Can Explosions Deflect Bullets? 2 MILLION FPS - The Slow Mo Guys

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hello there I'm gav I'm Dan we're the slow-mo guys doing this job for several years now often leaves Lou with quite random questions in my head such as can C4 deflect a bullet out of the air solid question couldn't exactly do that in the studio so we come again to the Colorado School of Mines our favorite place to go to when we need massive explosion yeah this is a really interesting experiment because I kind of know quite a bit about explosives and bullets having a background in it you don't really know much about it absolutely nothing but everyone else around us here knows so much more than I do and nobody knows what's going to happen this feels like a proper mythbuster Style video like it doesn't matter what happens we'll have very interesting footage to look at it's always exciting when all the experts are excited to do it yes it's a real experiment and they're going to find out some interesting information where do you get experts being like you know what I don't really know exactly yeah why don't we find out all right Dan this is a hell of a setup compared to our usual stuff why don't you run us through it it's a whole thing you've got a nine millimeter pistol here an arrest which is going to be remotely fired with electronics for consistency so we always get the same point today got high quality nine mil ammunition just to ball round but it's sort of mil-spec so it's got the consistency of about 1250 feet per second which is going to be very important it's going to come out of here here this piece of cardboard with tape and wire on this is a high-tech piece of kit it's basically a wire break so when the bullet travels through here it breaks a circuit and that gives us accurate timing for when the explosives need to be initiated it can also set up our cameras as well so bullet comes through here at 1250 feet per second and then we can have our explosives shorter or longer time between when it initiates So currently the explosives about foot away from the bullet yeah it's about a foot above the bullet and about two feet away from the yeah the the brake now the reason we've got the wire brakes so close to the actual explosives rather than closer to the gun itself is because it cuts down on inconsistency of the bullet so there's a lot less travel time here and here than there would be between the gun and here then coming out of here maybe we'll see some tumbling or I don't really know what's going to happen but we're going to have this target here so that we can see where are our rounds are landing so if we end up with a hole below our test shot we know something's happened we know something's up I think my favorite part was when you referred to a piece of wire on tape as a high-tech piece of kit this is the free fly Ember this is just looking at the entire thing to see the whole experiment about 800 frames a second a little bit closer on our usual 4K this is running a thousand frames a second that'll see pretty much if the bullet goes up or down afterwards if it's not obscured by the explosion TMX 7510 maybe 200 000 frames a second you'll be triggering that one I'll be triggering that one and then the School of Mines have provided their usual kit the shimatsu we used last time black and white camera can film for about 250 odd frames it's a very short duration but we'll get about 10 seconds of extremely fast millions of frames a second footage because we have such a short amount of time to record with the shimatsu we're using the trigger from The Wire break to also trigger the cameras and the explosives yeah the entire duration of the shimatsu is could be measured in nanoseconds really so completely impossible to trigger by hand and that's it we're going to be taking lots of pictures of this yes okay so that was our control shot yeah we've got a successful hit through here so when we put our wire break it will be able to trigger the cameras and the explosives it's a bit of windage ah we'll uh yeah throw our results just spotted that yeah right out of the window well let's see if we can do something about that but hopefully we'll have a you know if if there's a deviation hopefully it'll be pretty obvious yes I'm hoping to get below the 10 at least yeah and then maybe more but we'll see all right I think it's time we wire up some uh some C4 with C4 70 grams of C4 loaded in will now hopefully learn a lot about the exposure and the timing that's the plan are you ready yep okay though okay so that was a bit of a failure we only heard the gun go off no C4 explosion yeah it turns out the brake screen here the bullet went through between two wires and pushed them to the side yeah let's flip it over look at the way it's it's yeah it's still it's like in one piece it's like gone perfect through through between two of them and like moved them to the side it just pushed them like curtains yeah yeah if it had just detached a little bit it would have gone off so now I have a break screen with much tighter Loops everyone's ready burn the hole fire in the hole fire in the hole well that went off that's a chest you put it in the chest oh so our first indicator is going to be the target itself hmm control shot first of all and then where the wire didn't get cut yeah now it seems to have gone above it yeah I think we need to look at the footage see what we can see and uh then we can test and adjust explosives or timing or yeah whatever needs to be changed bullets coming in just brushes past that oh it's late okay yeah it's really late that is late oh it's really I think some timing adjustments might need to be met oh you know this is the first shot I'll still learn from the exposure on this though it's like several shock waves too oh yeah look look at this look there's a Shockwave yeah there's one and then there's a second there's like a secondary one which maybe bounced off the back wall oh through the flame yeah something like that and then the one coming off the floor there I think you're right it's coming off the back wall because they're not far from it all right so we need to work on timing I think so and uh I will work on exposure all right we're ready though this is the last one I think and this is this one so it's pretty consistent so I don't I think we've had an effect on target which means that we might have been too early yeah or it just doesn't work so um yeah I mean let's I'm still enjoying the footage yeah me too maybe the maybe we'll have a little look at the cameras in there that will tell us more Okay so we've discovered that at 187 500 frames a second the bullet was a thousand frames too late because there's no delay between the paper and the explosion yeah the only thing we can do is just move the paper closer to the gun right while keeping all the other distances the same okay an explosion is bright it's so difficult to expose the boat do you know what I like got all these like special delay things and trading all this Detonator here yeah move the piece of cardboard back probably about a meter bung it there yeah yeah just move it there yeah yeah yeah fire in the hole fire the hole maybe jump that time you were the one saying fire in the hole I know I don't know why I didn't expect it I was like what's going on did the target's down what does that mean okay all right back at four res because the bullet is moving slow enough that we'll see it and I'm very much relying on the explosion to light the bullet there it is oh yeah you can still see it again oh it's in there and it's been hit by the Shockwave doesn't seem to have done anything really it was a bit behind it though it won't see that the bullet just being like what was that is a close one didn't even tumble it that's I'm surprised I'm so surprised even though the explosions behind it the Shockwave has already hit it yeah that second shot quiver has hit it too yeah and it didn't even budge that really gives a perspective on how quickly the explosion is moving compared but already okay um getting there on timing I'll do a little bit more maths with the team and we'll nudge it back a little bit more all right you want the number from when it's directly under the explosive yeah eighteen eight four eight and detonation is a 18732 yeah look at that [Music] oh wow yeah you could probably go even lower than on the exposure and now for a quick and cheeky ad read this video is very kindly sponsored by Shady Rays Shady Rays is an independent sunglasses company that offer premium polarized sunglasses with durable frames high quality Optics just as good as any expensive brand here you can see a couple of the pairs I've chosen I've got quite the schnoz and often struggle to find sunglasses that look alright on my head but I'm a fan of how these look I've enjoyed wearing them out and about towards the end of this summer and if you're into winter sports they have quick swap snow lenses to move effortlessly between full sun and low light environments Shady Rays has a pretty insane 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just knew yeah whoa oh gosh that was so quick and sudden I don't think I saw the bullet I'm gonna have to go Friend by frame was it even there oh it is there oh yeah it's just next to it under it it's right there surely this is going to be definitive right and it's still blown out it looks like when you look into the sun it moves like an inch but based on our Target completely uneffective yeah I am shocked unlike the bullet yep yeah timing's good yeah we need more power yeah more power so we're going twice the amount of explosives which is more than twice the power which is why we're all crammed in here throw the hole fire in the hole fire in the hole this is the first shimatsu shot that captured the bullet as well as the explosion it looks like someone's just hung a bullet there and look here frame by frame you can actually see the explosion oh yeah you can see the propagation through the actual explosive itself look at that too it's a completely different shape it's much less spherical than the 100 grams that's amazing it's over here I'm aiming so we can see the target the bullet if it is being affected isn't being affected on camera so let's see what happens here Nicole what's all this shock over stuff here that's box from the C4 there it is oh oh yeah it's like a fast moving spark you have to pick it out from amongst the Sparks but it's definitely there again it does it does seem to have been affected at all just rushing out of the explosion Blown Away not unlike the book is there so much later than those Sparks and then it catches up to them I guess it must just have so much like energy still behind it going to go in the Target on camera oh oh it just went in right was it blue Target move moving explosion yeah before the before the bullet even gets there that's why our shots are all over this time it's because the Shockwave is blowing the target out of the way yeah unless we make the target immovable solid like metal paper yeah what fools I think it's under the zero you think it's this yeah because our previous effort was here I think if anything the C4 made the bullet really accurate it's made it more accurate yeah okay so we hit it with 200 the bullet is pretty much right below slightly ahead of the explosive uh we're gonna go back to 100 now but yeah this time we've moved the plate slightly further back again so hopefully we'll get a bit more time under pressure from the explosion and the boat will be a bit further this side so it might start before the bullets even yeah that might give us our best chance yeah I think so if this doesn't do it nothing nothing will that we're gonna do yeah okay you ready yep all right though follow the hole all right so it sounds like we have a uh wait yeah lightning storm coming in so that there's potentially our final attempt yeah lightning and explosives don't mix very well if the timing was the same and it didn't deviate I just don't think it's gonna do it yeah I think we've got our answer if it didn't deviate to capture all the bright detail at the beginning of the C4 explosion I've stopped the lens all the way down on this shot now good luck finding the bullet and this is a hundred thousand frames a second oh wow Panama and the bullet oh yeah it's right beneath it um you couldn't be more on that is it's just it's just that isn't insane like even though the bullet is so small because we want to see the explosion that is a bullet sat directly under the first microsecond of an explosion from C4 that is pretty cool as a moment in time that hat is absolutely insane yeah that happened and we captured it there but essentially blown up a bullet there I thought that it would be at that point if we nailed it with C4 in the ground yeah you know got a million frames a second the temporal difference between those two is insane the bullet's barely moving to be honest that is definitive let's back down here again so it's lower but it's not any lower than just the random pattern we've been getting throughout the day with the wind it's not a considerable amount lower that I would be like yeah yeah explosions you know reflect bullets peel up the thing just so we can see the sand and see the true impacts yeah so you can see yeah all of them just in there it's a pretty tight grouping that's a tight grouping yeah I'd be happy with that if I was shooting for 25 yards myth myth that no one was asking about bastard hey everyone everyone yeah cheers guys yeah I think that's our answer you know what even though it didn't happen I still love the footage or at least not with this position of the bullet with this amount of C4 yeah we could change like the gun we use yeah and the amount of explosives that sort of thing yeah unfortunately we've run out of light really and uh we have to move on but there is lightning as well there's also lightning coming which I hope it doesn't uh strike one of the objects from one of our upcoming videos because that would make but make it more powerful that would make it more powerful but for me that was such an interesting experiment just because there was so much at play and so many different options and things that could have happened like if you for instance get just a bullet next to an explosion blowed up well it's gonna go flying obviously but because it has so much energy behind it and it's aerodynamic you know it's cutting through the air with the rifling and everything just breathe seem to Breeze through yeah I honestly wish we could have done like five straight days of this just changing every variable like the timings and the even the speed of the bullet the footage was class though just the fact that you could see a bullet basically paused under a very fast moving explosion it puts both of those things into perspective of each other which in real time look completely identical I'd say more of an inconclusive okay a revisit then that's what you're saying yeah I just want to come back and try again give us five years a bit muddy and uh yeah we'll be back again yeah all right big old fat thanks to the Colorado School of Mines there's information about them in the description of this video if you want to find out more about what they do hopefully you enjoyed this video and we've got plenty of other videos filmed right here at the Colorado School of Mines have a little peek little cheeky peek cheeky peek
Channel: The Slow Mo Guys
Views: 1,760,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slomo, slow, mo, super, motion, Slow Motion, 1000, 1000fps, gav, dan, slowmoguys, phantom, guys, HD, flex, gavin, free, gavin free, high speed camera, the slow mo guys, 2000, 2000fps, 5000, 5000fps, c4, explosion, bullet, deflect
Id: cSU3mpEgR1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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