Carol & Sis: Temp Secretary from The Carol Burnett Show

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[Music] uh personnel uh this is mr bradford uh my my secretary is out sick and i need a temporary girl you don't have any left not even one oh wonder yeah i know all about the flu epidemic bradford here oh hi lou how are you when'd you get in great yeah okay i'll see you in 10 minutes oh boy this is going to be someday roger surprise [Music] what are you two doing here well we were in town shopping and we came up because i knew you'd just love to take us to lunch honey are you kidding i can't spare a second my secretary is sick i got a pile of work to do and an important client's on his way over you're gonna die when you see the outfit i've got on it honey i don't have time to see your outfit you show it to me tonight goodbye oh bradford yeah hold on i'll take it inside come on you guys are you you please leave i'm swamped here let's go carol i'm starved you go ahead honey i think i'll stay what do you mean well he needs a secretary so i'll stay and help him out carol you haven't worked in an office in ages oh there's nothing to it i'll pick it up like that carol will you take it from me it's dangerous for a husband and wife to work in the same office especially in that outfit you bought now don't be ridiculous well don't say i didn't warn you goodbye chrissy goodbye carol goodbye marriage carol are you still here you need help and i admit oh darling thank you i appreciate it but you don't know the routine i'd have to stop every second and tell you what to do i don't have the time mr bradford's office just a moment please you want to speak to an ed parker mr parker i'm terribly sorry but mr bradford just stepped out i'll tell him you called bye okay take off your coat let's go to work yes sir [Music] now honey this letter needs re-typing we've ever used an electric typewriter no but i'm sure there's nothing to it good girl oh one letter coming up where's your hot dress carol are you out of your mind well i think they're very flattering yeah if you happen to be 21 you have a gorgeous figure and great legs but not for watch it play i may be old-fashioned but please just get behind this desk and stay there this is a business office not a track meet no roger me just wipe up this letter and say don't tell anybody you're my wife why not i happen to be a vice president so so when was the last time you saw mrs spiro agnew in hot pants [Laughter] like two copies of this memo yes sir right after this letter now please yes sir [Music] mr bradford's office of course it's mr bradford's office i'm on the intercom call to atlanta mr r.j lewis you have the number out there check bye honey hello i'd like long distance oh this is mail room hello uh long distance oh it's a shipping department excuse me sir hello where's that long distance call i don't know which button to press oh never mind i'll place the call myself oh where's the letter well you told me first to do that over there well honey it's just the short note i thought you'd be finished but you said not to finish that until i did that well where are the copies of my memo let's get organized around here carol what do you want first i want two copies of the memo all right oh boy hello hello mr bradford's office hello from my long distance call sorry what is that i don't know it got started don't get me started or i'm able to do the same thing carol look i appreciate everything you're trying to do for me but it's just not working out i appreciate it darling i really do as your last official act would you please call an agency and get me a temporary girl why don't i call an aquarium and get you a temporary octopus very funny i'll get that behind this desk before somebody sees you oh hi you must be new here yeah i work for attila vahon oh you mean raji but he's very sweet when you get to know him is he gee how long have you been calling him raji this is the last christmas party here did you call the agency hi raji oh hi linda it's cheryl oh sure dendi's the one in the stockroom yeah hey that's a groovy tie rogie yes well i'll see you i'll see you later oh let me straighten it for you stick around you'll be able to straighten his head later bye [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] linda maybe we better talk this over darling i i i know what you're gonna ah i know what you're gonna say so you don't have to say it i can assure you it was a very innocent christmas office party and nothing happened ho ho ho i'll discuss it later darm you bet we will sometimes i just don't understand you girl hold it don't move nothing nothing's the matter [Music] now you can move hey that is some outfit may i help you please good you ever yeah you want to talk to mr bradford not not anymore mr bradford there's a man out here to see you lou nicholson looks more like you hefner i'll be right on him all right he'll he'll be right out take your time let's not talk about me let's talk about miss hot pants you mean carol yeah oh that's old carol been with me for years just like one of the family welcome let's go to my office hey sweetheart uh yeah doll you're not married are you no she's married she's married oh yes but my husband doesn't understand me so old-fashioned really lou will you do me a favor uh i mean carol's got a lot of work to do but you just sort of leave her alone and go in the office and i'll oh i get it raj you quiet guys oh it's nothing like that i'm a happily married man better check at home [Laughter] lou the contracts are on my desk would you go in there i'll be in in a minute oh no no don't rush on my account swinger you're having a lot of fun aren't you carol not as much fun as you have at christmas parties will you forget about that now let's start all over you're my wife and i love you yeah yeah yeah second of all you look fabulous in those hot pants you're improving continue [Music] of all i get crazy jealous when another man looks at you fourth of all no more office parties you're forgiven hey raj about these contracts whoops sorry hey uh if you're not too busy how'd you like to uh go out for some dinner tonight oh mr bradford i'd love to don't answer them why not it might be my [Music] [Applause] [Music] wife
Channel: The Carol Burnett Show Official
Views: 79,585
Rating: 4.9347825 out of 5
Id: o1Gsxf8q1wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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