Carla Makes Polenta Cacio e Pepe: Instant Pot Essentials | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit

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wow did you see that when I slammed the truth about the instant pot is that it is a pressure cooker a rice cooker and a slow cooker all-in-one but they came along and called in an instant pot put some kind of a computer chip inside and then everyone in America needed to have one oh hi Andy I find it very hard to believe right and if that were true we would all just have one friends right this is a printout of the user manual it has a lot of images that if you just flip through appear to be the same image over and over so that I think is really all you need to know today I'm going to show you this polenta recipe that takes a 40-minute cook time down to nine minutes so I don't know if this is just meta or narcissistic but I'm gonna make my own recipe from Bon Appetit magazine its polenta cacio e pepe okay this so excuse me so I will use it okay so the other thing I like really liked about this recipe is that it has not including salt and pepper three ingredients the polenta the cheese and the butter and that's it then salt and pepper and water it's like a dump and stir situation cover the pot nine minutes later you have polenta but no one wants to stand there whisking for 40 minutes I mean like that would be something Andy would do right you would hoarding it yes that's like your perfect activity aside from the pressure building up itself the entire mechanism is about time and temperature like it is with anything else I have found from using both electric models and stovetop models that a stovetop pressure cooker will get hot a lot faster but then have to stay nearby and set your own external timer I'm really happy that my first pressure cooker experience was with an electric pressure cooker because it just was like set it and forget it and go about your business so that's where you have to decide like what kind of a person are you I switched your stovetop pressure cooker because when it was cooking it was taking up room on my counter so the ratio for the polenta that I'm using is one cup of polenta four cups of water alright this was the overage good thing I had this manual four cups water cacio e pepe just means cheese and pepper Cacho is specifically sheep cheese you can make this with parm or pecorino pecorino salty and a little bit more funky if you don't like sheep's monk cheese's or it's too salty or funky or can't get it just use parm I'm also gonna season the water with salt and the very first thing is pressure cook see this is what's confusing to me the thing underneath that is soup / broth well I do both of those things under pressure so that right there is like redundant don't need it meat / stew also a thing that you would do either by slow cooking or pressure cooking so why do you have to make a different button out of it it just confuses people so pressure cooking on high your choices are going to be higher low how many minutes delay off if delay was on it would be like this is all set up I'm gonna go to the movies 20 minutes before my movie gets out I want my pressure cooker start making polenta because when I get home I'm gonna need a giant bowl of polenta that's when you would use your delay and then the other thing you have to check is this little steam valve you have to make sure that the valve is set for the steam to stay in when you start cooking and then later when the cooking time is done you can let the steam release because the pressure the steam is going to come up it's gonna hit the top of the pot our special sealing ring is gonna keep it in there it's going to bounce off the top it's gonna get pushed back in and then the pressure and the heat and the pressure and the heat is gonna make magic happen where water boils at a higher temperature than it does without the lid on you don't need a manual for this it says right here turn to seal press to vent so you want it sealed instant pot beeped now comes the moment when all of the steam that has been built up inside has to get out you do have to watch out for steam because steam can burn you so don't put your hand directly above the steam valve when it is venting just go to the side so turn to seal press event ready sure hope it looks like polenta it looks loose and watery doesn't look anything like the picture in the magazine and you're like this woman lied to me not true everything is fine because the grains are cooked i whisked it together it looks like polenta now I'm gonna add some butter just go throw the cheese in there and this is just a riff on that the classic pasta dish spaghetti cacio e pepe so I just took that the same flavors and applied it to polenta hmm God it's good for a skeptic like me who runs away from viral sensations trying out the basic pressure cooking function which is a personal passion of mine it did a great job so if you have your instant pot get going release of pressure that's what we all need anyway right we need in our life just release the little pressure let the pressure build up then release it at the end you get to have polenta genius it's a very long manual you can make yogurt I don't want to I want to buy yogurt I hope you do actually like that in some pot I do
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 568,212
Rating: 4.8569002 out of 5
Keywords: cacio e pepe, pressure cooker, instant pot, instant pot recipes, instant pot recipe, instant pot polenta, polenta instant pot, kitchen basics, basics, essentials, kitchen tips, instant pot pressure cooker, the instant pot, instant pot cooking, how to instant pot, how to use instant pot, carla, bon appetit carla, cooking basics, pressure cooker recipe, cacio e pepe recipe, instant, polenta cacio e pepe, food, bon appetit
Id: RVxEbCP8rhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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