Cast Iron Pizza

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hey guys okay so we're doing cast-iron pizza this looks simple but I'm sure I'll find a way to screw it up go on and close and I'll show you the ingredients so obviously some pizza sauce some shredded mozzarella cheese I've got freshly cut from the deli pepperoni slices I might I'm still debating what I want to cut these or leave them whole I think I'm gonna cut them into pieces the red bell pepper onions and freshly picked leaves from my garden of basil so let's get this thing started oh yeah and don't forget the pizza dough oh my minima grab that went to my bakery and grabbed a ball of pizza dough it's a lot easier than making myself you want to make yourself have a party have a pizza dough party and make pizza dough all day long me personally I'm out of time I got videos to film so let's get started okay first thing you want to do put a little oil in the pan even if your pan is oil put a little bit in there anyway grab a pizza dough slap it right in there spread it around get your oil up on the sides and everything flip it over get one on that side to take a little plastic wrap or press and seal whatever you got all right now that we're fully covered let this sit here and go pre-heat your oven to 500 degrees okay ovens at 500 degrees now what you're going to do is you're going to come in here and you're going to shape this dough to fit in here for a pizza that's cheap I like that now what we're going to do is we'll put this in the oven and we're going to bake this for five minutes make sure we got it all pushed out oh good there we go okay so I've already prepared my toppings I've got the cheese in the frigerator because I don't want it to start melting under the studio lights as I'm filming and then I've got the basil I don't want that starting to shrivel either so that's in the frigerator too just puts off to the side let's prep our sauce unique regular tomato sauce I got the kind I got some sauce with chunks of tomato already in it and I'm going to make it even better take a little minced garlic if you like mince garlic great if you're like me you like extra mince garlic awesome you were like Jack Jr well he really likes mince garlic so there we go give it a little heat red pepper flakes this is how you do it you want to get those spices into the sauce because that's gonna be right up against the crust and then in the dough and everything it's gonna be awesome it's going to hold it onto the pizza better than sprinkling it on top okay as you can see it puffed up a little bit let's bow that browned a little bit - all right so let's sauce this up get this peak to going grab your cheese pepperoni onions bell pepper bring out our basil leaf in in the oven you go alright bring it over right now whoops Wow a little bit of the juice leaked into the side of the pan it's always fun okay what I learn from this Pizza the basil burns so we don't want that left on there we don't use basil again in fresh form all right second thing it's a cast-iron pan so I can cut in the cast-iron pan but look how much dough I've got this is crazy all right this is looks horrible look at this mess it's not fully cooked all right so I'm gonna do something I've never done before I'm doing a redo of this pizza that's right I'm not in the mood to fail today so I'm going to empty this pan I'm going to go get another thing to dough and I'll bear back all right so this is where I went wrong right at this point I've redone the dough I just press down on this and it kept coming back in pressed down and kept coming back in I'm going to grab this and I'm going to take it out I'm going to shape it I'm going to give it its structure first so that we can have a full pan pizza that's why I messed up I think I've got a better edge now going on all right five minutes we're going to we're going to cook this just want to make sure we're fully extended here I'm not going to have this thing puff up like crazy all in the middle and then I'll show you what else I changed about this but first let's get this in the oven now the toppings I've diced up a little bit more so they sit better they're not sliding over as big giant pieces I think this will do better on the pizza who knows and we're not putting the basil leaf on there because that burned in the oven so I'm going to sprinkle a little dry basil to give it that basil flavor that looks way better huh let's keep it going we're on a roll all right so we're going to sauce it up first okay and we be honest I don't have any mozzarella cheese so we're going Mexi blend that's right and I'm going to do something a little different you lay down some cheese right now my onions my bell peppers my pepperoni and top it off a little bit cheese why do I do this because it really holds the topping together I knew a pizza place called numero Uno's all the toppings went completely out of the cheese all right that's it let's do this let's all one for getting the basil give it a little sprinkle some basil let's get this back in the oven for the 15 minutes keep an eye on it I think I pulled my own a few minutes early I'll give you the end time below but just nail this recipe all right look at that look better huh there it is beautiful look at that nice my goodness okay that's a redo all right you ready there you go nice big slices I go smaller if you want just for tasting purposes beautiful I'm going to do this one right here beautiful it came out good can't believe I did a redo right there on the spot I'm telling ya this is gonna be burning hot hang on there mmm ha oh ha mmm so much better the pepperoni is amazing I got a slice of the deli I didn't get the prepackaged kind but I got a cut fresh it's good the onions Oh dicen the ingredients was so much better it's so evenly flavored when I bit into I could taste everything the bell pepper the onions that even the basil came out that little sprinkling basil I can taste the heat from the red cracked pepper not red crack that for the crushed red pepper that's it I'm very impressed this is way better than last one so there you go it is cast-iron pizza give it a try don't forget to stretch it out nice and good with your hands gently have a little oil on your hands and make it shaped pull it all the way to the the rim of the pan don't let it come in and I will see on the next episode take care bye bye you
Channel: Cooking With Jack Show
Views: 596,659
Rating: 3.7801511 out of 5
Keywords: Foodnetwork, food network, recipe, all recipe, recipe for, recipes for, how to cook, recipies, recipes from, Jack Scalfani, cooking with jack, cooking show, kitchen, regular guy, lazy man, product reviews, cooking videos, cooking lessons, cooking school, the best bbq sauce, teriyaki sauce, hot bbq sauce, gourmet seasoning, jack on the go, cooking tips, cast iron, pizza
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2015
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