Casually Explained: Casual Explainer, but Serious Gamer

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I even started discussing strategy with other progamers on /r/Starcraft. An exclusive forum where 213,000 twitch chat grandmasters make each other worse.


👍︎︎ 300 👤︎︎ u/Into_The_Rain 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Cool that Blizz sponsored him for this. Does anyone know what time period the story he was telling about stream sniping Huk would have been?

Also I laughed out loud at his casual Day[9] shade

👍︎︎ 163 👤︎︎ u/jaboi1080p 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

"I'm still 2-1..." I'm dying...

👍︎︎ 77 👤︎︎ u/Shrient116 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

So many great things about this. Who would have thought in 2019 a A-list YouTuber uploads a 8 minute long Starcraft video that will get millions of views? +Blizzard and Twitch promoting it. The video itself was awesome. Loved Harstem :P

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/Simmenfl 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

man I want to cast gsl by day and hang out with blackpink by night

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/littlebobbytables9 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Love this guy, he makes great videos and has a great sense of humor. If you haven't seen it you should check out the pylon show episode that had him as a guest.

👍︎︎ 90 👤︎︎ u/Benjadeath 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hol up, Casually Explained was not only hardcore into SC2 but was at the top of GM!? How have I never heard this before? I thought through the whole video he was just memeing but it's actually legit?

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/Joshington024 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

I wonder what Bomber is going to say

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

For a while now people have been asking to see his username to see if they remembered him from the ladder back in 2011.

Did that username he showed look familiar to anyone?

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/sioux-warrior 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
this video was sponsored by twitch crime and Blizzard didn't expect that one did you so for this video I want to expand upon a story from my youth before I was a casual explainer but in fact a serious strategy gamer and what I experienced from going from a casual custom game scrub to grinding the latter six hours a day in pursuit of being number one and achieving my lifetime goal of becoming Korean to give some context for the story when I was really young I used to really like strategy games like Age of Empires and command & Conquer but the part that I liked wasn't the commanding or the conquering he was just making a bunch of workers and collecting all the resources on the map as I looked at the pictures in the strategy guide so naturally around 2009 when I was 13 I got very excited when they announced the latest and greatest strategy game that was about to come out Starcraft 2 and the reason there was so much height was because Starcraft 1 was considered the largest and most competitive strategy game in existence besides Warcraft 3 and this would be its grand successor after 12 long years so right away I knew that when this game came out I wanted to be good at it the big appeal for me for a game like Starcraft 2 was that it was 1 versus 1 so unlike a lot of popular games you always knew that if you beat the opponent he was because of your own superior skill and if you lost the only person to blame was the developers for designing the game incorrectly so from then on every moment from the time I got home from school to when I went to sleep was consumed by watching third or fourth place WCG runner-up stream the beta and the only socializing I did was watching the day 9 daily where Shaun day 9 plot analyzed pro Starcraft replays and talked about how he was doing p90x to become power hot and this made me realize not only the importance of wrist stretches but that one of the most exciting aspects of a game like Starcraft was that it had a nearly infinite skill cap and to play perfectly you would not only need to do a thousand things at once you would have to be able to scout and predict exactly what the opponent wants to do before they even do it which is of course impossible except for one guy from Finland when he wears his serious gaming fedora so when Starcraft 2 eventually came out I felt my game knowledge had already peaked thanks to the thought hammer himself and I would have no problem climbing the highest ranks of the ladder so I took my 45 actions per minute and jump straight into my first real match against a real opponent there are three races you can play as in Starcraft Protoss the civilized aliens with lasers Zerg the swarming bug like aliens and Terran the regular people of Earth that bring the big guns and balanced complaints of course for me I play Protoss because my previous hobby was rubies cubing and it only made sense and as the game started I did what I was also told you're supposed to do which is type good luck have fun to your opponent he returned the favor and said so how you liking the game so far and as I was typing back to him that this is my first real game but I've been watching a lot of day nine have you heard of power hot bam circlings in my base I had just been played by the oldest trick in the book the chat rush the lesson to be learned friends are temporary latter points are forever so after that game I went on to win my next four placement matches out of sheer anger which landed me in platinum leaf I moved my way up to the top 20% fairly quickly then when they introduced masters League the top 2% of players once again no problem kiddos get on my level but then a few months later they introduced the grandmasters League for only the top 200 of each server I would have to practice for real this time I watched the global Star League in Korea where tasteless and artosis argued over who is the most handsome pro gamer I watched state of the game a talk-show we're in control speculated on the Freudian symbolism of the horse within the female psyche I even started discussing strategy with other pro gamers on our / Starcraft an exclusive forum where 230,000 twitchchat grandmasters make each other worse and after playing the game for over a year I finally tracked the top 200 and was one step closer to flying to Korea to play in the GSL and get those k-pop honeys and then a big moment came around the number one player in the ladder liquid Huck was streaming and when someone was streaming that meant you could queue up for a game at the same time and sniped them if you're around the same level but as the game loaded up I didn't get him instead I got someone called star tailed bomber who was at the time one of the best Koreans in the entire world and one of the best starcraft 2 players ever I would have to use my real builds the game started I've split my probes and he left the game I queued for another game I got bomber again I split my probes he left the game - OH ladies and gentlemen - oh I have never gained so many ladder points in my life turns out he was also trying to snipe Huck and couldn't be bothered playing me so he just left both games right away but we take those so I queue again but this time I get the big man Huck himself we play a Protoss vs. Protoss the most luck based of all the matchups at the time thank God he goes for an all-in attack and I'm actually being completely serious my way of defending it was to just completely wall off the entrance of my base and believe it or not I take the big dub and win a trillion ladder points putting me at 8th on the North American ladder the highest I'd ever been but I thought you know one more good win might very well put me at number one so I queue up again and I get bomber for a third time I split my probes and he's still in the game and then he absolutely demolishes me so badly that it was the most one-sided disaster I've ever experienced my whole life it wasn't even close I was straight clown so he left the game and said to myself damn not only did you beat Huck you just be bomber 2-1 I guess you're the best dude and then I quit the game the lesson to be learned the winner writes history ladies and gentlemen where's your propagate youtube-channel bomber that's right I don't see it Huck were you the number one Canadian Protoss in wings of Liberty I don't know dude that's not what the stats say better check the match history bro that's what I think nevertheless flash-forward seven years it's 2019 and the craziest thing is the community has barely changed in control and artosis are still hosting a talk show the Koreans are still dominating nearly everyone except one guy from Finland Terran players are still complaining about balance Shan power hot plot recently hosted the e3 PC gaming show meanwhile his older brother tasteless is living out my teenage dream of casting the GSL by day and retiring to his hot tub with black pink by night funding his escapades by charging $1,000 a month to anyone who wants his phone number not even a joke and then there's Huck whose current job title is literally president of gaming meaning Starcraft wasn't good enough for him so now he also has the number-one spot on the corporate ladder as well as for me I've been streaming a bit recently and decided to play a game for old times sake because my viewer demanded it and let me tell you rookie mistake dude I've been playing non-stop for the last three months as part of my Grand Master in 30 days series and as an extension of how much fun I've had playing the game again Blizzard and twitch prime have been nice enough to sponsor this video for me to let you know that all the multiplayer for Starcraft 2 and all of its expansions are now completely free to play and you can follow the link in the description to download the game and give it a go in addition if you have Amazon Prime you can link that for free with twitch at twitch prime com and then you can follow the other link in the description to get some free loot for Starcraft 2 including a co-op commander voice pack to console skins and a live banner as well so might as well grab those while you're at it once again both those links are in the description [Music] you
Channel: Casually Explained
Views: 3,576,495
Rating: 4.935658 out of 5
Keywords: Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animation, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, gaming, starcraft 2, mlg, competitive gaming, rts, real time strategy, new strategy games
Id: LRpTRvvU6M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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