Carlton Pearson preaches "A Father's Love" at All Souls Church

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come Sunday as the movie come Monday is the movement what you want wants you because what you want is you that's where Monday comes in who am I on Monday after Sunday let's discover that let's recover that let's reclaim that together that's where I am the movie is fantastic my past 65 years are wonderful now I'm so excited about what's gonna happen exit I think you are too you want to know what's next movie for me what's next for you and those you love you might be the leader in fact you really are you can be come and sign up for come Monday or you become a part of this amazing movement that's global and we're hearing from people all over the country as well as all over the planet Pakistan India way down in South Africa people want to go to the next level this is next level living this is next level thinking this is next level be see you there the next great move of the Holy Spirit would be initiated by black people and that he was going to have a leading part [Music] it's about to see here tell me come on in we're not gonna do it do it but she forgot she doesn't sing something [Music] [Applause] [Music] obviously we love music in this church we have some of the most excellent musicians and singers and instrumentalists everybody involved in music here are we have a lot of professionals but have a lot of raw rare talent and it's always a joy to eat service that we have different and expressions of music the word music is that you've heard me say many times comes to the word Muse which means to think it's called the science of the musings to to amuse is to stop thinking be very opposite and we need to know how to do both I haven't learned how to stop thinking yet but I try but Mads just got back from the force and you saw her on television [Applause] she's so vet she's so gracious because she stood in line in rain sleet and snow in Chicago Kansas City Oklahoma City's Little Rock Arkansas for The Voice and all these different shows something I would never have done and I did it the first time with her and knew I wasn't gonna do it again and she stood there and and there are many turn downs and she just keeps going I watched I learned from my own daughter watching her tenacity because she's on focus and he never gives up and I said to her there I said it's not about this is not a competition this is about you doing destiny you you knowing that's in your so we heard her sing I'll tell us then as a father her bedroom was right down the hall from ours and we put all our babies in there one after we got him out of our bed they told us never to put him in our beds but we did you know I was hoping I wouldn't roll over on that time it too but I always went and got them when they cried so Jenna didn't have to get out because she had to do all the other work soon as they make the Smita sighs and I'm down there grab them so they could be nursed and then something a lot of times I most times I help burp them and that was worse than anything just will you burp girl [Applause] and why we buy there one day I bought our boombox we used to let play music driving what they went to tu for a while when they were little in them would would drive I just realize who you guys are [Music] I would driving them school I kept music going music never force anything on them they would sing along with the musical one day I was passing Majesty Russia was about nine or ten she always played Alicia Keys and Mariah Carey and all these and and I thought that's what I was hearing and I stopped and she was singing on top of valishia sounding almost identical to her so I did this to Gina because the door was closed and Gina came down we put our ears and we listened and the mighty just filled my eyes and woo so I pushed the door open she immediately cut everything off it stopped she wasn't ready for us to hear her and I knew then she was going to sing and she's a classical pianist trained but her light doesn't come on as bright when she's at the keyboard when she sings and when she's on the stage she she becomes alive and I want to say that to affirm that you follow your anointing you follow your unction one of my Howard Thurman said don't ask what the world needs ask what makes you come alive and do it what the world needs is people who have come alive come alive a little girl again and sing that song and then we'll come back and talk [Applause] [Music] I don't need you to thumb me I don't need you to love oh god oh god I've got my sister I can feel her now she may not be here but she still Milan I hold oh she knows I still love I've got much huge men I can feel them know they may not be but they still might Oh hoping no one still love [Music] got in my house still keeps the cold out I've got my chair when my body can't hold down I'm gone my hands doing good like this bow too [Music] they don't see is fine now they see more about how things really [Music] I'm gonna I'm gonna [Music] with somebody [Music] every Oh [Music] but most of all I'm thankful for loving who I [Music] beautiful you're beautiful you're beautiful you're beautiful [Music] and I [Music] I love y'all yes yeah yes just real quick this oh man give it up for Kirby you guys give it up for the band you guys I love y'all I love y'all [Music] but a sweet smirk thank you darlin I might have you to sing home later it's my favorite the young lady she unseated social media one of the things I don't like about I'm concerned about them doing that is once you become infamy comes with all thing if you get any notoriety there's always gonna be people who don't like you and who say unkind things to you because of the internet they can do that anonymously and be very ruthless and the young lady that she unseated was only 23 badges 21 and so I heard that they were just attacking the young lady just because she expressed a little bit of her displeasure when you do those kind of shows you kind of flow with what they want you to they want you to show the competitive thing and be a little edgy and so they they attacked her on the media and Majlis concerned and I was too so she called her and loved on her the other night she facetimes hearing brought it in my room I told her I was gonna invite her to come here and maybe they would do a concert right here just pack the place out not gonna talk real long this is Father's Day I know many of you are gonna go out and and toast either outdoors in some place my dad would be 91 if he was here today one of the most important and powerful things he said to me he often said he loved us he told us all the time I remember he would come home at 4 o'clock every day and I becomes Popeye the sailorman came on in the 50s and when Popeye would come on daddy would drive into the driveway and you could hear the gravel crackling under the wheels and all six of us would just charged out to the car just jump on it he kissed every single one of us and then we would go back and sit in my mother would wait and his mama would wait and he would just hold her and love her and we saw that as as little children coming up for years he used to call from work and my mom but just go crazy and just charge through the house of she whether she was ironing or washing clothes we'd say mama daddy's on him she go running like she did that for two or three days and it was just we used to actually just banter on who's gonna who's gonna tell her daddy was there she just had this amazing lover we saw that and they would be seventy years married if daddy was still alive now that's a long time to live with the same person seventy years married they were 68 well actually 71 mom cuz you guys would have they would have had their 68th wet wedding anniversary just a few days after he he made his transition which was two days after my birthday so it's Reza this is a soft day but he said to me he said son you said it off a son you know how much I love you I said thank you Dad you just your precious hid he said now you you won't know it until you have your own son you won't know what I mean or what it's like and when my kids were born I fatherhood this whole idea about hell shifted because I was sitting in my house I was so proud of having I didn't think I'd have any children I was totally surrendered to Christ and I and I still AM and I entered the ministry and I was 40 years old and I said if I don't get married by the end of my 40th year we don't we wanted to discuss the matter anymore I said that to God but if I'm supposed to get married I'm gonna be married in six months into my 40th year I was I met Gina Mary had three months after I met her and about a year later in the Saints of my church was counting the months about a year later your wooden nine it was about nine and a half y'all would have done that over here but my church they was keeping the calendar I know y'all my mama even had a calendar when everyone Julian comes in July he's gonna turn 24 and I remember sitting there so incredibly proud little bit embarrassed because I always I'll just be honest I thought that being a husband with children was for commoners and that I was supposed to be single and saved and sanctified and satisfied and serving God till I died that I would need nothing in the earth except something to my parents if I preceded them and death and I was my commitment I fasted and prayed it sucked daughter my whole life and then I got to the place where I I wondered one time I was on the jet with or with Richard in paddy Roberts this was 1975 we were flying to a big church in Los Angeles and that was only my second time on the on the company jet I'd been there in 72 with Wynn Oral Roberts flew to to Memphis Tennessee to preach at our annual conference of our denomination it's very honored to go with him and so now I'm on the second time it's 1975 we're on our way out to California and I said to Richard man I if I was you and your dad was my dad and I had all access to all the things you have I take this whole world for Jesus and he said well you don't have a wife and children and I said your dad and her wife and for he's got a real chance but it was more impacting to me than him when I said that I stopped discrediting in discounting my ability to be productive in the earth spiritually if I had a wife and children and what I did I still felt a little bit selfish that I did that for me and not for the ministry I did it for me and not for God these are the I was raised to think only about God and serving God and preaching the gospel and saving the world and all that kind of mom my mom is the same way she still thinks I should be doing what I did 40 years ago because she trained me to do that and that's what we do that's what my dad did that's what his dad did that's what her uncle's did and her grandfather so we have four generations of this it's almost like a cult following of a principle I don't mean that in an unkind way but we were so locked into that we didn't know other freedoms we didn't know other realities never drink never smoke never I didn't everybody else in my family was going to hell I was on him we were taught on he and I was such a straight strict life I'm 65 and I'm just learning what freedom is without judgment my dad was all mother was always straight and very strict daddy was always a little bit he would relax the rules he would he would every once in a while daddy would have a beer or and we'd always know when he was on the verge of backsliding because he'd have a beer in the refrigerator and mama would go on a three-day fast to keep them beers out one of the last things I gave him before he died with a bottle of wine and he was sneaking some wine he wanted a little whiskey but I I I saw my dad he could have a little you could have a little wine Jesus as I heard Nicky Nicole said the other day I like the water that Jesus turned to wine I my dad had this they're very very comforting way of letting me know it's okay not to take myself too seriously he guided me that way when Julian was born he was crawling around my feet and I was sitting at home alone I was the proudest human being on the planet because I had a kid and I had a son and he was mine and I was 41 and he was just touching things and moving and flipping and flopping and I remember hearing a voice inside me or I thought come to my bed what kept that little boy do to make you send him to hell forever it was an insulting question it took me seconds only seconds to say absolutely nothing and then I heard that same emphasis in my spirit say why are you telling people we do that do you really believe we are tormenting people forever we've been wailing and nashing forever and we love them it hit me I couldn't then then the Father's love entered my heart and a different expansion our Father who art in the higher reaches and rhythms and regions of consciousness we say heaven but we don't really know what that is except everything is consciousness Halla would be thy name thy auto eyes existence in my consciousness name is I'm no Mayan Greek and it means authorization your nature hallowed hallo holy Halloween is all after all are all saints e holy that means special be your presence in my consciousness when he says thy will be done in or on earth as it is in heaven our Father I say our Father now all the father's in here today are our fathers and most of you would be kind and fatherly to any of us in fact I'm gonna I borrow a couple of dollars from all of them before we leave two digit just to be free there's not a one of you in general that would turn any one of us away today there's something about a father you can easily feel that protective thing that that my wife was going to driving to Gina was driving to Arkansas last week and she had a flat she drove in she was rushing to catch a plane there and she drove into a service station and they couldn't help her with the tire they couldn't fix it she would have had to go down to another place to get it fixed and it was a car with a gentleman in there and his sons a man young man and three of his sons this is Arkansas he was white he never saw my wife before and he said may I help you man and she said could you just give me a ride to the he said get in the car and he went down there the son got out and walked with her in to tell the people to go get her car to fix it so while she makes her flight it will be fixed when she came back to Arkansas and the and then then he drove her to the airport the son got out took her luggage walked into the airport with her and and Gina said the man treated her like she was his daughter he had the same care had young children the little boy treated her like he was her mother like she was her his mother and the warmth and the love and then she got them on the phone and we called them and we've invited them to come and eat with us here and people of my colored greens were there coming by the house to eat and I remember thinking that Father's love he didn't even know Gina he was a computer's a complete stranger but something drew him to that service station he happened to notice she was in distress and he just kicked it in he didn't think about who she was he didn't know what kind of woman she was where she was from well how she lived he didn't even care he just felt that fatherly love and took care of her in a very very special way many many men don't get celebrated to that to the same degree that we should usually on Mother's Day we take her out we get the flowers with our dresses and perfume and send cards and call and on Father's Day we give him a pair of socks and tell him to go on about his business and we use the gold I don't need nothing don't y'all don't worry about me just take care of your mama but when you when you do give us something Madge got him to fix me breakfast this morning she and my son in it and one of my godson's had a big what do that what is that y'all sent me the flower the fruit thing edible arrangement and I edibles it this morning here there are little things that happened with a file because you're not just a sperm donor any any male can make a baby it takes a man to be a father that's a responsibility and when you're involved in the children's life and and and we ladies you might as well know this we love making you happy the first woman a man ever loves is his mother I adore my mom I almost worship her all my life she had six of us so my love was it wasn't special to her necessary because we all loved her but you can tell how they will treat his wife sometimes by the way he treats his mother the first meal that he takes us from her breast he sweated breast he swims in her stomach for nine months he bonds with her he's physically connected to her when my children came out I was able to clip the umbilical cord and hold them both up to God Julia first and then majesty she was just kicking Julian came came into the world and and we laid him down he he had so much water in him a lot of it just came right out em from my dad said that ball came into the world pissed off and even pissed off ever since y'all pray for me my dad was there when when Julie was born our flu rushed here to get there he met me at the hospital at the Hillcrest hospital when my daughter was born we we I taken Jenna today to the doctor the doctor and she started having contractions that afternoon our doctor just happened to swing into the parking lot our personal doctor John dr. John Julian's Godfather and Gina was leaning against me as she did what she would have those pains I would just have her lean on me and dr. Johnson happened to show up our doctor and he said we were to put her in the hospital I think she's gonna have this baby she had it that afternoon daddy got up and you rushed down there he's been in the birthing suite every time one of my kids are our kids were born I celebrated that many he'll always be my hero he was my best friend he walked me through so many things and the first time I ever heard my dad cry was when I was leaving San Diego at the airport I'd never seen my dad cry couldn't even imagine him crying and he we went to the airport I had my little bag I was coming down hit oh oh are you in August of 1971 and after the airport my dad and he'll meets the son you leaving me and I barely got to know you he said you're busy with your mom and the preachers running around in church and I'll let you be with them because I thought that was good but now you're leaving he didn't know our Billy was really gonna go to college and I had it just melted me and so I when I got to oru I wrote him a letter and told him that he was my here I had all those bishops and leaders and preachers all around me but that my dad was my my first hero it would always be that and the first and only time I think that my dad ever wrote a letter was to me he couldn't write there well good he read their will but my daddy wrote me a handwritten note I wish to God I had her today and when I sat in my dormitory you were ready he expressed his heart for me and then a few years later they moved here in 78 and we became close I was studying to every building I was going to buy he was the one that warmed the where where were our church was hardly that 15 acres to the south the men there wasn't friendly toward religious people and didn't like church folk and daddy warmed in my daddy talked about fishing and trees and he wanted the man up and the guy sold us the property cut several hundred thousand dollars out of it I said daddy you were something you gonna turn out to be some here in a minute and one of the most embarrassing and profound things he said to me he said son you're the man I've always wanted to be and never didn't register he had that kind of oneness you're the man I have always wanted to be he said you're smart and you're educated and you're productive and you're doing these kinds of things I'm so proud I never sat in the service of my dad I wasn't smiling somehow the father's role because we the science says that the man the male determines the gender of the child something in in the you know the X and X Y chromosome comes out of the mail and and determines the gender and of course the bloodline is carried through the father and there's there's a strange connection between a father and his children even though the culture has a way of dismissing us I remember when my son was first born and today we get to go into the birthing suites as I did with both of my kids few years ago the dad wasn't allowed how many of you remember that Colin you would remember they dads were not allowed to go in there so he was distanced from the kid from the beginning you stay away you stay out you get back here comes mom grandma I'm a godmother aunt sister what the dad stayed away and and I remember if he didn't do the diaper ride or he didn't put in those days we had cloth diapers with with safety pins right well if the man didn't put it on the father didn't put it on right sometimes the mother will say that ain't the way to put it stopped it Danny time get that other by the time he gets we feels like a little kid and he says here take this Negro just take you and then that then he steps away and sometimes he never enters the life again now remember when my my wife my wife started doing that with with Julie and that's a whole wait wait baby wait I'm gonna put this diaper on the way I'll put it on I don't care if I put it on his head let me let me put it on and let me hold him and let me be daddy because I never wanted to end it might leave my kid's life we hurt when our dad leaves our lives and lives in the same house and there are a lot of hurting men maybe in here today because at some point he meant no harm and once the man doesn't feel like a hero in his home he's crushed we get silent we don't talk a lot we find man caves long before they were popular he backs away because you don't do things right they tell you we had to but we're still there we're protecting we're loving we care there's a lot of men silent in their lives today because they don't know where they fit other than providing and protecting and then if you're here and they've gone through that I understand and we can be healed and the world is changing and this whole me to thing straightened us up and out we have to be there there's a lot of men shaking in their boots now who haven't been exposed yet the world was different and the culture was different and the society is different and we got by with things and we were we had we took license in ways we didn't know when I sat and told my dad that his mother was not in hell forever he was about 78 years old 10 years before he died when I convinced him to scripture that the word hell does not appear in the original text Jesus never used the word hell he used the Hebrew word Gehenna game gaming in gully or Gorge or Valley of Hinnom the King James translators translated the word hell from the Anglo way of translating Greek and Hebrew but it was it wasn't in it was in an accurate translation because Dante's Inferno which is written in the 1212 hundreds influenced the Catholic Church and influenced the thinking of the people and dramatized hell and made it an article of faith that you couldn't be saved if you didn't believe in Hell what God who says he or it loves everybody and I give my own son for you and if you don't believe me to hell with you almost I'm gonna send you to hell and you're gonna suffer forever you better believe I love you that's stupid you know that we said I don't make no kind of sense how you gonna say I love you but if you don't believe I love you I'm a torture you think about that and we preach that to the world I believe in a hellish experience i sat late last night at almost two o'clock in the morning with a young man who never knew his father he was at the the Juneteenth event and he's he aspires to the ministry I knew his grandfather and he knew his grandfather I preached his grandfather's funeral and he said I never knew my father and the words you're saying to me are so viable he said I've been watching you since I was a little kid I'm in an infant I watched you on television I listened to your music I came to your church I came to us I've always been drawn to you and now I'm City he said I can't believe I'm sitting here with you my grandfather's in heaven I never knew my father and you're saying things to me that a father should be saying and I remember the hell that many people go through who never get to hear that warm embrace vocally or attitudinally from from a father we met we sort of validate I said your your masculinity has is often validated by your dad your humaneness your female aspects who you are often validated by the relationship you have with your father your mother affirms you in a different way it's powerful it comes sort of natural dads sort of work their way into our end of your lives fathers I salute you I'm saying things that many of you have experienced some of you it's new to think about it but your courage men and I can see it I remember they used to say what would you say have all the father's stand when I wasn't married in my own church I can't tell you the the I was embarrassed I feel awkward I felt inadequate to minister because they say a lot all the father stand and I'm the founder of the church and pastor almost one that would baby out of wedlock just did no I didn't I thought of it a couple of times and I really went now that I'm one when you all stood I felt so proud I love that little girl I'm I adore her and I told her brother who ought to be here today and is it but he had he had breakfast with me this morning huh I'm telling my sister he should have been here he he loves me we tweet he constantly late on my Bailey came in late last night came to my room and we talked as his on the lake all day yesterday we have a very close relationship we like to talk he texts me all the time sends me news articles he knows how I think he preaches my stuff back to me and that's enough you know that's that you want to keep that relationship going because sometimes it slips away when I first explained to my dad what I've considered was a sin in my life he listened very carefully and he said son when you get old and you're gonna understand I don't want you to carry the sin consciousness with you all your life I was just a teenager he said I want you to understand that you're not ever gonna be what you consider perfect don't even try go and grow with the flow that you are and don't condemn yourself send consciousness from my tradition has eaten the life of many people wrap your arms around yourself think about your dad if you had a relationship with him if you didn't I pray and think positive energy toward you so that she won't be scarred by that or feel victimized I'm sure there was some male image somewhere maybe a brother maybe an uncle maybe a grandfather Godfather feel the affirmation fill the parental love the sponsoring idea that spawn your existence on this planet and saluted I give anything to hug my dad today mom and I were driving this church and one of the I had Tony Bennett on I liked him and he was singing I forget the song what yeah don't get around much anymore and mama said oh that's my that's my me and dad's song that's what they were singing when he came back from the war I didn't even know that and I said I'd give anything to have him now she said me too you live with a man that long is hard hard to let him go if your dad is with you today reach over and touch it you are so blessed to have your dad if you can touch your dad oh you better get up here you can if you could touch her dad Marlins dead is he that that's a courageous man I love him he's strong he's full of wisdom he loves his son he's very supportive he's one of the most sensitive men I know he set with dr. wolf for hours I'd always go over when he was there and that was his bunny he's a buddy to this ministry he's a buddy to his own son he understands the vision you're all of our fathers sir we all salute you Stan will you feed dad's let's stand up all the father's stand at one time if you win your father yeah [Music] dude come on monies we can all tell the stories we all got stories to tell and I'll save for all of us I don't care what how if we even if we didn't do it well or didn't do it right we really tried y'all sometimes we just miss it but but we really do love you we really want to fill in those gaps and and we'll keep trying to do better be easy on us and do something that you haven't done for us today I don't know what that will be build us a house buy us a car well let's salute these gentlemen one more time I bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] come Sunday is the movie come Monday is the movement Sunday is named after the Sun Monday is named after the moon I call the moon the natural night night you don't have clear vision at night you have a little light in the sky that helps you find your place during the dark moments we want to help you deal with the day after the Sun when Monday hits and you got to go back to work and get back into the saddle and where the rubber really meets the roll and we want to teach you how to just relax and chill remove the anxieties the stress stretch without stressing these are these are technologies that we offer you in this movement to advance and expand yourself and your soul to get past the depression to the anxiety that is often in our lives to have less depression and to know how to deal with lessening the pressure in life and everything again is consciousness how to advocate your self or fear or how to manage fear and manage pain we don't know how to completely eradicate it but we can manage it and we have to gain focus what we see and what we think about we bring about how we envision you change the way you look at things as Wayne Dyer says the things you look at change all these are technologies human and emotional and devotional to help you be the best you to experience the best you because what you want wants you because what you want really is you sign up come Monday org and become a part of this amazing expansive movement that is happening all over the planet be one of the first of your friends I invite you you're on your way to enlightenment I want to meet you there in consciousness [Music]
Channel: Carlton D Pearson
Views: 4,979
Rating: 4.8387098 out of 5
Keywords: Carlton Pearson, religion, All Souls Church, Tulsa Oklahoma, The Gospel of Inclusion, Unitarian Universalist, Heretic, spirituality, Christ consciousness, Aces High Studios, Majeste Pearson, The Four on Fox, I'm Here, The Color Purple
Id: sAogA5fNp5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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