How to Series on VCarve Desktop with UGS

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welcome to paw paws workshop this is the first video in a series that i'm going to be doing on showing you how to use the v-carb desktop in conjunction with the universal g-code sender now in this video i'm doing a very simple sign to begin with i'm showing you how to cut the profile how to do arch letters and create the pocket now i want to be able to take each of the videos that i do and add upon it so that you'll be able to grow along with me as i go through the different features of the vcarve desktop so let's get started today [Music] to start this project i'm going to come over to the left side and i'm going to open up a brand new file by clicking that it brings up the first menu is the job setup now under the job setup you want to be able to go through each of these items first it's going to be a single sided and as far as the size of my sign i'm going to make this 12 inches and i'm going to make it 7 inches on the y-axis and the depth is a half-inch so that is good because the material that i'm using today is going to be mdf we're going to stay in inches and for the surface material surface is going to be my zero point and we're going to use the bottom left hand corner for my x y axis as far as this i really don't need this section at this point so i can click ok so here's my work piece now and i can scroll out just a little bit so you can see this and what i want to be able to do is start out with a rectangle and now my rectangle i'm going to have that be placed into the center of this work area and what i want to be able to do i want to be able to have the curve and i want to be able to have it on the internal i could click this have it rounded i could also click and just have a normal square corner but i think what i want to do is be able to go ahead and have this on an internal radius and a half inch on this size sign i think will work well so i'll leave it at that as far as the size of the sign now i know this is 12 inches i think i'm going to make this 11 and leave that as it is set height my board is going to be 7 inches so i think i'm going to make this 6 inches and at this point i can go ahead and create that line now then to be able to center it and i'll close this out i don't need this open anymore now i'm going to go ahead and highlight that and bring it up to the center of the workpiece and the easiest way to do that is just click right here click on the center and now that is centered in the work area so the next step that i want to do is i want to be able to have another line that is set inward of this and to be able to do that i'm going to go over and click on the offsetter tool and that's right down here and that is offset i'll click that open up that window and i do want this to move inward and let's move in about a half an inch i'll go ahead and create the offset everything else will remain the same and now you can see here's my original line and here's the offset so i'll just click anywhere and that will unhighlight that now i have the border for my sign now for this particular sign i want to be able to add some letters in here and this is going to end up being a pocket but for right now let's go ahead and close this window and let's add some text so i'll click on the text and this window will open up and i think i'm going to just type in wash because i'm going to do wash my hands i have that now then s4 is a font you can use this drop down window and you can select any of the different fonts that you wish but i like the arial i'm go ahead and leave that but i do want it bold as far as the height i am going to change this height and i'm going to reduce the height to about 1.25 inches and then i'm going to go ahead and close that so here is my text right here i'm going to highlight that and i'm going to go ahead and shove it up into this area now you can see as i move along that actually centers it right there well one of the things that i like to do is create an arc and i'd also like to be able to space out these letters i think they're too close together and the easiest way to do that is come over here to this one now this icon says edit texting and spacing and curve so i'm going to click on that and now what you see is two little green dots one above and one below so what you can do on that is grab that one and bring it up and that looks pretty good the other thing that you can do is go between the letters and if you click on that see how it brings it closer together but you can hold the shift key and when you hold the shift key then you can open it up so i'm going to go right into there and now i can click on it and open it up and we'll go over to the other one we'll go right here hold the shift key down and open that up and i'm gonna do the same thing here i'm going a little bit wider i think that looks a whole lot better all right so that takes care of that and then the next i'm going to put hands down here so we're going to go back to the text open up this window and type in hands we're going to use the same font and we'll use the same height so i'll just go ahead and close i do want bold can't forget that and i'll just close that now we'll do the same thing i'm going to grab this highlight it i'll grab this anchor point and we'll move it right down to the center there we go so there is the sign now i think what i want to do is make hands just a little bit bigger so i'm going to highlight that and then i'm going to stretch it this way and then i'm going to realign this there we go and i think i'm going to take this one now but i'll bring that down just a little i like that better so there we go so you can maneuver this and play with this and get it set exactly the way you want it just by being able to grab the little handles now if you wanted to rotate that you could click this and rotate it but no that's not what i'm wanting to do so i can come up here under the edit and just click to undo and that brings it right back to where it was and i like that with our sign completed now let's go over and create some tool paths so i'm going to come right up here and click on this button that brings me over into this and the first thing that i want to do is create the pocket where this will cut down and leaving the letters on the surface at the original height so to do that i want to click on the vector and i'm going to hold down the shift key and highlight that word shift key still now i have everything highlighted i'm gonna come over to right here for the pocket and then we're gonna look at this my start depth is going to be at the surface so it's going to be zero i'm only going to carve down 0.1 of an inch which i think will be plenty the tool that i'm going to use is an eighth inch end mill so that will work fine and i'm going to leave everything else alone and we're going to come down here labeling this as pocket number one is fine now down at the bottom if i want to change the name i can but i'm just going to leave this as pocket one and i'm going to calculate now it shows the actual tool path that is going to be running now we have the tool path shown but what's it going to look like when it's cut out let's go over the first thing i want to do right here let's select a tool path color and let's just say it's blue since we're washing our hands and then i want to preview this selection now we get to see what it actually looks like and we can rotate this around and you can see how it cuts down and creates the depth the next thing we need to do is create the tool path to be able to cut this sign out so i'm going to go back over here for a moment and let's look at our 2d version we'll click on anywhere eliminate this and now we're going to highlight this toolpath right here but that's what we're going to be cutting out let's go back over here so we can see that and by the way i need to close this so this is the operation that i need to be able to select right now is the tool path to be able to do this cut out and again we're going to start at the surface we're going to be cutting all the way through the material and i think what i'm going to do just to make sure that we go all the way through i'm going to cut this at a depth of 0.55 and we get this little error message that the tool will cut through the material and that is fine we're going to use the same bit this time my eighth inch bit to do the cutting and the passes is five for this one i'm just going to go ahead and leave it if i wanted to edit the pass i could but we're just going to leave it at the 5 passes we'll click ok to get out of that window and then we'll go down here and we're going to cut on the outside i want to be able to cut on the outside of my tool path line and everything else is going to look good we're going to scroll down to the end this is a profile cut i don't need to change the name we'll just go ahead and have that saying yes it's going to cut all the way through and that's what i want so let's preview this so there's my sign now i'm not using tabs i could select tabs and use them but for this sign i am not using tabs and the reason being is i'm going to be using my glue and tape method to be able to hold this down the other thing that i can do if you want to see what it looks like without them at this waist material look right here double click on the waste area and i can remove that so there it is it's gone so that's actually a good representation of what this sign would look like if you wanted to be able to email this to a customer you could do that and they would get a real good idea of what this sign is going to look like so now i'm going to go ahead and just click on this one to bring it back to this stage and that will complete the sign itself now again this is a real simple sign to start with so at this point i'm going to close this window the next thing we need to do is be able to save the tool path and we're going to do this right here i'm going to be able to select all the toolpaths and i want to be able to output all visible tool paths to one file and i can do that because i'm using the exact same bit so from there as far as the post processor i'm going to be using the x-carve and it's going to be in inches to be able to create my g-code so i'm going to save my tool path at this point and that's going to bring it right over here now the material that i'm using is just a half inch piece of the mdf and this is the 7 inches by the 12 inches so i'm going to go ahead and start the machine move it out of the way and using my tape and glue method i'm going to secure that onto my auxiliary waste board when you open the universal g-code sender all of this information should be correct and in here and if it is you just want to go ahead and click open and then i get the alarm code and the reason being is of the homing switches so i'm just going to come right over here to machine controls and i'm going to click on this dollar sign in x and that's going to release that now over on the right hand side i want to jog the machine and move this now this point is in inches i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to change this to one inch so i have that now at one inch so let's jog the machine and over here you can see the machine is moving to the right the one inch now i'm going to go ahead and get the machine out of the way so i'm going to go ahead and type in right here six inches and we're gonna jog the machine on the y-axis is six inches there we go that now is out of the way and i actually hit the button twice but that gets it completely out of the way so that i can mount the work piece i'm going to go ahead and mount the work piece right here on my auxiliary waste board because i am cutting all the way through and it will cut just slightly into this material and that way it protects my original waste board and to be able to do that i'm just going to put a piece of tape right here and the same thing on the bottom side here okay then we'll do the same thing right here now next we'll just put a little bead of glue and i'm using the star bond thick glue it doesn't take a whole lot of glue to be able to hold this a little bead there and then we'll put the cap back on it now i do have a link in the description for a 15 discount so you can certainly take advantage of that a little bit of the accelerator and i'll go ahead and position that right down onto my auxiliary waste board hold this down for a moment and we're good we are now ready to be able to carve now the next thing that i'm going to do is go ahead and open up the file and i'm going to go over to the browse section click on that and what i typically will do is move the file over to the desktop it's just a lot easier to find it and right here i have the window it pops up and it says wash hands gcode so that is the file that i'm going to open so that is right here and now i want to visualize that and let's take a look at what that looks like now let's take a look at the file and do the visualize to visualize it this will take just a moment to be able to load and it shows it'll start and cut right here next thing that we're going to go ahead and do is set the x y axis x y and z axis and get that done with my three axis touch plate now i have the probe plugged into my little control box i have my touchpad in place and it's all connected so what i'm going to do is come over to the macros now i'm going to select the macro and then i'm going to use this one right here the c3 and i'm going to click on that and it will start the sequence [Music] oh [Music] now i move the bit over to exactly to my x y zero position that i had established so now i'm ready to be able to carve now the first thing you may say is wow i'm cutting the cut out first and in this situation it's okay and the reason being is that i'm using the glue and tape method so i know that nothing is going to move i can actually cut this out if i wanted to i could remove the waste material and keep going but i wanted to show you that yes you can go ahead and cut this and then i'm going to go ahead and bring in the pocket cut out second the nice thing about this it literally takes about three and a half minutes to be able to cut this out much much faster than what i'm used to and i'm really absolutely loving the fact that it can go so much quicker using the v-carve desktop and this new carve from cnc for newbies this new car machine is rock solid it is very very stable there's no chatter and it is just doing an awesome job of cutting this now it's time to bring up the second one and this is the hand wash pocket g-code now i want to point out to you that normally i would have done this one first but because i'm using the glue and tape method i can reverse it and do the cut out first and then the pocket and that's what i did in this case so i'm selecting the hand wash pocket and i'm opening it and now it shows right up here now that i'm going to double check and set my x y z axis you can see that my x and my y are already at zero and the z axis is 20.3 millimeters high so i'm going to go ahead and type in 20.32 millimeters i'm going to double check the millimeters and then i'm going to click on the down and that brings it exactly where it needs to be so now i'm actually ready to carve so i'm going to turn the spindle on and hit carve using a v-carved desktop to be able to carve this you'll recognize immediately that the tool path that's being generated is far more efficient it has very little wasted movement and this machine spends most of the time actually carving and that really saves a lot of time this entire pocket to be able to do this job took a little over 14 minutes to be able to carve the other thing that i want you to be able to pay attention to is that it's carving very very clean the bottom of this pocket absolutely needs no sanding at all that is a pleasant supplies also and i love that all i need to be able to do is take this off of the cnc machine dust it off and i'm ready to use whatever finish that i want to use there you go the total carve time was 14 minutes 13 seconds not bad at all now what i'm going to do is just select machine controls and move the router out of the way and again i'm going to switch this to inches i'm going to select the six inches and move it out of the way so that i can remove the project from the waste board [Music] to remove this project from the waste boards actually real easy i just use a little putty knife to be able to get underneath the edge and then it just lifts right off there's a little bit of dust left on this so i'm going to get both of it off with just tapping on it then a brush will clean up the rest of it i think this looks absolutely fantastic let me get a close-up for you you tell me how do you like that leave a comment down below tell me what you think and also what project you'd like to see next hi everyone thank you for watching my video today if you liked the video please go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below and the little bell next to it so you'll be notified on the different videos that i upload also check out the videos over here to be able to stay up to date on the happenings in my shop so again thank you for watching my videos
Channel: Paw Paw’s WorkShop
Views: 9,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inventables, Easel, how to, create, torched flag, CNC for beginners, DIY, april wilkerson, i like to make stuff, steve ramsey, izzy swan, dude perfect, the king of ramdon, 5 minute craft, build something, socket storage, shop orgnization, inkscape, pen turners, Beginner woodworking, jig saw basics, EDC, cabinet building, laser for CNC, wine rack, millennium Falcon, tiling on the XCarve, Ninja Turtles, shop upgrade blast gates, Electrical circuit, micro and relay switch
Id: tkKaxZa1DLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 38sec (1538 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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