Carole Lombard (Part 2)

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the couple both lovers of the outdoors  bought and lived in a twenty acre ranch   in San Fernando Valley California  where they kept a barnyard of animals   their relationship was widely publicized in  the media but Carolyn Clark weren't Hollywood   socialites they weren't glamorous they wanted  a simple life out of Hollywood's bright lights   they nicknamed each other ma and pas and their  marriage was described as the ideal marriage   Jean garceau secretary to Clark Gable writes for  Clark carol was fulfillment a pal and partner in   everything it was a household of gaiety laughter  corny jokes and gag gifts he adored her thought   she was the most exciting amusing woman in the  world in the same year Clark would star in the   movie that would cement him for posterity  as the king of Hollywood Gone with the Wind   was an enormous success and would set many  records for Academy Awards and nominations   winning in eight of the 13 categories it  was nominated in the world premiere of the   movie in Atlanta was a huge event holidays  in Dixie streamlined wings of the wind bring   Hollywood to Atlanta for a history-making  world premiere of the motion picture epic   Gone with the Wind southern hospitality is at  fever pitch as distinguished visitors arrive   headed by producer David Selznick and screen  stars Olivia de Havilland and Vivien Leigh yes it's the Clark Gable's just  in from the coast charming Carole   Lombard and friend husband get a mighty welcome after doc all Atlanta turns out for the big parade  that starts three exciting days of celebration they just can't get enough of the Gables and Clark  is his usual modest self ladies and gentlemen   tonight I am here just as a spectator I want  to see Gone with the Wind the same as usual and   this is Margaret Mitchell's night and the people  of Atlanta's night allow me please to see gone   with the wind as a spectator thank you not on the  program a youthful Gatecrasher shakes hands with   the one and only Rhett Butler and gets the thrill  of a lifetime Gone with the Wind writes history a   new chapter in film triumphs while continuing with  a slower work rate Carroll decided to move away   from the comedies and return to dramatic roles  in 1939 she appeared in made for each other which   paired her with James Stewart reviews for the film  were highly positive and praised Carol's dramatic   effort James for this time you're gonna walk in  go right up to him and you say judge Doolittle   there's something I've got to say to you right now  no you can't talk to him like that though have you   ever tried now Jen you you don't understand how if  I barged in there like that he'd he'd say what is   it Mason said he never asked ministers on his life  well then stand up but don't let him interrupt you   speak your piece Carol's next appearance came  opposite Cary Grant and the romance in name only it won't catch anything that way well I might not  be patient I'm not trying to catch any fish just   doing this for the exercise test for keeping  my temper well it's lucky you weren't trying   to catch any fish oh yes why because uh I hate  to tell you this but there haven't been any fish   in this stream for 20 years well why didn't you  tell me that the first place I did mother stopped   you I liked watching it to other movies followed  vigil in the night features Carol as a nurse who   faces a series of personal difficulties Carol  was a friend of two directors Orson Welles and   Alfred Hitchcock when Hitchcock had settled in  the US she had just moved to her ranch in San   Fernando Valley so she rented to him her home in  Bel Air both directors were competing to have her   starring in their upcoming movies eventually she  opted to star on mr. and mrs. Smith directed by   Alfred Hitchcock where she directed his cameo  appearance but those questions you asked each   month about that trip I took to Paris a year I  graduated from college I was only 21 I forgave   you that sure if you had it all to do over  again would you have married me honestly no   Orson Welles refused to make his movie without  her so he began work on Citizen Kane Citizen   Kane arguably considered the greatest movie of  all time by critics was based on the life of   William Randolph Hearst the newspaper tycoon  William Hearst was a friend of The Gables and   William's mother Phoebe Hearst was the first  Californian to accept the Baha'i faith in 1898   she brought the first group of Western bajas to  travel to Ottoman Palestine on pilgrimage years   later while visiting America abdu l-bahá accepted  mrs. Hurst's invitation to visit her and he spent   three days in her home after her passing he gave  her the title mother of the faithful Phoebe her   strived to help make education available to all  among her many endeavors were the establishment   of many kindergartens across the country providing  homes for teachers the establishment of a training   school for african-american kindergarten  teachers in Washington DC and creating   free libraries in mining cities she was the  first woman appointed to the Board of Regents   of the University of California and founded the  University of California Museum of Anthropology December 1940 was a difficult time the u.s. itself  was at peace but Europe was at war on the 29th of   December Clark and Carol were invited to the  White House during that visit they were also   invited to be among a selected few to sit in  the Oval Office and watch President Franklin D   Roosevelt less than a month away from beginning  an unprecedented third term deliver what would   be remembered as one of the most memorable  and important speeches of his presidency later on they thanked President Roosevelt dear  President Roosevelt please may we be permitted   to intrude upon your crowded moments to express  our deep appreciation for the kind hospitality   shown to us during our recent visit to Washington  to us this was a most inspiring an unforgettable   experience Carole's Thanksgiving message that year  was published on movie mirror magazine things I am   thankful for for being born in the United States  in a country where future is synonymous with hope   and not despair for the unwavering belief that I  in my time will see greater understanding between   the peoples of the world and in a brief interview  after a radio play with James Stewart she said in   the past few months I think you've really taken  on a new assignment here all entertainment is a   premium now and anything that lifts this out of  the everyday routine for an hour so is what we   need at a time like this America must be strong  and we must keep it free by making it stronger   still while we're all working toward that in the  limit of our strength we need the emotional outlet   that a theater like this provide carol was so  serious about setting up a family that she told   friends that motherhood constituted grounds for  retiring from the screen I'll work for a few more   years and then I want a family I'll let paw be  the star and I'll stay home darling the socks   and look after the kids Carol started to think  about going into production or into directing   and in those days there were no women taking these  roles in Hollywood but carol was a firm believer   in the Equality of women and men she often spoke  about women being emancipated by a masculine   domination and about the establishment of a new  social order brought about by the independence   of women it was nearly a year before Carol  committed to another film to be or not to be   his filming took place in the fall of 1941 and  was reportedly one of the happiest experiences   of Carol's career Carol signed a profit-sharing  contract which was a very new thing at that time   there isn't much to tell I I just fly a bomber oh  how perfectly thrilling I don't know about it's   being a thrilling but it's quite a bomber you  might not believe it but I can drop three tons   of dynamite in two minutes really what does  that interest you it certainly does goodbye I hope you forgive me if I acted a little  clumsy but this is the first time I ever   met an actress lieutenant this is the first time  I've ever met a man who could drop three tons of   dynamite in two minutes when the u.s. entered  World War two at the end of 1941 the Gable's   wrote to the US president offering their help  and support Roosevelt replied dear Carol and   Clark Gable it is most encouraging to have  assurance of your desire to be of service   in this time of grave crisis for the present  at least I think you can both run der the very   highest service to the nation by continuing  your professional activities in contributing   your superb talents to the production of  inspirational and patriotic pictures you   will help maintain the spirit and morale of this  nation very Sincerely Yours Franklin D Roosevelt nevertheless the Stars created the Hollywood  victory committee an organization founded to   provide a means to the stage screen television and  radio performers who were not in military service   but wanted to contribute to the war effort Clark  Gable was one of the chairman of the committee   Carroll had always opposed war on principle and  once threatened to chained Clark Gable to the   barn door if he tried to enlist but when the war  erupted she knew what had to be done to assure a   long-lasting peace Carol was the first actress who  was asked by the Hollywood victory committee to   help with the war bond effort a tour was arranged  for Carole touching Salt Lake City Chicago and   Indianapolis her home state Carroll traveled with  her mother and Clark Gable's press agent and their   best friend Otto Winkler will H hased was present  in Indianapolis and writes in his memoirs Carole   Lombard with her mother threw herself joyously  into every event of the crowded day it was clear   from the first moment that miss Lombard beautiful  and talented girl with the vitality of her spirit   equaled only by the obvious sincerity of her every  word had completely won the hearts of the crowd the v-sign popper eyes by a famous a label to see   which ensures you and morality  to be heard in Berlin Tokyo after the flag-raising ceremony miss Lombard  plunged into the actual selling of bonds the   governor presented miss Lombard she was dressed  in exquisite taste her nature charm and beauty   created a profound impression then after  dinner we went to the tabernacle for the   big mass meeting the Chairman announced that the  quota of $500,000 had actually been raised to a   grand total of two million seventeen thousand  five hundred and thirteen dollars her party   had initially been scheduled to return to  Los Angeles by train but carol was anxious   to return home more quickly and wanted to fly  back her mother and Winkler were both afraid of   flying and insisted they follow their original  travel plans Carol suggested they flip a coin   to decide which way they would travel they  agreed and Carol won the tops in the early   morning hours of January 16 1942 Carol her  mother and Winkler boarded the small aircraft Clark Gable immediately rushed to the crash site  I'm going out there he roared you can't stop   me I'm going he spent the morning struggling  towards the peak while his friends begged him   to stay behind as the conditions were very  precarious gable would not listen finally   hours later they led him down the trail almost by  force and brought him to a hotel in Las Vegas he   paced the floor for hours he refused to talk he  could not eat then as if he had reached the end   of his emotional rope he rushed from the hotel  and drove back to the forbidding mountain peak   there he refused to wait at the supply camp but  insisted on starting with the next Posse going up   it was two days after Carol's body and those  of the eight others could be brought down from   the mountain Clark Gable returned by train  back to Los Angeles with the bodies of his   wife mother-in-law and best friend the army was  in favor of a military funeral because of the   nature of her mission but Carol and her will had  requested a private function and Clark respected   her wishes Carol and her mother's funeral were  held on January 21st at Forest Lawn Memorial Park   Cemetery in Glendale California they were  interred beside each other 46 guests were   invited to the funeral they included amongst  others mr. and mrs. Platt who also served as   pallbearers and Lister's Lewis Carroll's casket  was covered with a pall of white gardenias with   orchids added Clark Gable entered the chapel  quietly through a private family entrance he   sat with his father and an MGM official unseen  by the other attendees in the family alcove   inconsolable and unapproachable Carol's brother  Frederick asked Bella to assist in selecting   the memorial readings the ceremony was very simple  and it included two excerpts from Bahamas writings Oh Oh I'm son Oh son of Oh son of ow Dominion and Dominion perisheth no whip of  beer is down by Barry Sheene now   and why does the dread extinction my bro the Rama now also read as part of the program was a poem  that Carol and her mother loved my life is   but a weaving between my Lord and me I cannot  choose the colors he worketh steadily times he   weaves sorrow and I and foolish pride forget  he sees the upper and I the underside not till   the loom is silent and the shuttles ceased to  fly shall God enroll the canvas and explain the   reasons why the dark threads are as needful in the  Weaver's skillful hand as the threads of gold and   silver in the pattern he has planned he knows  he loves he cares nothing this truth condemn he   gives his very best to those who choose to walk  with him Carol's death was mourned throughout   the world Clarke received thousands of telegrams  expressing their love and adoration of his wife   shoghi effendi wrote deepest sympathy grievous  loss and fervent prayers President Franklin   Roosevelt who later nominated Carroll as the  first woman to be killed in the line of duty   wired Clarke mrs. Roosevelt and I are deeply  distressed Carol was our friend our guest in   happier days she brought great joy to all who  knew her and to the millions who knew her only   as a great artist she gave unselfishly of her  time and her talent to serve her government in   peace and in war she loved her country she  is and always will be a star when we shall   never forget nor cease to be grateful to deepest  sympathy United States Secretary of the Treasury   Henry Morgenthau who posthumously awarded Carol  the silver medal for her effort in selling war   bonds wrote to gable my deepest sympathy goes  to you today your wife died in the service of   her country her brilliant work for the Treasury  this week in selling defense bonds in Indianapolis   will be long remembered and honored by all of  us the Senate halted its schedule of business   to hear senator Willis from Carol's home state  of Indiana rise and speak in her honor and in   Congress Louis Ludlow read into the Congressional  Record Carol's final speech and remarked Carol   Lombard loved people and when the test of love  came she always arose to it magnificently as   she did when she left her home to engage in the  arduous task of selling defense securities she   was doing what she always wanted to do helping  others and that made her happy in circumstances   like these words are weak and impotent in a very  real sense she laid down her own life for her   friends and that is the reason why as she sleeps  in death millions of Americans and the friends of   humanity all around the world are thinking of her  and are figuratively laying their garlands at her   feet to testify their great love for her around  the world roads bridges and ambulances were named   after Carole Lombard in December 1943 the United  States Marine Commission announced that a ship   named after Carole Lombard would be launched and  Clark Gable and field Z attended the ceremony the   ship was involved in rescuing hundreds of  survivors from sunken ships in the Pacific   and returning them to safety poised on the waves  for launching a Liberty Ship that will carry to   the far corners of the earth the name of a great  American woman Carole Lombard who gave her life   for her country Lois be mayor of MGM dedicates  the ship with a sincere tribute to miss Lombard   we whose privilege it was to know and to love  Carole stand here today in Pride and reverence   before this beautiful ship which symbolizes the  high patriotic ideals for which she gave her life   launching of the Carole Lombard end of the fourth  war long campaign god bless you Carole Lombard good ship named for a famous American woman  may she carry her name proudly in Los Angeles   stillness descended over the movie studios that  closed down for the day friends and colleagues   expressed their shock and sorrow robert taylor  said it was all too terrible Marlena Dietrich   lamented my feeling is one of the deepest  and most terrible shock we grieve all of us   in Hollywood Errol Flynn said Carole Lombards  tragic death means that something of gaiety and   beauty have been taken from the world at a time  that we needed the most Ginger Rogers said the   motion picture industry has lost a valuable star  who brought joy to millions and her associates   have lost a wonderful friend and Sheridan said  unbelievable and too tragic one of the greatest   troopers one of the finest souls I have ever  worked with Spencer Tracy said so little can   be put into words when a tragedy of this kind  strikes Barbara Stanwyck said she was so alive   modern Frank and natural that she stood out like  a beacon on a light ship in this odd place called   Hollywood Orson Welles said she was very bright  brighter than any director she ever worked with   John Barrymore I've never played with an actress  so intelligent in my life Lucille Ball who Carol   had encouraged to take the comedy path shared  about Carol there were many things about Carol   that were out-of-this-world wonderful she was  classed she was a good actress but most important   she had a lot of heart many actors and actresses  shared how carol had taken them under their wing   when they arrived in Hollywood Robert Stack talked  about the links to which Carol went to keep him   loose on the set she was he said with awe the  only fellow performer ever to do that for him   gable was devastated and kept asking why MA few  weeks later gable having lost 20 pounds since the   tragedy joined the United States Army Air Forces  AE Hotchner recounts in his book choice people   that summer of 1942 when he and gable were at the  official training school in Florida each time we   reached the perimeter of our area we would put  down our rifles and take a short break before   turning around and retracing our steps after a  couple of hours of this monotony gable dropped   his rifle and plunked himself down on the sand  paws gotta rest his weary dogs I plopped down   on the beach beside him that's what she used to  call me paw and I called her ma he said softly he   started to talk about his wife Carole Lombard he  said that for the past hour as we silently tramped   the beach he had been reliving wonderful times  with her he made a funny little sound I thought   he was chortling over the incident but in the  moonlight I could see his tears he fished inside   his shirt pocket and fished out two chains  one that held his dog tag and the other that   held a small locket that he opened it contained a  fragment of jeweled metal he said it was the only   thing that was left of hers that hadn't burned the  fragment was from a diamond and ruby clip that he   had given her Esther Williams said they had an  ineffable quality in romance the ability to have   fun together they were soul mates that thought  life was delicious and they made everyone's life   delicious around them after her death he was  never the same Elaine Barrymore wife of John   perhaps said it best Clark adored her she was  the light in his eyes with her it was different   he was in love to have her taken from him was like  someone ripped out his soul I saw him periodically   for years afterward and the light in his eyes was  gone even when he smiled that light never returned Frederick C Othman journalist and close friend of  Carroll wrote in an article published a few days   after her death Carole Lombard had a serious  idealistic side that her public didn't know   journalist Adela Rogers st. John's recalls her  last encounter with Carroll do you believe in   God Carroll asked to me that last time suddenly  when we were just sitting in her backyard now I   had never thought of Carroll as what we would  call a religious woman I had become aware that   there was an inner pattern to her growth that  she had had a set of laws by which she ruled   and guided herself but until that moment I hadn't  thought about her philosophy of life exactly as   a religion do you get solemn about it Carroll  asked I don't seem to get solemn about it and   some people might not understand that's why I  never talk about it in the end it's better if   people are forced back into well into being right  before they're too far gone I think your temple is   your everyday living there's got to be something  after this after this life where you can use all   that you've learned here or nothing makes any  sense Carroll was spiritual not in the common   sense but in the most valuable meaning of it she  embodied in her actions the spirit of her belief   in a letter written to shoghi effendi a few months  before her death she shares that she prays each   day for the greater understanding of the teachings  and view of the condition of the world which is in   a state of sorrow and she notes how fortunate  it is to be under the shadow of the faith and   that without the knowledge of bahá'u'llah the  world would be lost and purposeless she ends by   stressing her earnest desire to do her utmost to  serve the cause of God Beulah stores Lewis recalls   people who knew Carole Lombard will tell you of  her amazing vitality they cannot imagine her as   not living they say the films do not even show her  as she really was that because of her coloring and   vibrant quality she was more beautiful in real  life on the threshold of what was to be her last   journey Carole had a long walk with me and she  spoke of her desire to see the Baha'i faith spread   in the night when she declared as a Baha'i her  face streaming she said to me I have acted many   parts I have been in many plays but this is the  greatest act of my life this is why I was born little mo as she's been nicknamed lost no  time in getting down to tennis watched by   her coach miss Ellen that each tenant she  was soon putting in some practice at servitor
Channel: Vargha
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Length: 36min 8sec (2168 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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