Massive Explosive Chain Reaction at 200,000fps - The Slow Mo Guys

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Bomb expert Dan not happy blowing shit up with amateurs.

👍︎︎ 77 👤︎︎ u/strange_relative 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

That has gotta be the most gorgeous video they've made yet. Everything from the shaped charged just flying through the frame to such high def close ups of just massive explosions. That bomb at the end was just insane

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/treebeard189 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

Honestly, these guys have one of the best jobs on the planet. This looks like so much fun.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/rattleandhum 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

That last explosion is absolutely insane.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/SgtDavidez 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

at this rate these lads are going to be filming a nuclear detonation on the phantom.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/ryan-a 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

A cheap, easy to use, disposable shaped charge (WW2 Panzerfaust) can take out tanks. Big ones.

The more expensive ones (Javelin missile) are jaw-dropping

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Banh_mi 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

I've always wondered how shaped charges, being relatively small, can fuck up the guys inside a tank so badly. Now I know.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/nealius 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

The black bar on the man boobs was hilarious.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/tamarockstar 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

Amazing what u miss when normal speed life passes I by

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Makrisoft 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2018 🗫︎ replies
Hello, I'm Gav. I'm Dan. We're the Slow Mo Guys. And today we are without lab coats. Well, we've got these lovely things instead. That's true. We're also without our phones. So there's no microphones, but hopefully that one's doing all right. We're here at the Colorado School of Mines. And what are we going to be doing, Daniel? Well, when you're mining you need to use explosives a lot of the time, right? So that's what we're going to be doing. We're going to be-- It's quicker than a shovel. Exactly, except for instead of using it for mining, we're gonna be using it for Slow Mo Guys purposes. Which involves a toilet, a safe, some mannequins. Some mannequins, some mannequins are gonna bite it. Plenty of explosives. We also have an absolute myriad of Phantoms to get absolute range of resolution and frame rates. So let's have a blast. Because of the puns and stuff. I've destroyed a few bogs in my time. You do like real spicy food. It's true. But now we're literally gonna destroy a bog. Kay, right? This is pretty savage. So we're gonna have det cord coming around and up into the system, which is gonna be full of petrol. And then the detonation train will go down here, into this 5 pound booster charge of high explosives, which is gonna detonate and cause a shock wave, and hopefully destroy the bog. So you've taken care of all the explosive putting. And over here in this giant metal protective box, we've got to Phantom v2512's. This one is set to 28,500 frames a second. This one is set to 207,000 frames a second. So it's very low resolution, but very, very fast. Also, up there in that yellow box we've got a v2640, which will be HD, about 12,000 frames a second. All right, let's watch that back. Whoa! Oh, where's the toilet? I don't see a single piece. Not one piece, mate. I just saw a big, white, bright flash. It was so bright. Maybe it went out the back? Whoa! And all this white cloud here is all petrol. So did we not see it from the other angle because the cloud covered it, and now we're seeing the fireball here? Yeah, I think well maybe it just went up. Look at it all lighting up now. Damn! It looks cool! Look at all this! All of that is lighting up now. Look at it expand! Oh man, it's so scary. I'll tell you what, the dynamic range on this camera is not bad. Like it's pretty much held all of those highlights, even though we're at such a high ISO. You know what's also really cool is often you don't see a big flaming explosion with rubble going everywhere. It's often just a flaming explosion. Whereas this, you've got pieces of toilet and shrapnel. Well that's where the toilet was. It's, I think there's no pieces of it left. It's literally dust. It has been entirely eviscerated. It's dug pretty much a crater and cleared the area of stones completely. So this is up there with those guys. Whoa! Oh! And I'm touching it. Cheers for that! Next experiment. This is the beefiest safe we could find for $150. I think it's about 150 years old as well. I like that we paid $150 for a safe that doesn't work. Yeah! We're just trying to get into the safe. Like, if you imagine you're a bank robber. We're gonna just try and blow a hole through the door. Yeah, this safe seems to have lost most of its concrete. But we've got this barrel here to see, hopefully we'll see it come into that. So what we've got here is a shaped charge. It looks funny because it's got a copper cone inside. And packed in behind the copper cone is explosives. This is the det cord. It's what we'll use to initiate it. So the explosion will come down the det cord, down here, hit the back of the shaped charge. And the explosion, the detonation will start at the back and travel forwards. And what that will do is force this copper cone into an inverse jet. So the back part here, right at the back, will come out here before this part even gets hit, and it'll form a jet. And that's used to penetrate things like tank's armor, or safes or anything like that. And the correct, you have to have something called standoff, and that's six times the diameter of the cone, which means that that's about 23 centimeters, 24 centimeters away from what you're gonna penetrate. Because that's, the width is about 4 centimeters. So if you had it too close. If you had it too close, it wouldn't be as efficient. The copper jet wouldn't have reached peak, like penetration capability. Never seen a shaped charge in slow mo. Neither have I, actually. Not like a, not properly. Because they're usually part of a-- Whoa! What? That was absolutely instant! What? All right, wind that back. Hold on. It's honestly like when a meteor enters the atmosphere. And you're just watching a big ball of light coming through the air. It's the same sort of speed as well, I feel like. The copper's already gone into the water, and then when we spin on you'll see that miles later the barrel comes up. Oh, I just love how directional this explosive is. And that's what it does, its job. Literally nothing went anywhere else. No. Oh perfect, look at that! Oh, hang on. So it went into the barrel, but it didn't come out the other side. Which means there must be some copper at the bottom. That was it, straight through. But it's annihilated all the concrete around it. It's like, do you see all this concrete here? That was in the safe. And this rock is completely hanging off of it, a perfect little hole Oh man! Look at that! I know we say this a lot, but like it's nothing! It just, eh excuse me, solid metal. Did I just go through something? So all of the shaped charges I've used before in the military have been solid copper lining. Whereas this is an oil and gas shaped charge, and it's actually made of copper powder. So there won't be any solid bits of copper anywhere. And you can see here that's what that is. That's the smattering of copper powder. And before, when it's used against tanks and things, you can actually see the copper that's left over in the hole it makes. Because it's solid copper. So we've got Doris and Frank here, who are retired mannequins. Well I've noticed that Doris' finger's come off. Yeah, that's why she was retired. She had an industrial accident. This is a shock tube, and it has inside, it's called a dust explosion, which travels down the tube at about 2,000 meters a second. And that's enough to initiate a detonator, which is then enough to initiate det cord. It's what it's used for. But what we're gonna do is trail it all the way from where we are, all the way down, swirling around. It's gonna come to Doris here. We're gonna wrap it all the way around Doris like this, down to the bottom, where we're gonna hit a detonator into some det cord, which is then gonna wrap all the way back around her, around her here. And then that will actually explode and hopefully sort of obliterate her. Because this is just sort of quite safe. It won't do anything to her. And then the det cord, this is quite long, is gonna travel from her neck all the way down to here, where we're gonna have a shaped charge, which is then gonna go through, what was his name, Frank? Through Frank, yeah. Frank, through Frank. And then we've got some foam castors on the other side that'll hopefully explode when the copper jet manages to get through him. So this is a huge chain reaction of a bunch of different types of explosives. It's an explosive train, is what it's called. So you start small with something like this. Then you go into prime explosives with a detonator, and then into det cord, and then into a main charge. So this time I'm going to set the exposure on the Phantom to much lower so we don't get as much whiteout from the det cord explosions. Get more detail, yeah? [Chatter] Don't look up her skirt! I was looking into her finger! How am I gonna look up her skirt from here? Dan, this is a special occasion because we've got a return of a very rare guest to Slo Mo Guys. It's Other Dan! It's Rival Dan! It's Rival Dan! This is a little bit of an awkward situation having both of us here at the same time. You may not recognize Dan because in this video he has his shirt on for once. [screaming] Explosives and bare chest just doesn't work out. So then, this one here will be edge where we start from, and that will go up the stairs. See this little symbol here? That's where we're gonna pop the det cord, in that little cradle. So it's enough explosive force to initiate the shaped charge, which is gonna blast its way through Frank. This is an absolute operation. It's just so nerve-wracking to watch. You have det cord on your head basically. I mean, it's perfectly safe. You can chew it, and it wouldn't do anything. I had a taste earlier. It's called secondary explosive. Better to be safe than sorry! I think so! That's the shock tube right there. Whoa, it's racing along! It's so quick! It looks fake, doesn't it? It's gotta be like a little disco happening here. Whoa, I like the little, what the? Whoa! It's like she's in the most dangerous nightclub ever. Do you think that the dec cord, because it was wrapped so tight around the head, it all just went at once around the head? Yes, because it'd be sympathetic detonation, so one of the layers would have got the next one. The shaped charge beats the shock wave. Yeah, it's insane. I deliberately made this one much, much darker because we're shooting much slower. But we should actually see the shock tube travel almost at a leisurely pace at this frame rate. Oh, here we go. It's gone down the legs. It should be coming any second. Where are we? Oh, there we go. I think it's just, whoa! Yes, whoa! Oh! The step-up in speed is so insane because you see the shock tube going only 2,000 meters a second, but the det cord is then going at 7,000. It's a huge step up. And that shaped charge, that looks like a damn rocket going off. It's going about 10,000 meters a second. And when you were describing the shaped charge, I thought it'd be more like a shotgun, where it would just kind of blow all in one direction. But it's so narrow and so specific. Like you could shoot someone with it! Yeah, for sure. You could shoot it right at someone, and it might miss. It's like a needle, it's like an explosive needle. Oh, there's her hand. That was that good hand. Oh, was that her safe hand? That's a shame. She's had a hell of a retirement right there. Look at what it's done to her dress? The det cord's just like crisped it up. De-dressed. Look what the shaped charge did to this guy. It completely sawed him in half. Totally-- Honestly, when I saw him in half here, I thought that this part had just come off. Yeah, same! But it's still connected. Actually it's still connected. This is just loose. It's just taken him in half. Here's all the foam. That caught fire. Oh yeah. No, it didn't actually get the other one, though. Look, it didn't get that one. It just completely blew his front out. His front fell off. His front fell off. To get Doris' head to fall off by wrapping it in det cord. And I saw it from over there pop up about 30, 40 feet. And then it landed just here. Her head's intact. Oh, it blew one of her eye socket's off. Oh no! Oh, it's gruesome. A splintered sever. You should keep that. The head? Yeah. Use it as like a-- I mean surely, though, if I try and take it home, when they try and swab it they'd be like I think there's a small amount of explosives there. So you just say to TSA just like, well yeah, it blew up. Yeah, yeah. It blew up, obviously. Are you using this as another opportunity to blow up some of our merch? Yeah. All right. Oh, it's a woman! Blur it out! Oh, dear! This is a nice t-shirt, right? Get a rough ride out of this, are you kidding? I'm happy with this. All right, looks like we're good. What do you think? It's lovely. So we've made what can only be described as a monstrosity, or some sort of secret weapon. Let me talk you through this. We've got an Avalauncher. These are used to fire into avalanches, into snow, sorry, to force an avalanche so it's not dangerous. That leads down into this huge, fat tube, which reaches all the way down to the floor, which is filled full of ammonium nitrate fuel oil. Granular, they look like what you fill a bean bag with, except they explode. That's exactly what it looks like. And then around behind it, you've got two 5 pound boosters. And this is all connected with about 6 feet of det cord. So it's about 50 or more pounds of explosives here. We've also put a third mannequin up in the back. Yeah, we tried to put her back there just to see what the effects were, compared to, obviously this guy's gonna get eviscerated. And I think that one's probably not gonna see much else either. And that one, I wonder how much will be left. All right, let's get the hell out of here. Do you remember how this place used to look before we did that experiment? Oh! Look at the back wall! It's just painted! All right, hold on, hold on, guys. Hold on, hold on, hold on. It's just like there's been a hurricane here. Yeah, it just blew everything away. Look at the camera! Oh god! Oh my god! We've got a Phantom down. Jesus, so it blew the window open! Look, it blew the window out! No way! It shot the Phantom onto the ground! In the whole of Slow Mo Guys, that's never happened. Do you think we have the footage for that? I hope so! Whoa! Whoa, back there, it looked like a nuke. It was so bright initially, you couldn't see anything. Like how would you expose for that initial explosion? Uh, you could do it, but you probably wouldn't see anything to start with. Oh, that looks like the end of the world! Oh, you can see. Oh, there's like sparks, sparks and flashes from the, or is it just rock or maybe fast-moving plastic, fast enough where it's actually igniting on impact. It honestly looks like that was fired from a Fat Man. It does! That's what it looks like, from Fallout. And then, once you see the shockwave go up, you see it moving across all this floor back here. See, it's gone up there, and then it's lifting up all of the dirt. And it's imploding back down. There's the shockwave camera, yeah. That might be one of the best and most well-defined shockwaves I've ever seen. It looks like a pyroclastic flow from the volcano. It's just water. And then, through the window, bash the camera out onto the floor. I can't think of any time that I would have seen any explosion that was that big, that close. I've certainly never seen anything like that. So this is the explosion-proof camera shelter. I feel like they've never done an explosion this big here. I feel like they've definitely never done it. It's just knocked everything miles. We were like this. We were like, hey, it can get bigger. Look what it did to this housing! No way! It's blown it in, it's like crippled it front-ways. Look at that! It was there, and it shoved it. It's like ripped it like a tin can. What is interesting is that it shocked mud so far. Like look at our old barrel with the hole in it. Look at where that was. Oh, it's got another hole in it. Right, so think that even here, you would have been absolutely murdered by that. So the 2640, which was up on the hill, it also got caked in mud. From all the way up there! I wonder how quickly the mud caked the view of the camera there. Oh, we can see. I put such a wide lens on it. This is the left-hand mannequin that was here. It was previously about here. That was the one that wasn't the closest. Yeah. And he's turned to paste. I honestly don't know if we can show this. This is a bit graphic. But look, so this lady was stood here about, I don't know, 5, 6 meters away. She got picked up by the explosion about another 4 meters back. Her leg's off, both her arms are off. That just shows the massive amount of difference between evisceration, a couple bits left and then like, you know, most of it left. I can't believe it blew in our safety shelter. It's because he put the charge behind the water. That's the thing. In EOD it's called a disruptor. You place explosive charges behind water, and it basically just messes up everything that's in front of the water really quickly. So he's placed the charge behind the water. And the water's just gone straight into the camera shelter.. And that's what's done that. Let's try and find a piece of your Slow Mo Guys shirt. This is it! Oh, is that it? That's it. It's like coated the, it's the Rooster Teeth. Hold that up, that's great. Look at that, it's the Rooster Teeth thing. I don't know, it's Ter Teeth. Ter Teeth! Well. Do you know what my least favorite part of every Slow Mo Guys video is? What's that? Well, apart from me being hurt, is cleaning up afterwards. But all we've left today is a smoking crater. Well, and there's like bits of jeans, and plastic and stuff. Hey, shh. There's no plastic. It's just burned jeans. That might be one of the most mental videos we've ever made. It's insane. I have to tell you, that was a lot of explosives. Yeah. Well, big thanks to Vision Research for setting this up and letting us use their Phantoms in an extremely dangerous environment. And thanks to the Colorado School of Mines for letting us come and blow stuff up here. Hopefully you enjoyed that video. Feel free to follow us on social media and stuff. Subscribe to Slow Mo Guys. And we got a second channel. We'll see you next time. I feel like the next video should be really relaxing, in comparison to this. Yeah, I think we need something like just chill. Because this was a lot.
Channel: The Slow Mo Guys
Views: 10,005,963
Rating: 4.9177299 out of 5
Keywords: slomo, slow, mo, super, motion, Slow Motion, 1000, 1000fps, gav, dan, slowmoguys, phantom, guys, HD, flex, gavin, free, gavin free, high speed camera, the slow mo guys, 2000, 2000fps, 5000, 5000fps, school, of, mines, shaped, charge, detcord, det, cord, safe, mannaquin, toilet, bog, v2512, v2640, vision, research, slowmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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