Fishing with my PARENTS! CATCH, CLEAN & COOK Mackerel!

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hey guys what's going on today I am on the boat with my dad and my mom and we got Vic behind the camera we have a chum slick full of ballyhoo right now my dad's got the cast net ready to cast net some ballyhoo earlier we were anchored in like 40 feet and there was a ton of jellyfish and no ballyhoo and now we are in ten feet of water and there are valley whoo everywhere so you're ready dad Oh ready let's see it so this is what we're going after this is our bait for the day nice ballyhoo these are candy got a nice haul on that one I'm gonna get that throw so we have about three dozen live in the life while already so now we're going to put the rest of these in the cooler she's his dead bait all right first fish of the day he bit once I tried to I tried to get him but I missed him a drop right back down and a couple seconds later he had it again we'll see what he is he's just kind of coming up he's not really fighting that hard there's a shark smells right yeah don't know what kind that is he's got a lot of cool spots on him though presently he's got any long gated nose and look at how much his jaws protruding - very cool looking start yeah okay we're gonna let him go you want to say anything else no oh my gosh look at all the beats that jumped on he Joker's alright so stick it might be a shark chasing up what the heck is happening that is the craziest a fresh jumping everything might be a Mako oh my god please remember Ronnie well it's coming right towards the boat I think he's getting eaten but we are drifting and a hundred and thirty feet of water and Victor had the ballyhoo out on this and he goes something just blew up on that bait back there and I grabbed the rod and he goes at the sales a sale and we've got a sale on now I don't know what just happened you know what was happening he's just freaked out yeah but stuff is jumping around him there was like things jumping out of the water around him very straight I think he might have speak another sailfish maybe it was too selfish to salvage just waiting to get him up 63 inches is long I can grab him Brian you wanna grab [Music] oh there we go there we go Wow you couldn't have asked for better he was cooked perfectly just on the bill with just one hook Victor's pushing this double wire rig I don't even think he was hooked I think it was wrapped around wrapped around his bill I guess neither the hooks are even in it and he was just wrapped around his bill and as soon as Victor pulled straight up on the line it pulled right off of his bill and he swam away perfect we didn't have to worry about reviving him didn't have to touch him at all that was like the best release possible on a selfish ever and that was quick we didn't even have to move the boat anywhere I was awesome yeah and you got a really good show that one that was probably the most jumps I've ever seen oh yeah that one was jumping I don't know what was going on that was crazy there was so much splashing going on then it looked like something was like attacking it it was very weird let's get lines back out good job everyone what does mom think that was quite the show right yeah see what's going on all right well victory was just messing around with a-rod and he had a ballyhoo that was 15 feet behind the boat and he goes how crazy oh he's coming right he's right there he's right there just how crazy wouldn't it be if the sailfish came in eighth right next to the boat and a kingfish is right next to the boat trying to eat the face oh he's on it he's on it come on oh yeah we got yeah I think it was a kingfish I saw come up top and smack it you can put that yeah I swear I bet you it's the same King that's been messing with us the whole time I feel like he's just following the boat the whole shot yeah that means the 803 put the bait then I'll be cool to see him in its stomach Oh yakking oh yeah oh it's a big know it's a big Cyrano gaffing after it's barely hot put it in the water or just bring it in there we go look at the size of that seer oh my gosh you go the 1j huh Grandin's belly look at that this is the best of the three mackerel - another one in the mackerel species earlier we had a kingfish messing with us but this is a Serie mackerel they got that long straight line on him and they're also broader if this was a Spanish mackerel compared to it it would've been it would be skinnier well he's going in the cooler we're gonna eat this guy good job mom yeah this is the time year you get the big ones good job sometimes when they come up and they hit a bait so fast that they kind of missed the bait and then just the hooks forget them elsewhere and he was hooked in the belly [Music] got a fish on the bottom rod all by yourself on a ballyhoo maybe it'll be your mutton you're doing it like a snapper a mutton he's not keeper but you got a mind my daddy per week we are 130 on the bottom is lit up this is where we caught the sailfish to was in 130 Victor is deflating this one oh you got one too dad yeah he needs to be deflated to me going back down or any mom no did you have a baby she is with another fish but she doesn't say anything you have to let me watching her and make sure she's got cooking and this is on the same paint that you just caught the last time another mine like the same size he's a little bigger No I was two months on the same bait mom one of my favorite things to do is the vertical jig my mom and my dad are fishing bottom Victor's working some flat lines and I am vertical jigging and I just got hit on bottom but I didn't hook up tonight drop down again got hit on bottom oh he's going to one of these three points look he's gonna eat his berry here hold on is that a free one it's the one you just threw in we were all looking over because we thought that the sailfish was eating one of our baits little did we know Brian let one go a second a second too soon yeah he did hopefully evening on our bait my gosh so Victor's letting out this um flatline he's still right there come on sale why he's swimming over there I don't know what okay I got him he's got a sail up come on oh my gosh even oh oh he's going crazy oh there he is he's got it he dropped it again hey look he's right there you're kidding no just wonder how these things can you catch anything in the wild before we're about to move back in spots we dripped it out to like 160 the 130 depths doing really good today so I think we're gonna grill in after this fish then move back in shower looks like a bun bigger than your hope so nope ready 17:16 4:15 14 and 3/4 you hit it nice and hard alright this is our fifth mutton you hear that they can hear it so what bricks doing is she just popped its air bladder to deflate him deflate it and now he'll be able to go down in peace good job I'd like the fifth mutton and you've all been that an exact like 15 inch size - they have to be 18 inches to keep they've all been around 15 inches freaking big it's a sale just as we were gonna move it's big oh yeah I don't know we're broke but that thing yeah that was a big one I was reeling in we're clearing out all the lines Brian just caught that one mutton and I'm reeling it in to try to put him in the live well and you know what he got wrapped around I guess I got wrapped around its bill because this is way above my leader sometimes Sailfish they have awkward bodies that gets wrapped all around them and that's probably what happened nothing you can do about it that was cool just as we were leaving it's a fishy day huh mm-hmm three sails three silvers one for three on sales she said she looked mad guys give you a thumbs up okay they are controlling right well you got a group uh a grouper or a mangrove already grouper well there's a red grouper Bert's mom got thank you I need pliers we were gonna move in shower but we decided to stay out deep this is our first group of the day we definitely got a variety going on there we go little red grouper going back good job mom she's doing good no he's on there I got it I got him this was on a dead valley view I bet you it's gonna be a another serie or a kingfish I see it it's a king but your king should we keep it that's up to you oh you're tangling with that rod there we go a nice neck shot captain go put him right in the cooler we don't need a big bloody mess on the look good job guys well we got a macro kitchen cook for dinner we just need the one more species we need to finish Mac we got the king we got zero we got muttons we got sailfish it is an exciting day out here that is for sure we got something this is what the circle looks ooh what is it gonna be the surface [Music] there's no sense in keeping them we got one bricks got one King for the cooler serum Accra full look further cooler right yeah he was Lively we didn't need two people no no I plenty of fish for dinner he was hooked fine well we haven't caught a fish in quite some time we did a whole drip of nothing what is it I'm never ready no all right guys we were back home ended up catching two kingfish that's Serie mackerel like six undersized muttons two undersized red groupers we went one for three young sailfish oh and my dad caught a shark really fun day out there we fished a couple times in the last month and we haven't had a day like that in a long time don't like we brought home a lot of food but we caught a lot of fish so we had a ton of fun now I am going to Flay up this kingfish so first thing I'm gonna do make a cut by the head come all the way up to the head just like that next I'm going to take my knife and work all the way down towards the tail keeping my knife along the bones the whole time got it on video you got that there's a bunch of jacks in the canal right now cuz we just filleted the Serie mackerel and they're all fired up and there's also manatee but hopefully it comes up well I'm flying this so you guys can see the manatee okay that tail cut yes you could just go like this with the kingfish and slide your knife all the way across but if you do that you're gonna miss meat around the backbone so I'm not gonna do that [Music] once you get on the other side point your knife downwards because they do have a backbone so you want to get all that meat and you'll get it better if you point your knife down there we go look at that nice white meat huh smaller the kingfish the better the quality the meat is a lot of times people stick their nose up to kingfish but these little ones like this the meats not mushy at all it looks exactly like the Serie mackerel meat it looks really really good now we're going to take out the pin bones you can feel how far up they go if you run your finger or your knife right here you can feel the bones you can hear the bones they go up to right there I think is the last one so I'm going to cut on both sides of the blood line and there we go so this has the bones in there as well as some blood line will feed this to the fish - ready make ready puffer fish got it today is one of those days where there's so many catfish lately we've been coming out here and cleaning stuff and there's been like three or four and there's easily 40 of them yeah sometimes we go out here and there's hundreds of catfish and sometimes you see like one or two I don't understand what what it is I don't know if other people are filleting fish or something so all the catfish are over there or it's not it's not like the tides matter can be the exact same tide the exact same time of the day and one day there'll be a bunch of catfish and one day they won't there won't be any I don't understand okay so I'm going to fillet the other side of this then I will meet you guys in the kitchen [Music] alright guys welcome back to the kitchen so it's night for dinner it's just gonna meet my mom and my dad and me and Victor so we got four cast-iron skillets here which if you guys have watched my videos before you know how much I love these pans not sponsor doing anything we just absolutely love them so it's what I got going on so far I have olive oil at the bottom of the pan I have some sliced tomatoes as well as some onion and then the fish on top I cut the bloodline out of all of them except for Victor's peas Victor is like want to eat the one like I like it alright so the first thing I'm doing is normally I do wine blast but then you kind of rinse off your seasonings so I'm doing wine first another thing people always ask me if kids are eating it can I use wine yes cuz you're cooking out the alcohol I've been making this recipe for I was like four years old always using wine and I've always been okay literally like I've been making this exact recipe since I was like four or five I can probably show you a photo of me making it right now and another thing about these pans is you want to have a lot of juice in there if you don't have a lot of juice they're gonna kind of burn up and get dried out so the more the merrier and then also we serve this with rice so after you eat your fish you put the rice back into the pan and you can get all the extra seasoning better left in there and when you have extra juice it's really good okay next thing salt pepper I don't think I've ever cooked anything in my life I'm not putting some pepper salt pepper a lot of times when I use these pins you guys ask me where you can get them I will have a link in the description so you guys can find little next thing garlic powder [Music] for some reason I was in the mood for rosemary today super potent rosemary I don't think we've ever put rosemary on it before but I actually really like rosemary some some rosemary and then we're doing some paprika I'm also going to put on some cheese so I know a lot of people think that you're crazy put cheese on a fish dish but I like Jesus so if you cheat you saw some fresh grated cheese from Publix [Music] last and final step is your butter you can't do it without butter so nice slice on each part of the fish and as they cook and start melting that butter is gonna melt right down in and be absolutely delicious and then I'm also doing some grilled zucchini and squash I just took the squash in the zucchini and made slices out of them season them up some olive oil and salt and pepper these are gonna go straight on the grill at the same time that I put these on the grill and we're ready so let's head out there I think I'm gonna push these towards the back and then have the zucchini squash in front now with these pans we don't ever touch the stuff we don't know what's in it we just let it cook the way it is keep them on the grill just let them go [Music] [Music] now that skrilla cooks a little bit uneven this one is completely done it slides a little [Music] [Music] [Music] when I first met Brooke and her family this was like the way they cooked fish this was the primary way and the cast-iron pans eight years later are still a family favorite first of all the fact that you can make everything in one pan you have your Tomatoes your onions the fish all the flavors blend together you have the juice you put your rice in there after we got fresh Cyril mackerel nice white firm flesh super tender juicy and the rosemary really surprised me I did I didn't think it was gonna be that good but it's really good super good I didn't think I when I think of rosemary I think of potatoes I don't think a fish but I like it and the good thing about these pants leg rip says everything stays hot because cast iron retains heat and it stays hot for a long time so so good seriously guys to try it like Vic said that's my favorite part of these pants I really enjoy eating my fish hot and with these you can take your time enjoy your fish nice and slow and it just stays hot through the hole you know till it's done so I've always liked fish on these pants good job bro [Music] all right guys will a cero mackerel turned out absolutely delicious again if you guys are interested in those pans I will put a link down in the description where you guys can find them and we had an absolutely really fun day on the boat today it's been crappy weather for like weeks pulling really hard and we finally had a nice calm perfect day so we had a lot of fun and tomorrow I think we're going to go out and do almost probably the same thing Victor really wants to catch a sailfish and cook one up for you guys so maybe we'll do that tomorrow so you guys can see that video as always thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in the next video [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Brook Crist Outdoors
Views: 509,187
Rating: 4.867939 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, parents, catch, clean, cook, mackerel, kingfish, cero mackerel, catch and cook, catch clean and cook, fishing with parents, family, dinner, seafood, fish recipe, how to fillet, fish fillet, girls who fish, brook crist, Brook Crist outdoors, grilled fish, saltwater fishing, florida fishing, sailfish, mutton snapper, deep sea, bottom fishing, livebait, ballyhoo, catching live bait, castnet, offshore fishing, mackerel recipe, live bait fishing, bait fishing, cast iron cooking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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