Hells Angels VS Pagans | CRAZY Street FIGHT

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on Saturday May 14th 2022 a massive street fight broke out between members of the Hell's Angels motorcycle club and their adversaries the notorious pagans the battle seemed like something out of the TV show Sons of Anarchy as over 30 bikers clashed in a brutal Showdown that left casualties on both sides now while this brawl initially appeared to investigators as a one-off incident it was in fact just one small Skirmish that was part of a far larger War for Supremacy that had consumed both gangs and locked them into a series of bloody retaliations and reprisals that neither side would back down from Death Carnage and destruction have followed as this colossal Clash of Titans has claimed countless lives and even continues still to this day but to understand why this Perpetual cycle of Bloodshed still lingers we must first investigate the origins of this conflict the pagans motorcycle club was founded in Prince George's County Maryland in 1959 while they were originally formed as a tight-knit Brotherhood of just 13 members they quickly expanded their ranks and by the late 1970s they were one of the largest Outlaw motorcycle clubs in the country with their main area of operations being the Northeastern United States during this time they also entered into Partnerships with other various criminal organizations such as the Blood street gang the Philadelphia mob and the Latin Kings through whom they would also establish contacts with the Mexican drug cartels through the 1970s and 80s the pagans continued to grow in size thanks in part to their dominance over the northeast's meth trade but by the early 2000s their fortunes had taken a turn as police investigations in West Virginia Pennsylvania Delaware and New York had resulted in over 70 pagans including the national president and several vice presidents being sentenced to Long prison terms on drug trafficking charges sensing an opportunity the Hell's Angels made a move on the now weakened pagans and invaded their stronghold of Philadelphia the Angels orchestrated a Brazen daytime assassination plot against pagans Philadelphia chapter President Steve Guerilla mandin but the plan failed when mandin miraculously survived after he was shot nine times at close range undeterred the Angels then set their sights on Thomas thinker wood mine's loyal second in command and now the acting president of the Philly chapter but instead of approaching him guns blazing the Angels met wood with an open hand and tried to convince him to forsake his Pagan brothers and join them instead such an action would be in direct violation of the oath of Allegiance he had sworn pagans forever forever pagans but that didn't seem to matter to wood as in 2002 he would agree to the angels terms and so he along with several other pagans joined the Angels West Philadelphia chapter the Pagan's name would mean nothing on the streets if they let such a blatantly disrespectful action go unanswered and so even in their weakened State the pagans leadership knew they had to respond and they would do so in the most public way possible on Saturday February 23rd 2002 the Vanderbilt Hall in PL View New York hosted the inaugural Hellraiser ball a motorcyclist convention organized by the Long Island chapter of the Hell's Angels attractions at the event included motorcycle exhibitions a tattoo contest performances by a live band and appearances by former Hell's Angel turned actor Chuck Zito as well as founding member Sunny Barger the event Was Meant To Be An Elegant Affair as outside a red carpet was rolled out for distinguished attendants to walk down while an adoring media blissfully ignorant of the biker criminal nature took photographs over 1,000 people attended the event and everything seemed to be going smoothly but just a little after 400 p.m. 10 vans had pulled up to the same area where only a couple hours ago tuxedo wearing Angels had been exiting their limos and strutting down the red carpet in front of an adoring crowd inside were over 70 pagans from all across the East Coast who were there to Reign on the Angel's parade the Invaders were armed with guns knives bats Hammers and axes they swiftly exited the Vans and made their way to the conference Hall Hall's main lobby where they smashed exhibits pushed over tables broke windows and attacked anyone who got in their way it didn't take long for the angels to respond and a large group met the pagans in the lobby and a massive brawl broke out where bikers on both sides were stabbed and bludgeoned the fighting lasted only a couple of minutes before Raymond DWI an angel from Oceanside New York opened fire with a pistol wounding five pagans and killing one the noise from the gunshots caused a stampede as bikers on both sides tried to flee the conference Hall but the police were outside waiting and they were able to arrest 73 bikers 66 of whom would later be found guilty on federal racketeering charges with this Brazen assault the pagans showed the angels that they weren't about to roll over and signaled that the battle for Supremacy had just begun not long after the pagans struck again this time targeting their traitorous former brother Thomas thinker wood who by this point had risen up the ranks and was now the acting president of the Philly chapter of the Hell's Angels while driving on the i76 expressway wood was shot dead by unseen perpetrators officially his murder remains unsolved but law enforcement assumes the pagans were responsible for the next several years the pagans focused on recruitment in an attempt to get their numbers on a more equal footing with the far larger Hell's Angels to accomplish this the formerly whites only pagans loosened their racial criteria and started recruiting large amounts of Hispanic street gang members the pagans would explode in membership over the the next two decades and they even at one point considered expanding into the Hell's Angel stronghold of Quebec and opening up a second front in their War but eventually decided against it due to the fact that Canadian bikers have a particularly dark reputation amongst the criminal underworld as Andrew Glick former president of a pagans chapter in New Jersey turned government informant would say in an interview with the media quote in Canada that's where the toughest 1centers are being a 1center in Canada I would say is a little more dangerous than being a 1center in the US New Jersey bikers are tough but not near as violent as what I've seen and read about in Montreal and Toronto with the northern expansion plans taken off the table the pagans instead focused their efforts back in the United States and membership began to reach New Heights when in 2015 Keith Conan the Barbarian RoR was elected to be the gang's New National president RoR had been the club's former National Sergeant at Arms and had been released from prison in 2012 after serving 14 years for conspiracy to commit murder now back on the streets RoR was determined to cement the Northeast as pagans territory and so he launched the Blue Wave initiative a massive recruiting campaign with the ultimate goal of Conquering the entire Northeastern United States and evicting any other group whom he saw as encroaching on territory that rightfully belonged to the pagans this change in strategy proved to be highly successful so much so that in 2017 law enforcement estimated that the pagans had opened up over 30 new chapters all across the Eastern United States in just that year alone RoR knew that the Hell's Angels wouldn't just meekly stand aside and let the pagans take over sooner or later the cold war that had existed between these two Titans would once again get hot tensions were reaching a boiling point with angels and pagans getting into scraps with one another whenever their paths crossed one such incident would take place on April 24th 2018 when Hell's Angel associate Jeffrey shank left the gang's Newark Clubhouse and traveled to a nearby gas station to fill up his motorcy mcle security cameras captured the moment when a red Ford pickup truck pulled up behind shank who continued to fill up his motorcycle unaware of the Mortal danger he was now in three men armed with baseball bats then silently crept out of the truck and launched their surprise attack hitting shank right in the back of the head with a hard swing as he fell to the ground the three men continued their assault battering the helpless shank and leaving him with fractured ribs as well as a collapsed lung but the Angels would not be intimidated and to prove proed that they opened up a new Clubhouse in the Bronx an area that had been dominated by the pagans for decades just weeks after the Angels had moved in security cameras captured the moment when a large group of masked men riding motorcycles opened fire on the clubhouse with a storm of automatic rifle fire the building was severely damaged but somehow no one inside was injured the Angels knew the pagans were to blame and their response would be a wellth thought out strike planned with strict military-like Precision in May 2020 Francisco Rosado the president of the pagans Bronx chapter was walking outside the Bronx apartment building where he worked as the super when out of nowhere two masked men exited a parked Jeep Grand Cherokee armed with silenced pistols and opened fire hitting rosado in the head and chest killing him instantly this public assassination was part of a change in strategy for the angels in response to the pagans wholesale invasion of their Northeastern territory the Angels leadership had put out a nationwide Greenlight order meaning that the pagans were now to be attacked on site this was essentially a declaration of war a proclamation that the Angels weren't about to give up their territory without a fight and New York wasn't the only place where blood was being spilled as in nearby Massachusetts the pagans were on the Move in April 2022 the pagans established a base of operations in the city of Fall River on the southern coast of the state an area that had historically been a Hell's Angel stronghold but in recent times they had abandoned the area allowing the pagans to move in on a osed however the Angels quickly noticed this incursion into their Turf and reestablished their presence in the area they also planned a massive show of force to signal to the pagans that they were in hostile territory on the morning of May 14th a convoy of over 100 Hell's Angels descended upon the pagans Clubhouse in Fall River while initially the plan was only to ride by and use their larger numbers to signal to the pagans that they were hopelessly outnumbered some of the more overzealous Angels had other ideas about 40 bikers broke off from the main group and planned to send a message that they hoped the pagans wouldn't soon forget 15 members of the group who were carrying walkie-talkies then dispersed around the area and blocked off the nearby roads and also served as Lookouts for police that left 25 Angels who were armed with knives Hammers and bats to assault the clubhouse the pagans were waiting outside for them and even though they only numbered seven men they valiantly stood their ground as the Angels swarmed them but in the end they would be overwhelmed the fighting lasted just a couple of minutes before the Angels returned back to their stronghold on Cape Cod police arrived not long after and they discovered a gruesome scene as severely injured bikers clung to life on the ground blood was absolutely everywhere and one Pagan even had a knife sticking out of his arm in the end seven men were transported to local hospitals and they would all eventually recover from their injuries in response to the violence the city of Fall River closed down the Pagan Clubhouse where the battle had taken place and 2 months later the FBI would raid Hell's Angels properties all across the state the Crackdown by law enforcement seems to have worked at least for now as no more major dust-ups between the two Waring Rivals has taken place but authorities caution that it is only a matter of time before hostilities resume and that was the video please like And subscribe thanks and I'll see you next time
Channel: Crime Time Stories
Views: 617,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hells angels, hells angles, pagans, mc, pagans mc, motorcycle, outlaw motorcycle club, crime, true crime, criminal, organized crime
Id: Bmf2ds_Q6tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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