CARS FOR SALE IN JAPAN! - Big Japanese Car Yard!

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today we're going to be going out of the house and checking out a really cool Japanese car yard which is full of things like skylines JS of x100 Silvia's and things like that but before we get there I've got something to show you I want to show you everything that we have so far for the JDM accessories giveaway pack and just quickly I have to say thank you so much to everyone who's placing orders this is just from Sunday and there's another 20 that I need to send out every sticker you purchase is an entry so head to SEM it net /op and get yourself one but let me go through and quickly show you everything that's here - to decoder rings I added this new project new brake reservoir cover slash like oil Soaker thing I don't know you know it's it's over then it looks cool in your engine bay I added these three cans of coffee that we never even talked about this is because I wanted you to have a bit of a variety and get to try some of the different coffees we talked about in the live streams and things so we've got the the boss cafe au lait the boss rainbow mountain blend and the Georgia emerald mountain blend you're also getting a six pack of georgi the premium I know this is empty right now but that just represents that we're picking a new one of those up on the way home today I also added a Hello Kitty VIP cup holder so these are really cool great to have a new JDM car you've also got the genuine JDM purple bottles look with pat light all the genuine paperwork's in there as well as fully sealed not a single problem there now this Yoshio factory hoodie here this just symbolizes and represents two of the yashio factory new summer shirts i will be getting those from aqua chun once the winners announced and i get your shirt size as well as you'll be getting a pack of all of his Yoshio factory stickers as well also if the winner once aqua Chan is more than happy to sign any of the stuff that you get from him so that's kind of it and there's going to be more things that I'm adding still some more stuff that I want to add to it just to kind of surprise you guys are going to throw in some more Japanese and JDM snacks and things like that and yeah it's just growing and getting better and better don't forget go to seminary /op get yourself a sticker every sticker counts as an entry so if you get 10 stickers that's ten entries including increasing your chances ten times I guess and as well the giveaway ends on July 10th after that we'll do a livestream and announce the winner so get your entries while you still can so today where we're heading is about an hour away by bus and train from my house but if I was driving there probably only take 15 minutes go figure now what I'm gonna start doing with a lot of these videos is I'm gonna actually put the location the Google Maps location in the video so you'll be able to click on that and that way if you're a visiting Japan that you'll be able to go check out this card also starting up the day of the monster probably not a great decision but I was inspired by TJ so so I've just gotten off the bus and the car yard is a little bit of a walk up there but I got something here that's very interesting that I want to show you this is what a typical like metal scrap yard looks like here in Japan they've got all their prices there and things like that per kilo how much you get for everything and they pretty much take anything as well as pick up anything anywhere from cars scooters like and you can even see their like whipper snippers and things like that right cela whipper snippers bikes just anything you can see they're like air cons bunch of white good and if you look at it from this angle it's hard to see but there are cars chopped up in there and things like that as well and then you'll kind of see like a nice storage out here they've got like their trucks and other little cars and things like that that they're probably going to chop up and and part out but yeah I just wanted to show you guys like that's kind of like a typical metal scrap yard here in Japan they're very very kind of different to what I'm used to like seeing in Australia that's for sure but yeah there you go like all the cars that they're probably going to scrap and cut up in a little bit they're still kind of interesting right anyways now we got a little bit of a walls of a walk probably a good I don't know about 800 meters nearly a kilometer once we get there we'll pick it up from there well we are here guys this particular dealer is called car core bought that kanji is caught and that one is bought core ba means like workshop and they've also got an English a sports car dealer so you guys go and there's the website car core bot tacos off GP and they've got a pretty big range here bunch of JZ X's and they're all pretty nicely priced too some things are a little bit more expensive but I mean when you've got low kilometers like only 53,000 you'd expect to pay like 19 grand for that and that's the price that it's at pretty much so really nice let's go through and check out some of the cars that here they've got a bunch of s jassi's up here and stuff like that so I'm just going to go quickly talk to so on inside make sure they're all good with me filming and then we'll pick it up from there okay so we got the green light and I think I'm going to start with the STI sees in this corner here and then we'll move to this part of the yard because there's a lot more kind of jaded X's and it's a way bigger over there and I think it's better to start in this smaller section but I starting with this s 15 this price is really really good it's about like 15k or 14.5 K USD we are looking at it's got a bunch of Origin Lambo and d-max bodykit parts it's got an is mo LSD its standard tune-up kind of thing so it'll be making like 350 horsepower the thing looks really good nice wheels and stuff like that good coil overs are in it and it looks like a 14.5 k USD it's really good deal you'd obviously want to inspect everything like on the car check under the chassis and things like that if you were going to purchase something like that but it's really nice and be a really good start for like Sony wants to get into a nice drift car the interior is really good too got all the right stuff it's got a digital def easy ZD kind of like digital - you've got the grady pro fact be boost controller a bunch of all the goodies that you want good seat good wheel yeah this is actually a really good drift car probably for someone who wants to start off and get into it with a nice s15 obviously everything's wide got knuckles and all that stuff as well let's quit try to move through everything as quick as we can and I'll try to just focus on cars that we want to talk about the most on good s 14 turbo I'll by the way this is only done one hundred and thirty six thousand kilometers so it's actually pretty low mileage this one's only done one hundred and four thousand kilometres confirmed turbo really good condition for an S 14 missing the center grill there and they only want about 10 grand USD for it so pretty decent price actually seats not in that great conditions got a harness good wheel a couple drift drift things it's got knuckles and things like that on there overall though it's pretty decent for an S 14 missing the rear interior so yeah probably would be good drift car mark to chase it here don't know pricing or information on these these are obviously crashed and will probably be used as parts cars are being fixed up and sold you'll probably find that these will actually end up at every su power vehicles have a habit of just like mass like emailing and messaging every workshop in Japan asking for cars like this and you'll find like they'll be selling them here like we'll find some probably some chasers over there that are like really cheap auto that are selling for like six grand and power vehicles will pick them up to a manual swap on them and sell them for like 20 grand 18 grand and that's just that's just the name of the game its business right but so a quick look here I've got another zenki s 14 for about 10 grand again USD this one's got 50 mil over fenders in the rear a bunch of other kind of like body kit parts it's turbo manual pretty much all the good stuff it's got a spark oh wheel it's got a bride think that's like a 1.5 looks good it's reclinable still a good seat though for drifting body kit looks great it's kind of cool we all choice is it's got the CST wheels I mean it's not like it's not like super awesome but it's like a good car to start off a sunroof looks like no rust around there which is a big thing with these super good condition I mean that the dashes are got some tape on there I guess for some cracks in it but overall like it's ten grand and it's pretty much a car you could jump in and start drifting right away so I think that's pretty decent deal I've got another s14 here this one's a Koki the Tri spokes this one non turbo and they only want like eight thousand dollars us for it pretty good condition so a good car for anyone who's looking to I guess put a turbo motor in there and have some fun it is Auto as well so that's another reason why it's so cheap that's got gauges hang on it's got like GTR gauges in there is there a little side mount in here we should have a quick look and just check this could be a turbo model yeah see a little side mountain there she's actually a turbo model so she's probably really stock and just automatic and that's why it's so cheap so like 8.5 K USD you'd probably pay for this got a nice knotty wheel factory seats factory interior is all there yeah so this would be a good model stewar manual swap on it looks like it might have a little bit of underbody rust and then you can kind of see so things to check you know these are like 30 year old cars really nice 180sx bunch of type X stuff it's got a nice track ROC factory wheel it's obviously manual type back swing they want about 9.5 K USD for this nice carbon hood turbo pretty decent honestly like 10 grand for that's actually a decent price it's not that bad so yeah the prices here in all honesty they're pretty fair they're pretty fair they're definitely cheaper than like what you'd buy something through power vehicles with that's for sure yeah that's kind of cool nice pink Subaru it looks like there's a red 34 back here there's no prices on anything here this is like this storage yard I'm assuming looks like there's a four-door r34 there Mazda roadster back there as well you gotta realize like this storing a bunch of stuff here that they're probably going to end up just throwing on the auctions the damaged car options and stuff all right cool so let's head up the other side now and have a look at all the J's that X is there and just keep checking stuff out there's a lot of cool things here I'm gonna get their business card and talk to them a little bit more in the future too because when I've got a lot more disposable income if this is still available I am looking for a second s15 and this might be a good option especially if I can get him to do a sick deal for me right it's actually a pretty decent price good stuff so we are now at this end of the car lot and as you can see it is a much bigger and there's a lot more kind of cool cars on this side I did it just have another quick chat with the owner of the place and I asked them to kind of explain to me like what are all these cars in here and we'll get into that in a little bit but we are okay to look at them as well but let's kind of go through the front row here then we'll work our way into the middle row here there's really nice red hot cheeto food there's a lot of cool cars here so let's start with this end so we got a jzx 90 here and this one's got some some nice stuff on it so they're looking for about fifteen point five K USD for this I'm just gonna say everything in USD because that's easier for me to translate right now I'm sorry I like do the conversion in my head Australian dollars like crashed so yeah this is a lot more expand this is probably more like 20 grand Australian right now just because of how bad the Aussie dollar is but they're looking for about fifteen point five K USD roughly or 15k USD it's got a GT 2835 on there upgraded injectors and a bunch of other stuff some work wheels it's done only seventy-five thousand kilometers so really low kaze yeah so the price is pretty valid and overall the cars been resprayed obviously I think it looks really nice headlights could do with a Polish but the interior is immaculate it's obviously manual got a good seat good wheel pretty much everything you need to party really nice condition I don't see like any signs of rust or anything like that in the wheel wells as well so it looks really nice as you can see nice bright seat or Brit dot C and a nice wheel pretty much everything you need to even go to drift button so you could definitely pick this up for a really nice price and all honesty that's a fair price for one of these especially with that lower kilometers jzx 110 they only want about like 13.5 K USD 13 grand USD just basic mods and things like that it's a 117 thousand kilometers it's manual it's got nice defi gauges good wheel good seat once again if you're into the J's at X 110 this is your this is a good car to get as well I mean the K's aren't even on that low side it's on that high side it's still like considered low kilometers really you want to change up the wheels and things like that maybe lift it up a bit make it every suspect I don't know but yeah it's it's definitely like that's a fair price eh this s13 has no price on there but it looks actually really nice I'm a big fan of this kind of style s13 with the over fenders and stuff really cool got another s15 here no price or information there but super sick Evo 10 I believe that's a GSI yeah evo 10 GSR they want like 30 34 K USD for that go to jzx 100 here this is actually pretty decent so they're selling it for about 10 grand USD let's have a quick look dealing with Auto though so this is what I mean like this is actually really good Nick it's only done 61 thousand kilometers so 10 grand automatic 61 thousand kilometres super low case you manual swap this and you'll probably see someone's trying to sell it for double that so yeah if you got the if you got a friend who's got a workshop over here who doesn't mind doing a manual swap for you on something like this that's a good buy really what we got a varasi here it's kind of cool these things are are kind of cool I do like them Manuel nice momo wheel looks like factory I'm just going to move the cobwebs there the wheels got some poke pretty slammed on the ground too and they won't like 13.5 USD for it pretty standard 5-speed Sun one hundred twelve thousand kilometres 370 Zed this is actually pretty expensive but it's only done twenty two thousand kilometers so it's really low they want like 20 27 grand for it well no it's like 28 grand for it USD so yeah I mean it's done 22,000 kilometers that's it so pretty fair what do we got here it's got a news mode two way LSD really nice bright see good wheel manual pretty sure it's a Nissa Nissa larell or something yeah it's a larell interesting Wayne game loving the exhaust I always struggle with the Laureles in the front end it's good cuz it's got a half cage but they're including the seats and stuff with it as well it's pretty cool and it's about 11 K USD and it's done eighty-two thousand kilometers this is a really good whip oh it's not a it's not a it's not a half cage it's a it's a full of four point one two three four five six six points sorry because it comes down through the front there that's really good moving over here we got a Mach 2 nice black one pretty decent condition by the looks of things obviously we're not looking at it under the under the microscope too much but it's got a vertex kit on there some 149 thousand kilometers they want about 13 grand USD for it and yeah relatively stock manual decent condition and this is what I mean like is it done about 150,000 kilometers it's thirteen thousand dollars and you know you'll see stuff like this being sold you know at every shoe and things like that for almost double that price I'm gonna try and smash through a few of these Jays at extras because there's a fair few of them but obviously another mark - this one's manual my wheel it's done very low kilometers this thing's only done 53 thousand kilometres 5-speed manual they want about 19 grand USD for that that's really good condition work Meister's on that - this one here jason x100 chaser and what about 18k for that it says that it's had the TRD cluster swapped into it so they're not sure how many kilometers it's done but they know it's still pretty low it's got a GT 2835 Pro turbo on their kit so that's pretty good custom ECU tuned and stuff like that so this is pushing some power yeah so like 18 18 grand USD for this one really clean actually white I'm a big fan of the white chasers that's pretty decent buy honestly that's a fair price for those mods this one's like full high spec Auto no pricing or anything on this one so don't exactly know what that's looking at there some we gotta know ninety here they want about thirteen grand USD for this bad boy 5-speed manual eighty-six thousand kilometers that's that's pretty good for a ninety from aunty Nicola HPI kit and stuff like that to bride decent wheel yeah that's sick that's a good price for one of these honestly that's really good moving on we got an FD here for about 30 grand USD I always say rx-7 FD it's only done eighty-five thousand kilometres as well got some nice work wheels on there overall looking at the car it looks pretty clean looks like it's in really nice condition interior-wise it's still got the factory wheels seats and everything it's really nice surely if we look inside there it's got the Noddy Mazda collaboration wheel that's actually really cool yeah that's that's really clean that that's a pretty good buy and at the price that these things are selling for now that's kind of fair to so 85,000 kilometers to a nice pink s15 this one's fully caged bride seat aren't you gauges on the dash over fenders front no over fenders and the rear though it's like a glitter pink as well you can see that not the best-looking steering wheel on there but it is after markets got a Grade II Pro fact B I think version 2 boost controller manual obviously drift button looks like it's got a bride's etter in there as well it's not bad it's got a bunch of old-school defi gauges too it's not bad I mean I don't know how many Kay's it's done I can't see that it looks pretty decent I mean it's caged and stuff so it's to be a really good starting base depending on how expensive or cheap it was looks like in there through the hood you can see there's a fair bit going on looks pretty decent now the S 15 nice white one here this one they want like 26 grand USD on it but it's got a lot of work done to it yeah oh I see oh this guy can clutch kit it's got a 6 hbi six-speed manual bride zetas 2 seats in there whole gears seat sorry 714 oozma injectors it's running a 79 60 turbo man it's got a bunch of stuff done so that's a pretty fair price honestly for these mods this thing would be pushing like 450 horsepower really nice body work and over fenders it's actually been molded into the chassis so it's not like just clipped on and then you know pot riveted on or stack screwed in it's actually like been properly done that looks really nice really really nice actually Oh Oh and I mean it's got like $6,000 front brakes jeez yeah that's a good buy that's pretty fair for that price hang actually I'm really liking this car yeah this is one of the first cards where like everything seems to be really fairly priced it's kind of nice ah another larell jzx mark - let's have a quick look at the hachiroku Hey so really nice huh tada red black running a nice old-school Momo wheel original seats and interior there's no price on this so I don't know what they want for it but it's in pretty decent condition hey from what I can see here it looks great yeah that's brilliant man another s15 another 180 man this is so much you gotta know if we're gonna oh they moved these two cars back in here I might get a quick thumbnail picture okay so there's no prices on these cars here so I'm gonna move and do this row now so got a nice dinky s14 they want 10 grand for it it's got a fair few decent mods 740 CC injectors has done 121 thousand kilometres z32 transmission what no sorry still learning my katakana sorry Zed 32 airflow meter with a HKS intake kit it's got an epoxy turbo kit front yeah okay so it's pretty much like basic bolt on mods for making like 350 400 horsepower out of this it's in pretty decent condition hey 121,000 kaze is pretty decent factory seats got a drift button momo wheel kind of all the standard stuff a little bit of Wayne game overall car looks good be a good cheap s chassis for drifting let's have a look at this other chaser here so as a tour of the chaser interior manual ebrake standard no drift button looks pretty good they want about 15 grand USD for this five-speed 109 thousand kilometers very fair price moving over here we got another jzx 100 now this one they only want about $7,000 USD for this they have no idea how many kilometers done it's been tampered with but it's automatic as well so once again super cheap from a manual transmission in this and drift the hell out of it seven grand for the jeez that's so good good a nice blue one here on no pricing of information on it but it's got twin Recaros good wheel couple gauges et Cie looks good pretty clean overall having another quick look here v 300 I think this is I'm not entirely sure like aren't these like pretty much the same as like the what are they calm like the is 200 s and stuff like that as well as the Aristo anyways it's got like six thousand dollar front brakes endless brakes on that jeez it's got a custom respray purple they went about eighteen thousand dollars USD for it it's got a massive turbo upgrade to a 204 Zed on it a bunch of cool stuff full Sparco rev seats it's got a crazy hydro setup in there not sure if you can see too well they go see that crazy hydro setup in there that's insane ready for drifting and a couple more jzx 110s here I've never liked the look of these but they are good drift cars just for a reliability because the Jay Z platform right but so this has a manual swap from a J's at x100 in it though nice nerdy wheel good z23 seat yeah you're ready to party in this thing that what about 16 grand USD for it's done 84 thousand kilometers pretty low this one's done 67 thousand kilometers it's got a turbo upgrade GT 2835 but still manual everything's stopped good condition I mean this is cheap why is it so cheap no no no there you go 13 K USD and you can pick that puppy up I guess because this is kind of like factory doesn't have that many mods it's kind of standard as in this one actually has a bunch of goodies like LSD seats and everything like that so I understand well that's actually more valuable in that aspect it's just weird to actually be in a car yard where they understand that increase the value of a car because of mods and then we're kind of back at the start here so it's kind of cool we might have a quick look over here at some of their cars that are in the process of them using for parts or fixing up and selling pretty much yeah you can see like you know things on the covers and stuff like that are obviously wrecked and crashed that they're using for parts are gonna fix up I'm gonna say that mainly gonna just use for parts this s15 looks like a good platform to kind of build something with you know that yfd looks kind of cool up the back here yeah this thing definitely seen better days of this jzx thing kind of goes on y'all that it's 15 there it actually looks like an old comm car that pink one not the red one yeah that's really cool this is Zed J Zed Zed 30 Sora looks like there's a C 33 larell here very very cool Oh another larell another 180 another Zed Zed 30 another chaser something else on to recover I can't see man that's kind of cool there's a lot of awesome cars here I just realized that this is an S 14 not an S 15 I didn't even look at the rear I just looked at the front and assumed s 15 but yeah it's good and Ichigo front end a strawberry facelift as they say in America or New Zealand I think that's a New Zealand I think I don't know well there you guys go so I hope you enjoyed this tour of car cubot which is car workshop I'll put the website in the description if you want to try and get in contact with them for any of these cars I'm sure they'll be able to help you out getting it exported overseas a lot of these guys are connected with people that do that kind of thing I'm sure if you shot them an email they'll do their best to sort you out but otherwise I'm really excited that I found this place actually because their pricing is pretty bad the local here in Japan and seems like they also know their stuff so don't forget to Like comment share and subscribe also competition make sure you get yourself a semi sticker for an entry into that JDM accessories giveaway entries closed on the 10th of July there's a lot of stuff happening this week next week is going to be absolutely insane content wise so this week I'm going to try and film a lot of video like double-up videos during the day because I've got to do a bit of traveling and things like that around so keep an eye out for that and I'll catch you on the next one guys Jonathan [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: SAMMIT
Views: 109,672
Rating: 4.9020171 out of 5
Keywords: SAMMIT, Japan, Vlog, Japanese, Car Yard, For Sale, In Japan, Cheap, Price, S15, S14, S13, Silvia, 180SX, JZX100, JZX90, Skyline, Cars for sale, Cars, JDM, R34, JZX110, RX7 FD, RX7, FD, AE86, Hachiroku
Id: lnbK-HNX18M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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