Beep. Boop.
I'm an Aztec space robot. [laughing] Please, your dad said
not to touch anything. I'm not touching.
I'm not touching. Those aren't toys! Charles!
[shrieking] [grunting] Those aren't toys. Yeah, Charles. Yes. Of course.
Thanks for letting me help with the Aztec deities exhibit,
Professor Casagrande. I'm happy to have you. And now, for the moment
you've all been waiting for. Coming to you straight
from Central Mexico, 500 A.D, I present, Tlaloc,
the ancient god of rain. Cool. Look at Tlaloc's
jade thunderbolt snake. Whoa. How come you don't have
a jade thunderbolt snake? Elote! Touché, Falcón. For thousands of years,
people made offerings to Tlaloc, in return for good weather
and rain for crops. [squawking] Give me presents
and I'll make it rain. Not that kind of rain, Sergio. Hey, this isn't even real money.
These are Sergio bucks. Native people believe deities can literally control
nature. My tribe, the Lakota, believe
in Wakiya, the thunder beings. Whoa. I wanna see it! Me, too! Be careful! Statues of Tlaloc are rare,
and extremely powerful. One of them was once discovered
in a farmer's field. When archaeologists dug it up
and moved it to Mexico's national museum,
it stormed for a week. Wow. I'll put it on its display. We wouldn't want
this little guy to get angry. Look, I discovered a bunch more. Dad, I thought you said
this thing was rare. Carl, those are souvenirs. Lame. Charles, please take these to the gift shop
when you get a chance. Yes, Professor Casagrande. Now kids,
let me tell you about Centiot, the god of corn. Cool.
El Falcón can relate to that, he's got elote blasters. Elote! Oops.
[whistling] [groaning] [gasping] Oh, no. Where are you, Tlaloc?
There you are. You must have fallen
off your base. [grunting] Where have you been?
I need you to clean the rooftop. Esta cochino. [groaning] It's filthy again?
We just cleaned it last year. I know, right? The roof's like an airport
for pigeon poop. [music playing] [splatting] - Ew.
- Let's get this over with, the poop's not gonna clean
itself. [giggling] Carlitos, is that the statue
from the art gallery? No,
I think it's just a souvenir. Hmm. No. Look at the jade
lightning bolt snake. I think it's the real one. I wish. Then he could make
it rain right now so we wouldn't have
to clean the roof. [thundering] [gasping] Quick! to the roof! [gasping] The roof is clean. Hey, Abuelo, we're all done. You're paying us for this,
right? Of course. [gasping]
Hey, these are Sergio bucks. [groaning] Did you do that, little guy? Come on, Carl,
that was just a coincidence. Maybe it wasn't, maybe it was
supernatural Aztec magic. We should test Tlaloc. Can you please make it,
uh, snow? I knew he was real! No way. Snow day. Huh? [grunting] Seriously? The forecast said
70s, not seven. [sighing]
Now I have to change my outfit. Okay, we've had our fun. We'd better get that statue
back to the gallery. Prima, prima, what's the rush? Show's not until tomorrow.
We'll give it back. Let's just have a little fun,
first. I guess we can keep it
a little longer. We did just get
new water blasters. <i> Jim Sparkletooth here,
and I hope you have</i> <i> your snow gear ready
because we're having</i> <i> an unusually early winter
coming- What's that?</i> <i> It's 90 degrees now?
How is that possible?</i> [barking] Huh? [laughing] [groaning] [laughing] [laughing] <i> Snow? Tornadoes?
Fog? Lightning?</i> <i> You know what? That's it.
I'm going on vacation.</i> <i> Sparkletooth out.</i>