Sailing The Rough Seas | Seaman Vlog

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[Music] one of the most difficult aspects of being a Seafarer is crossing through rough seas [Music] it doesn't happen every day but it is an ever-present threat looming over the horizon since the early days when man first discovered seafarin rough seas have always been a danger to ships although modern vessels can now reasonably withstand its effects passing through rough seas still presents the same hazards today as it did thousands of years ago [Music] I have been working on board ships for more than 20 years now and if there is one thing that I really really hate about this job is whenever our ship passes through heavy weather and encounters rough sea I mean yeah sure it's part and parcel of our profession and there's this cheesy saying that old-timers used to say that calm seas never made good sailors well maybe that was applicable back then in the old days but in this day and age were safety of life at sea is a priority to be honest I'd rather not be called a good sailor if it means always passing through rough seas you see some people might romanticize that this is a life of a sailor passing through rough seas the adventure and all but the thing is whenever a ship passes through rough seas it poses a real threat to the ship and the crew there is a risk of the ship capsizing and getting damaged and in case that sort of thing really happens during heavy weather say in the middle of the Pacific Ocean realistically speaking no one's going to get there in time to rescue you meaning that if any incident happens while the ship is in the rough seas there's a very very big chance that the crew will not make it since passing through heavy weather is more or less an avoidable countermeasures have been designed to reduce the effects of prophecy on ships at the moment we're filling up the number-4 cargo boat with extra ballast tank the purpose of that is to get our Precourt a little bit lower so that our ship could move easier on board ships you will normally see furniture equipment and appliances secured either by lashing or braces or sometimes even bolted to the wall obviously this is to protect them from flying around when the ship starts rolling [Music] during my first voyage back when I was a cadet even the slightest rolling made me seasick and run for the nearest bathroom to throw up over the years I've gotten used to it and nowadays a little rolling or pitching it's nothing more than a slight inconvenience if the ship's movement continued just like this for the rest of our passage things will be smooth just like a walk in death [Music] well I guess smooth sailing was just too much to hope for when your ship is passing through the Pacific Ocean in the middle of winter it's 2 o'clock in the morning and the weather has turned quite worse our ship is getting tossed around and my room is quite a mess right now so during times like these when the ship is passing through heavy weather and rough seas it's very difficult to fall asleep well partly because you get tossed around when you're lying in bed but for me actually to be honest I'm a little bit afraid during times like these so I prefer to just stay awake and keep alert just in case an emergency happens as you can see my room is quite a mess right now and I didn't bother to fix things because they're going to get screwed up again so I just wait until the weather clears before I rearrange my cabin want to see something cool [Music] even though this kind of situation scared me I always found it useless to dwell too much on fear for me it's always better to keep calm and manage a bit of a smile even during the toughest of times last night was very brutal but thankfully on 5:30 in the morning the sea calmed down a little bit so the vessel was still rolling but it was manageable already it's not really very scary anymore so I managed to get some sleep as of now the sea is still quite rough but it's not as bad as last night but according to the forecast the weather will still be bad today I don't know if it's going to be as bad as it was last night hopefully not so it's during these times when the vessel passes through rough sea every weather and experiences extreme rolling pitching things flying around that really presents a big challenge to us seafarers because it's not only uncomfortable but it's also actually very scary especially if your ship is crossing the Pacific in the middle of winter during rough seas if something happens to the ship which forces the crew to abandon the ship the chances of survival are very very slim rough seas caused the ship to either roll or pitch or sometimes a combination of both and depending on the intensity of the wind and waves the angle of these motions because often times become extreme this is when the crew starts getting seasickness and to some extent feel demoralized the severity of which depends on their individual fortitude [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes it even gets difficult to eat and keep the food down in your stomach on board ships with Filipino crew the chief cook usually prepares autoscout though in these situations it is basically chicken and rice porridge and is one of the most popular comfort foods in the Philippines [Music] so just real talk here if it were up to me I'd rather not pass through rough seas but this is an inevitability whenever you were working on board ships it is by far the hazard that is most likely and most probable to happen so it takes a certain kind of courage to know that whenever you board a ship and work at sea you're going to have to expect to get tossed around at least once or twice during your contract well today at least the Sun is shiny but this is the rough let's hope it gets better today eventually the wind subsided and the water started to calm down the Sun finally peeked through the clouds offering a ray of hope that from here on things will get better heavy weather rough seas and all the danger that comes with it these are but a few examples of what seafarers usually face everytime they work and board a ship but even knowing about this and expecting the dangers that come with it they still willingly sign up contract after contract because for them the sacrifice that they make is still worth it if it means providing a good life not just for themselves but also for their family
Channel: Chief MAKOi
Views: 1,245,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chief makoi, seaman vlog, seaman's life, seamanship, seafarer, mariner, sailor, maritime, merchant marine, merchant navy, life at sea, humans at sea, ship, rough seas, rough sea sailing, ships in storm, ship in rough seas, arroz caldo filipino, aroz caldo, pinoy seaman, filipino seafarer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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