The Music of AZUSA — Part 10

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Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well hello everybody Carleton Pearson here and come on in this house welcome to this house welcome to knowledge of this house but to the household of God to the things of God to the kingdom of God to the rule and reign and righteousness of God it's a consciousness it's not just a method it's a consciousness that's a spiritual intuition you know you're in God's presence with God's people and that's generally everybody that was created all souls are mine the whole earth is the Lord's and though and the the whole world and all they that dwell there in the earth is the Lord's the whole world and everybody who dwells so welcome to the great family of the human species tonight welcome to Azusa reminding the saints of the hope that was Gary Oliver and he's remembering David said I was glad or gleeful I was blissful when they said unto me let's go to church let's go to the house of the Lord so you know we love church and that's what he presented you pretty much each week Church the experience the expression the exposure of what happens when people collectively worship God in the beauty of holiness or wholeness who are encouraging these are difficult times in America challenging times in the world people are wondering what to do next what's really happening they don't have a clue but all we can do is just worship just wonder about God as we wander through this time trying to find out where it started in where it's gonna end we don't have to know that all the time sometimes we just have to as I heard all Robert's work done one one time say I don't know how to arrive I just ought to keep on going let's keep on going thank you so much for being here tonight Donnie McClurkin who was we've had almost every program we have so much of his singing and of course everybody loves him he's singing one of the great anthems of the church holy holy holy that doesn't just mean perfect that special some people think holiness means perfection it means maturity it means living fully out your purpose your destiny maximize when the screw when the scripture says perfect love casts out it means mature love so when we say holy holy we're meaning this is the only really special divinity that we collectively call God now God has experienced individually but we're all we're going to express ourselves collectively as he leads the whole Azusa Conference in 1994 in this wonderful song of the church I know it will bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh darkness tries to hide [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] wasn't that exhilarating you felt the intensity you felt the emotion you felt the devotion and even a little bit of commotion in there that's what happens we come together there's always action and activity and that's why we bring this this to you each week to innovate energizer soul alvin frou Jai was my minister of music at Hardy for several years and whoever is the minister of music David Smith was the last one Gary Oliver was one Willie Davis was our first but whenever we have one whoever is my minister of music becomes the producer of whatever album we present that particular year of Azusa so Alvin produced one or two and they were just electrifying his songs he wrote this is one he's he's wrote himself it's an artist who's a praise Jubilee he wrote the song come on and praise the Lord with me the word in Greek for praises EP knows it means to elevate or to lift up there's so many people down in the valley of despair and hopelessness and hurt and sickness and fear and insecurity this is a good time to elevate your own soul your own psyche by praising God however you understand God some of you may actually even be angry at God give God a compliment not that God needs one but you need the release of that positive energy going out of you so lift up those hands some of you watch this in bed and many many people who are who are homesick or bed fast we used to call them the sick and shut-in we come right into your home into your computer with a point or however your loved ones bring it to you to lift you in your spirit you could do this with your mind God is Spirit they that worship Him or it must worship God in spirit and in truth come on and praise the Lord with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] scripture says the race is not given to the Swift nor the battle to the strong but to the one who endures the ones who endure are the ones who are endowed with the power and presence of a Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit mock folky wrote a song titled all the way I'm going all the way the ship Marc folky now he was part of the isness of fellowship it's wonderful white this precious and prophetic I think I told you that before I was especially fond of his son Joel and went to school here to ru and pretended hired Dean so many of these preachers sons when until daughters attended over you and when they did they come to to hire RD here in Tulsa and we just love the fellowship this song all the way is a tie as a song that really is appropriate for right now because we're trying to wonder and figure out when this is going to end we don't know this this virus and some of the political stress will go at least through the election and possibly into 2021 until the country is completely purged of that which no longer fits in its reality you know remember we're not just in trouble we're in transition the universe is cleansing and clarity and correcting purging and perfecting itself and so this is all a part of it stay with it stick to it don't give up don't give in don't give out let's go all the way to the end like wheezing leave out round on see what these gonna be that's our old coaching song I'm gonna be there when this thing finally comes to a close and we open this brand-new world let the song but she'll reach over and tell somebody I'm going all the way [Music] the presence of God is in this place tonight [Music] [Music] Oh every day Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I the line [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] David Smith may be one of the most sublime calm even killed worshipers I know he constantly fasts and pray praise all of my life I'm knowing he never misses the to sin Thursday we traveled all over the world together and he's one of my very closest friends he produced several of the the album's but he did this one call Azusa prays we cry out which was never released because I just started preaching inclusion and the integrity music company didn't want to put it out and they didn't in fact I've still not gotten full control over that we invested a lot of money in it integrity sometimes ain't that Integris but anyway I had some Frost opposed they meant well but so I felt sorry for Dave I felt badly for them but this song is very very powerful you will feel he's at the keyboards he's at the organ his dead as Bishop Robert Smith who just went to heaven we just he just transitioned just a matter of a couple of months ago as one of the First Church of God in Christ bishops to to lose his life to the Colvin right out of the workers meeting in Michigan Detroit followed then by Bishop Brooks who was recently a eulogized also died of the kovat 19 so this is sensitive and delicate for their family and us Bishop Smith came to my house many times I cooked for him and mother Smith often he was like a father to me David is like a brother to me his wife Evangel their daughters and son Benjamin I just love this man and so this song forever you're my king he wrote it we didn't even know all this was in him he never pushed himself as a vocalist or a songwriter he just kind of for years I didn't know they could sing of course everybody knows him from the Detroit area then you know the Clark Sisters the all the way up to Aretha Franklin because David it just was out of flint and just could play the keyboards and say so you will feel his I've never heard him do anything not a solo not a director where that wasn't that special sublime anointing that just kind of bathes you and washes you would flow so when he sings this song he leads it with the choir it's very powerful very ministerial so I wanted to lean back lay back and worship with David Smith in this place tonight we are expecting the awesome power of the Holy Ghost to touch each and every person that's in this room reach over and tell somebody that the Holy Ghost is here for you tonight and all you have to do is receive tell them all you have to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] how many love him with all your heart [Applause] there's a little song it says this to the Lord [Music] [Music] sing it with me forever you're my king [Music] if you love him come on let's sing then I love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're my king [Music] let's sing my shelter [Music] time of storm [Music] [Applause] [Music] my team [Music] let's sing that again every part of the building [Applause] at time of storm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] follow me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] forever you're my team [Music] forever here - [Music] everybody's saying blessing [Music] [Applause] I met Sean pace - Demetrius Alexander we were in Nashville they were putting on some kind of an event I was the guest and she was the guest preacher she was the guest singer and I remember she walked up to the to the microphone with no shoes on and I had never seen her I wasn't even familiar with the anointed pace sisters of course everybody knew them but me and because they're so anointed I've never heard her sing a song anywhere I think the last time I saw her was with the prophet cards but Brian Karns I think it is convocation or something and she was there she just sings she just puts it out there their Church of God in Christ people and I refer to that a lot because that's my roots in the Church of God in Christ and there's a certain spirituality about that group in the way we present and the way we possess ourselves in holiness and it's just she's one of the top ones we almost didn't get her to come to us and so this time she was scheduled to come but she had just lost her daughter I think her daughter was only like 10 years old and she had just buried her daughter so her heart was broken but she came anyway she was a little pensive and quiet said to the whole service Moore's aroma was there that night surely Caesar was there Jean Martin I think that's when Ron's old Pretlow Ron Ron Zell Pretlow sang was just a powerpack service but you know nobody intimidates Josh she just sat there and then you don't mess with it when she gets up you don't put a time factor on her at all and she takes her time and goes however she wants to go and you're going to see feel not only the performance or us of a song but you're going to see her and enact her pathos her passion her pain her staying her what she would the things that had stained her soul that she was working through and she the name of the song as is you're all on the altar she put it all out there and everybody in that vast auditorium felt it experienced it as she expressed it and you're going to feel it yes have you given everything have you given up everything I remember Miss Catherine said if you want what I've got people cost to everything Carlton it'll cost to the very life I didn't know for sure what she was talking about I've learned since then how powerful those words coming out of her own pain Shawn pace is still very annoyed and the pace sisters of the anointed faith sisters this song will really bless you and let's give God all over again a new and afresh another chance to manifest his glory in our lives Sundays for sweetie [Music] for fame to it you have earnestly [Music] oh you can't you cannot have beeper perfectly blast until you are here's all the old [Music] they [Music] you're on the other [Music] Oh the spirit of heeey [Music] [Music] ah [Music] listen to the world [Music] would you [Music] in a lot of his work and happy [Music] Wow [Music] this is what you gotta do his sweet boy if you wanna be free Oh Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] happy [Music] Oh [Music] he's gotta get [Music] [Applause] [Music] you don't know how [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with a fireball [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I brought my baby little did I know that what people but because my mother put it down away inside of me every day before I left I told my see you this evening you belong [Music] but standing at the hospital over I say God why didn't never come I said if this is you you got a touch mom I need you to touch me speak to me right now and I'm not up here to try to dispute but I want to tell me what the Holy Ghost told me he said she didn't die of a heart attack this was way before I got the coroner's report he said I took the sweetest thing in the school she came to school one day and gave him valentine cards some of them she saw in a trash can because they didn't want it different other things on children's heart stop picking at one another in school don't allow another child or say nothing negative about another child the Holy Ghost said I'm gonna give you a fun reason and I want you to name it Suzumiya Foundation for the hurting children but because of her mother seeing the hurt every day I couldn't take that pain I couldn't take the hurt but God knows when he does it you don't tell him how to do me when you ask for deliverance you don't know how he's gonna bring deliverance but can you put it in his hands if he saves them can you put it in his hands and leave it without asking why God said why are you gonna ask me when you know well you know who your God is I don't can't they put you out on the street well you know who I don't know who [Applause] somebody grab their problem just like this Sundiata bullsháá I'm just as serious as you see me Smee thus said the holy ghost tonight will be your last hang with look at the neighbor said the enemies that your ass'll with today you will see them noble in the name at the count of three the Holy Ghost is all over this the angels of the Lord of heal at the count of three I don't want you to play with the holy holy goes he's not playing with you I'm not up here to tickle your emotions when the Lord took my daughter honey that was a newfound respect that I found in God that was a new level the Holy Ghost spoke to me one morning they said I want to be your best friend whatever's bothering you tell whoever's bothered you you tell me and you know what he said and I'm going to get on a boat shot thus said the Spirit of God this night I want to be your best friend whoever whatever is bothered you he said give it to me and I'm gonna happen when I count to three I want you to give it to there are angels all around you and the angels of the Lord are gonna take it don't go back home with it I don't there is nothing too hard for God if you put it in his hands and leaving it are you gonna leave it there don't lie to the Holy Ghost don't allow your mouth to suffer come out to see are you gonna give it to them and leave it at the count of three give it to them I gotta go to my seat I want you to give it to the angels of the Lord I'm gonna take it some of you got two or three angels and I hold it because you need two or three to take it and carrot Shh I shut that up myself and I want you to leave it there one two three give it to him now lift your hands and praise Him something happens when you lift your hand if you're handing over your mouth and worship the God of Abraham Isaac Jacob and chase you can only be the [Music] by buying the bean was that coming Yahoo to talk to your sleep in the name of Jesus your body [Music] come on somebody come on somebody come on somebody come on worship the Lord in this house worship the Lord who you're only healing for your own miracles my special thanks again for those of you relatively a few number compared to the tens of thousands who watch these videos each Friday but if everybody did something will be a blessing for those of you who do and have thank you it touches me very deeply and not just because you're helping us do the work but you're showing that you appreciate the effort that puts into I out of my pocket out all this stuff digitized and had to start off producing it paying for the production cost you're helping me when you do that of course we want to bring the preachers on later and because we think this is meeting a felt need at this particular time in American culture particularly african-american culture we're really reaching back to the old transcendent model of how we spiritual eyes our realities especially when they were difficult and so this is healing and therapeutic the most prominent usage of the word healing in the New Testament was the work that were pew where we get the English word therapy so we don't always cure we treat the illness that we call life because it's constantly dis-ease or disease it's there all the time these songs this these sayings are very powerful so you're not paying for them you're showing that you're praying for them when you actually send a gift it's like a prayer and and I think God honors it it certainly blesses us so thank you several thousands of you watch it if everybody gave five dollars of ten I should just give fifty Jubilee but whatever you can do what you can each week you can't do the same thing every week but you can do something every week it just everybody just like when you go to church every Sunday you give something do it here every week make it a habit because we are still digitizing more things we're going through all the archives a lot of work goes into our producer produces directs idiots he spends a lot of time and he his time is worth money but he doesn't charge the kind of money that he could because he loves this music he loves me he loves the church he loves us loose he was a part of it so this is a family thing but your help is a faith thing through add your faith to the familiarity that you feel when you hear these songs I deeply appreciate it God will honor the universe respects it thank you so so very much the information is on the screen some of you are sending checks you can mail it to our post office box at 8 1 7 7 South Harvard Tulsa Oklahoma suite 515 others of you go to PayPal some of you the easiest fastest way is it just to do the the carlton pearson cash app and that all goes to the great work that we do and it's not only production here it's all the work we do in helping hurting people who have needs here in the Tulsa area that we are aware of we keep giving we keep loving we keep living giving and living for others as my godmother called it thank you god bless you a last song tonight is again one of the great anthems that came out of the poll prose and poetry of the African American experience Langston Hughes wrote the song lift every voice in 1900 I mean sorry James Wesley Johnson the great Negro anthem is called lift every voice and it's written by James Weldon Johnson he was the poet in 1900 he wrote it his brother later on J rosemon Johnson put it to music together it became the theme of the civil rights movement in the growth now 1900 that's just a few years in the around 40 years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1863 they weren't fully liberated then and we're not fully liberated now but it was written and so was this poem and so as the poetry behind it there is a poet there is a poetry there's a prose there's a provocation there's a prophetic utterance to the african-american experience black has not just a color it's an experience so when you hear this the first time I heard this song my mother was singing it she's the first person I ever knew that knew all the words she just sang it right through I'd never heard it it was just powerful she learned it in in elementary school as a young black woman growing up in Texas then Arizona and finally San Diego so when I hear it I just get chills because I have so many memories and you're going to feel it well there's a group out call committed and if this isn't circulation I heard it and it made me weak it's all acapella I've never heard it sung or sound like this there's a certain sound in the way these gentlemen used their voices and moving tones and it's just it's masterful it's a piece of art James Weldon Johnson and his brother would love this particular rendition of it so feel these young men not just hear them feel them sing we're going to close the program with that tonight because I think you're really going to want to hear it again and you know it you can go to the archives in an in azusa music youtube and hear any of these over and over again share them with your friends you're gonna want to hear this again and again and again and share it with others that's why we're sharing it with you tonight committed singing lift every voice and sing till earth and heaven rings rings with a melody of Liberty [Music] every boy [Music] let our rejoicing [Music] these guys [Music] Linsey [Music] the song full of the paint that the dark past has covered us sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us facing the [Music] Oh me [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] straight from the places our God where we may be [Music] we bargain [Music] [Music] true to our native land that's Africa but not just for black people Africa is the native land as far as we know archeology archaeologically it scientifically but the human race we all originated in Africa the whole race of humanity originated on the continent of Africa which means at one time was all black until Cannes and it turns about Mike what happened today no that's I'm just kidding sort of we all came from a land of culture and color and character and spirituality than one of the number one features traits of a continent of Africa is their spirituality their spiritism they were in touch they saw spirits or life and energy in everything plants animals even the earth itself so some of that we're reclaiming as a culture it's all about transcendence we can transcend any situation in our life to conscious connection with our spirits our breath remember this whole core karana virus coronavirus is about a respiratory illness it's about the new man or the numa numa is a greek word for spirit Nouman is a Google Inc word for lungs breath and spirit are the same thing essentially so when we when we remain true to our native land when we're remaining true to our native lungs and our native love and our native light that's where we are right now in American world in human history I want you to often have people just kind of hug yourself and love yourself hold yourself honor yourself you're not a victim of circumstances none of us are we're victorious over them and I decree in the name of nature of the Christ that that precious anointing that draws us together and draws us to itself will heal and hold and help and affirm the hope that we all have that the best is yet to come happy anticipation of good means happy anticipation of God that in the end in the ultimate reality God is God is alive God is good and it will all end in God so be healed if you're sick or weak physically mentally even spiritually psychologically if you can't sleep you're wrestling with our insomnia you're tossing and turning you have a poor eating habits indigestion inflamed joints and and muscles and stress and stretch and duress I reach forth by the anointing of God's power to offer this prayer in healing in restoration encouragement consolation and consultation of the Spirit that's what's happening so in the name of nature of the Lord Jesus Christ I'm ministered to you healing administered to you ho I've ministered to you happiness and prosperity may you be in health may be may you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers in the name of the Christ amen and I say good night we'll see you again next time in these uncertain times go back to the foundation go back to what you know go back to Azusa join us every Friday night for music ministry and memories as Bishop Carleton Pearson reminds the Saints of the hope that includes everybody loved by God redeemed by Christ all the power all the anointing is here just as you remember it and better than you've ever seen it before digitally remastered for the highest quality video and sound join the artists who became legends and the legends who became immortal Azusa revisited Friday nights at 8:30 p.m. on Facebook live and YouTube live don't you dare miss it [Music]
Channel: Carlton D Pearson
Views: 3,386
Rating: 4.951807 out of 5
Keywords: Carlton Pearson, Come Sunday, Come Monday
Id: s2Ogjp3u2kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 55sec (4195 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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