Catching 50 Mice, 2 Rats and A Chipmunk With An Incredible Italian Rodent Trap. Mousetrap Monday

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here's Judas our pet rat many of you met him in my last video but he's going to go there hit the sensor and drop down it's a mouse Stampy stamp in today's mousetrap Monday video I'm Gonna Catch so many mice rats and Chipmunks I'm gonna have to set up the rodent catch counter at the top of the screen just to keep track and we're gonna catch all these pests with one of the all-time best traps ever invented it's made in Italy when you think of Italy and high quality manufacturing you might think of cars like Lamborghinis Ferraris and Maseratis well this is the Ferrari of rat traps it's called the echo Milly it's basically an electric mechanically designed trap where the roads go inside step on a trigger and when they do they drop down into a lower chamber now this trap became pretty famous a couple years ago when mayor Eric Adams did a press release the headlines were all about drowning rats and alcohol and this was a trap they used it's a really special trap so let me show you how it works then we're gonna set it up and start catching a bunch of rodents so here's a look under the hood at how this trap works I had to completely disassemble it there's many pieces that fit together like a puzzle this is extremely engineered you can see all the gears and electronics but most importantly is the sensor this sensor is so sensitive it has 1.7 grams of pressure to set it off when the rat or Mouse comes along and walks on this paddle when it steps on that it releases but this is a piece that will show you how it works it spins when it's all assembled it will work perfectly there's sides the bottom drops out then resets with the counterweights it's a really incredible piece of Machinery I'll reassemble it so you can see exactly how this trap works so this does include a ladder for the rats and mice to climb up has a clear lid which will take off the rat will want the bait and the bait station in the back it will walk along this and this is completely solid it doesn't move but when the rat touches that sensor it spins around and resets and the rodent drops down into the chamber below now I really want to see how it works on live rats so I'm going to set it up for our pet rats make sure they're okay I'll put a soft Landing down there but just see how sensitive that trigger is here's Judas our pet rat many of you met him in my last video but he's going to go there hit the sensor and drop down that works so well and it resets you can catch many many rats now I'm going to go put Judas back in his cage then we're going to set this up in the barn and try to catch some wild rats thank you thanks Judas for helping us out [Music] so the first place we're gonna trap is out here in my shed I have a huge problem with pack rats and Chipmunks but in my home state of Oregon Chipmunks are a native species that's protected you can't kill them so instead of drowning them in alcohol in the base I'm going to take this off and use the top we'll set it on a 10 gallon aquarium that way when that pack rats and Chipmunks go inside they'll drop down and be safe and we can release them then we're going to set it up in the barn and see how many mice we can catch is going to be a lot that is hugely infested I think we'll catch more than 30. hopefully that's true but first we'll set up the motion cameras and try to catch pack rats and chipmunks foreign foreign site when I checked the Trap this morning there are two very large pack rats down in the tank we turned this into a live catch trap and it worked perfectly they went up the ramp and tried to get the bait and fell down this is such a great rat trap and because these are a native species and because we caught them in live cats trap I'm going to take them out in the wild and set them free okay I have my thick gloves here so we're gonna pick them up and take a look at them you'll notice that the tails are more furry they have a white belly and larger ears they're almost more squirrel-like than rat-like the non-native invasive rats are pretty aggressive but these tend to be pretty tame unless you squeeze them so I'm going to gently try to pick them up here's the larger one so he's not even trying to bite me look how big this is and it's pretty calm they have those long whiskers and the big ears oftentimes the ears are notched because they bite each other's ears but this is pretty tame we're gonna let them go together and give them a nice new home okay pack rats you're free well not only does the echamelee work well on large rodents such as rats but also medium rodents like Chipmunks This chipmunk wanted the bait went in there hit the trigger and dropped down now in my home state of Oregon Chipmunks are native species that's protected you can't kill them so instead we're going to lift off the lid and let them jump out bye bye chipmunk now we're gonna go set up the Trap again and see if we can catch some ice all right foreign thank you foreign foreign is not only a great rat and chipmunk trap but it can catch a ton of mice look at all of them in here I tried it out at several different locations and I can't believe Time After Time how many mice we caught now these are all a native species of mouse called a deer mouse because they're part of the natural ecosystem I'm not going to kill them instead we're going to let them go it's a mouse stampede [Applause] will the results speak for themselves any trap that can catch over 50 mice in a row and still can catch large rats and Chipmunks has to be one of the all-time best rodent traps ever invented now I did try to catch larger squirrels and it didn't quite work when they tripped the trigger they were too long and they got caught and backed out but anything smaller than a squirrel the echamily can handle now there are a few different versions of this trap one uses CO2 to kill them also they came up with one that kills the rodents with electricity but whatever version it is they're all a great trap now you may have noticed I recently changed my video posting schedule I'm not doing shorts anymore and now I'm just posting one new video a week on Mondays so if you haven't subscribed please consider clicking that button because I'm working on some videos for some of the world's best rodent traps brand new ones never seen before that can catch just as many mice and rats as this one thank you so much for watching and make sure you stay tuned [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Shawn Woods
Views: 846,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shawn Woods, Mouse Trap, Mousetrap Monday, Pest Control, How to catch a mouse, mousetrap review, mouse trap bucket, mouse trap quicksand, mouse trap commercial, mouse trap bottle, big mouse trap, victor mouse trap, rat trap bucket, antique mouse trap, vintage mouse trap, rare mouse trap
Id: Xy75WV9ucpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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