CARVECO MAKER building up a large 3D relief in inches for beginners

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[Music] hello and welcome to this calco maker tutorial i'm roger webb and this will be a multiple 3d construction of a large picture in inches so we're going to jump straight into it and we're going to come over and open up a new model so at the moment we're set at millimeter so we're going to change that straight away to inches and we're going to have the resolution all the way up to maximum and so we're going to change this to x we're going to have 36 inches and in the y we're gonna have 24 so three foot by two foot and for this application we're going to put the orientation of the program or the start of the program in the middle of the work so everything's set up for us and we press ok and here is the opening screen of curve co maker now this is the base program of the cavco products there is curve code maker kafka maker plus and kavko the main industrial program now just a reminder to everybody that below this video in the video description area you will find a pretty hefty cavco discount code if you go along to the provided website and the code will apply right across the board whatever you decide to do monthly buy it outright and uh go and have a look so what we're going to do with cavco maker today is build up a large not exactly complex but it may seem that way 3d picture so we're going to jump straight in and go straight to the 3d relief library left click on that and we'll zoom out a little so we have the full picture of our piece of material and at the moment i have reliefs selected so it will actually list the full relief library in calco maker so we'll just scroll down through just to give you some idea of the type of release that are in here at least until we get to where we need to go to as you can see there are many many different release this is where we're heading for this particular job i'm going to go for a frame so i'm going to drop it straight into the middle there i'm going to give it some dimensions so i'm going to say a width of 36 oh let's take the lock off if you notice there what i did when i changed the one everything changed so we're just going to take the lock off so i can change the height node to 24 and and we're going to have to two inches if i can select it 2.0 inches and it's already set in the well first of all let's apply that so it gives us a visual of okay well cavcos actually automatically placed it in the center of our work and that's one of the reasons i made the zero zero because this is quite a complex 3d picture to put together and i find it personally easier with the zero zero in the center for building up the picture and also machining it so we're going to press merge high so you can actually if you left click on these you can scroll through the different settings i think they're fairly self-explanatory so we're gonna paste this down and it goes gold to show that well capcom maker has now put it in situ now to move this around to have a look just place your mouse over the piece of work press the scroll wheel down hold it down and you can actually see your 3d model now to get it back facing you just come up here view top press that with the left key and you're back so now we're going to begin to put some other 3d models into this picture now now i always find it easier to start with the what you want in the background first so we're going to find there's grass if you need grass but what i want is well we're going to put some mountains in the background first i'm going to show you a little trick with these as well so just drag and drop it in now you notice the peak of the mountain here is actually starting to come out over the the top of the uh the first relief that we put in well i actually make that a feature and it works very well so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to place it there so i'm going to come to some sort of decision of well where my horizon starts and finishes and what i'm going to do here is i'm going to make this um deeper and slightly slightly longer as well so but i don't want the lock put on so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do this manually so i'm going to stretch this out a bit like that bring it down just a touch but i want this feature to come over and bleed over the side and blend over top of the edge of the frame so i'm going to raise this up to i would try half an inch first so we'll go 0.5 of an inch and well we're going to apply that and have a look yeah you can see now on this edge how it is coming out over um i think that's probably enough you know we could probably go a little tiny no that's enough we're gonna you know there becomes a limit where it does start to become too much so we're gonna call that we're gonna call that good uh i'm fairly happy with that and we're going to merge high so now you can plainly see how it blends over the side and i think it you know it makes the the end product really stand out so another group of mountains here i'm going to put on this side but i'm going to set it slightly back um you know i wanna you can imagine like there's a river coming through here or something like that there maybe i'm gonna do the same trick here i'm gonna have that peak just coming out so we're going to raise that up to half an inch as well 0.5 and apply i think that's enough stretch this out a little bit more that way yeah that's good i like that okay so we're going to paste that down so you can see how we're building our picture up now now there are some clouds here somewhere i've actually forgotten where they are so scroll on down through here so we're going to get that group of clothes so i'm going to bring them into here um they're very very small so we're going to put the lock on um click it twice so it groups the whole three together width-wise we're going to go 12 inches and we're going to apply that probably go quite a bit longer than that because i want a you know a real angry looking sky as though well there's some bad weather on the way let's try 15 inches apply and we're going to rotate that slightly like that um and i want well i would like to see the clouds starting to roll over the peaks of the mountain here and actually come over the side of the side of the uh frame as well so i'm gonna go zero 0.6 of an inch apply that and bring it down slightly yep i think that's pretty good that'll be fine and we're going to paste that down oh nice angry looking sky and well because there's only one cloud here what i'm going to do is bring this one in again and make this one make this one much larger we're going to probably go 20 inches with this um and have a look oh yes that is a nice effect this i like coming through like the small valley here and because this is more realistic where you have you know the peaks of mountains um you know sort of poking up through the clouds and the clothes you know sort of being um partly slightly lower than the peak of a mountain um i'm going to i'm going to go straight in with that and say yeah that's good and really the these areas of nothing it's realistic because that's what you get in the sky so okay so we've done our background for the top half of the picture so now we're gonna put some forest in this could be north america canada somewhere like that or even wales or scotland i suppose so we're going to get this group of trees here i'm going to bring them in to here so they start off small in the background and we're going to put more in um but we you know we're going to put we're going to build this picture of a forest up um i'm probably going to leave this what's that just over a quarter of an inch in depth i'm going to leave it at that dimensions look fairly good on that okay paste it down so we're going to gr catch hold of the same group and put them here so it covers up some of the spaces but we're going to make this slightly deeper so we're going to go point three because as you're working forward overlapping the ones that you've already put there you need to make them slightly larger so i'm going to go 0.3 2. let's see what that looks like yep i think that'll do us okay paste and i think we're gonna have this different group now i'm going to have this tree i want this tree bleeding over to give the same effect down this end of the or should we say the the foreshore and we need to make them deeper because the mountains behind it we're actually losing some of the trees here so i don't actually want to make them any larger uh in width ways so i'm going to take the lock off and i'll take them at 0.5 of an inch apply um i think we need to come up a little bit further don't come too far 0.7 that's better that's better not losing too much of the trees now probably could come a little further actually so we're going to come 0.8 apply think that's a little better so we're going to paste that down so you can see now how we can build a very complex looking three-dimensional picture up just by choosing the reliefs in kafka maker and this is the base program don't forget and just build in a beautiful picture up and we could put individual trees in here if we wanted to but i don't think it's necessary so what we will do now is scroll back through here we go i have this little cottage and we're just going to place it here i think and we'll just i think the size of this is probably pretty good but i just want to make it a little a little deeper to make sure it's not going to be you know the tree isn't going to come through the the roof or anything like that so i'm going to make this point uh 3 5 of an inch actually could come a little bit more i think we'll come to 0.4 and i'm going to place that down i'm sure that's going to be good yes that looks pretty good there so i think probably going to put a bit of a ban here as well which isn't very far away from the main property so we're going to put it just just there i think that would be nice and again i think we're gonna have point point four of an inch just make sure that works yeah that works and we're going to apply that yeah that chimney just comes in front of the trees that's what i was looking for which is good and oh well we may as well put this cart in as well outside the shed oh actually it could be between the property between the shade and the i think about that um i'm going to make that point two of an inch apply and paste it down yep that works that's going to be just fine actually what you saw me do then i was just using scroll wheel to scroll in and out and if you just hover over your piece of work and press the left and right mouse key down together you can bodily move this around so in actual fact we're working in this bottom corner now so we'll zoom in a little and concentrate in here now i just see some animals in here somewhere um i do know that there is some oh there's a wolf that could be a german shepherd oh here we go um oh donkey let's put a donkey in here always a bit big so we're gonna rather than use the numbers here i can actually manipulate him a little bit closer to us i think that's my german shepherd ready for something to eat they get a little demanding now and again don't they yes i'm going to make that donkey looks a little fat so i'm going to make him uh 0.45 i think it's probably going to work a little better apply yeah and we'll paste him down that looks good now i suppose donkey's going to have some friends um let's see donkey horse yes same trick horses are a little bigger than donkeys um let me see three five apply that is a little bit too bobby so i'm going to try point three so i'm talking to myself a little while i'm doing this because this is well live-ish okay paste him down and horses always like to be in pairs or more and the reason i know this is because i have three as molars actually uh we on acreage uh here in tasmania and uh it's a bit of a bit of a chore to get go out and mow the grass with the tractor every weekend so you have horses instead so this time i'm going to put the lock on and come down a bit ah now he sees his nose and face is disappeared into the other horse so what i'm going to try and do is make this see 0.5 apply oh see i did a bit of a mistake there and i forgot the lock was on not a problem making a bit smaller 0.5 that's what i was after that's the effect i was after of the this horse standing in front of that one still make him a little smaller you know you will sometimes you have to play around with it to be able to you know get things right just how you like them and yeah that works that works so we're going to paste that down okay so now you you know although it's a 3d image you are convincing then the viewer of the finished piece that well you know this really is 3d it's it's real it's not just um a picture as it were now i think i saw a pig here yes i did we're gonna put a pig in here as well they're quite friendly actually pigs not that big though so you know you've got to try and get the dimensions right as well of oh nice for a big round fat pig pigs actually can be friendly i don't have one but i know a few okay so we're gonna paste that down so there's our picture i mean you know when you do your picture you can put whatever you can you want into it you can make it as complex as you want um or as simple as you you know you wish so we're done with that now and i think that is a very nice presentable picture um okay so now we're going to go on to the tool paths now there's several different areas you can get to tool paths there's an area here where you can pick a 3d tool path you can go here and pick a tool path from here 3d or you can come over here click on this tool path and the topaz will come up down here where you can select a 3d toolpath so we're going to do the whole relief um we're not going to start with the finishing we're going to start with a roughing in fact i'm probably going to do two roughings with this so the first roughing is going to be done with a because this is such a large project um let's have a look here this is millimeters we want inches don't we here we go inches although it says end mills it is router cutters as well so where and the cutter we want actually isn't listed in here because i'm going to start off with an inch cutter so i'm going to select that one and i'm going to make a new tool in the tooling list because my tool doesn't exist in here so i'm going to say copy and then we're going to select the upper one because it's going to be a larger figure than this so we're going to go into edit although it's a picture of an end mill this is just a rep you know replication uh something to you know sort of indicate what it is so it's an inch diameter and we're going to say it's 1.0 a step down half an inch is probably a little much so i'm going to say a quarter of an inch so that's 2 5 these are just general numbers with your machine you'd probably have to alter the setting at this stage that's all we need to do so i'm going to press ok uh we have this one selected it's uh this is all okay so we're going to say select so now we're going to go in and alter the setup for this tool for our particular machine now the particular machine is going to be set up for is a three feet by three feet operating table with a 2.2 kilowatt spindle so we're gonna say step over point three of an inch that's pretty fair step down quarter of an inch well it'd probably do it but i'm gonna i'm gonna be a little bit conservative and say point i'm going to say 0.15 because i don't want any tear out of the material and you know it's you know you start ripping into this and uh you depending on what material you're you're going into whether it's pine or whether it's oak or whether it's i had a piece of wood uh you can get tear it if you go too deep feed rate a hundred inches per minute that's probably pretty fair plunge rate 30 inches per minute that's well that's probably okay as well this is only a roughing um but what i have found is if you if you have high feed rates which is a pretty fair you need to probably take the rpm up just to increase the torque of this the spindle quite a bit um we're going to do a normal raster so it's going to come in and let's go back and fall back and forth it's a normal standard raster uh both directions so climb milling and conventional milling um automatic z height that's all okay lead in those ramp ramp moves maximum angle 10 degrees that'll be fine plunge height two and a half millimeters yeah it's a big piece of work big big lump of wood that's i'd like to i do like to have the tool you know raised up quite a quite away let's have a look here here home position two and a half millimeters that's fine define the material and it is two point five inches that's okay um so i'm just going to abbreviate this as cut one one one point zero i'll just calculate okay let's have a look at that that's quite a lot of cutting going on there but um that will absolutely be fine okay so the next cut we're going to do is a secondary roughing now we could either use a finishing or or roughing but i'm going to use a secondary rough in here and scroll down to the inch tools again which is down here um we're going to use a quarter inch ball nose tool for this is an intermediate cut it's just going to get rid of some more of the material that the inch cutter is left behind so set this up step over actually go a little coarser than this otherwise it's going to take quite a long time zero five step down yeah we can leave that a quarter of an inch just fine 100 inches a minute again this time we can yeah that'll be fine quarter inch cutter we're going to go 20 thousand rpm everything's okay here leading mode so i use the same leading modes and everything else is all okay so let's say cut two two so that's 0.25 okay i mean you can abbreviate and put anything here as long as you recognize it it's okay i'm going to calculate this okay that's calculated starting to look a little bit uh complicated now so let's come here and we're gonna do our final finishing operation um scroll to the inches and say ball nose eighths of an inch select that one and now set it to our machine now i am going to go with the recommended um settings here but this one 24 000 rpm which is the maximum for my um cnc router uh bearing in mind that whether using mac 4 mach 3 or an smc 5 external controller you can run this code at you know if you wanted to two or three hundred percent of these values apart from the rpm and that is how you can change on the fly as it were of cutting so i'm going to leave these settings as they are i'm going to say cut three that's all i need to put here and calculate this and it's done so the next thing to do to make sure that we've got this all correct is to go to the simulate tool path okay everything looks pretty good so what i'm going to actually do is come to here to simulation and at the moment it's set at the default which looks something like aluminium or silver or something like that um you know you have a choice here of a wide variety of choice um beach is quite a nice one i think horizontal try that i think for this particular example beach beach is quite nice so i'm gonna i'm gonna leave it at that you know you can choose whatever you want and you can see what i mean now when i say it's a very nice effect to have you know part of the 3d picture bleeding over into the frame itself it just adds that extra dimension and even only here to the the steps up into the property okay so the next thing to do is to save our toolpaths now when you have more than one tool path you just use these arrows here to move the tool pass around so we're going to start by saving this one and this is a one inch so let's just say cut one just for simplicity now my particular machine i've got a choice of machines to machine it on and all my machines and every machine i've ever had actually except this standard tap gcode and you know it's widely used but if you have a particular machine like a house or something like that and use a house here look um you know it uh it will accommodate so there we go just save i'm saving to the desktop bring that one over quarter inch tool over cut two save over cut three like you say like i say you can abbreviate this to whatever you wish that's a big one that will take some time okay so there you are all done so i hope you've enjoyed this tutorial today and if you have please press like and subscribe and you could consider becoming a patron to my channel because it's the patrons behind the channel that keep it alive and also don't forget that below this video in the video description area you will find a fairly hefty kafka discount code which is applicable to right across the board even the professional version of cavco so i'm roger webb thank you for joining me and i hope you pop back again and see one of my other videos so it's bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Roger Webb
Views: 1,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carveco, Maker, Maker +, ArtCAM, CAD, CAM Autodesk, Fusion 360, Mach 3, Mach 4, 6012, 6090, 6040, Vectric, Aspire, VCarve Pro, Avid, pen, Windows 10, parts, Machine, kits, Grbl, software, budget, 100, watt, Wood, turning, Workshop, shop, tools, bowl, Harbour freight, Grizzly, X2, Sieg, MAXI, Watt, CO2, Welding, MIG, USA, UK, Bob Ross, 30W, 50W, Fibre, Fiber, Galvo, K40, Laser, CNC, Router, Build, Lathe, engrave, etching, glass, DIY, Art, Roger, Clyde, Webb, 3018, mill, milling, MIDI, SMC5-5-N-N, offline Controller
Id: IhBA5qS13pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 40sec (2620 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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