Where Does The Crew Live On A Cruise Ship

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all right so I'm leaving my cabin on deck three throughout this entire deck or just crew cabins mostly staff within the entertainment department and this is below sea level so that means no portholes this is a fire screen door that are usually rated for about sixty minutes they're pretty heavy but can be closed manually or remotely from the bridge this is Vladimir he was only lounge piano player on board don't remember where he's originally from but he had a Canadian citizenship say anything now each stair roll is numbered if I remember correctly the four represents which of the seven watertight compartments you're in and the three represents how many decks it contains so 1 2 2 2 2 3 and 3 to 4 we're on deck 3 now and there's only one more deck left for this staircase this could be a lifesaver when navigating an emergency see we can ascend any further in this particular staircase on the right of the luggage trolleys they're tied up all throughout this day this is a watertight door using containing water and it helps balance out the chip in case of flooding also for containing smoke it can be controlled manually or from the bridge this long stretch is referred to as i-95 being the most true are non-us citizens they need an i-95 document in addition to their passports lots of crew meet up here because is the easiest to find on the left is access the most officer of cabins and on the right of personnel office medical center and other administrative offices this is a training notification board you check here every day hoping your name is not on the list because then it means they schedule you for corporate safety or some kind of security training and 90% of the time it was on a port day and you couldn't leave the ship alright so at this point we're gonna be going upstairs and I do apologize for the video it's gonna seem a little forced that was because at this time I was kind of run out a little late for work this is gonna be the crew bar and I had to slow this video down I rushed through this so fast that it got really kinky here we are in a crew bar and see guys like small table and there you got a nice little lounge area couches and stuff to watch some TV you'll see all the way in the back when our is where she drinks himself to some high tables and high schools that class dinner area is smoking lounge and that was pretty much just not gas chamber on board the rest of this is more benches tables some places to sit all the way in the back was a DJ booth and there's dance floors and up there pretty cool simple little place but there's only one bar on the here's the crew mess this was places where you can actually sit this was one of the bigger places right and actually eat both sides that would be food and it mainly catered towards the Indian and Filipino cultures besides you have juices coffees milk so you had a soda machine in the back you also got a crew shop there but you had to pay for both this is an area here where we had a separator all garbage more places to sit and yes that is a full table on a cruise ship it is a much fun and very interesting way to play again with over here is an internet cafe you didn't have a computer but you had to pay for internet so that was kind of bummer more nice couches a student lounge around they also have like video games and stuff like acted like great yeah it is any maze in this place but you'll be surprised with yourself in about four or five days you pretty much know the ship like the backyard and now we're heading towards a staff mess they catered more towards westernized cultures the United States England Canada Australia it was a little bit nicer place to eat a little bit smaller some of those ships actually had this area where it was carpet now we're going back downstairs and this door will take us right back out onto I 95 this is the pretty crew laundromat we had two very small rooms like this on board each room had about ten washers and dryers half of them were broken on a daily basis you had about anywhere from 1,500 to 2,000 remembers to do the math about how long it was to do long cam work this is the tiny crew gym on board yes that is my finger yes they put a ping-pong table in there as well which is really annoying so while it's nothing special at least you can still get a simple little workout in you [Music]
Views: 1,694,273
Rating: 4.6243501 out of 5
Keywords: crew areas of a cruise ship, where do crew members live, where do crew members sleep, crew bar, crew mess cruise ship, where does the crew eat, shiplife, work on cruise ship, cruise ship, travel jobs, cruise work, crew mess, below deck, cruise ship crew, harpoon 2021, working on a cruise ship, living on a cruise ship, cruiselife
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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