Cargo Ship Cabins - What Do They Look Like? | Chief MAKOi

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[Music] there are different types of cargo ships and they come in different sizes the machinery and equipment on board are specifically designed to meet the operational requirements of any given ship [Music] as for the crew accommodations the size and quality will depend on the ship's design and usually heavily influenced by what the ship owners have ordered hello everyone in this episode i'll give you a glimpse of what the crew accommodations look like on a mid-sized cargo ship [Music] it's a sunday morning and today we're going to do cabin inspections so i think it's a perfect time to take a look at what the crew accommodations look like once a week usually on weekends we carry out cabin inspections its purpose is to visually confirm that there are no contrabands or any defects or damages inside the cabins and also to make sure that there aren't any unauthorized modifications made by the crew which could potentially cause fire or any other mishaps maintaining cleanliness inside of cabins is also one of the objectives of the inspection the reason we do this is because it's actually one of the requirements of the mlc or the maritime labor code and whenever the ship reaches port we might get inspected by the authorities so we ourselves have to make sure that the crew accommodations are clean decently habitable and maintained in a good state of repair [Music] i know some of you will say that it's common sense for the crew to keep their own cabins clean but believe me there have been times that i have seen cabins that look like garbage dumps so no i'd rather see things myself and make sure that everything's clean and in order so there won't be any surprises in case the port authorities come and inspect the living quarters in some ships where the owners place a big value on their people's welfare the cabins and the facilities are top-notch but there are also some ship owners who opt to just give the bare minimum you know just to comply with the requirements with hardly any thought for crew morale but majority of ships are designed somewhere in between not luxurious but also not lacking in comfort [Music] on our ship the size of crew cabins are more or less the same they're not big but they're comfortable enough and at least each cabin has their own lavatory some ships only have communal toilets and shower rooms [Music] um during the course of the inspection we make sure that there are no busted lights the phones are working electrical wirings are good and that there are no water leaks or damage to the plumbing [Music] i mentioned earlier that we also make sure that there are no unauthorized modifications this is one example of that covering lamps with cloth as this can potentially cause fires [Music] the higher the rank of the seafarer the bigger their cabins are on board the ship the biggest cabins belong to the captain and the chief engineer here's a look at my cabin [Music] on this ship the chief engineer's cabin is the mirror image of the captain's [Music] cabin [Music] during the course of the inspection we have noted a few minor findings but nothing too serious in these instances it is best to constantly remind the crew about regulations and make sure that they comply after all when it comes to port state control inspections whenever the authorities find non-conformities or deficiencies even the minor ones it is always the senior staff on board especially the captain and the chief engineer who gets an earful from the office managers that's command responsibility so it really doesn't matter whose fault it is we are on board one ship that means the fault of one is the fault of all life on board a ship is governed by routine there is time for work and there is time for rest during work hours each and every seafarer is expected to perform their duties to the best of their abilities so it's only logical that during their rest periods their accommodations should provide them with an atmosphere wherein they can feel comfortable get a semblance of normal life as limited as it may be and of course be conducive to get adequate sleep so that each day they can report for duty fully charged and do their jobs safely and efficiently you
Channel: Chief MAKOi
Views: 95,283
Rating: 4.9622884 out of 5
Keywords: chief makoi, seaman, seafarer, sailor, merchant marine, merchant navy, maritime, marine engineer, chief engineer, navigator, captain, master mariner, ship, mega ship, ship cabin, suez canal blocked, suez canal, suez canal freed
Id: r7Dj_suUMKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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