Judas Rat Trap - Using A Pet Rat To Catch Nasty Invasive Wild Rats. Mousetrap Monday

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foreign for my fingers here this is an aggressive wrap you see that he bit my glove well that is the sound of a horror movie this rat wants to bite me it's very large and aggressive today for mouse trap Monday I'm going to show you how we caught this non-native invasive brown rat using a member of its own species as a traitor we use the Judas rat trap to draw on this rat and catch it now I got this idea for a Judas rat trap based on some of the efforts they're doing down in New Zealand to deal with this invasive rodent they tried them down there and they say it worked better than using bait these rats are so smart and they like to avoid traps but they're also very social that's their weakness if you have a member of their own species in there they'll be drawn in they're curious and then they get caught now in a recent video I went to the pet store and I bought two rats for this video we named him Judas and Judy and I showed you step by step how I make their cage and take care of them and they're the ones that helped us catch this wild rat I'm going to turn this into the new Judas and set up a kill trap version here I use the live catch version and I'm going to use one of the most powerful rat traps I've ever seen it comes from New Zealand and it's called the doc 150 this thing is so powerful with those Springs it could easily break your fingers on the side it says this trap passes Humane kill under the nawac guidelines that must mean that this trap is so powerful it instantly kills the animals they don't mess around they don't want a weak trap they want it to grab that rat and instantly crush it to set it you need two hands you pull up on this this is a lot of effort I'll put this up ah having a little problem with it getting set just like that okay like I said that takes a lot of strength that spring is so powerful this stuffed animal kind of looks like Judy our white pet rat but they'll come along and this pad is very large but as soon as they step on it oh man it grabs them and there's no chance of Escape those Springs are way too powerful in my opinion it makes it pretty dangerous but if you want an effective trap this is the trap for you now rats are so smart and notorious for avoiding traps like this I'm really curious how willing they'll be to step on that trigger to get to their new Judas friend but first I have to build a box both for the pet rat and for the Trap so here's all the pieces I cut on the table saw to make our trap it consists of two components first the cage for our pet wrap and also a side unit for the Trap so I'll just screw these together and show you how our trap works so I've completed the pet rat part of the Trap they'll go in here there's a water bottle from the drink and a latch so they can't escape but now I need to build a part that fits the trap in the front foreign here's the completed Judas rat trap it was a lot of fun making this and I think it's going to work well we have the Trap box with a lid that opens there's walls that's green in back to keep the rats from getting to my pet rats a screen on top and right here is where you place the Trap there's a divider so the rat that enters has to step on the trigger and it's going to get caught it can't get to our pet rats which live back here in this box once it's set we'll place this box over it open up the lid put our rats in there with some bedding water and Food they'll be comfortable we'll lock it in place any wild rat that tries to get them enters and it's going to get caught now the first night I'm not going to set this up with the kill trap instead I made a live catch option we'll pull this out and replace it with this live trap it fits perfectly in there lift up the door there's a hook attached to a pedal the rat will enter step on that and when it does it's caught so here's our pet rat Judy she's actually pregnant and getting pretty big that should draw on the wild males we'll Place her in the Box foreign and to represent a wild rat we'll use Judas he's the father they'll be drawn go inside and when they step on that pad they're going to get caught let's go set up the motion cameras and try to catch a wild rat with the Judas rat trap well here's the results in the daytime you can see this pack rat looks very different it has larger ears that's the dead giveaway longer whiskers a white belly and a long bushy tail now this is a native species that's part of the natural ecosystem so I'm not going to kill it instead I'm going to take it out in the wild and set it free then we're going to try to catch that non-native invasive brown rat okay even though this wasn't the rat we wanted to catch it's still good to get it out of my shed come on pack rat now let's try the Judas trap again to see if we can catch the brown rat well last night our Judas trap worked well Judy here is happy she's in her cage and this wild nasty rat it's the same species but acts very differently he's not happy you can hear him squeaking and he tries to attack the cage now I'm gonna set this up again with the kill trap version but I'm going to use this rat now as our Judas rat I'm going to put our pet rat back in her cage and he's going to be in the cage to draw on his friends and we'll get a snap okay now I have to set this crazy trap again this thing is way too powerful definitely Overkill it takes both hands and watch those fingers okay that thing is set I'll carefully place it in the back fold down the door place it in our Judas cage now we're all ready to set it up and try to get a rat just like this the wild rat's gonna want to meet Judas enter the Trap step on that trigger it's very sensitive and when it does this will jolt so powerful as we take that off you can see a dead rat now probably the most difficult thing I'm going to have to do is transfer this rat to our Judas cage and this rat would like nothing more than to bite my fingers so what I'm going to do is empty the rat into a large garbage can and then with gloves try to pick it up and put it inside our Judas cage then we can set up the snap trap and start catching more rats but I'm gonna have to be very careful if this escapes that will be a bummer but it'll be a bigger bummer if I get bit I've been bitten before on the finger by rodents and I had to go to the emergency room and get such a nasty infection these gloves won't provide very much protection but a little let's see if we can transfer this wild Judas rat okay I'll start by opening the door and trying to get the rat down in the bottom where I can grab it foreign there we go this is going to be tricky [Music] it's going for my fingers here this is an aggressive wrap you see that he bit my glove I'm gonna try to get it inside the cage again I gotta play the tail ha ha we got it now that we got the wild Judas rat without getting bit so let's set our crazy powerful trap place it in the Box now let's go set up the motion cameras and see if we can catch a rat with their wild Judas rat trap well that doc 150 trap is so powerful last night a rat wanted to meet Judas went inside stepped on the trigger and it slammed down this trap is so effective for catching rats because they're social sometimes they'll avoid traps with bait but when you have a live rat in there they want to go in and they get caught there's quite a few rats and I have a lot more trapping to do so I'm going to keep setting this up but I really enjoy testing out different methods and strategies for catching rodents now stay tuned because very soon I have some brand new rat and mouse traps never seen before that are simply amazing and we're gonna catch a ton of rodents if you haven't subscribed please consider clicking that button I posted over 900 videos on YouTube and recently I changed my video posting schedule now I'm just posting once a week a longer video on Mondays now I don't want the rat we caught to go to waste so I'm going to end the video by feeding it to wild animals let's go set up the motion cameras and see what comes along and enjoys a rat caught with the Judas rat trap [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Shawn Woods
Views: 736,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shawn Woods, Mouse Trap, Mousetrap Monday, Pest Control, How to catch a mouse, mousetrap review, mouse trap bucket, mouse trap quicksand, mouse trap commercial, mouse trap bottle, big mouse trap, victor mouse trap, rat trap bucket, antique mouse trap, vintage mouse trap, rare mouse trap
Id: RsrPf8TtNYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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