Casino: The REAL NICKY SANTORO/Tony Spilotro

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in the sprawling Urban Jungle of 1960s Chicago a flamboyant and barbarous figure emerged from the depths of the city's underworld he was known Nationwide for his cruel and capricious Behavior with a mere mention of his name being enough to strike fear into the hearts of both friend and foe alike his name was Anthony spalatro and despite the fact that he stood at just 5'2 he built himself a terrifying reputation as a coldblooded killer which led to him being personally entrusted by his bosses in the Chicago outfit to oversee their lucrative operations in Las Vegas and to ensure that everyone was kept in line but Tony had far larger aspirations and in the end his huous and overwhelming need to always be the center of attention would lead to his shocking downfall and ultimately endanger everything the mob had built in Vegas Tony was born on May 19th 1938 in the south side of Chicago he grew up in a small two-story house in an Italian neighborhood where he shared a single bedroom with his five brothers his father Pascal Spilotro owned and operated paty's restaurant a small Deli that was famous throughout Chicago for its homemade meatballs it was also a popular hangout spot for high-ranking Chicago Mobsters such as Gus Alex Jackie the Lackey Frank the enforcer and even outfit boss Sam Gian like many of the local neighborhood kids a young Tony idolized these grizzled gangsters and performed numerous thankless jobs for them such as bringing them coffee picking up their dry cleaning or shining their shoes one day during the performance of the ladder task Tony first met Frank colada the two were both carrying shine boxes and got into a massive argument over who was allowed to shine shoes on Grand Avenue they shoved each other a little but ultimately they both went their separate ways then not long after Tony's father heard him mention Frank his father wanted to know if Frank was related to Joe colada a couple of years beforehand Tony's father had been accosted by some local criminals demanding protection money instead of paying he went to Joe who was a feared gangster in their neighborhood and was renowned as the best driver in the city the extortionists backed down Joe had been killed in a shootout with police a couple of months later but even so Tony's father felt a sense of loyalty to his memory and so he ordered his son to end his Feud with Frank the next day Tony approached Frank and said hey I want to talk to you my father and your father were friends and so now we're going to be friends forever the two did indeed become friends and they formed a small gang that also included Tony's Brothers as well as other youths from the area despite his small stature Tony quickly gained a reputation as the toughest kid in the neighborhood so much so in fact that his older brother Victor would even offer other kids $5 if they could beat him up usually Tony was able to handle himself but if it ever looked like the other guy was going to win then his whole gang would jump the other guy and give him a Savage Beatdown at first Tony's gang participated in Petty crimes such as vandalism and breaking and entering but it wasn't long before they had graduated to Armed Rob robbery a particularly lucrative scheme was for one member to wait inside a bank until they saw someone take out a large sum of money the gang would then stalk that individual and robbed them when they were alone according to Frank this plan was so successful that some months they'd steal over $225,000 a 17-year-old Frank was intent on enjoying his Newfound wealth and so he purchased a brand new Cadillac Tony had different ideas however as he was using his share of the robbery money to ingratiate himself with the Chicago mob when he saw the Cadillac he even warned Frank to take it back because he knew that if anyone affiliated with the outfit saw it they'd come after Frank and demand a cut of his ill-gotten money before long Tony started hanging out with an outfit enforcer named Vinnie the saint despite the fact that Vinnie was even shorter than Tony standing at just 5-1 he had a fearsome reputation as a cold-hearted killer through Vinnie Tony was introduced to important outfit members such as Willie potatoes Joe the clown Milwaukee Phil and Future boss Joey doves even in those early days Tony had just one goal in mind telling Frank One Day quote one of these days I'm going to be the boss of the whole Syndicate Tony was eager to prove himself and his opportunity would come one fateful day in 1962 two members of Frank's robbery crew Billy McCarthy and Jimmy moraglia had recently been involved in an altercation at Andre's Lounge a bar owned by the outfit the two had been drinking heavily and were acting belligerent and so they were beat up and thrown out of the bar by Brothers Ronnie and Philip scalvo embarrassed both Billy and Jimmy swore revenge and a couple of weeks later they parked their car outside the bar and waited for the brothers to get off work when they saw the scalos along with one of their girlfriends get into a car and drive off the two followed after traveling behind them for a bit the two saw their opportunity when the brothers drove into an upper class residential area called Elmwood Park while at a stop sign they pulled up to the scalvo car and opened fire Philip was hit in the neck and put the car in Reverse which caused it to crash right into a nearby Home Jimmy and Billy then emptied their pistols into the car killing all three of its occupants this incident soon turned into a major Scandal for the outfit Elmwood Park was one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in all of Chicago with a large number of both politicians and high-ranking Mobsters calling it home because of this it was a rule understood by all that committing any crimes in Elmwood Park was absolutely forbidden a couple of days later Frank received a call from Tony asking to meet him at a nearby bowling alley when Frank arrived he noticed a stark change in Tony's usual demeanor he was all business I could tell he was on assignment from the boys I knew this was where he was going to prove himself and I didn't want to be his proof Tony noticed Frank's anxiety and reassured him by saying that they were okay but that he needed to call Billy and tell him that they had to meet up later that night Tony even supplied the lie and told him to tell Billy that they had a great score lined up and because of that they need needed to meet urgently Frank was hesitant but Tony claimed that all he wanted to do was talk to Billy and see if he had any information since Tony hadn't mentioned Jimmy Frank figured that he was telling the truth and so he called Billy and set up the meeting for later that night at a restaurant called the chicken house the two then took Frank's Car and began driving to the restaurant but on the way Tony said that they had to make a quick stop at another restaurant first as they pulled into the parking lot Tony got out of the car and had a short conversation with the driver of a dark blue Ford Tony then said that Frank had to get out of his car and wait inside the Ford Frank got in and realized the driver was none other than Vinnie the Saint the two sat in complete silence while Tony took Frank's Car and drove away 40 minutes later Tony returned and only said don't worry everything went well he then got in Vinnie's car and drove off later that night Frank received a call from Billy's wife who asked him if he had seen her husband as it was unusual for him to be out so late Frank lied and said he had no idea what happened to him and then went to sleep 3 Days Later Frank happened to run into Jimmy at a restaurant Frank warned him that Billy had disappeared and said that he should leave town to which Jimmy replied why I have nothing to run or hide from a week later the police discovered the bodies of both Billy and Jimmy in the trunk of Jimmy's abandoned car a day later Frank received a call from Tony who told him that they needed to talk a jubilant Tony claimed that he was going to become a maid man with the outfit soon and when asked why he then recounted to Frank the entire story of Billy McCarthy's last moments Tony had driven to the chicken house in Frank's Car and had parked it right in front of the restaurant and then went inside when Billy arrived he saw Frank's Car and assumed that he was already inside waiting as he entered he was called Over by Tony who was sitting in a booth alone and claimed that he was there waiting for Frank as well the two then sat together for a little while and made small talk before Billy decided that he didn't want to wait for Frank anymore and left when Tony and Billy Billy exited the restaurant they were followed by two men who had been sitting separately inside just as Billy opened his car door he was surrounded by Tony as well as those two mysterious men whom he soon recognized as Chucky nicoletti and Milwaukee Phil hit men who only answered to the outfits upper echelon the three men then tied up Billy And forced him to lay on the car floor Tony then returned Frank's Car while his two Associates took Billy to a mob run Workshop when Tony got to the workshop later Billy was already being tortured for the next several hours the three men went to work on Billy intent on getting him to reveal the name of his partner by any means necessary but no matter what they did Billy kept his mouth shut at least that was until Tony dragged Billy to a workbench and put his head in a vise Tony tightened the vice until one of Billy's eyes popped out only then did he finally give them the name they were looking for Tony believed that after such a barbaric display it wouldn't be long before he was officially made but his fortunes quickly turned not long after one day when Sam Jan's top Hitman Fior bueri was in New York on business someone had broken into his house and stolen over $400,000 they had also put a gun in his wife's face and stolen all of her jewelry bueri went crazy when he heard about it and did everything in his power to find the culprit including having some corrupt cops bring him thousands of different mug shots for his wife to look over but it was no use as two weeks had gone by and he was still no closer to identifying the culprit then one of his underlings told him that the only person he knew who was crazy enough to have done such a thing was Tony Spilotro with nothing else to go on bieri ordered Tony to come to his house Tony knew that such an invitation could only mean trouble and so he asked a good friend of his named Frank Lefty Rosenthal to go with him even though Lefty was 9 years older than Tony the two were good friends as they had both been raised in the same neighborhood and also ran in the same circles Lefty was a sports Gambler renowned all throughout the criminal underworld as one of the best in the business and he worked closely with several high-ranking Mobsters including bieri when the two arrived they were ushered downstairs and into the basement where they met bieri he ordered Tony to sit down in a chair and then asked do you know what happened to me to which Tony replied yeah I'm sorry it happened when asked if he knew anyone who would do something like that Tony responded no in an annoyed tone of voice when bueri asked are you sure Tony sarcastically replied I already answered that question instantly BS bar threw Tony to the ground and started strangling him Tony would later tell Frank that he thought he was going to die but Lefty immediately stepped in and began begging Boer to let him go telling him that Tony has a stupid mouth but he didn't mean any disrespect bieri eventually let Tony go and let him off with a warning I don't want to see you around here ever again and if I find out that you know what took place in my home and didn't tell me I'll wipe out your whole family Tony said his apologies before quickly leaving the premises with Lefty while this incident proved to be life threatening it didn't prove to be career-threatening as Tony did eventually become a maid man and he was put in charge of a large bookmaking operation on the northwest side of Chicago he also had numerous teams of burglars operating all throughout the city on his orders Tony had garnered a reputation as a master thief and was known for his ability to quickly put together a skilled team who would be able to rob a place clean without any alarms or Witnesses he also operated a lucrative lone sharking business alongside Infamous gangster mad Sam for a brief period of time he even worked as a bail bondsman with mob provided credentials of course the purpose of this new occupation was so Tony could access sensitive court documents that his bosses hoped would reveal who the FBI's undercover informants were from the courthouse Tony learned the identity and address of an FBI agent named William RoR one day Tony stalked RoR as he left the gym and followed him to an isolated area of Columbus Park when Tony crept behind a corner he was hoping to see the agent meeting with an undercover informant but instead RoR was standing there with a gun pointed directly at him looking for me pal romor asked just taking a walk ain't this a public park Tony sarcastically retorted every question the agent asked Tony would refuse to answer even when asked why he was following him who's following you I'm just walking in the park when the agent said he didn't believe that Tony responded I don't give a [ __ ] what you believe RoR then changed tactics and told Tony that he was still a young guy who had his entire life ahead of him and that he shouldn't waste it by Leading a life of crime unsurprisingly though the message didn't get through to Tony yeah I should live like you [ __ ] I see how you live I seen your house Big Shot living a little dump out there by the steel mills big [ __ ] deal why would I want to live like you even with a gun pointed in his face by a man almost double his size Tony didn't care he kept the same attitude one that the FBI agent would describe as that was Tony he dared you to murder him it was through this interaction Tony would earn his famous nickname as anytime time a colleague or media contact asked about him RoR would say who you mean that little piss an but due to the standards of the time such a word wasn't fit for publication so anytime he appeared in the newspapers they instead called him Tony the ant while this press creation might not have been his first choice for a nickname Tony loved the attention he received from the media and he delighted in making faces for the cameras as he walked by while Mobsters generally like to keep their names out of the newspapers Tony relished it and would frequently pull stunts to ensure his name remained in the headlines as much as the media loved following Tony around they were surpassed in their Infatuation by the police who had him on watch 24/7 law enforcement suspected that he was involved in the brutal murder of Billy McCarthy and Jimmy moralia and also believed he was involved in numerous others but Tony was smart and learned how to evade a police tale and only spoke about business in code words in 1967 police raided Tony's house after learning he was operating in illegal gambling Den he had to pay a fine but served no jail time then 2 years later an informant tipped them off that Tony was running a gambling operation inside an abandoned Factory when the police arrived some of Tony's men stalled them at the door while he and the rest began eating the paper bets and other Financial records to destroy evidence when the cops finally got inside they only found enough incriminating evidence to force Tony to pay another fine with the heat only continuing to rise high-ranking outfit member Tony Big Tuna Accardo had a brilliant idea the mob's current top enforcer in Vegas Marshall kafano had gotten himself banned from every casino on the Strip someone knew needed to take his role and Accardo believed that Tony was the right man for the job due to his fearsome reputation in this new role Tony would work with his old friend Lefty Rosenthal to ensure that the Chicago boss's scheme to embezzle profits from the casinos continued without a hitch with squeaky clean frontman Alan Glick as the casino's owner it was Lefty's job to access the safe rooms and remove as much money as possible before it was recorded as Revenue which he excelled at Tony was tasked with keeping a close eye on Lefty and Glick but most importantly to ensure that the money kept on flowing back to Chicago in 1971 Tony his wife Nancy and four-year-old son Vincent moved into a three-bedroom house in a middleclass neighborhood in Vegas Tony and Nancy became fast friends with Lefty and his new wife Jerry McGee and the two couples spent a lot of time together hanging out at each other's house or at the Country Club Tony also attended every little League game his son played in while Tony had initially tried to create the facade that he was living a happy Suburban life his plan quickly fell apart as the instant he had stepped foot in Vegas the local police as well as the FBI were made aware as Chicago Police had sent them his record as well as all of the evidence that they had ever collected on him almost immediately the police began following Tony wherever he went just like they had in Chicago but he still managed to stay one step ahead of law enforcement and they were unable to impede his plans and Antony had big ideas for Vegas and planned to become the most powerful Crime Boss in the city which fortunately for him wouldn't be too difficult to do as before he had arrived in Vegas the city was a relatively quiet and safe place the mafia was generating so much cash with their cassino skimming operations they had made a concentrated effort to keep the crime rate down as much as possible so as to avoid unwanted police attention things were so calm that the city's biggest lone shark ran his operation out of his tower of pizza restaurant and his waitress is also doubled as debt collectors with Tony's arrival on the scene everything changed as one of the main FBI agents working on Tony's case would later say quote Tony changed the way business was done in Vegas he took over the first thing he did was bring in some of his own men and impose a street tax on every bookie lone shark drug dealer and pimp in town if anyone refused to pay up Tony would have them killed without a second thought and their body would be left in a public place to signal to the rest of Vegas that a real gangster was now in town amongst Tony's crew in Vegas was his old friend Frank colada who had just been released from prison after serving 6 years for participating in an armored truck robbery when he arrived in Vegas he was taken aback at just how quickly Tony had conquered the city by the time I got there Tony was already running the town he had everybody on the payroll he owned a couple of guys in the Sheriff's Office and guys in the courthouse who could get him jury minutes he even had people in the telephone company to tell him about phone taps while Tony had quickly cemented himself as the king of the Vegas underworld his spending habits particularly his love of sports betting ensured that he was always on the lookout for Fast Cash with Frank in town Tony told him to assemble a burglary crew and said that as long as they gave him a cut of every score that they could Rob whomever they pleased we started putting the arm on everyone bookmakers shocks dope dealers pimps we'd Strongarm them beat them shoot their guard dogs what did we care I had Tony's okay in fact half the time Tony told us who to grab then after we robbed them they'd pay Tony for protection they never had any idea that it was him who told us to Rob them in the first place Frank's burglary crew soon became Infamous for their ability to break into any building undetected no matter how tight the security due to their pension for drilling holes into the wall or roof of their target building the media began calling them the hole in thewall gang Tony was at the Apex of his power and ran Los Vegas with an Iron Fist and unlike the bosses back in Chicago he lived for the spotlight and loved to his influence to the media Tony had the town covered he was in the papers all the time he had broads coming around in rolls-royces who wanted to go out with him everybody wanted to be around a gangster even movie stars with Tony's notoriety only increasing his ostentatious public Persona only served to embarrass the local police and FBI who assembled a task force of over 20 officers with the sole purpose of taking him down they placed a listening device in the ceiling of the Gold Rush a jewelry store owned by Tony that he used as a BAS of operations for his criminal Empire however it quickly became apparent that even with all of the surveillance he was under Tony was too smart and paranoid to ever speak about business in a way that could implicate him instead he spoke to his subordinates in code words or conveyed orders with his body language either frowning or smiling to get his point across and anytime he did speak he always covered his mouth because he was worried the FBI had lip readers with binoculars watching him but while the police weren't able to learn any information that could bring Tony down since they were following him 24/7 they instead gained a deeper insight into who he was as a person he frequently worked 18-hour days at the Gold Rush putting together various deals and schemes the details of which he never wrote down but instead kept all in his head as one of the FBI agents listening in on him would later say quote Tony was the smartest and most efficient mobster I had ever seen I think he was a genius the FBI also learned just how strained the relationship was with his wife Nancy the two slept in separate beds and barely spoke but when they did it often involved an argument Tony was also carrying on an affair behind his wife's back one day while his girlfriend was visiting him at the Gold Rush Nancy bursted in and started screaming at her hearing the commotion Tony came out of his office and started savagely beating his wife right there in the middle of the store in front of all the customers the FBI agents listening in became concerned that Tony was going to beat his wife to death right there and so they called 911 and claimed to be workers at a restaurant next door they couldn't tell the truth of who they were because they were worried that the Vegas Police were all on Tony's payroll and would tip him off about their surveillance equipment by the time the cops got to the Gold Rush the situation had calmed down and Nancy refused to press charges in September 1972 it looked like the Chicago police were able to accomplish what had so far eluded the Vegas cops and FBI Tony was charged with one count of first-degree murder and was extradited back to Chicago to stand trial for his involved vent in a 1963 killing Charles cremaldi A Chicago outfit Hitman had recently flipped and implicated Tony in the murder of a lone collector named Leo foran cremaldi claimed that foreman had issues with mobster mad Sam which culminated one day when Foreman pulled a gun on Sam and threw him out of his office a couple of days later Foreman was lured to an abandoned house where he was tortured and murdered by Sam caldi and Tony while awaiting trial Tony became increasingly concerned about the behavior of his co-defendant the famous ly eccentric mad Sam he' recently been given a 3-year sentence for threatening to murder a witness and had also shown up for a court appearance wearing pajamas and sitting in a wheelchair while he yelled into a megaphone Tony was worried that Sam's Behavior would make the jury more likely to rule against them just one month before the trial was set to start Sam scheduled a meeting with his brother and Tony in his garage but before the meeting could begin a masked man shot Sam twice with a shotgun before quickly disappearing while this murder has never been solved the FBI strongly suspects that Tony was the gunman and that he killed Sam in order to help his chances in court Tony would later be found not guilty on all charges and immediately after the verdict was read in court he hopped on the first plane back to Nevada during his first 5 years in Vegas the city recorded more homicides than the previous 25 combined and as a consequence Tonia dealt with the full might of the US justice system being brought down on him he had been arrested numerous times but never convicted and no matter how sophisticated The Sur veillance he was under was Tony always managed to somehow stay one step ahead of the police but by now Tony found himself consumed with rage by a different problem altogether and that was that his Spotlight had been taken over by his old friend and Associate Lefty Rosenthal while Tony was occupied with his legal issues Lefty had been dealing with his own problems for much of 1976 and 1977 he had been embroiled in a high-profile legal fight with the Nevada gaming commission over their refusal to Grant him a Gambling License due to his alleged connections to organized crime Lefty argued that the state was violating his constitutional rights and even though local courts in the state routinely ruled against him Lefty was determined to stay in the fight and take his case all the way to the Supreme Court if he had to this sprawling legal Saga dominated the media with Lefty routinely appearing on the front page of every newspaper in the state because he lacked a valid gaming license Lefty was appointed as the food and beverage director for the Argent Corporation the holding company that had owned four casinos on the strip and was secretly controlled by the mob he was named to this position because it was the highest title he could legally hold without a license but Lefty leveraged his new position and used it to get himself a weekly column in the Las Vegas Sun newspaper where he mused on the hot button issues of the time he also launched the Frank Rosenthal show a talk show where performers at the casinos were featured before Lefty interviewed a celebrity who over its 2-year run would include legendary football player Jim Brown Frank said Sinatra and even OJ Simpson while the show aired only sporadically when it was on it was one of the highest rated TV programs in the local area making Lefty a Bonafide Vegas star this didn't sit well with many of Lefty's mob Associates who were becoming increasingly concerned about the attention he was bringing to them but the person most upset was Tony who hated that Lefty had sucked up all of the publicity that he had once received one night after filming the Frank Rosenthal show Lefty went to a nightclub with a whole Entourage and as he walked in everyone in the club stood up from their table to shake his hand and wish him well everyone that is except for Tony who instead stayed seated and seeed before proclaiming look at that arrogant [ __ ] he thinks he's too good to even come over here and say hello while Lefty was on top of the world and basking in the spotlight Tony was forced to keep a low profile due to the 247 police surveillance he was still under Tony's influence within the criminal underworld had also been greatly diminished due to his legal troubles and by now his crew were stuck doing mostly smalltime jobs one of the FBI agents assigned to his case would later say quote we got Spilotro running errands more than running casinos Frank colat would later speculate that Tony's increasing paranoia combined with his jealousy over Lefty's Fame had caused a sort of psychotic break and he became obsessed with delusions of grandeur telling Frank that he was planning on going back to Chicago and wiping out the entire leadership of the outfit when Frank point pointed out that powerful Mobsters in New York Kansas City and Philadelphia would never stand for such an action taking place Tony Shrugged and said that he'd have to kill them too Tony envisioned himself as the second coming of Lucky luchano and that Lefty would be his Lansky but after presenting his master plan to Lefty he was turned down I could see that he was really coming to hate Lefty he thought Lefty was pissing on his parade Lefty had turned him down one too many times Tony wasn't alone in this hatred as Lefty's long long-suffering wife Jerry had grown to despise him for forcing her to have another child against her wishes the two soon began an affair Tony insisted that it be kept as secret as possible because he knew that fooling around with a mobster's wife was considered an egregious offense in mob culture but despite his best efforts word eventually got out but by 1978 Tony had much bigger problems frustrated with their lack of success and convicting Tony Vegas Police scored a major victory when they were able to convince the Nevada Gaming Commission to put Tony's name in the fabled black book meaning that he was officially banned from entering any casino in the state this move made it practically impossible for him to oversee the skimming of Casino profits which was the entire reason why the Chicago bosses sent him over there in the first place to make matters worse in the spring of 1978 the FBI launched a massive raid on the Gold Rush that involved over 50 agents They seized everything from cash to tape recordings to financial records and the raid generated so much publicity that Tony found himself on the front page of every newspaper for the next week and while the raid ended up being a massive bust with Tony and all of his associates being released without charges the bad press it generated turned into another point of contention for the Chicago bosses who were quickly coalescing around the opinion that Tony was becoming more trouble than he was worth their breaking point would come in 1981 when on July 4th Frank and the entire Hole in the Wall Gang were arrested whilst they were trying to break into Bertha's gifts and amp Home Furnishings which they believed had a large amount of cash on hand due to a Fourth of July sale as soon as they had drilled through the roof they were completely surrounded by a large amount of police this was because Sal Romano the group's alarm system specialist had become an informant and tipped off the police about the group's plans but they weren't the only arrests the police made as in addition to the Hole in the Wall Gang many of the top Mobsters in Chicago including outfit boss Joey doves were also indicted for their role in the casino skimming operation the intricate details of just how the police were finally able to take down the mob's Vegas operations will be extensively covered in a future video on Lefty Rosenthal but suffice it to say the boss has placed an exorbitant amount of the blame squarely on Tony for all of the attention he had brought on himself but Tony was oblivious to this and his main concern now was staying out of prison he knew that the government's case against him was dependent on the testimony of Sal Romano but s and Tony had never actually spoken face to face the only person who could prove that Tony had ordered s to do anything was Frank and so one morning as Frank was sound asleep he was awoken by the sound of gunshots and as he looked outside he saw that his nextd door neighbor had been gunned down and a group of masked men were speeding away in a van then a couple of weeks later the FBI played Frank a recording of Tony putting out a contract on him this was enough to convince Frank to flip and agree to testify against Tony in court he admitted to police his role in over six murders that were committed on Tony's orders he also confessed that it was his phone call that ultimately LED Billy McCarthy to his death but at trial his testony would ultimately prove insufficient as it was his word against Tony's and the police had no hard evidence against him Tony was once again acquitted at trial but was indicted yet again not long after due to his role in the casino skimming operation while out on bail awaiting trial Tony visited the house of his brother Michael on June 4th 1986 the two then left in Michael's car and drove to meet high-ranking mobster Jimmy marchello in a hotel parking lot the two brothers somehow believed that for his efforts in Vegas Tony was up for a promotion while his brother was about to become a maid man they got into Jimmy's Car and then the three traveled to a house 10 minutes away in the Chicago suburbs for the ceremony they assumed was about to take place but unbeknownst to the brothers a couple of days before all of the top Chicago bosses who weren't yet in prison held a secret meeting to discuss their upcoming court cases and what their best course of action would be all of the men present agreed that their current misfortunes were solely Tony's fault for how he had mismanaged things in Vegas and they agreed that he needed to go so when he and his brother arrived they were led into the basement where they were then beaten to death by a group of 11 Chicago outfit members their bodies were then put into the trunk of a car and driven over an hour away over the Illinois border and into Indiana where they were buried in a cornfield and that was the story of Tony Spilotro if you enjoyed it please like And subscribe thanks and I'll see you next time
Channel: Crime Time Stories
Views: 950,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: casino, scorsece, martin scorsese, mob, mafia, tony spilotro, anthony spilotro, vegas, las vegas, gang, criminal, chicago, mobster, goodfellas
Id: eD3qYR6aa18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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