Finding Serious Gold ! Over 2 Ounces !! Dry Washing Tips In The Arizona Desert

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[Music] so hey guys we are out here in the central arizona desert we're dry washing it's june or it's basically going to be june yeah and it's i'll be honest it's hot it's all right it's like 96 94. 94 today we had a cold front so it went down yeah no big deal we kind of wanted to go over a couple of things about dry washing and we wanted to dispel some rumors uh about people talking smack about dry washers that they don't recover good now we are going to prove how efficient a dry washer really is and it is going to blow people's minds so yeah like we we're doing something a little we've never done it like this before and so we're so confident in our dry washer the proof is going to be in the pudding and yeah it's going to be awesome yeah wait till you see how much gold is going to be in these buckets right we've got how many buckets we have six buckets and what these six buckets are is basically it was 33 cleanups and what we mean by a cleanup is like let's say we run 30 buckets or 52 buckets or 20 buckets well we'll clean it out and that goes in a bucket good idea so we had 33 of those and you can see that's 33 concentrates i mean that's a lot a lot of people are taking this stuff home and trying to pan oh it's not you don't want to do that there's a better way and so what we're going to do is we're going to take 33 clean outs and make one clean out and so we're just going to put it all in there and people always worry oh you're blues and all this gold if you're feeding it slow and correct you don't need to worry about that stuff when when that thing's operating correctly you got nothing to worry about yeah just it's like slow and steady it's like how i climb mountains and such and swim that's a good that's good advice yeah anyway well we're gonna get to running this stuff i'm probably gonna throw in some footage of the material running however i may not be talking during it because it's kind of loud you know it's a keen 151 we're using today uh for this process and um so anyway we're gonna stick around you're gonna you're get ready to have your mind blown all right before i start this dry washer i want to prime it so i'm just going to take some blow sand it's everywhere and trying to get it going so what i'm doing is i'm taking like basically if you look at this it's almost all black sand that's a lot of concentrate with that so i'm just i'm just feeding it real slow like a handful at a time just kind of letting it do its thing now take a look at the riffles down there and look how slow it's feeding off the end nice and slow that really looks good now with the confidence we have in the machines we're gonna run all six and we're just gonna run them all so we're just taking our time and we're doing it and then kind of show you the results yeah we're not going to pull the trays we're just going to run all the buckets yep so we've been saving this up we've been drawing washing for a while 33 clean outs of the loss maybe a record for it so i don't know should be like two or three grams at least per bucket yeah [Music] [Music] so you can see after six buckets it's still stratifying just fine in the first five ripples and that's it yep six buckets basically running pure black sand so what we've to make it simple we took six buckets of our concentrated and we just made you know ten pounds or whatever just one clean out now so yep um yeah hopefully people will copy this and try it on your own if you want this is a good way to know if your machine is working correctly yeah if you're finding everything in the first one and two riffles then you know you should be good um if you start finding like a lot down at the bottom and you see in your tailings you know it's definitely your machine and almost every time it's over vibration so just because it's vibrating doesn't mean the more is better it's it's not no i won't go there but um the air seems to be the most important little bit of shake you know it doesn't you don't have to go all crazy with the shakes just kind of like panning like this that's about it so you know refer to this video here and just see like the left on the right so we did save um a pile of this material um probably gonna rerun it again or boulder dash will at some point um probably not much gold in it if any at all it's probably almost zero dang it's windy we're gonna clean this thing out now yeah let's we're gonna vacuum this out i'm getting good results there's some pretty good gold in here we earned it yep we ran a lot of tons to get all this so i mean 33 clean outs it's kind of a lot yeah this is going to be pretty good you better track the buckets we did track and clean outs switching it up so you guys will just never know what's in it yeah we don't know how many buckets um at least five but you should stick around because it's going to be pretty epic so keep in mind that there was no gold in the first four riffles all right and you would expect there to be when you're running nothing but black sands and six buckets of them yeah it's like 400 something pounds probably so black sands so those that say that these things are non-efficient are very very they probably just have misinformed bad information maybe even a telephone game maybe they're passing around the bad info and they don't really know themselves i i blame it on too much vibration anyway bad vibration so no gold yet now we're starting to see some color finally yeah i mean there's plenty of these this is the fifth um riffle down so nice pieces now we're starting to see some color that's good [Music] [Music] oh man holy earth a bunch of really kickers nice that is led bb's oh look at all that pile of pickers wow look at all kickers and babies look at that that's awesome that's the fourth riffle down not bad catch it wait till we get to the top two [Music] oh my chunks man oh my god holy buckets oh man wow that is wow holy moly he's catching it look at all that gold wow oh [Music] [Music] look at that folks that is a lot of gold yeah it's all the way across too so it's clear over here you can see all the fines down in there nice catching it oh my gosh yeah that's confidence confidence in this machine yeah you gotta you know you gotta have it dialed in man it's really really catchy wow [Music] oh my gosh look at those stickers look at those stickers of course now i made a mistake oh my god look at that that's crazy good three [Music] yeah look at that folks and those really course big stuff and there's fine gold everywhere my god all the way over here look at that loaded loaded look at that jeez oh man so the efficiency is there so there's the proof in the pudding and uh yeah you can't complain about that that's yeah they caught it all in the first four yeah now it's buckets and buckets and buckets yeah look at all that gold folks that's impressive that's what prospecting is all about i'm gonna go two ounces yeah that's that's gonna be about right yeah expecting maybe two see if we can oh some of that out of there oh man absolutely yeah okay just go pretty much just exploded with gold there yeah that's crazy that's a that's very impressive that is mind-blowing gold folks very nice wow well there you have it people yep believe in your machine just get it dialed in dry washers are the way to go they really are i think i'm gonna get a picture yeah nice you guys want to see some pickers yeah we picked out the the bigger pieces and um this is what we got it's probably yeah i'm going to say what 14 grams sure half ounce half ounce maybe all right oh yeah that's a half ounce easily yeah so i don't really care or anything but it's just been gathering this for the last while now so what's this a specimen yeah specimen excellent oh yeah i remember that one yeah look at all that yep there you have it that is so much so probably two ounces in the trays plus a half plus another half ounce two and a half ounces yeah so my back hurts hard work oh gosh all right folks we're signing out good luck in those gold fields we'll see you next time
Views: 6,349
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Id: VBiqJVevTIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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