Caroline Myss - The transformation journey is essential

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hi everybody welcome to Phoenix 3 our first session and feels good to be back teaching with you I don't know how it is with where you are but where I am it is so hot so you might hear my air conditioner in the background but so what Phoenix 3 for me is the exciting class because now in teaching about transformation we get to talk about you and how all the events that are transpiring in these last decades how how transformation is working its way into you in how it speaks to you within yourself and that kind of the subtle reaches of your soul I thought I would start I love the big picture so I'm going to jump in through the big picture and begin with reminding everybody kind of that you know you hear that life is this journey of transformation and all of these words that I've heard for you know for years and years even way back as a publisher and books would come in on transformation and and talking about this time that we're living in and etc but in these past years in these past years and combined with how my life changed because of my occupation is up a medical intuitive and what how that transformed me how that transformed me my own journey all the little things that you know ok not so little that came together and now this moment that we're living I I am of the mind now that I think we're living a much bigger extraordinary journey then we're capable of actually comprehending I think something of an epoch sized event is happening that none of us will live to see the end of but we certainly are seeing the beginning we certainly are seeing the beginning and it's so typical of human beings to say when is this going to end and it's not it's not this is the beginning of a very different relationship to life to life to how we relate to how we understand relationship to how we grapple with nature to how we understand our relationship to each other to how we understand what we're doing here and what the value of life is and what the purpose of life is and what we do with the investment of a human life what is transformation about transformation is about transforming how you understand the nature of life and how that shift in the understanding of that fundamental question changes you and then what you do about that shift and how that changes how you approach your life the lives of others the decisions you make the questions you dwell in the questions you ask yourself this moment this time that we are living in I mean it is fair to say that life has always been a journey that's true and that because of that it has always a journey of transformation there's never been a time when we can talk from a historical point of view where history has not societies have not been moving from one quality of life to the next quality of life to the next so it has always been a transformational journey and yet the ingredients that are present in this moment every now and again there are events that happen or discoveries that happen that elevate the consciousness of human beings or change the quality of the journey the discovery of penicillin the discovery of quinine I mean that that that made malaria people could survive malaria penicillin people could survive all kinds of diseases I mean that there were certain discoveries that made the life journey that transformed the life journey at a certain level the discovery of nuclear weapons transformed the life journey in a different way in a different way and it made the journey of survival doubtful it made the journey of human survival dependent upon whether we transformed ourselves and became incapable of using the weapons of destruction that we had created it was the first time the first time ever that humanity faced the challenge of having to transform itself for having fallen so far in a field from the core value of life which is the maintenance of life and the dictate from the sacred realm which is to care take life and to survive and to thrive that is in eighth from a mystical perspective from a mystical lens shall we say explains it gives me the position why I am convinced there is this urgency for like a no turning back pressure that's just getting applied to the human experience that we must become a more conscious species whether the economy collapses worthy the pandemic or the the combination of forces that are all converging upon it it is this awakening of the self that is at stake what is transformation about it's about considering anew what is the purpose of life what is the what what am what why do I make the choices I do what shall motivate me in the brief years that I have on this earth is this a journey for taking and storing and then and then what or is this a journey where I do what I can to benefit the quality of life for how many people that I can for as long as I am here how shall I understand this place that I live and how I work and how I'm built and what the governing system is so life has always been this journey of transformation but never before have the has the forces have the forces come to gather quite with the same urgency that they are now and the and and the fact that you're alive now the fact that you're a participant in this the fact that you are someone whose life is involved in this extraordinary moment is enough for you to say to recognize I'm involved in this journey of transformation and I can't you know the part of me that is such a devotee of history what I would not give to be able to go forward in time and look back at this time look back and see how historians write about this time see how they write about the way in which we've never we navigate these waters that we are going through now and the way in which we interpret our challenges the way the decisions we make when faced with climate change when faced with the forces that pandemics when faced with what is arising and how we decide to interpret what's happening to us how we decide to see it how we decide to face it as a global village or independent nations or how we decide what could have been the decisions how things would be different if in fact we decided to face it as a collective versus independent how would your body heal if in fact you were ill and all your vital systems did not participate in the healing of it how fast would you heal how well would you you how seriously would you heal if in fact half your organs said I'm not participating in that I'm not going to help you out if your heart said sorry I'm not going to I'm not going to beat any kind of increase I'm just gonna gonna slow down here if your blood pressure went awry if your body did not respond as one collective life force system that's what the earth is one collective life force system that's what we can't seem to get what's transformation about it's about getting that and letting go of this idea that every organ in our body every country on our earth is sovereign it's not it's not if we took ourselves off the earth and we looked from above we wouldn't see any borders we just see land masses if we were in a in a spacecraft looking down at this blue marble called earth we would see land masses and aquatic areas but we wouldn't see little borders we would just see these land masses and aquatic air and and maybe snow areas in the South Pole in the North Pole but we wouldn't see but there's the border of Montenegro and there's the border of this and there's you wouldn't see any of that you couldn't you would simply see these land masses and it would look like one huge blue marble that operates as one system one huge system that was the mystical vision that Edgar Mitchell had the astronaut when he was in space and he got it he got that this was one huge living organism not meant to be cut apart and separated in one area bombed and not he got it and so he lived the rest of his life devoted to teaching that vision so what is transformation about it's becoming capable of grappling with these much greater mystical truths and living them living them and pulling out of ourselves those lesser illusions as Buddha would say that are that that are not truth and that cause us to think and live in this world of distraction what when when what I would say to somebody you know well what needs to get transformed in me you know just start with this consider consider this that we think that everything in our physical world is solid we think that everything in our physical world that you touch is solid solid matter that you're standing on something solid that you're holding something solid that everything in your physical world is solid and yet that's the illusion that's the illusion and so the truth is and now this is where I think it gets fun okay the truth is now that everything is in constant motion now this is where you know I'm going to pull my remind you of my building image that I use that you know on the first floor it's the physical world where everything looks solid so if you're on your first floor everything looks like the same world that we share so you see my desk and it looks like this and we and the physical war and the first floor is the world of where your Street is and it's the physical what looks like physical reality but then every time you go up in a building to the next floor you see the same neighborhood you see yourself you're the neighborhood of your life your life but from a much higher perspective your view of your own life expands every time you go up a floor every time you go up a floor and so for those of you who haven't been with me before and I need to explain this because I refer to this this drawing all the time this analogy all the time that and this metaphor that in using the building the building is like your life and it's the consciousness is inside so once you're born you are this building and every time you all the movement that happens once you're born is within you all the significant movement so it's like when you are in this building every time you move up a floor it's going to be more expensive every time you move up a floor of consciousness it's more expensive every time you transform every time you get something and another truth it's going to cost you something it's you're going to leave behind a world that was once very familiar to you and you're going to move on to something that's new but very expansive and absolutely fascinating but you move up and every time you move up you have to work harder to stay at that altitude because the rent or the mortgage is more expensive it takes a lot more effort to maintain that altitude in yourself it takes a lot of effort to stay at that altitude but what you'll notice when you're at that altitude is that the air is cleaner the it's more tranquil the view is more spectacular you you can see for miles you don't hear the ground clutter noise at all as much if at all so when you're finally at that altitude when you finally get into that unit that's on the 30th floor it's worth all the hard work because you really feel like wow I can relax I don't feel all the tension from the physical world so working your way up to that level in yourself is worth it it's worth all the effort you have to put into it but it's very very challenging so in the physical world on the first floor it's very difficult to comprehend when someone says you know everything is changing faster even the physical world even something that you think is solid is not that doesn't make sense but you know what's happening to us and this is how transformation is happening within you I'll give you an example I'm gonna back it up like this you know in Phoenix 1 we looked at how the cycles of transformation unfolded in a society in our world through the revolutions the the changes in our our society in general and you can observe changes taking place and you can observe transfer taking place and you can see the changes out there but out there doesn't mean that you think they're happening you still think that they're controllable you still think you can control the changes happening when you're looking at them out there you don't think that you are a participant in those changes you're still in the illusion that somehow you're here and what's happening out there is out there and you're not a part of that you're not a part of that that's a very classic first floor illusion that I'm not a part of events if I'm not at the event if I'm not at the event then the event has nothing to do with me because that's the illusion of time and space and and geography and our physical form that if my form is not at something then I wasn't there how's that for something to think about it doesn't occur to you that you might energetically be there because that's a truth for a much higher floor for a much higher floor that's a more mystical perspective that's mystical truth but most of us operate on the reality certainly the law that if your body wasn't there you weren't there it doesn't occur to you to think but was I energetically there let me think now let me just take you in this a little deeper now I know if you were in my classroom right now you may have your hands up there's a lot of questions so I'll get to them if I can't if be because I'm gonna try and think the way you would if you were asking if you were in my classroom when I do a reading on you what am I track I track where you are energetically now all of you all of you know that you are attached to something in your past that you have an energetic attachment to is it right right look all of you nod your head of course that's right so you know that if you have an issue with someone trauma of this or that right you have an attachment to that place that person that thing that memory right right what what is the means through which you are attached what is it I could use the word circuit energy but does it occur to you that that's a real thing that that means that you really are attaching a circuit of yourself and an energetic part of yourself to a dimension called that a memory a place that still has an essence of you attached to it have you ever grabbed an object I thought I don't like the way this feels I it feels funny to me it feels funny to me if somebody's energy in it and I don't like it have that am I mean I'm I'm incredibly sensitive to that and I and I don't consider myself one of those hypersensitive intuitive's because hypersensitivity does not suit my personality I mean I I'm not a hypersensitive personality but my psychic field is incredibly hypersensitive and I have to tell you it drives me crazy because it doesn't suit my nature but I am incredibly sensitive to to the energetics in things and like close someone has warned I can't wear consign I can't wear clothes people have worn I can't I can I can feel it I can walk into a room I cannot tell you how many times I've walked into rooms I have felt someone's died in this room and the dead but all that stuff or arguments I can hear the arguments they've had and my point is this that the energetics of that of us remain that the energetics of us are very much present just like the and and so based on that to assume that you are not energetically participating in the creation of events just because your body's not there is very erroneous very erroneous I've done readings on people and I've said to them where's the rest of you I mean where's the rest of you you can you cannot imagine how important this is for you to get really and I'm gonna hit the pause button here and I'm gonna remind you what is transformation about transformation is about transforming what you thought was one way to a more open wider lens on what reality is you used to think this and now you think that it's like going from believing the world was flat just suddenly thinking oh my gosh I'd surround what was I thinking and you contact your cartographer and say get rid of these maps I need a globe and get rid of the flat ones I need a round globe something a little latitude and longitude action and I I need a little of this I need to love that get me a compass that works you transform yourself this is what's happening we are transforming ourselves into energetic creatures capable of comprehending the whole of ourselves in terms of our energetic nature and our energetic health and our energetic consciousness which includes being able to even grapple with the very real probability that just because I am not physically someplace doesn't mean I'm not energetically there if I can read you in the back from your someplace you have been and say you know what you're losing power here because this happened and that happened and this happened then I will tell you that when you are losing power to an issue or to a fear or a person the way you need to think now is to get that oh my god I'm actually losing power to this situation it's I'm actually my energetic body is actually hemorrhaging it this is actually costing me my energy right now you know what it is to have that experience in the past now you need to start thinking in terms of I can't of managing yourself so that you recognize I'm my energetic body is missing I'm hemorrhaging I'm not fully present I'm not fully present I've said to people in workshops where are you other than here right now where are you where are you go where you're fragments where are you this is such a huge great big huge thing that we are talking about this when I talk about transformation and holism becoming whole and co-creation which is what this time is about you
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 61,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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