Carlton P. Byrd, "The Manner of His Coming" - 14SCM000009

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welcome to three AVN's camp-meeting 2014 the second coming an in-depth look thank you for joining us we've been having church henwy folks and never know what's going to happen here but we always pray that it's anointing of the holy spirit we can have a little fun in the Lord and have a good time and praise His name when I look at that little intro you just saw it it kind of gives us a foretaste of what it's really going to be like before too long when those Eastern clouds begin to come begin to break and all of a sudden we see Jesus coming back and the clouds of glory anybody looking forward to that I know you are that's why you're here at 3abn special spring camp meeting 19 sermons or more 19 at least on the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ I think we need to be encouraged if there's ever a time that we need to be focusing on the Jesus coming back it's right now you say amen to that all right well our special speaker in just a few moments is pastor Carleton Byrd he's a senior pastor of Oakwood University Church he's a speaker director of breath of life television broadcast now listen to this he's a graduate of Oakwood University he has a Bachelor of Arts degree in theology a Bachelor of Science degree in business management management he's a graduate of Tennessee State University he has a Masters of Business Administration degree he's a graduate of Andrews University a Masters of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry degree now I look at him he looks like a young man so I say he must have been going school all of his life but all of that aside we don't hold any of that against him because he's a great man of God and a great speaker and a great preacher right all right no we love him absolutely been blessed by his ministry he and his family were so glad that he's here tonight but before he comes it's my privilege to introduce sister Yvonne Lewis Yvonne for many of those you know one of my favorite singers in the world she's had spent many many years in the world and she sang with the Whitney Houston's and Luther Vandross and all of those things but she says my greatest greatest appointment God is ever given me is when I came back to Jesus and now I'm working with dare to dream so she's 3abn dare to dream manager even sister Vaughn where you going to sing for us tonight that name alright thank you so much there is a name that is so precious a name so wonderful to me her name that's worthy of all praises because of him I am made freak and that name is Jesus the one who gave his life for me because of love so unconditional I will have lie eternally his name speaks peace to my strong his name speaks come to all my feet and when I think that no one loves me his loving words is so me and that is Jesus the one his wife for me because of so I will have my it's wrong Oh the Oh Oh Oh because of love so unconditional I will have Oh Oh come on give sister Luis another hearty Amen it's good to be here tonight good to be here this evening at 3abn camp meeting this is God's country and I'm just grateful to the Lord that myself my wife and our three daughters could be here the last time we were here we had two daughters we have three now so God is blessing as we are multiplying and building his kingdom come on say Amen but we are grateful to be here we want to thank brother Danny Shelton pastor Jim Gilly and the entire 3abn family for the privilege that is ours to be able to come and worship with you and praise the name of Jesus with you tonight I look out and I see some of my church members from the Oakland University Church in Huntsville Alabama I want to think that they followed me here amen but I'm grateful to see them here and I know they're praying and I know that God is going to use them as well as you and your prayers as I seek to speak a word for him tonight our theme this week has been on the second coming and so tonight I've been charged with responsibility of sharing the manner of his coming everybody say the manner say the manner of his coming amen and so we're going to get now into the Word of God this evening and so I would invite you at this time to bow your heads with me as before we talk with you we talk with God our Father in Heaven this evening we are so grateful for the privilege of life of health of strength we're encouraged to know tonight that truly your name is a precious most awesome name and so god us tonight we again focus on your second coming we pray that Lord your Holy Spirit will now come into this place but not just in this place also the airwaves those that are watching that your anointing may be seen it may be felt and it may be heard God hide me behind your cross and when all is said and done we give you the praise the honor and every single bit of the glory it's in the name of Jesus we pray let everyone say Amen and amen the manner of his coming and so with that charge tonight I want to charge you with the subject here comes Superman here comes Superman growing up as a little boy in a Seventh day Adventist Christian home in a PK or preachers kids home in the church there were very few television programs that we could watch my parents were very guarded by what myself my brother my sister what we could watch on television because they were concerned about the secular influences that could potentially penetrate our thoughts our actions or our behaviors over 40 years ago however let me remind you that there was no 3abn there was no 3abn camp-meeting there was no 3abn today there was no anchors of truth tiny tots or kids time and good christian programming like we have today so I must say this right now praise God for 3abn do I have a witness in this place but because our friends and others would tell us about other shows we would plead we would appeal to our parents and we said please mom please dad can we watch this can we watch that and with a resounding voice they would say no and we would say well why and they would say because we said so we would say no no and we would get upset but then they would remind us that as long as we lived in their house as long as they paid all the bills as long as they cooked the food and as long as they were mommy and daddy we with only watch what they told us we were going to watch I'm looking at you all some of you said Amen because you said the same thing to your children I also left our improving us about that because ironically the same thing that my parents told me is the same thing then my wife and I tell our daughters giving credence to the biblical admonition that there's nothing new Under the Sun when we got a little older however the day began easing up just a little bit and they began to let us watch every now and then super hero shows Batman and Robin spider-man Wonder Woman Captain America they would all come on television but my number one number one numero uno all-time favorite super hero was Superman Superman was in my mind he was and represented the best attributes of humanity and the ultimate force for good when someone was in trouble when someone was in distress when someone was facing death there would be certain theme music that would come on and all of a sudden we'd hear the infamous words faster than a speeding bullet more powerful than a locomotive able to leap tall buildings in a single bound look up in the sky it's a bird it's a plane no it's Superman and as a child these words were etched in my mind every time I would evilly sit up and watch The Adventures of Superman eyes glued to the television I would watch how Superman would fight crooked business men fight politicians fight I watched how Superman would take on in justices and inequalities by fighting and standing for social justice I'd watch how Superman would have x-ray vision and he would be able to see through walls and buildings and doors and cement block buildings and it was always that just in the nick of time Superman would always come to the aid and to the rescue of men women boys and girls who were being tattered torn and troubled Superman was my hero Superman was stronger than anybody Superman was smarter than anybody Superman was faster than anybody Superman could do anything Superman could do no wrong because Superman was the man but I learned Superman was fictional Superman was fake Superman was good but Superman wasn't real Superman was TV whoa but my Jesus somebody knows something about Jesus Jesus the real Superman was real you see as a little boy I also learned that the real Superman Jesus he didn't have to just be shown on TV because he was everywhere he knew everybody and he could do everything I learned as a boy that Jesus the real Superman was a member of a triune all-powerful all-knowing all places God Genesis 1:1 says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said in verse number 3 of Genesis 1 let there be light and there was light I discovered that god of which Jesus was a part of the Tri God created light on day one vegetation on day two he Korea bit vermin on day two vegetation on day three Sun Moon and stars on day four fish and fowl on day five and on day six he created mammal and man in fact the Bible says in Genesis 1:26 and God said let us make man notice the text does not say and God said let me make man pointing to the fact that God is three in one God said let us make man in our own image after our likeness we find that Jesus was a part of the triune God but not just in the Old Testament but also in the New Testament it was John chapter 1 verse number one were the Word of God says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made but then it goes on in verse 14 it says that the word became flesh which means then the word Jesus the real Superman existed from the beginning in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God the word became flesh Jesus Superman is the beginner then of the beginning he is the beginning and who he is the beginner and whom the beginning began he is the beginning before the beginning was begun he is the beginning who did not begin to be he does not stop because he has no boundary line he did not start because he had nowhere to come from he is older than time yet he's younger than future because he is what he was he was what he is and what he was and is he will always be Jesus was always here always has been here always will be here always was always is for even before Abraham was he said I am what do we have here tonight Jesus who was born 2,000 years after Abraham dead he says he was before Abraham Jesus who was David's son was also David's Lord Jesus who was Abraham's seed was also Abraham's Savior Jesus who created flesh became flesh when God reversed the beginning and he took a motherless woman from the body of a man in creation but then turned around and took a fatherless man from the body of a woman in Redemption Jesus the god man two natures in one personality he protected the interests of heaven but with his divinity but looked out for the inches of Earth with his humanity in his divinity he is God's way to man but in his humanity he's man's way back on up to God he's the real Superman I learned as a boy that man God's creation had sinned I learned that man was in distress that man was tattered man was torn man was troubled man had sinned so God had a dilemma either God said I'm going to excuse sin or destroy and start all over but God's solution was let me send the real Superman sin Jesus because he's faster than a speeding bullet more powerful than a locomotive he's able to leap tall buildings in a single bound but more than that he saved my soul john 3:16 says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is that which means then we deserve death that's what we deserve that's what we should get but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Jesus then the real Superman came to our rescue he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him but by His stripes praise God we are healed today we understand that back in Old Testament times in order for one to receive forgiveness from sin they had to bring a sacrificial offering there to the earthly sanctuary they had to bring a lamb they had to bring a goat they had to bring an offering that was out without blemish that was without any impurity and they would bring that sin offering and the sin bearer which symbolically placed his hand upon the head of the sin offering the throat of the sin offering would be slit blood would come streaming down because there cannot be any forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood Jesus or the Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world Jesus the real Superman had to come at his first coming just save his people Matthew 1:21 and she shall bring forth a son thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost that's why he came the first time but my Bible tells me that my Jesus the real Superman it's going to have to come back a second time because his people are tattered torn and troubled again but this second time it's a little different this time he's not coming to save his people but this time he's coming to get people this time he's coming to rescue his people this time he's coming to redeem his people last night we were reminded of the promise of his coming let not your heart be troubled he believed in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go and prepare a place for you if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am he says there ye may be also the first time he came to save his people the second time he's coming to get his people the first time he came in humiliation as a self-effacing servant for the second time he's coming as a glorious conquering king the first time he came as a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger but the second time he's coming as king of kings lord of lords accompanied by a legion of angels the first time he came in the silent undertones of the night but the second time he's coming - the majestic sound of heavenly trumpets the first time he came to the audience of his parents some oxen and some wise men but the second time he's coming and the Bible says every living eye is going to see him Biblical prophecy provides some of the greatest encouragement and hope available to us all and just as the Old Testament saturated the prophecies concerning Jesus first coming so both the old and the New Testaments are filled with references to Jesus second coming it has been estimated that there are some 1845 references to Jesus second coming in the Old Testament alone and 17 Old Testament books and given prominence but then in the 260 total chapters of the 27 New Testament books there are 318 references to the second coming of Jesus an amazing one reference to Jesus out of every thirty verses of the 27 New Testament books 23 refer to this great event in fact for every prophecy in the Bible concerning Jesus first coming there are eight which look forward to his second coming so then this is what the Christian life is all about looking forward to Jesus second coming the second coming of Jesus should be the most talked about the most expected anticipated projected event in our lives in fact it's even implied in our name and seven-day events we observe God's seventh-day Sabbath and we are looking forward to Jesus second Advent Advent means coming which then means at seven-day of it as Christians we observe God's seventh-day Sabbath and worship on that day and we are looking forward to Jesus second coming so we know about it's coming we know it's coming but how will he come what will be the manner of his coming well the Bible gives us insight on the manner let's take our Bibles if you have them go with me to the book of Acts what book did I say everybody and let's go to the book of Acts and let's go to verse number chapter one and we're gonna go to verse number nine we know he's coming we're sure to that but let's go to acts 1 and let's now talk about the manner of his coming Acts chapter 1 verse number 9 the Word of God speaks to us it says if you haven't let me hear you say Amen the Word of God says in Acts chapter 1 verse number 9 and when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their what everybody come on out of there what everybody and while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up how many men two men stood by them in white apparel which also said Ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven this same Jesus now I'm so the preach on the matter of its coming but I could preach a whole sermon on this same Jesus this same Jesus who locked the Lions jaw this same Jesus who provided air conditioning and a fiery furnace this same Jesus who healed the woman with the issue of blood this same Jesus who raised Lazarus daughter Gau Jairus his daughter this same Jesus who woke you up this morning but I don't have time to priest and let me preach the matter of his coming this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven so so come in like manner as she have seen him go into heaven which then means point number one the manner of his coming when Jesus Christ comes back the second time his feet will not touch this earth which means then because his feet will not touch this earth because of sin this earth must be cleansed it must be purified before Jesus touches this earth and there's only two ways you can clean something either you wash it or you burn it the earth was washed at the flood you'll be burned at Jesus come at the end in the Millenium we recognize that Jesus feet will not touch this earth so if someone were to tell you the manner of Jesus coming would be that Jesus is gonna walk up and down this earth you know that's a lie from the pits of hell because the Bible says that he's going to come back the same way he left he left in the clouds that means he's coming back in the word everybody he's coming back in the clouds but not only that the Bible also lets us know that when he returns that heavenly angels will be coming with him go to Matthew what book did I say everybody Matthew chapter 16 and we're going to Matthew 16 we're going to go to verse number 27 again point number two in the manner of his coming he will come and his feet will not touch the earth but not only when Jesus comes the Bible says that the heavenly angels will be coming with him Matthew chapter 16 and we're going to verse number 27 the Word of God says to us tonight for the Son of man shall come in the glory of his father with his angels and then he so reward every man according to his works when Jesus comes back the second time he's going to come his feet will not touch the earth but not only that we understand from the Word of God that when he comes the entire heavenly angelic host is going to come with him but let's get some more when he comes back what will be the manner of his coming here comes Superman how will he come go with me to the book of Revelation and we're going to Revelation chapter 1 and we're going to verse number 7 Revelation chapter 1 and we're going to verse number 7 when Jesus comes back the Bible is clear that every living eye is going to see him Revelation chapter 1 verse number 7 I'm reading if you have it let me hear you say Amen behold he cometh with what everybody clouds and everyone come on everyone shall see him and they also which pierced him and all Kindred's of the earth shall wail because of him even so amen we discover manner of is coming number 3 every living eye is going to see him number 1 when he comes his feet will not touch the earth number 2 when he comes all the angelic host is coming with him number 3 when he comes every living I will see him which means his coming will be visible to everyone his coming will not be a secret rapture but it's coming every living I is going to see him and not only are we going to see him but we could all see him at the same time which means those in Huntsville Alabama where I live are going to see him those right here in thompson illinois are going to see him those in africa are going to see him those in asia are gonna see him those in south america are going to see him those in australia are gonna see it and we all will see him and see him at the same time amen somebody when he comes back his feet will not touch the earth the angelic hosts will accompany him every living eyes going to see him and we all are going to see him at the same time but not only that number four go to first Thessalonians chapter four and we're going to verse number 16 first Thessalonians chapter four and we're going to verse number 16 first Thessalonians chapter four and we're going to verse number 16 the Word of God says for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a what everybody with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of whom everybody now I like this text because it lets me know in terms of manner is coming his coming won't be silent not only will everybody seeing but everybody's gonna hear him are you hearing what I'm saying everyone is going to hear him when Jesus the real Superman comes back it won't be a silent coming but he will descend from heaven with a shout the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God hallelujah somebody so number one his feet will not touch the earth number two all of the angelic hosts will accompany him number three every living I is gonna see him number four the matter of his coming since that it won't be a silent coming but everybody will hear him but then number five when Jesus returns there will be four primary groups of people stay there in your Bible in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse number 16 there will be four primary groups of people the Bible says for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and the Trump of God and then the Bible says that the dead in Christ shall rise what everybody couple of the dead in Christ shall rise what first which then says to me group number one at Jesus second coming primary group number one will be the dead in Christ or the righteous dead and the Bible says they will rise what everybody they're gonna rise first now look at verse number 17 it says then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with him in the what clouds to meet the Lord in the one so shall we ever be with the what everybody I stopped their group number two then at Jesus second coming primary group number two will be the righteous living the Bible says at Jesus second coming when the real Superman comes back at the manner of his coming the Bible says group number two the righteous living will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air so group number one the righteous dead rise what first group number two the righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord in the air group number three notice 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and we're going to verse number 8 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and we're going to verse number 8 the Word of God says to us in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse number 8 the word says and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the what everybody come on with what everybody brightness of his coming even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness the Word of God is clear Group number 3 the unrighteous or the wicked living will die at the brightness of his coming so then group number 1 the righteous dead will rise first group number 2 they will be caught up to meet the Lord in the what air group number 3 the wicked living will die at the brightness of his one that's why when I'm under these television lights I take time to look at the light because if I can't keep my eye on the light it must mean I'm in trouble because I don't want to be a part of the unrighteous or wicked living who died the brightness of his coming so I practiced looking at light group number one the Wrights is dead they rise what first group number two the righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord in the air group number three the wicked living die at the brightness of his one group number four go to Revelation 20 and let's go to verse number five let's get some word in us tonight though I worried about healing my heart that I might not sin against thee I tell people all the time know what you believe know why you believe it under where it's found Revelation chapter 20 verse number five group number four the Word of God says but the rest of the what dad lived not again until the thousand years were what finished I stopped there that means then at Jesus second coming the wicked dead remain what dead the rest of the Dead lived not again until the thousand years were what finished which means that Jesus second coming the wicked did remain dead so then the matter of his coming his feet will not touch the earth the angelic hosts will accompany him every living I is going to see him everybody is going to hear him his coming won't be silent and if the dead in Christ are going to rise the righteous living are going to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air the wicked living are going to die if the brightness of his coming the wicked dead the Bible also says will remain what dead I don't know about you but out of those four groups I got to be a part of group one or two come on say Amen let me tell you something when I see Jesus I'm gonna be so excited I'm not gonna look around and say who rose and who didn't rise are you hearing what I'm saying I'm just gonna be happy I'm caught up to meet the Lord in the air come on say Amen in fact they're gonna be three groups of people when you get to heaven those who thought would be there won't be there those who thought wouldn't be there will be here and if you're like me you're just thinking the Lord that you're there come on say Amen the Bible is very clear the Apostle Paul says to us in 1st Corinthians 1st Corinthians 15 verse number 51 the Word of God says in 1st Corinthians 15 verse 50 behold I show you a mystery that we should not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in a twinkle of an eye how fast is that I don't know I know our weekend my wife and I we got a real quick that's quick come on say a Mac in a moment in a tweak em and I at the last Trump the trumpet shall sound the dead shall be raised incorruptible we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so will this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death hallelujah is swallowed up in victory the sting of death is sin the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to God hallelujah thanks be to God who giveth us the victory in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be ye steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your Labor's are not in vain aidan men let me tell you something when he comes back you better be a part of group 1 or group 2 the righteous dead that rise that arrives first the righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord in the what air the wicked living who died the brightness of his coming you don't want to be a part of that group but wicked dead that remain dead you don't want to be a part of that group it's interesting a lot of conversations with people about the Bible and a lot of times people feel people say you've heard them say it some of you may have said it people always say well when my daddy when my mama when they died they went straight to heaven they're looking down on me well if we just studied and read from the Word of God relative to the manner of his coming that the dead in Christ rise first and the righteous Libya caught up to meet the Lord in the air if everyone went to debt heaven at their earthly death who would Jesus be coming back to if mama who died in the Lord was already in heaven if Daddy who died in the Lord was already in heaven if Grandma granddaddy were in there heaven already at their death who would Jesus be coming back to get there would be nobody for Jesus to come back and get because they would already be in heaven but then that would make the Bible out to be a lie and God is a God that he should not lie the devil however is a liar are you hearing what I'm saying sadly though when Jesus comes the second time despite the warnings that have been given despite the signs that have been foretold when Jesus comes just like the folk weren't prepared for the first coming many people are not going to be prepared for the second coming but sadly even if they are not prepared everyone's going to receive their just reward revelation 22:12 is very clear and jesus said behold i come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man woman according as his work shall be so you know I live in Alabama and we are deeply rooted the civil rights movement in the we sing a lot Negro spirituals down at Oakwood and I'm reminded of a Negro spiritual when I read this verse revelation 22:12 and I say you better mind you better mine Judgment Day is coming you better mind you better mine who you're talking to and you better mind who you're talking about Judgment Day is coming you better mind but because I love Jesus because Jesus loves me my Superman is coming back to get me Jesus is coming back for me Jesus died for me and all he asks is that I live for him he's done too much for me for me to miss out on God's Greek heaven he's got a mansion prepared just for me with my name written all over it understand I refuse to live in an earthly hell and then eventually after 1,000 years die and go to hell that's too much he'll come on say Amen but I've got to see my Jesus my Bible tells me there'll be no crying there there'll be no dying there there'll be no high blood pressure there there'll be no walking canes or wheelchairs there there'll be no cancer there there'll be no heart disease there there'll be no arthritis there there will be no house no there because my mansions gonna be paid for they'll be no Cardinal there and I won't hear a prayer gasps cuz I'm gonna take up wings and fly from my mansion to your mansion no bills there no night there the former things are gonna be passed away and all things are gonna become new can I tell you about heaven before I take my seat can I just tell you about heaven the fact that the lion is gonna play with the lamb I grew up singing a little song that one day I'm gonna sit at the Welcome Table then I'm gonna feast on milk and honey then I'm gonna sing and never get tired then I'm gonna walk and talk with Jesus and I'm even though eat grits with Jesus then I'm gonna put on my long white robe then I'm gonna shout hallelujah in fact when we get to heaven understand when we get into the very presence of God we're gonna sing and we're gonna shout holy holy holy we won't rest day nor night because will continually say holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is to come because when we all get to heaven what a day / Joyce and that's gonna be where we all see Jesus we go sing and shout the victory so that's why on earth it's a preparation place for paradise I shout every now and then cuz I don't wait til the BAL is over I shout now recognizing what God has done is doing and will do for me and I'm so glad tonight the troubles don't last always I'm so glad tonight that behind every dark cloud there's a silver lining I'm so glad tonight that we've being made endure for a night but joy comes in the morning time the grass withereth the flower fadeth but the word of our God is gonna stand forever for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel in the Trump of God and the dead in Christ ago rise first then we which are live remain are gonna be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord Jesus is coming back I said Jesus it's coming back Superman is coming back here comes Superman but one day we're gonna hear some loud sounds coming out of the Orion constellation look up in the sky it's a bird it's a plane no it's Jesus the real Superman Christ returneth hallelujah hallelujah amen when I talk about Jesus coming I get excited because my motivation and getting to God's great heaven my motivation is seeing Jesus if I could just have time to tell you how strong it is you see 15 years ago my life was changed and I would never be the same again yes I grew up a PK yes I grew up in a seventy of his home yes I grew up in the church one would dare to say I was even born in the church but 15 years ago my wife and I and our firstborn daughter four and a half months old set out from Nashville Tennessee to go to Tuscaloosa Alabama to preach for a church we have formally pastored their anniversary 15 years ago 20 miles from our destination we got into a terrible car accident I never will forget that day September the 25th 1999 we were SUV and that SUV began to flip and they began to flip and flip and flip we were in a horrific car accident woke up only to see my wife unconscious in the median of the interstate our four and a half month old baby girl motionless in the median of the interstate paramedics from Birmingham Alabama came to get my wife and I they came to get our daughter took us to hospitals my wife after she regained her consciousness she said honey go to the other hospital the Children's Hospital where our daughter is be with her I'll be okay right here I went over there September the 25th it was a Sabbath and there I looked at my little girl four and a half months old hooked up to life support my parents came my wife's parents came they were both pastors a conference president Cain passengers came everyone came begin to pray for the power of God friends I prayed like I've never prayed before said Lord spare our baby girl God raised her up the next day the 26 my wife left the other Hospital came over to where we were we were all together we called for the pastors and we said please anoint our daughter and we had to tell people some people were coming to visit and some people are looking there were nosy trying to see what's going I didn't tell them look if you don't believe in the power of God that we serve a god that can raise her up I don't need you come in this room because we don't need conflicting spirits in this room we know that my daughter no change the 27th King doctors came and they said listen if there's no change in your daughter's condition on the 28th at noon we're gonna take her off life support what could I say I'm okay no problem because I had faith to believe that God on the 28th at 12:00 noon he was gonna show up and he was gonna show out I believe that if God could raise Darius's daughter then surely God carries our daughter 28th cane 1155 the doctors came to get us my wife and I went into the intensive care unit I asked the doctors I said can I please hold my little girl doctor said sure sir there we were the intensive care unit my wife and I our siblings our parents conference president still there other stirs all of us praying for the move of God 11:59 Cain I held my little girl I knew friends that she was gonna call that she was gonna COO that she was gonna cry at 12:00 noon God was gonna wake her up 12 o'clock Cain tonight I have no miraculous story our firstborn daughter she died in my arms I was mad at God God how could you loudest after me god I've done everything you told me I've gone to church school I've never drunk in my life I've never smoked in my life I've eaten more grillers than anybody god how could you allow this God I got married then their children I was man some are being real I was mad with the Lord people would come up to me and say all kind of stuff oh you're young you're your wife we have children get I was not interested in hearing that I didn't want another child I wanted that child drove home from Birmingham in Nashville next week two weeks three weeks I couldn't preach I don't want to have anything to do with God Church one day I was sitting in my home I was sitting in my office in my study at my home and I just happened that day to pick up my Bible and I picked it up and I just opened my Bible have you ever been in the place in your life where you just open up your Bible and you open it up to the very texts that you need that God will give you just what you need just when you need anybody ever be like that open it up and it went straight to first Corinthians 10:13 there have no temptation taken you but such as common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you're able but will with the temptation make a way of escape that ye may be able to parent God let me know I spared your life either one because I wasn't ready to go or two he still yet had to work for me to do or three all of the above I surmised that it was all the above 15 years later goddess bless me goddess bless my wife God has blessed our family God has blessed our ministry I give him all the glory I give him all the honor I give him all the praise he's blessed us with three additional children not that they take the place of the one we lost but I'm encouraged when I go to selected messages book to unright says that just before the coming of the Lord the gods go after Lane little ones to rest but at the second coming the little ones he had to lay to rest when the dead in Christ rise the angel Gabriel will take those little ones and place them in the arms of their mothers and so you have to understand I get excited about the second coming because there will be a reunion with my little girl for somebody here tonight there's gonna be a reunion with your husband I reunion with your wife a reunion with your mother your father your son your daughter there's gonna be a reunion there will be a great camp meeting in the promised land but more than that there will be a union with Jesus Christ the real Superman who makes it all very possible today I don't know what your story is because the reality is everyone in here has a story but he's coming back his feet will not touch the ground the angels will accompany him every eye will see him every ear will hear him the dead in Christ are gonna rise first we which are live will rain would be caught up to meet him and so so we ever be with the Lord God tonight we surrender our old we are surrender our all to you tonight because Lord we are looking forward to your second coming we're looking forward to the real Superman Jesus Christ coming back to get his redeem from this earth so Lord you told us of your word to occupy till you come so got to pray a little more read a little more study a little more worshiping a little more but soon and very soon we're gonna see the king so I pray God that everyone that's here tonight at 3abn camp means and everyone that is watching tonight that we'd be a part of either Group one or two where we rise first or we're caught up to meet you in the air and so shall we ever be with you in the name of the Father the name of the sign and the name of the Holy Spirit amen kid ready here comes Superman
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 41,340
Rating: 4.6196318 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Second Coming, Carlton P. Byrd
Id: nabW_S6eOY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 25 2014
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