Carveco Maker Getting Started - Using the Interface

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hello welcome to carve Co maker my name is Layton and I'm going to be first of all showing you around the interface of caf-co maker there are three different versions of carve cope available there is carve Co maker which is this product carve Co maker plus and also carve Co for the remainder of this video I'm going to be calling this product just make up and here you can see it on the screen the first icon so I'm going to double click on that open it up and we'll start taking a look at it okay so what I'm going to show you is basically your way around the interface so you know where to go how to use a software and crap start creating things so when you load up the software you'll be greeted with this screen it basically shows you all of your recent models that you've worked on so it's just basically a bunch of shortcuts that you can click on and quickly open up your recent models you also have new model open a model some options so if you ever want to dig it into any of the options of maker you can click on there and then it allows you to turn so them things on or off you can for instance make the lines thicker it slightly up to you and you also have help which I would recommend taking a look at it basically covers everything that's in the software and if you stuck with a certain feature or a tool it will be covered in there and explain to you how to actually use it okay so let's make a new model when you click on new model it will display the new model dialog box so this basically is just basically setting up your sheet or your model sighs so dimensions you've got a width in X and a height in Y now if I were to change one of these let's say I change that to 24 inches it gives me a real-time preview on the left-hand side which is in wise now you'll notice that on the left-hand side of that preview the bottom left-hand side you can see there I've got this red area this denotes the origin point or the datum point if I want to move that click on any of the four corners or you can click on the Center for the purpose of this example just going to click on the bottom left now the resolution basically is for 3d work so if you're not doing any 3d work I wouldn't really worry about it too much the only thing that it will make a difference in is when you simulate that's all path so when you go to simulate if the resolution is quite low because it uses basically a 3d block of material to machine eight of the resolution is quite low it will basically give you jagged lines in the simulation now that's just the simulation if you're actually machine into lines it will follow those lines that you've created and not be all jagged so don't worry about that too much if you are bringing in Freedy work or you're using say reliefs relieve so basically 3d pieces so if you're using reliefs I would probably crank this up to the maximum in this version as long as you have a half-decent computer is not going to make much difference so I would just leave that at the maximum unikz obviously whatever units of measurement you want to work in so you've got millimeters or inches I'll select inches for this and then I'm just going to select okay and what it will do it will take me into the interface of carve code maker okay so you'll be greeted with this screen you'll see that you get this yellow rectangle or square dependent on how you've set up your model and this is basically placed me in the 3d view now it's entirely up to you you can do your designs in the 3d view or the 2d view even if you're just creating lines and circles it doesn't matter if you do those in the 3d view do them in either view it doesn't matter okay right so let's take a look at all of the icons first so then the left-hand side then here are the vector creation tools now when I say vector creation I basically mean creating lines circles or texts for instance so anytime that you hear me say vectors I basically mean lines circles etc below that there are vector editing tools okay so who allows you to trim or cut allows you to offset right radius corners and allows you to join the ends now there are some other vector tools which are located at the top here so you got a few more at the top here and then next to that you've got relief editing tools so these are if you want to edit any 3d work that you bring in and then next to that we've got a few tool paths now all of these will be located on the drop-down menus the drop down menus will actually have a few more options than what you can see as icons so if I click vector and then let's say for instance I go to a line and you can see that this allows you to basically align certain vectors of so they say that you wanted a vector to be in the center of another vector then you would use this tool now you can see that that tool is not on the toolbar so you'd have to come to the vector drop-down come down to a line and then select it on there if this was a tool that you were using or often you can actually create your own custom toolbars okay but we'll deal with that in the life of video okay so all of the icons are available as a drop down here you've also got a relief clipart library now the relief clipart library is basically a repository of 3d work but you have when you purchase maker or any of the other craft code products now you get that working what you would normally do is select the folder there with the yellow star okay here you can see I've already got this installed so I'll show you how you can install it now if you haven't got this installed it should come up with a link allowing you to just basically click on it and then go to carve code website and download it just install it now when you have it installed you can see that I've got these animals click on the drop-down say crosses there let's take a look at greenery you can see all of the reliefs that are avaiable and I can just grab these drop them into maker so just drop them onto that yellow area that you can see there's no limitation to this you can just grab them drop them in paste them there and then at its most basic form just machine them now to get the clipart if I click get more clipart here this will open up the carve Co website okay and there you can see I can download the relief clipart library so basically just download that installing next time that you starts caf-co maker it will be shown within the software let's close that so let's take a look on the right hand side map so if I take a look then the bottom here you can see that I've got something called model information so it tells me the size in x and y and if I have a 3d piece in there it also tells me the height it also tells me the pixel resolution that I'm using but as I said it's not really too important if you do in 2d or two-and-a-half the cutout now if I click on vectors there you get something called vector layers so if I click on the arrow there it opens it up now this basically allows you to create vector layers now these are quite useful whereas you can assign certain vectors or lines to certain layers and then those layers can be colored in different colors you can turn them on or off but what's really useful is that you can actually machine to them okay so it allows you to quickly select a lot of vectors for machining bitmaps basically display if you've imported an image it will be displayed in there maybe the one thing that you'll probably use quite often is toolpaths so once you finish your design click on toolpaths and then that opens up all of the tool paths down the bottom right-hand side so you've got all the tool path operations you've got to detail paths 3d tool paths and then simulate you now at any time you can switch between either of these if I want to go back to see what the model size is for instance I can click there on untitled and it despised the model information go back to tool paths just click on it there and it opens up the tool punch for me now I'm just going to explain the different views now just because we're in the 3d view doesn't mean that I can't create 2d work in there so if I wanted to I could create all my lines or my circles in here and then just machining it's entirely up to you if you want to use the 3d view or the 2d view now to toggle between the 2d view and the 3d view if you just click these tabs here and it will go between the 2d view and the freedy view now it's quite easy to see whether you're in the 3d view because it will have this yellow model the 2d view will normally have a white model now to move this around left and right mames click together and then you can pan around if you want to zoom into an area basically just use the middle mouse button the scroll wheel and it will zoom in to whatever area you have the maze pointer there's also some options here so you can scale to fit model so you will go back to the actual size or like I do you could just use the scroll wheel and then just zoom back out okay so those are the only options in the 2d view the 3d view is pretty much the same so left them right move around like so zoom in it will zoom in again on the maze pointer it's your su8 now the difference is with this view is that you can answer you rotate it around so if you press the middle mouse button there and then move you can actually rotate the view around don't be scared of doing this if you do move it around a lot of people do it straight away then you can just click here to take a view from the top again and it basically goes back into a 2d view okay so don't be scared if you do happen to move that around it's no big deal now I tend to do this and do a lot of my designs and machining in the 3d view the reason being is that you can see the tool paths in the 3d view you can see the actual depths that they are cut into so if you're cutting let's say some of your names and you're doing let's say free passes you'll see all of those free passes in the view if I were doing that in the 2d view you wouldn't see that you just see the one pass because it's just looking on a top view damn okay so I'll just switch back there and it becomes the 2d view okay so this is just basically showing you what the interface looks like in the next video we're gonna take a look at creating our first project which is going to be something that's really really basic but it will show you how to get to grips with the software thanks for watching so you won the next video take care bye you
Channel: Carveco
Views: 12,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, cnc, maker, carveco, artcam, hobby, signmaking, software, cabinetry, signs, wood, router, routing, engraving, tutorial
Id: 4f-NpoQmnCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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