mate you go yeah defo dunny this is this word that I like my children to use I really like to use Lou you don't say toilet in England because that is really you just can really imagine what people are doing in there if you say dunny you can yeah well I don't probably don't need to say anymore actually I'm in the back streets of Melbourne where I grew up they used to have the these Outhouse Loos and I did a history of Melbourne when I was at a high school which is really interesting we got to walk the back streets and the the Lou man the dunny man used to come along and you know before you had flushing toilets used to take the can and I read an account where it was um uh quite common for people to leave a Christmas present for the dully man you know bottle of beer stuck into the dunny feared income you can imagine that I mean you've heard that one that's one's a bit of a cliche two up I mean I mean this is really we're really going back in history this is a game there's a in Australia there's a saying that you know people will bet on anything like two uh flies climb up climbing up the wall which one's gonna make it first mate I don't know two up um and you throw them up in the air and if you say heads two heads or two tails and then you bet on how it's gonna Land Two up two down bathers that's your budgies Smugglers what you um wear to go swimming in that's probably quite obvious isn't it but it depends if you're in New South Wales you might say hey come on we're going for a swim bring your swimmers which is your cozy see there's a few words cozy bathered swimmers uh mad as a cut snake that's me no matter the cut snake means you're completely off your rocker you're insane basically but it's kind of said with affection oh he's mad as a gut snake Milk Bar oh look this it's been a great loss the corner store um our equivalent of the corner store was a Milk Bar where you could get you know 20 cents of sweets you'd buy your milk you buy bread yeah now it's just a 7-Eleven um oldies that's your folks that's your mum and dad which I guess that's what I am now yep hash oh my goodness this is Kathy Lett our national treasure Kathy author introduced me to this word Pash that's what we also call a tonguey it's it's when you really get in there with a big old schmooch that's you know often ends up in a love bite it's like a it's a really passionate kiss Ripper that oh you Rippy your beauty it means that's a really it's really fantastic it's great it's something that someone has you know they get their honorary doctorate degree or their doctorate and philosophy you River mate you've got your doctorate in philosophy wrought fraud wrought yeah basically what most major corporations in America are doing right now I hope you've learned something today um when you eventually come to Australia and see what a wonderful country it is you'll be able to speak the lingo thanks guys [Music]
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 465,278
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Keywords: cate blanchet, cate blanchett, cate blanchett aussie, cate blanchett aussie slang, cate blanchett australian, cate blanchett australian accent, cate blanchett australian slang, cate blanchett funny, cate blanchett funny interview, cate blanchett interview, cate blanchett lydia tar, cate blanchett slang, cate blanchett slang school, cate blanchett tar, cate blanchett vanity fair, lydia tar, slang school, vanity fair, vanity fair cate blanchett, vanity fair slang
Id: Dti6XC15AWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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