Carbs & Fat: Metabolism Made Easy | CoQ10- Thomas DeLauer

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get your energy from the root of your cell not just some superficial baloney in your brain all right I'm talking today about Co Q 10 okay we hear it all the time right people are telling us we should take Co Q 10 and so the longest time I actually thought that it was something that was just good for your heart but to be completely honest it goes a lot deeper than that so I'm going to explain the three major benefits of Co Q 10 but I'm also going to describe what exactly it does in your body when it comes down to creating energy so what coenzyme q10 is it's also known as ubiquinone within the body is a cofactor or a coenzyme that ends up helping us to metabolize glucose or fatty acids into what is called ATP adenosine triphosphate now ATP is essentially everything that we need to move or to function or to have any kind of cellular body function at all so without the use of that co q tenant that ATP is relatively inefficient sometimes completely ineffective so the way that works is it works with something called the electron chain also works with what's called proton gradients now what that means is that it helps shuttle glucose into the mitochondria so there can be functioned and turned into energy but it does the same with fats so at the very very core it is what assists the mitochondria in producing energy so why is it so important I'm going to give you three basic reasons that it's super super important especially as we start to grow older the first one is it's an extremely powerful antioxidant in every sense of the word and it works so effectively because it's working just at the core of where Akhmetov stress will usually start to occur so what exactly is a free radical or what is aquas of stress you see when we have any kind of a rolling metabolism at all meaning the body's breaking down fat into fuel or even glucose into fuel we have these road oxygen species that just kind of go out throughout the body and what it is is when an oxygen species splits up into singular atoms and those atoms have unpaired electron chains okay those unpaired electron caused an issue where the spare electrons sort of circulate through the body wreaking havoc causing all kinds of oxidative stress throughout the think of it as just like this little rogue piece of oxygen that's just bouncing around your body causing all kinds of issues so the cool thing about coenzyme q10 is it mitigates that right at the source because it's already epicenter right there the heart of the mitochondria so that's why it's such a powerful antioxidant not only is it helping energy production but it's helping the potential negative effects that are a byproduct of energy production you're getting a double whammy there now the next thing that's super awesome about coq10 is its effect on blood pressure now I'm going to reference one study in particular because I thought it was extremely interesting anything that's going to take a large-scale clinical trial I'm going to stand behind okay so this was a clinical trial that took 12 different studies 352 participants in total and what they measure was those that took Co Q 10 versus those that were just a control that did not take a coq10 supplement what they found over the course of times that those that supplemented Co Q 10 had such a significant decrease in their blood pressure both systolic and diastolic with alarming the systolic blood pressure on average dropped between 15 and 19 millimeters of mercury and a diastolic drop between 8 and 10 millimeters of mercury doesn't sound like much but when you're talking about without the use of a pharmaceutical that's pretty darn powerful okay now additionally I want to talk about its correlation with cholesterol so the number 3 reasons like coq10 is so critical now I hope you're starting to see the correlation here Co Q 10 and aging okay so we have that combination of blood pressure which is usually an issue as we age we have a combination of free radicals and oxidative stress which is again a bigger issue as we age and we also have the issue of cholesterol which again becomes increasingly more of an issue as we age so you're seeing the link here right so Co Q 10 is extremely important when it comes to mitigating high levels of cholesterol but what's even more important is if you have high cholesterol and you're on what's called a statin then your Co Q 10 levels are depleted even more so you've got this vicious circle it's like low levels of coq10 are correlated with higher levels of blood cholesterol then statins which control our blood cholesterol somewhat deplete our Co Q 10 even more so we kind of have this poll rising effect that may not be helping in fact a lot of doctors will actually say when you're taking a statin you should be supplementing coq10 so that's just a big reason right then it there that you should be supplementing it maybe before your cholesterol ever becomes an issue so now you can see the link okay our Co Q 10 levels are depleting as we age and it becomes increasingly more important to add them into the mix as you age they're going to be present in just about any aerobic creature on earth that's ranging from bacteria to an animal to us as humans we all utilize coenzyme q10 and it's all a part of that electron transport chain which is literally just a series of electricity that transfers energy so that we can actually have movement and physical energy as always to get walking here on these videos that we can cut through the fluff so that you can get the most out of your business from most out of your life the most positive food in your kitchen I will see you in the next video
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 115,561
Rating: 4.9307294 out of 5
Keywords: Carbs, fat, metabolism, CoQ10, Thomas DeLauer, lower blood pressure, cholesterol, mitochondria, antioxidants, hypertension, blood pressure, boost energy, lose weight, burn fat, fat loss, weight loss, fat-burning foods, superfoods, how to, weight loss secret, ketosis, keto, ketogenic, diet tip, body, nutrition, cooking, vitamins, nutrients, diet, lose fat, dieting, health tip, fitness, muscle, muscles, training, health, food science, pqq, ubiquinol, lyme
Id: nvFdq1JprNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2017
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